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Scheme Features 組合課程特色

• Masters social sciences theories and concepts essential for career development and lifelong learning 掌握關鍵的社會科學理論和概念,有助事業發展和終身學習

• Performs critical thinking in the social sciences context

在社會科學環境中發揮慎思明辨技巧• Applies practical problem-solving skills to

individual tasks and teamwork 在個人任務和團隊合作中運用解決問題的實用技能

• Applies knowledge and skills competently to study social issues and problems

善於運用知識和技能去研究社會問題• Communicates social issues effectively and

professionally 以有效及專業的方式表達社會問題• Demonstrates professional ethics and social

responsibility in the ever-changing social environment and global contexts


PolyU SPEEDSchool of Professional Education and Executive Development 專業進修學院

For Sub-Degree Graduates 適合副學位畢業生報讀2022/23

1 Subject to final approval by PolyU in mid-2022 有待理大於2022年年中審批2 Source: The graduates’ employment and further study figures from BSSc (Hons) and BSSc (Hons) in Psychology, PolyU SPEED Graduate Employment Surveys 2018-2020 資料來源:2018-2020理大專業進修學院畢業生就業調查-社會科學(榮譽)學士和心理學(榮譽)社會科學學士課程畢業生就業及升學數據

Programme Features 課程特色BSSc (Hons) 社會科學(榮譽)學士

• Applies knowledge of social sciences to tackle social problems with alternative approaches 運用社會科學知識,以替代方法解決社會問題• Examines different cultures and social development needs in the local and global contexts 在本地和全球環境中,探討不同的文化和社會發展需求

BSSc (Hons) in Psychology 心理學(榮譽)社會科學學士

• Evaluates major concepts, theories and empirical findings in psychology 評估心理學的主要概念、理論和實證結果• Applies psychological knowledge and skills to examine personal, social, organisational, and

societal issues 運用心理學知識和技能去探討個人、人際、組織和社會問題• Applies appropriate research methods to study human behaviours 運用適當的研究方法去研究人類行為

BSSc (Hons) in Social Policy and Management1 社會政策及管理(榮譽)社會科學學士 1

• Masters theories and concepts in social policy and management essential for career development and lifelong learning

掌握關鍵的社會政策及管理的理論和概念,有助事業發展和終身學習• Applies essential methods and skills to develop solutions to challenging social issues 運用重要的方法和技能去制定解決方案,以應對具挑戰性的社會問題• Applies knowledge and skills effectively to study contemporary issues in social policy 有效地運用知識和技能去研究當代的社會政策問題

BSSc (Hons) Scheme 社會科學(榮譽)學士組合課程

93% of 2018-2020 graduates were employed or engaged in further studies within 6 months after graduation2

2018-2020年,93% 畢業生於畢業後 6個月內已投身職場或升學 2

• BSSc (Hons) 社會科學(榮譽)學士• BSSc (Hons) in Psychology 心理學(榮譽)社會科學學士• BSSc (Hons) in Social Policy and Management 社會政策及管理(榮譽)社會科學學士1

Programme Webpage 課程網頁

Apply Now立即報名

QF Level 資歷級別 : 5QR Registration No.資歷名冊登記號碼: 13/000280/L5Validity Period from有效期由 : 06/06/2013

QF Level 資歷級別 : 5QR Registration No.資歷名冊登記號碼: 13/000281/L5Validity Period from有效期由 : 06/06/2013

Degree Awarded by PolyU 學位由理大頒授

Average Starting Salary1

平均起薪點 1

Around 約HK$15.8K

Welfare Worker, Youth Worker, Assistant to Clinical Psychologist, Civil Servant, Patient Care Assistant at Hospital Authority, Research Assistant at universities, Management Trainee, Marketing Executive, Recruitment Officer, and Teaching Assistant褔利工作員、青少年工作者、臨床心理學家助理、公務員、醫院管理局病人服務助理、大學研究助理、管理培訓生、市場營銷主任、招聘主任和教學助理

