

POWER BALANCE CHALLENGE These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. These posts are for informational purposes only. Copyright © 2016 by Katherine Kyle. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, shared or republished without express written permission of the author. Please visit for smoothie recipes and essential oils articles. Please don’t share this book with others. If you find an error or have a suggestion for improvement, or if you have a question about a recipe, please contact Katherine at [email protected]. This eBook has been written and published strictly for informational and educational purposes only. The statements in this book have not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not intended to serve as medical advice or to be any form of medical treatment. The author is not responsible for any adverse effects that may result from the use or application of the recipes and information contained in this eBook.


TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................. 3  INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 4  WHAT TYPE OF FOOD WILL I EAT ON THIS DIET? ..................................................... 7  Why are these supplements so important? ........................................................... 8  

Balance Complete and Power Meal ...................................................................... 8  Grapefruit Essential Oil ..................................................................................................... 9  Ningxia Red ................................................................................................................................ 11  

Daily Diet Plan ................................................................................................................................ 14  Breakfast: ............................................................................................................................. 14  Lunch ........................................................................................................................................ 14  Dinner ...................................................................................................................................... 14  Additional ............................................................................................................................. 14  

Recipes ............................................................................................................................................. 15  Smoothies ................................................................................................................................. 15  How To Make a Smoothie ............................................................................................. 15  

Raspberry Ripple Smoothie .................................................................................. 15  Blueberry Lavender Smoothie ............................................................................ 15  Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie ............................................................................ 16  Citrus Refresher Smoothie ...................................................................................... 16  Key Lime Pie Smoothie ................................................................................................ 16  Creamy Tangerine and Coconut Smoothie .............................................. 16  Strawberry Shortcake Smoothie ....................................................................... 17  

LUNCHES ...................................................................................................................................... 18  Basic Salad Base ............................................................................................................ 18  Salad Fillings ....................................................................................................................... 18  Salad Dressing ................................................................................................................. 18  

DINNERS ..................................................................................................................................... 20  Vegetables ..................................................................................................................... 20  Meat/ Eggs ......................................................................................................................... 21  Extras ...................................................................................................................................... 21  

POWER BOOSTERS ................................................................................................................... 22  GRAPEFRUIT ESSENTIAL OIL .................................................................................... 22  NINGXIA RED .................................................................................................................... 22  GET THE RIGHT MINDSET .......................................................................................... 23  

Healthy Treats ...................................................................................................................... 25  I Want To Hear From You! .................................................................................................... 27  


INTRODUCTION Most diets don’t care about your health. All they focus on is reducing calories – nothing else. The problem is after the diet, most people return to their normal diets and put on all the weight they have lost and more. Another problem is their state of health has generally declined due to nutritional deficiencies from taking in too little nutrients, which is heightened by eating fewer calories. This diet is different. Why? This diet is based on providing your body an abundance of nutrients, so it is able to shed toxins, which are stored in the body’s fat. Another benefit of taking in all the nutrients that the body needs is that you will have much more energy on this diet. This diet is based on being gluten free, higher protein, refined sugar free, and has the option of being dairy free. It is not a vegetarian or a vegan diet, so if that’s what you are looking for, I have created another 7 day diet plan just for you. You can read more about that here: Another thing that makes this diet so good is that it isn’t hard or complicated, and you can get started straight away. All the hard work has already been done for you, and all the recipes in this book are extremely simple. You will spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying your life. This diet is also so balanced and so nutritious that you can actually eat this way ALL of the time. I do! So there is absolutely no need for you to return to your “normal” diet after you have finished this book. Simply use


