Page 1: Pliego - · notables, Aventuras divertidas, y Chistes graciosos, para entretenerse las noches del Invierno, y del erano. SU AU˚OR DON ˛ILA˝IO SAN˚OS ˙LONSO,

1. A rectangular piece of paper or parchment, especially one on which to write.

2. A textface designed to o�er a comfortable continuous reading, with humanist proportions, an even texture, and informal calligraphic details noticeable only at big sizes, that gives it a contemporary feeling.

Pliego has been named after Pliegos de Cordel, the Spanish word for the popular books that were common during the XVI, XVII and XVIII centuries. These were rough, cheap books that basically consisted in a folded sheet attached to a string, hence the name. Their content was varied, from popular tales to ballads and songs, but also crimes and mysteries. They were cheaply made, roughly printed and bound. The name Pliego evokes the idea of a rough look, angular edges, informal taste, but classical look.

To cover today’s needs, Pliego includes five weights with matching italics. Designed and engineered for continuous reading, the Book, Regular and Medium weights will perform at their best under 14 points. However, don’t be scared to use for headlines and titles: because of its quirky details and calligraphic flavour, Pliego’s personality is accentuated when enlarged.

With an extensive Latin character set, Pliego covers a wide amount of Latin-based languages, including Latin Plus encoding and Vietnamese support.

Designed by Juanjo López


Page 2: Pliego - · notables, Aventuras divertidas, y Chistes graciosos, para entretenerse las noches del Invierno, y del erano. SU AU˚OR DON ˛ILA˝IO SAN˚OS ˙LONSO,


Page 3: Pliego - · notables, Aventuras divertidas, y Chistes graciosos, para entretenerse las noches del Invierno, y del erano. SU AU˚OR DON ˛ILA˝IO SAN˚OS ˙LONSO,

Ragtximista❧Tạm biệt, mèo!Kvikmyndagerðarmaður


Page 4: Pliego - · notables, Aventuras divertidas, y Chistes graciosos, para entretenerse las noches del Invierno, y del erano. SU AU˚OR DON ˛ILA˝IO SAN˚OS ˙LONSO,





Page 5: Pliego - · notables, Aventuras divertidas, y Chistes graciosos, para entretenerse las noches del Invierno, y del erano. SU AU˚OR DON ˛ILA˝IO SAN˚OS ˙LONSO,

AlfeñiquePliego Book

CorreveydilePliego Regular

MetomentodoPliego Medium

EnergúmenoPliego SemiBold

MercachiflePliego Bold

ChisgarabísPliego Bold Italic

MequetrefePliego Medium Italic

DesgarramantasPliego Italic

CantamañanasPliego Book Italic

BocachanclaPliego SemiBold Italic

Page 6: Pliego - · notables, Aventuras divertidas, y Chistes graciosos, para entretenerse las noches del Invierno, y del erano. SU AU˚OR DON ˛ILA˝IO SAN˚OS ˙LONSO,





notables, Aventuras divertidas, y Chistes graciosos, para entretenerse las noches

del Invierno, y del Verano.


Con Licencia.

Madrid: En la Imprenta de D. Manuel Martín, calle de la Cruz, donde se hallará esta, y otras diferentes. Año 1765.

Page 7: Pliego - · notables, Aventuras divertidas, y Chistes graciosos, para entretenerse las noches del Invierno, y del erano. SU AU˚OR DON ˛ILA˝IO SAN˚OS ˙LONSO,