Career Prospects and Salary Level after Graduation 畢業後的就業前景及薪酬水平

1 Source: Average starting salary of PolyU SPEED graduates in BSSc (Hons) and BSSc (Hons) in Psychology, PolyU SPEED Graduate Employment Survey 2020 資料來源:2020理大專業進修學院畢業生就業調查-理大專業進修學院社會科學(榮譽)學士和心理學(榮譽)社會科學學士課程畢業生之平均起薪點

Student Activities to Enrich Your Learning 學生活動豐富你的學習生活

• Company visits 公司探訪• Internship programmes 實習計劃• Seminars and talks 研討會及講座

The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation香港復康會

BM Intelligence Group邦盟匯駿集團

Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong 香港中華基督教青年會

UNESCO Hong Kong Association香港聯合國教科文組織協會

Karen Man文嘉華2017 Graduate of BSSc (Hons)

社會科學(榮譽)學士 2017年畢業生

• Employed as Registered Social Worker at The Salvation Army after graduation

畢業後於救世軍擔任註冊社工“Plan your career path, set your goal, and pursue your dream. Never say never.”


Koma Muramatsu村松孝真2017 Graduate of BSSc (Hons) in Psychology

心理學(榮譽)社會科學學士 2017年畢業生

• Admitted to the Master of Educational and Child Psychology at PolyU after graduation

畢業後入讀香港理工大學教育及兒童心理學碩士課程“Never give in, never give up. A bright future is right ahead. You can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Every path is the right path, arm yourself.”


Graduate Success Stories 畢業生成功故事

Entrance Requirements 入學資格Holder of a recognised Associate Degree, Higher Diploma or equivalent qualification in related disciplines. Applicants with qualifications in unrelated disciplines will also be considered and, if admitted, are required to take appropriate foundation subject(s). 持有相關學科的認可副學士、高級文憑或同等學歷的人士。持有非學科相關學歷的申請人亦將獲考慮;若獲錄取,則必須修讀相應的基礎科目。Note: PolyU SPEED reserves the right to apply additional English language requirements and/ or selection procedures on certain categories of applicants. For full details, please visit the programme webpage.備註:香港理工大學專業進修學院保留向某些申請人要求額外英語資格和/或甄選程序的權利。詳情請參閱課程網頁。

1 Before the full-implementation of SL requirements, students may take a 3-credit Free Elective subject in lieu of the SL subject. 在服務學習課程全面推行之前,學生可修讀3學分的自由選修科目取代服務學習課程。2 This is normally not required. Only those students not meeting the equivalent standard of the Undergraduate Degree LCR (based on their previous studies in Associate Degree/ Higher Diploma programmes and their academic

performance) will be required to take degree LCR subjects on top of the normal curriculum requirement. 學生一般不需要修讀語文及溝通課程。如學生未達到學士學位的語文及溝通課程水平(根據學生在副學士/高級文憑課程所修讀的相關科目及學業成績決定),需額外修讀語文及溝通課程。

300 hours of work-based learning experience300小時工作的學習經驗

Curriculum Structure 課程結構

Work-Integrated Education (WIE) 校企協作教育

General University Requirements (GUR)大學核心課程

Cluster Area Requirements (CAR) subjects (6 credits)通識科目(6學分)3 credits of which should be in subjects designated as "China-related"; plus "Reading" and "Writing" requirements in English and Chinese其中3學分須為中國相關科目;及英文和中文閱讀及寫作要求

Service-Learning (SL) subjects1 (3 credits)服務學習課程科目1


Minimum Requirement最低要求

9 credits9學分

Students are also expected to meet the equivalent standard of the Undergraduate Degree Language and Communication Requirements (LCR)2.學生亦須要達到學士學位的語文及溝通課程水平2。