the principals from this diet plan and continue to eat in a similar way. This is the secret of long lasting weight loss. Why would you want to go back to that diet that wasn’t working for you? It was making you feel tired and sluggish, helped you gain weight, and gave you sugar cravings. No thank you! Okay, this diet plan is simple. There will be no lengthy information in this diet plan. There will be links to take you to places where you can read more information, but I don’t want to overwhelm you with too much to read while you are motivated to get started. The only rules are: you need to eat exactly what is in the diet plan, no cheating and no substitutions. You are allowed to swap your breakfast for a different breakfast and even eat the same breakfast all week. You can swap a lunch for a different lunch in the plan. Or you can swap a dinner for a different dinner. Some people may feel slightly hungry due to detoxing and taking in less food than they normally do. This is normal. But if you are feeling weak and unable to cope with cravings or hunger, then you are allowed to eat more of any of the meals until you are full. There is nothing worse than feeling so hungry you can’t concentrate on your work or look after your kids. But if you eat more than the plan specifies, you will need to stick to the plan for at least 2 weeks and in the 2nd week, try again to stick to the diet exactly. Keep doing this for as long as necessary to feel full on the amount of food in this book. However, some people do need to eat more. If you do a very active job, do lots of intense exercise, or if you are over the average height, you will need to eat more. If this applies to you, you can eat an extra half a portion of all of the meals or until you are full. If you are finding you are not losing weight, reduce the amount.


About  Katherine  Kyle     Katherine blogs at about her three passions: green smoothies, essential oils and weight loss. She has two young kids and lives in the beautiful Scottish Highlands. Katherine had chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, insomnia, and numerous other health problems. Her friend suggested that therapeutic essential oils would really help her and was very reluctant because nothing else was working. Eventually she dove straight in and got started with a good quality essential oils kit. Within a week of using them, she had noticed a massive difference, and within a month she was back to normal again. She was full of energy, happy, positive, confident, sleeping really well every night, and so much more. Katherine feels alive again. Every day she just feel better and better, and she has dedicated her life to helping others in the same way. Now she is full of energy and eats a diet mainly based on fruit, vegetables, eggs, meat, nuts, seeds, and good quality nutritional supplements. Contact Katherine at [email protected]. Get FREE Essential Oils Uses download, 14 Day Essential Oils 101 e-course, online essential oils class here: Discover the powerful effects that good quality essential oils can have to help you detox and lose weight:              



You will eat the following foods: •   Fruit •   Vegetables •   Nuts •   Seeds •   Eggs •   Meat •   Good quality Supplements including:

o   Power Meal or Balance Complete Meal Replacement o   Grapefruit Essential Oil o   Ningxia Red (Optional, but highly recommended)

These are the most nutritious foods for your body, and eating a variety of these foods will give you more energy than you ever thought possible. It is still possible to overeat calories by eating even healthy foods, so if you want to lose weight, it is important to stick to this diet. (You can learn more about these incredible supplements here: or you can get a 24% discount on the supplements I recommend here: I use Young Living supplements and I encourage you to use my link above to join, so that I can help you learn everything you need to know to change your life for the better) The basic structure of this diet is: Breakfast: Smoothie Lunch: Smoothie or salad Dinner: Vegetables and meat


Why are these supplements so

important? Balance Complete and Power Meal

Young Living has two fantastic meal replacement powders, Balance Complete and Power Meal. Balance Complete is both a powerful nutritive energizer and cleanser. Whole Ningxia wolfberry powder and nutrient-dense brown rice bran provide 11 grams of fiber per serving and a balanced, complete, nutritionally dynamic meal. The average western European diet is not always ideal, time pressure and hectic lifestyles have cut down the amount of time spent on cooking and food preparation. We eat largely over-processed foods that provide very little nutrition and too many calories. At the same time, our demand for essential nutrients has never been greater; we work more, take a lot of medications, and eat too much junk food and refined sugar. Balance Complete supplies an optimal balance of nutrients ideal for a nutritious, calorie-conscious, delicious, and satisfying meal. Power Meal is a delicious, satisfying, rice-based meal replacement. It is rich in calcium, antioxidants, and amino acids and delivers an impressive 20 grams of protein per serving, plus a complete vitamin, mineral, and enzyme profile. You can purchase Power Meal by clicking here as a retail customer. Or if you’d like to save 24% as a wholesale member, you can join by clicking here (and read my special bonuses for becoming a wholesale member here).