★★★De cómo fui a un pupilaje por criado

de don Diego CoronelDeterminó, pues, don Alonso de poner a su hijo en pupilaje, lo uno por apartarle de su regalo, y lo otro por ahorrar de cuidado. Supo que había en Segovia un licenciado Cabra que tenía por oficio el criar hijos de caballe-ros, y envió allá el suyo y a mí para que le acompañase y sirviese. ¶ Entra-mos, primero domingo después de Cuaresma, en poder de la hambre viva, porque tal laceria no admite encarecimiento. Él era un clérigo cerbatana, largo sólo en el talle, una cabeza pequeña, los ojos avecindados en el cogo-te, que parecía que miraba por cuévanos, tan hundidos y oscuros que era buen sitio el suyo para tiendas de mercaderes; la nariz, de cuerpo de santo, comido el pico, entre Roma y Francia, porque se le había comido de unas búas de resfriado, que aun no fueron de vicio porque cue�an dinero; las barbas descoloridas de miedo de la boca vecina, que de pura hambre pare-cía que amenazaba a comérselas; los dientes, le faltaban no sé cuántos, y pienso que por holgazanes y vagamundos se los habían de�errado; el gaz-nate largo como de ave�ruz, con una nuez tan salida que parecía se iba a buscar de comer forzada de la necesidad; los brazos secos; las manos como un manojo de sarmientos cada una. ¶ Mirado de medio abajo parecía tenedor o compás, con dos piernas largas y flacas. Su andar muy espacioso; si se descomponía algo, le sonaban los huesos como tablillas de San Láza-ro. La habla ética, la barba grande, que nunca se la cortaba por no ga�ar, y él decía que era tanto el asco que le daba ver la mano del barbero por su cara, que antes se dejaría matar que tal permitiese. ¶ Cortábale los cabellos un muchacho de nosotros. Traía un bonete los días de sol ratonado con mil gateras y guarniciones de grasa; era de cosa que fue paño, con los fon-dos en caspa. La sotana, según decían algunos, era milagrosa, porque no se sabía de qué color era. Unos, viéndola tan sin pelo, la tenían por de cuero de rana; otros decían que era ilusión; desde cerca parecía negra y desde lejos entre azul. Llevábala sin ceñidor; no traía cuello ni puños. Parecía, con esto y los cabellos largos y la sotana y el bonetón, teatino lanudo. Cada zapato podía ser tumba de un filisteo. Pues ¿su aposento? Aun arañas no había en él. Conjuraba los ratones de miedo que no le royesen algunos mendrugos que guardaba. La cama tenía en el suelo, y dormía siempre de un lado por no gastar las sábanas. Al fin, él era archipobre y protomiseria.

Page 8: Pliego - · notables, Aventuras divertidas, y Chistes graciosos, para entretenerse las noches del Invierno, y del erano. SU AU˚OR DON ˛ILA˝IO SAN˚OS ˙LONSO,

Œ ể �â & @3 ☙ ÿ� £ ß

Page 9: Pliego - · notables, Aventuras divertidas, y Chistes graciosos, para entretenerse las noches del Invierno, y del erano. SU AU˚OR DON ˛ILA˝IO SAN˚OS ˙LONSO,

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They prece-ded chapbooks, but had similar content,

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chapbooks, but had similar content,

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chapbooks, but had similar content,

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chapbooks, but had similar

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chapbooks, but had similar

Book & italic 24/26

Regular & italic 24/26

Medium & italic 24/26

Semibold & italic 24/26

Bold & italic 24/26

Page 10: Pliego - · notables, Aventuras divertidas, y Chistes graciosos, para entretenerse las noches del Invierno, y del erano. SU AU˚OR DON ˛ILA˝IO SAN˚OS ˙LONSO,

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They prece-ded chapbooks, but had similar content, marketing and distribution systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridgeshire as early as in 1553 of a man

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They pre-ceded chapbooks, but had similar content, marketing and distribution systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridgeshire as early as in 1553 of a man

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They pre-ceded chapbooks, but had similar content, marketing and distribution systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridgeshire as early as in 1553 of a man

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They pre-ceded chapbooks, but had similar content, marketing and distribution systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridgeshire as early as in 1553 of

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chapbooks, but had similar content, marketing and distribution systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridgeshire as early as in 1553 of

Book & italic 18/21

Regular & italic 18/21

Medium & italic 18/21

Semibold & italic 18/21

Bold & italic 18/21

Page 11: Pliego - · notables, Aventuras divertidas, y Chistes graciosos, para entretenerse las noches del Invierno, y del erano. SU AU˚OR DON ˛ILA˝IO SAN˚OS ˙LONSO,

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chapbooks, but had similar content, marketing and distribution systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridgeshire as early as in 1553 of a man o�ering a scurrilous ballad maistres mass at an alehouse, and a pedlar selling lytle books to people, including a patcher of old clothes in 1578. These sales are probably characteristic of the market for chapbooks.

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chapbooks, but had similar content, marketing and distribution systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridgeshire as early as in 1553 of a man o�ering a scurrilous ballad maistres mass at an alehouse, and a pedlar selling lytle books to people, including a patcher of old clothes in 1578. These sales are probably characteristic of the market for chapbooks.

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chapbooks, but had similar content, marketing and distribution systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridgeshire as early as in 1553 of a man oering a scurrilous ballad maistres mass at an alehouse, and a pedlar selling lytle books to people, including a patcher of old clothes in 1578. These sales are probably characteristic of the market for chapbooks.

