  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Polymer Rheology and Processing

    Dr. Ying-Chieh Yen

    (Prof. Feng-Chih Changs group)

    Ref: Polymer Rheology Lawrence E. Nielsen.

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Polymer Processing

    In the use of polymers, it is generally the

    mechanical properties which are important.

    However, the mechanical behavior of an object is of

    l ittle interestif the object first can not be fabr icated


    In nearly all cases, flowis involved in the

    processing and fabr icationof such materials inorder to make useful objects.

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Polymer Rheology

    Rheologycan be defined as the science of theflow and deformationof materials.

    For many simple fluids, the study of rheologyinvolves the measurement ofviscosity. However, therheology of polymersis much more complexbecause polymeric fluids show nonideal behavior.

    In addition to having complex shear viscositybehavior, polymeric fluids show elastic properties,normal stress phenomena, and prominent tensi le


    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Polymer Rheology

    All these rheological properties depend upon

    the rate of shear, the molecular weight and

    structureof the polymer, the concentration ofvarious additives, as well as upon the


    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Polymer Rheology

    Unit: The traditional unit of viscosity is the poise,

    which has the dimensions ofdyn-s/cm2.

    The viscosity of water is about 0.01 poise.

    Typical polymer melts have viscosities generally

    of the order of103

    to 104


    The SI units for viscosity are Pas. Pa (N/m2)

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Measurement of Viscosity

    I deal f luidsare called Newtonian. Their viscosity

    is independentof the rate of shear.

    The shear viscosity may be defined as follows:

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Measurement of Viscosity

    Another viscosity can be measured in tension

    instead of by shearing tests.

    ForNewtonian liquids, the tensile viscosity isthree timesthe shear viscosity, but forpolymeric

    liquidsthe tensile viscosity may be many times

    the shear viscosity.

    Polymer Research Center

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    Normal Stresses

    Normal stressesare other rheological

    phenomenon encountered with non-Newtonian


    Polymer Research Center

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    Capil lary rheometer:

    Advantage: Easy to f i l l.

    Disadvantage: The rate of shearis not constantbut variesacross the capillary.

    Polymer Research Center

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    Coaxial cyl inder or concentr ic cyl inder


    Advantage: Nearly constant shear rate.Calibrated easi ly.


    The difficultyinfi l l ingthem.

    Polymer Research Center

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    Cone and plate rheometer:

    Advantage: Constant shear rate. The sample sizeisvery smal l. Ease of cleaning.

    Disadvantage: Lower rate of shear.

    Parallel plate viscometers

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing



    Dynamic or oscil latory rheometers:

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing



    Dynamic rheometers have a great advantage

    over most other types of rheometers because

    instruments measure the elastic modulusof

    polymer melts in addition to the viscosity.

    Disadvantage: Small ampli tude of deformation

    (In most fabrication processes, the polymer

    undergoes very large deformation).

    Polymer Research Center

    l h

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Factors Affecting Viscosity

    The viscosityof polymers is affected by

    several factorsincludingtemperature,pressure, rate of shear, molecular weight

    and structures and additives.

    Polymer Research Center

    P l R h C

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Effect of Temperature

    The viscosityof most polymers changes greatly


    ForNewtonian liquidsand for polymer fluids attemperaturesfar abovethe glass transition

    temperatureorthe melting point, the viscosity

    follows the Andrade or Arrhenius equationto a

    good approximation:

    Polymer Research Center

    P l R h C

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Effect of Temperature

    The energy of activationfor flow increasesas

    the size of side groups increasesand as the chain

    becomes more r igid.

    Polymer Research Center

    P l R h C t

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Effect of Temperature

    For amorphous polymers at temperatures less

    than 100 C above their Tg, the Andrade equation

    does not f i t the data well.

    A much better equation is the Williams-Landel-

    Ferryor the W-L-Fequation:

    The viscosity at Tgis often about 1013poise.

    Polymer Research Center

    P l R h C t

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Effect of Temperature

    The energy of activationfor the W-L-F equationnot onlydepends upon temperaturebut also uponthe glass transition temperature.

    The energy of activationbecomes very largeasthetemperature approaches Tg, especially if Tg

    is large.

    Polymer Research Center

    P l R h C t

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Master Curves for Temperature


    There is a great need to predict the viscosityfrom

    a small amountof experimental data.