Discipline Specific Requirements (DSR)學科專業課程DSR subjects學科專業科目Including 6-credit Discipline-specific Language Requirements subjects (3 credits in English and 3 credits in Chinese) and a 3-credit Integrated Study包括6學分為學科專業語文科目(3學分為英文及3學分為中文)及3學分為綜合學習

Minimum Requirement最低要求

51 credits51學分

Scholarships and Assistantships details獎學金和資助詳情

Scholarships and Assistantships 獎學金和資助In the last three academic years, PolyU SPEED has awarded scholarships and assistantships totalling nearly HK$14.8 million to over 850 awardees.過去三個學年,PolyU SPEED一共頒發了近港幣1,480萬元獎學金和資助予逾850名得主。

SPEED Scholarship for Non-local Students


SPEED Scholarship for Full-time Students 專業進修學院全日制學生獎學金

SPEED Scholarship for Postgraduate Studies

專業進修學院研究生進修獎學金SPEED Top Student Award 專業進修學院優異學生獎

SPEED Outstanding Co-curricular Achievement Scholarship 專業進修學院傑出課外活動獎學金

SPEED Back-to-School Scholarship


DSR Subjects 學科專業科目Examples of Scheme Compulsory Subjects 組合課程必修科目例子

• Community Study• Ethics and Sustainability• Research Methods for Social Research

Examples of Award-specific Subjects 學銜專業科目例子BSSc (Hons) 社會科學(榮譽)學士

• Cultural Development and Cultural Policies• Globalisation and Its Impact• Urban Society and Urban Sustainability

BSSc (Hons) in Psychology 心理學(榮譽)社會科學學士

• Cognitive Psychology• Neuropsychology• Research Methods for Behavioural Sciences I

BSSc (Hons) in Social Policy and Management1 社會政策及管理(榮譽)社會科學學士 1

• Management of Social Enterprise• Programme Planning and Evaluation• Public Sector Management

The School reserves the right to update the contents of this programme brochure and to change or withdraw programmes or subjects described here. 學院有權更新此課程單張內容及更改或撤銷此單張所述課程或科目。

School of Professional Education and Executive Development is operated by College of Professional and Continuing Education Limited which is an affiliate of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.專業進修學院是由香港理工大學之附屬機構專業及持續教育學院有限公司管理。

Programme Duration and Study Mode 修讀年期及模式2-year Full-time 2年全日制

Tuition Fee 學費HK$2,625 per credit 每學分港幣2,625元Tuition fees for the 2022/23 academic year are subject to review; fees are 10% higher for non-local students.2022/23學年學費有待審核;非本地學生學費高10%。

Medium of Instruction 教學語言English (except for subjects with Chinese requirements) 英文(具中文要求的科目除外)

q 3400 2828 m [email protected]

Enquiries 查詢

For more information, please contact: 想了解更多,請聯絡:

BSSc (Hons) in Psychology 心理學(榮譽)社會科學學士Award Leader 學銜統籌Dr LO On-ting 羅安庭博士 BCogSc, PhD (H.K.); CPsychol (BPS); AFHKPS

q 3746 0299m [email protected]

BSSc (Hons) 社會科學(榮譽)學士Award Leader 學銜統籌Dr Thomas Chan陳銳才博士 BSW [PolyU (H.K.)]; MA, PhD (C.U.H.K.); RSW

q 3746 0775m [email protected]

BSSc (Hons) Scheme 社會科學(榮譽)學士組合課程Scheme Leader 組合課程統籌Dr Vincent Law q 3746 0091羅天昇博士 m [email protected] (HKU); MBA (City H.K.); DBA [PolyU (H.K.)]; PMgr (HKMA)

BSSc (Hons) in Social Policy and Management 社會政策及管理(榮譽)社會科學學士Award Leader 學銜統籌Dr Wallace TSANG 曾偉洪博士 BSc, MSocSc, MSW, PgCert, DSW, RSW

q 3746 0326m [email protected]

HK.PolyUSPEED polyu-speedpolyu-speedpolyu_speed

1 Subject to approval 有待審批

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