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chapbooks, but had similar content, mar-keting and distribution systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridgeshire as early as in 1553 of a man o�ering a scurrilous ballad maistres mass at an alehouse, and a pedlar selling lytle books to people, including a patcher of old clothes in 1578. These sales are probably characteris-tic of the market for chapbooks.

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chapbooks, but had similar content, mar-keting and distribution systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridgeshire as early as in 1553 of a man o�ering a scurrilous ballad maistres mass at an alehouse, and a pedlar selling lytle books to people, including a patcher of old clothes in 1578. These sales are probably characte-ristic of the market for chapbooks.

Book & italic 14/16

Regular & italic 14/16

Medium & italic 14/16

Semibold & italic 14/16

Bold & italic 14/16

Page 12: Pliego - · notables, Aventuras divertidas, y Chistes graciosos, para entretenerse las noches del Invierno, y del erano. SU AU˚OR DON ˛ILA˝IO SAN˚OS ˙LONSO,

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chapbooks, but had similar content, marketing and distribution systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridgeshire as early as in 1553 of a man o�ering a scurrilous ballad maistres mass at an alehouse, and a pedlar selling lytle books to people, including a patcher of old clothes in 1578. These

Book & italic 10/12

Regular & italic 10/12

Medium & italic 10/12

Semibold & italic 10/12

Bold & italic 10/12

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chapbooks, but had similar content, marketing and distribu-tion systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridgeshire as early as in 1553 of a man o�ering a scurrilous ballad maistres mass at an alehouse, and a pedlar selling lytle books to people, including a patcher of old clothes in 1578.

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chapbooks, but had similar content, marketing and distribu-tion systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridgeshire as early as in 1553 of a man oering a scurrilous ballad maistres mass at an alehouse, and a pedlar selling lytle books to people, including a patcher of old

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chap-books, but had similar content, marketing and distribution systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridgeshire as early as in 1553 of a man o�ering a scurrilous ballad maistres mass at an alehouse, and a pedlar selling lytle books to people, including a patcher of

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chap-books, but had similar content, marketing and distribution systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridges-hire as early as in 1553 of a man o�ering a scurri-lous ballad maistres mass at an alehouse, and a pedlar selling lytle books to people, including a

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chapbooks, but had similar content, marketing and distri-bution systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridges-hire as early as in 1553 of a man o�ering a

Book & italic 12/14

Regular & italic 12/14

Medium & italic 12/14

Semibold & italic 12/14

Bold & italic 12/14

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chapbooks, but had similar content, marketing and distri-bution systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridges-hire as early as in 1553 of a man o�ering a

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chapbooks, but had similar content, marke-ting and distribution systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridgeshire as early as in 1553 of

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chapbooks, but had similar content, marketing and distribution systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridgeshire as early as

Broadside ballads were popular songs, sold for a penny or halfpenny in the streets of towns and villages around Britain between the 16th century and early 20th centuries. They preceded chapbooks, but had similar content, marketing and distribution systems:“If you want to buy, I’m your chap”. There are records from Cambridgeshire as early

Page 13: Pliego - · notables, Aventuras divertidas, y Chistes graciosos, para entretenerse las noches del Invierno, y del erano. SU AU˚OR DON ˛ILA˝IO SAN˚OS ˙LONSO,

ÁĂẮẶẰẲẴǍÂẤẬẦẨẪÄẠÀẢĀĄÅǺÃÆǼĆČÇĈĊĆÐĎĐÉĔĚÊẾỆỀỂỄËĖẸÈẺĒĘẼĞǦĜĢĠĦĤÍĬǏÎÏİỊÌỈĪĮĨ±ĴĶĹĽĻĿŁŃŇŅŊƝÑÓŎǑÔỐỘỒỔỖÖỌÒỎƠỚỢỜỞỠŐŌǪØǾÕŒÞRŔŘŖŚŠŞŜȘẞƏŦŤŢȚÚŬǓÛÜǗǙǛǕỤÙỦƯỨỰỪỬỮŰŪŲŮŨẂŴẄẀÝŶŸỴỲỶȲỸŹŽŻŹáăắặằẳẵǎâấậầẩẫäạàảāąåǻãæǽćčçĉċćðďđéĕěêếệềểễëėẹèẻēęẽğǧĝģġħĥíĭǐîïiịìỉīįĩȷĵķĺľ ļŀłńňņŋɲñóŏǒôốộồổỗöọòỏơớợờởỡőōǫøǿõœþrŕřŗśšşŝșßəŧťţțúŭǔûüǘǚǜǖụùủưứựừửữűūųůũẃŵẅẁýŷÿỳỷȳỹỵźžżź