    The apparent viscosity can

    be calculated from suchcurves at a given shear

    rate by:

    Polymer Research Center

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Master Curves for Temperature


    This is a very powerful technique since formany

    polymersthe shif t factors areindependentof

    molecular weight.

    Polymer Research Center

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Master Curves for Temperature


    Most polymermelts become Newtonianat very

    low rates of shearand have a zero shear viscosity,

    0, which is a function of temperature.

    Polymer Research Center

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Effects of Pressure

    The Andrade equation for the temperature

    dependence of viscosity can be modified to:

    The most direct inf luence onfree volumeshould

    be the pressure.The viscosity of polystyrene increased by a factor

    of135 timeswhen the pressure was increased

    from zero to 18,000 psi at 385


    Polymer Research Center

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Effect of Rate of Shear

    An outstandingcharacteristic ofpolymer meltsis

    theirnon-Newtonian behaviorwhereby the

    apparent viscosity decreases as the rate of shear


    ForNewtonian liquids, n = 1 and K = ; the

    value of n is less than onefornon-Newtonian

    polymer melts.

    Polymer Research Center

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Effects of Rate of Shear (Role of


    At very low rates of shear, the entanglements

    have time to sl ip and become disengagedbefore

    enough stresscan develop in them to or ient the


    Polymer Research Center

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Effects of Rate of Shear on Polymer


    At higher rates of shearthe segments between

    entanglements become orientedbefore the

    entanglements can disappear.

    Polymer Research Center

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Effects of Rate of Shear on Polymer


    As a load-bearing entanglement disappears, theredevelops in the melt a steady state condition inwhich the rates of formation and destruction of

    entanglements become equal.At very high rates of shearpractically noentanglements can exist. The viscosity should

    reacha relatively small valuewhich becomesindependent of the shear rate. In other words,polymer meltsmay be expected to become

    Newtonian in behavioratvery high ratesof


    Polymer Research Center

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Theories Descr ibing The Shear Rate

    Dependence of Viscosity

    The Cross equation (empirical) for the effect of

    shear rate on the apparent viscosity is:

    Polymer Research Center

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Dynamic Properties

    At low frequencieswhere the dynamic viscosity isindependentof, the elasticityas measured by is verysmall.

    The dynamic viscosity and the steady-flow viscosity arenearly identical at low frequencies or rates of shear.


    Polymer Research Center

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Effect of Molecular Weight and


    Among the structural factors determining the

    rheology of a polymer, the molecular weightis the

    most important.

    Me is the molecular weight at which chain

    entanglementsbecome important. (Me = 10,000~40,000.)

    Polymer Research Center

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Effect of Molecular Weight and


    Polymer Research Center

    Shear stress increased!!

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Effect of Molecular Weight and



    Molecular weight increases

    Molecular weight increases

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Effect of Structure on Polymer



    Short branchesgenerally do not affectthe viscosity

    of a molten polymervery much.

    Branches which are long but which are sti l l shorter

    than those required for entanglements decreasethe

    viscositywhen compared to a linear polymer of thesame molecular weight.


    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Effect of Structure on Polymer


    If the branches are so longthat they can participate

    in entanglements, the branched polymermay havea

    viscosity at low rates of sheargreaterthan that of a

    linear polymer of the same molecular weight.

    At high rates of shear, branched polymers in

    nearly all caseshavelower viscositythan l inear

    onesof the same molecular weight.


    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Effect of Structure on Polymer


    Other structural factors:

    F lexibi l i ty, specif ic interactions, and polari tywhich

    affect the glass transition temperaturetend to affect



    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Effect of Solvents, Plasticizers, and


    In some cases the l iquids are addedfor a purpose

    such as to plasticize the polymer, to improve its

    processibilityor to stabilizethe polymer to

    processing conditions.

    Tg(Solvents also have Tg)

    (lower than 0C or far below -100C)

    Me, dilution.


    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Effect of Solvents, Plasticizers, and


    The Kelley-Bueche theory appears to be the best for

    predicting the viscosity of concentrated polymer

    solutionsusing the viscosity of the pure polymer as

    the reference.

    fP = 0.025 + 4.5 x 10-4 (T-Tgp)

    fL = 0.025 + L (T-TgL)

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Effect of Solvents, Plasticizers, and


    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Effect of Solvents, Plasticizers, and


    Lubricants may be defined as materials which are

    added to polymers in small amountsto improve

    their processibil i ty. (soluble and insoluble)

    Insoluble: waxes, mineral oil, metal stearates, and

    silicon oils.