Watch this video I made to find out the difference between Balance Complete and Power Meal: Here is a fantastic testimony from “I lost 8 pounds with no strain on my body...incredible! I am an active 71-year-old woman trying to lose 10 pounds for YEARS. This grapefruit oil worked! I eat no processed foods, 1/2 my weight in water in booze or smoke or drugs and no gluten products or sugar. “I read Andrea's email and finally got the grapefruit oil through Essential Rewards a few months ago and have put 10 drops in my daily drinking water since then. I had a feeling of fullness. The really strong need to eat was gone! It is truly a miracle! I would lose a few pounds and reach a wall which led to discouragement in the process. This oil worked better than bergamot. “I had been using bergamot and peppermint before I used grapefruit with no luck. I am on my 2nd bottle of grapefruit oil. I am happy, happy, and I will continue using this routine until 8 more pounds are gone. “Someone sent me Andrea's email...I have no idea whom it was. I am a new distributor and now have a REAL story to share with others about losing weight and the power of therapeutic Young Living Essential Oils...I am so very happy to have followed Andrea's advice. “Along with changing to grapefruit oil, I made a morning smoothie: YLEO Power Meal 2 scoops in a blender (gluten-free) 1 scoop goat milk powder Raw grated carrots and cooked squash Agave or stevia to taste Cinnamon to taste “I try to keep to under 1,300 daily calories for the breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals. Sometimes I have just two meals. The smoothie then is a big jolt of protein that carries me through until supper with no gnawing feeling in my tummy!”

Grapefruit Essential Oil


Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) has a fresh, citrusy aroma that is energizing and uplifting. Rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene, it is good for skin, and like many cold-pressed citrus oils, it has unique fat-impacting characteristics. When I took grapefruit essential oil every day for 3 weeks, my hunger completely reduced and my cravings subsided. Here is a powerful testimony from “I was taking grapefruit oil primarily as a liver cleanser/detox. I knew that it was great for cellulite/lypolysis (destroys fat cells), however, for some reason, I thought that the weight loss would be more gradual. After a few comments from family members over the weekend, and the official weigh in this morning, I realized this was not the case! I had been losing weight gradually over the year and was near my ideal weight. After a few weeks on the grapefruit oil, I was actually below my ideal weight, and I had no choice but to find another oil to continue my liver cleanse!” You can purchase Grapefruit essential oil by clicking the link below: Or if you’d like to save 24% on your order and all future orders, you can become a wholesale member by clicking the link below: I also give bonuses to everybody who joins as a wholesale member. You can click the link below to read about my bonuses and more about the amazing wholesale essential oils kit that you need to purchase to become a member:


Ningxia Red There is one more supplement I want to introduce to you, and that is Ningxia Red. Ningxia Red isn’t crucial to your success on this diet, BUT it is crucial for optimal health, so if you want so much more energy than you ever imagined and to eliminate health problems you never thought possible, add 1-6 ounces of Ningxia Red to your diet every single day. I’ve got to be honest here - I was given a month’s supply of Ningxia Red free when I joined Young Living. So I drank it for a month because it was free. Had it not been free, I wouldn’t have bought it because I thought, how good can a drink be for your health? I can make my own juice! How wrong was I! After a month of drinking Ningxia Red, my very dark 2-year-long low mood had been replaced with positivity, my lifeless exhausted body had been given a new lease of life, and I was now bursting with so much energy. I stopped drinking Ningxia Red for 2 months, and I actually didn't feel so good during that time. So I started drinking it again, and my energy and my positivity reached new heights. I actually don’t recognize myself now! This has totally changed my life, and I don’t want to ever go a single day without it! Think you can’t afford it? Ningxia Red costs just over $1 (Just under £1) for a 1oz shot. How much do you spend on coffee or other luxuries a day? Drink 1-6 ounces of this a day for a month and notice the difference! NingXia Red is a powerful antioxidant drink that contains whole Ningxia wolfberry puree—a superblend of blueberry, aronia, cherry, pomegranate, and plum juices, natural stevia extract, grape seed extract, pure vanilla extract, and orange, yuzu, lemon, and tangerine essential oils. Its health benefits include support from head to toe, via a whole body nutrient infusion. NingXia Red has been cherished for centuries for its health, energy, and longevity benefits. Whole Ningxia wolfberries and other nutrient-dense fruit juices make NingXia Red the perfect choice for optimising wellness and stepping up to a whole new level of health. Watch my Ningxia Red video to find out how much I love Ningxia Red! Here are just a few of the many Ningixa Red testimonials from