0123456789 0123456789 2.346,123.683,907.983,54H2O n³+x² / 63⁄45 3 1 ⁄2

fifl�TU�VW / X Y Z

Nghệ thuật chữ Quốc Ngữ


Basic Character Set


Standard & Discrectional Ligatures

Small Caps

Punctuation & Symbols

Stylistic Set 01

Toledo Toledo / Mallorca MallorcaStylistic Set 02

ROJO / ROJOStylistic Set 03 Alhambra / AlhambraStylistic Set 04



Qué Qap Qy / Ron Rap / Non Nop / Kon KopContextual Alternates

cal·ligrafia caŀligrafiaLocalized Forms

¡QUÉ! ¿QUÉ? {QUÉ} (QUÉ-DE@QUÉ) [QUÉ]Case Sensitive Forms



Old Style & Lining Tabular Figures

Superior / InferiorNumerator / Denominator & Fractions




míjn mí�n

Catalan Romanian/Moldavian

Polish Dutch

Turk/Azeri/Crimean Tatar

Page 14: Pliego - · notables, Aventuras divertidas, y Chistes graciosos, para entretenerse las noches del Invierno, y del erano. SU AU˚OR DON ˛ILA˝IO SAN˚OS ˙LONSO,

ÁĂẮẶẰẲẴǍÂẤẬẦẨẪÄẠÀẢĀĄÅǺÃÆǼĆČÇĈĊĆÐĎĐÉĔĚÊẾỆỀỂỄËĖẸÈẺĒĘẼĞǦĜĢĠĦĤÍĬǏÎÏİỊÌỈĪĮĨ�ĴĶĹĽĻĿŁŃŇŅŊƝÑÓŎǑÔỐỘỒỔỖÖỌÒỎƠỚỢỜỞỠŐŌǪØǾÕŒÞRŔŘŖŚŠŞŜȘẞƏŦŤŢȚÚŬǓÛÜǗǙǛǕỤÙỦƯỨỰỪỬỮŰŪŲŮŨẂŴẄẀÝŶŸỴỲỶȲỸŹŽŻŹáăắặằẳẵǎâấậầẩẫäạàảāąåǻãæǽćčçĉċćðďđéĕěêếệềểễëėẹèẻēęẽğǧĝģġħĥíĭǐîïiịìỉīįĩȷĵķĺľ ļŀłńňņŋɲñóŏǒôốộồổỗöọòỏơớợờởỡőōǫøǿõœþrŕřŗśšşŝșßəŧťţțúŭǔûüǘǚǜǖụùủưứựừửữűūųůũẃŵẅẁýŷÿỳỷȳỹỵźžżź


0123456789 0123456789 2.346,123.683,907.983,54H2O n³+x² / 63⁄45 3 1⁄2

fi fl : / . - , + ) ( ' / $ # " !

Nghệ thuật chữ Quốc Ngữ

Ron Ron Ron / Zon Zon Zon / Kon Kon Kon / Eon Eon

Toledo Toledo / Mallorca Mallorca



Qué Qy / Ron Rap / Kon Kop / Th Th / gy gy / fï fï

cal·ligrafia caŀligrafia






míjn mí�n

Basic Character Set


Standard & Discrectional Ligatures

Small Caps

Punctuation & Symbols

Stylistic Set 01

Stylistic Set 02

Stylistic Set 03


Contextual Alternates

Localized Forms

Case Sensitive Forms


Old Style & Lining Tabular Figures

Superior / InferiorNumerator / Denominator & Fractions

Catalan Romanian/Moldavian

Polish Dutch

Turk/Azeri/Crimean Tatar

Page 15: Pliego - · notables, Aventuras divertidas, y Chistes graciosos, para entretenerse las noches del Invierno, y del erano. SU AU˚OR DON ˛ILA˝IO SAN˚OS ˙LONSO,


Page 16: Pliego - · notables, Aventuras divertidas, y Chistes graciosos, para entretenerse las noches del Invierno, y del erano. SU AU˚OR DON ˛ILA˝IO SAN˚OS ˙LONSO,

For further information about pricing, ordering or custom typefaces, please contact:Juanjo LópezAmparo, 25. Esc 3. 2º28012 Madrid. Spain.0034 616 399 [email protected]

PliegoDesigned by Juanjo LópezMany thanks to Joana Correia, Donny Truong, Elena Veguillas, Noe Blanco and the Cañas & Tipos crew.


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