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Normal Stresses and Die Swell

    Normal stressesare primarily manifestations of the

    elastici ty of polymeric mater ials.

    The normal stresses differences increase with thesquare of the rate of shear:

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Normal Stresses and Die Swell

    Normal stresses produce a number of phenomena

    not foundwith Newtonian l iquids.

    When a polymeris extrudedfrom an orifice, a

    capillary, or a slit, thediameter or thicknessof the

    resul ting strand isconsiderably greaterthan the

    diameter ofthe holefrom which is came. (die swell)

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Normal Stresses and Die Swell

    In contrast, rotating shafts in

    Newtonian liquids cause a

    depressing of the liquidsurface due to centrifugal


    Polymer Research Center

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    Normal Stresses and Die Swell

    Ifholes are dri l ledin the plates parallel to the

    rotating axis, l iquid wil l be forced up through the

    holes. (Normal stresses can be calculated by

    measur ing the heightto which a liquid will ascend

    up a tube for a given speed of rotation. The first

    normal stress dif ference is proportional to the

    height of the liquid in the tube.)

    Cone and plate, two rotating plates.

    Difficulty and low accuracy.

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Normal Stresses and Die Swell

    The f i rst normal stress dif ference is generally positive

    which means that the tension resulting from the molecular

    orientation is parallel to the flow streamlines.

    The second normal stress difference is generally negativeand its value is very small.

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Normal Stresses and Die Swell

    For a given rate of shear, the die swell decreasesas thelength to diameter ratioof the capillary increases.

    Factors which increase the shear modulus of a polymermelt tend to increase the die well. (Molecular weight, PDI,

    long-chain branching)

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Extensional F low and Fracture


    The type of viscosity calculated when tensile forces

    are used is the tensile, elongation, or extensional


    For polymers, the tensile viscosity may be hundreds

    of timesgreater than the shear viscosity. (Newtonian

    liquids: 3~6 times)

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Extensional F low and Fracture


    The tensi le viscosity decreases with temperature,

    but the role of such factors as molecular weight,

    entanglements, and polymer structure is not clear.

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Extensional F low and Fracture


    At low rates of shear, polymer melts flow through

    capillaries, channels, and ducts to produce smooth


    At higher rates of shear, several kinds of flow

    instabilities can develop in which the surfaceof the

    extruded strand becomes rough or nonuni formin

    cross section, and the rate of f low no longer is

    steady but pulsates.

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Extensional F low and Fracture


    The surface roughness types of defects (orange peel

    and sharkskin) seem to be due to a slip-stick

    phenomenonat the polymer-capillary wall.

    The defects which result in variations in cross

    sectional areaare due to f ractur ing of the polymer


    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Extensional F low and Fracture


    Melt fracturegenerally is the result of tensi le

    stresses rather than shear stresses. (Size of the flow

    channel goes from a largerto a smal lercross


    Experimentally, it has been observed that die swell

    goes through a maximum and then decreases at rates

    of shear near values of where melt fracture starts.

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Suspensions, Latices, and Plastisols

    Latices may be suspensions of rigid polymer

    particles in water.

    Plastisols are suspensions of polymer particles in aliquid plasticizer.

    The presence of a fi l lerin Newtonianliquids

    produces profound effects on the rheological

    behavior of the suspension.

    The rheology becomes even more complexif the

    liquid phase is non-Newtonian.

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Suspensions, Latices, and Plastisols

    Einsteins simple equation predicting the effect of a

    filler on the viscosity of a Newtonian fluid. (only for

    very low concentrationof particles)

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Suspensions, Latices, and Plastisols

    The equation implies that the relative viscosityis

    independent ofthe size and nature of the particles.

    The magnitude of the Einstein coefficient isdetermined by the degree towhich the particles

    disturb the streamlines in a flowing system.

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Suspensions, Latices, and Plastisols

    Mooney equation

    (predicting moderate concentration):

    The viscosity of a suspensionapproaches infinity as the concentrationapproaches maximum packing fraction.(large number of particle-particlecontacts restricted)

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Suspensions, Latices, and Plastisols

    All three equations indicate

    that particle size has no

    effect on the viscosity.

    However, the distr ibutionof

    the size of spheres can affect

    the viscosity. (large andsmall particles, packing


    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Suspensions, Latices, and Plastisols

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Suspensions, Latices, and Plastisols

    Polymer Research Center

  • 7/27/2019 Polymer rheology and processing


    Suspensions, Latices, and Plastisols

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