“Because of NingXia Red, which has 18 amino acids and 21 trace minerals, I no longer need prescription eyewear. I have worn glasses for 50 years. NingXia Red is enhanced with the essential oils of Lemon and Orange.” “Both my parents started drinking 1oz of Ningxia Red daily and taking the Master Formula His/Hers vitamins. My dad says he hadn't slept more than 3-4 hours a night in about 20 years. Now he is sleeping 7-8 hours a night! He says it must be the Ningxia Red. Both of them feel like they have more energy also. Ningxia Red is great!!” “My husband used to get several really bad colds every year. It would knock him down for several weeks and he had to be in bed for at least a day. He would have a really bad cough all day and night with lots of phlegm. “When he started drinking an ounce of NingXia Red every day, this all changed. We continued to eat healthy, but we added the NingXia Red, which strengthened his immune system. He now rarely gets sick, and if he does, he takes an extra dose of NingXia Red, and he good to go. No need for cough medicine or antibiotics, ever!” “My husband has been having issues with his cholesterol for the past year or so... He started drinking 1 oz. Of the Ningxia Red - he went for blood work 8 weeks after starting Ningxia Red and his Cholesterol is NORMAL. The only thing he has been doing differently is drinking Ningxia Red and taking Sulphurzyme and Multigreens...” You can purchase Ningxia Red by clicking the link below: Or if you’d like to save 24% on your order and all future orders, you can become a wholesale member by clicking the link below: I also give bonuses to everybody who joins as a wholesale member. You can click the link below to read about my bonuses and more about the


amazing wholesale essential oils kit that you need to purchase to become a member: -------------------------------------------------------------- Get all the crucial information in this event and more about how to get started with therapeutic essential oils strait to your inbox with this FREE 12 Day What Supplement e-course: --------------------------------------------------------------


Daily diet plan This is what the structure of every day will look like: Breakfast: •   Large glass of water with 3 drops of grapefruit oil (or put the

grapefruit oil in a capsule and take with the water). A large glass of water should be at least 18 ounces (about 500ml/1 pint)

•   1-2 ounces of Ningxia Red (optional) •   Smoothie made with Power Meal or Balance Complete

Lunch •   Large glass of water with 3 drops of grapefruit oil (or put the

grapefruit oil in a capsule and take with the water) •   1-2 ounces of Ningxia Red (optional) •   Smoothie made with Power Meal or Balance Complete OR salad

with eggs or meat Dinner •   Large glass of water with 3-4 drops of grapefruit oil (or put the

grapefruit oil in a capsule and take with the water) •   Dinner consisting of vegetables and meat or just vegetables

Additional •   Drink one additional large glass of water •   Snack on berries if you get really hungry •   If you are struggling to stick to the diet, eat more of the same food

and try to stick to the diet again the next day. Every day is a new day!

•   If you have sugar cravings, make some of the healthy treats in the section below, but these will not help you to lose weight – they just help you avoid junk food.

For the meals, choose one of the recipes from the next section.


Recipes Smoothies

How To Make a Smoothie Add all the ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. To cool the smoothie down, leave it in the fridge until cool, add a handful of ice at the end of blending, or use frozen fruit if your blender can tolerate it. All these smoothies serve 1. If you are planning on drinking a smoothie for breakfast and lunch, double the recipe. *Please note – it is extremely important that you only use Young Living oils, as any other essential oil could be adulterated and harmful. Raspberry Ripple Smoothie ¼ cup coconut milk ½ cup raspberries ½ cup mango 1 scoop Power Meal or Balance Complete 1 cup water (or to achieve your desired consistency) 2 drops grapefruit essential oil (optional) 1 handful of spinach or other mild leafy greens (optional) Blueberry Lavender Smoothie ½ cup blueberries 1 medium banana 1 scoop Power Meal or Balance Complete 1 cup water (or to achieve your desired consistency) 1 teaspoon vanilla extra 1 tablespoon almond butter 1 tablespoon maple syrup A toothpick dipped in lavender oil and swirled around (optional)


1 handful of spinach or other mild leafy greens (optional) Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie 1 banana 2 tablespoons cocoa powder 1 tablespoon maple syrup 1 drop peppermint essential oil 1 scoop Power Meal or Balance Complete 1 cup water (or to achieve your desired consistency) 1 handful of spinach or other mild leafy greens (optional) Citrus Refresher Smoothie 2 oranges peeled and chopped ½ cup water 1 banana 1 apple Juice of 1 lime 1 teaspoon ginger or 1 drop ginger essential oil 1 scoop Power Meal or Balance Complete2 drops of lime essential oil (optional) 2 drops orange essential oil (optional) 1 handful of spinach or other mild leafy greens (optional) Key Lime Pie Smoothie 2 bananas ¼ cup coconut milk Juice of 2 limes ½ teaspoon vanilla extract 1 scoop Power Meal or Balance Complete 1 cup water (or to achieve your desired consistency) 2 drops of lime essential oil (optional) 1 handful of spinach or other mild leafy greens (optional) Creamy Tangerine and Coconut Smoothie 6 medium tangerines, clementines or satsumas, peeled. ¼ cup coconut milk 1 banana 1 scoop Power Meal or Balance Complete ¼ cup water


1 handful of spinach or other mild leafy greens (optional) Strawberry Shortcake Smoothie 2 cups of strawberries 1 cup of milk of your choice (I prefer homemade coconut milk, ideally homemade dairy free or raw dairy milk for health benefits) 1/8 cup cashew nuts 1 tablespoon maple syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Pinch nutmeg ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon or dip a toothpick in cinnamon essential oil and swirl. 1 scoop Power Meal or Balance Complete 1 handful of spinach or other mild leafy greens (optional)


LUNCHES For lunch you can either have a smoothie or a salad. If you are in a rush and don’t have much time to sit down and eat or time to prepare healthy food, just have another smoothie for lunch. If you have a bit more time, have one of the following salads. Basic Salad Base For your salad, make a base from unlimited amounts of the following ingredients: •   Leafy greens •   Cucumbers •   Tomatoes •   Peppers •   Onions •   Carrots •   Celery •   Beets •   Herbs and spices •   Any vegetables not including potatoes, avocados or corn

Salad Toppings Choose one of the following salad toppings: •   ½ cup of chicken, turkey, fish, or other meat grilled or cooked

without oil •   3-4 boiled eggs

Salad Dressing This is a great salad dressing taken from my book, 30 Days of Food and Drink Recipes with Essential Oils. It is fat free and tastes sweet and amazing. All you have to do is mix the following ingredients together in a glass jar or jug. Add 1-2 Tablespoons to your salad as desired.



DINNERS Dinners are extremely simple because I want to keep this plan easy for you, so you spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying your evening and getting an early night. If you get a good night sleep, you are much more likely to reach your weight loss goals because when we are lacking in energy, our bodies encourage us to eat more for energy. So get to bed early! These are simple dinners and are similar to the lunches. They just involve meat/eggs and vegetables. That’s it! No complicated recipes, back to basics. This plan is so easy to stick to, you will want to be eating this way most of the time. I know I do, and I enjoy a healthy home-cooked dinner every night, and it doesn’t take me very long. When I’m cooking for the rest of my family, I just throw on some potatoes too and either make mashed or boiled potatoes, fries, or a baked potato for them, and it only takes an extra 5 minutes to get the potatoes on. So eating this way is perfect for the whole family. The best way to cook your vegetables is to steam them until they are tender. The whole meal is the kind of thing you can just prepare quickly and wait until it’s done. Usually the meat will take the longest, so follow the instructions on the package for cooking the meat and make sure the temperature is correct for what you are cooking. Time it to put the vegetables on to be ready about the same time as the meat. The veggies usually take about 20-30 minutes to steam. Use unlimited amounts and try to fill at least one side of your plate high with vegetables. This will really fill you up, and you’ll feel great! Vegetables Fill up on as many vegetables as you can. Here are some suggestions: •   Carrots •   Spinach •   Other leafy greens •   Onions


•   Mushrooms •   Zucchinis •   Green Beans •   Tomatoes •   Peppers •   Broccoli •   Cauliflower •   Pumpkin •   Butternut squash

Meat/Eggs Include meat that is either grilled or baked, not fried in oil. Include one portion that is approximately the size of your fist, taking up no more than one quarter of your plate. You can eat any of the following foods: •   Chicken •   Turkey •   Pork •   Ham •   Fish •   Beef •   Sausages, burgers, or meatballs as long as they are homemade

without gluten additives, E numbers, or oil. •   3-4 eggs made into an omelet, poached, boiled, or baked, not

fried in oil. You can include any of the vegetables with the eggs if you have recipes you enjoy. I usually sauté some vegetables with water in a frying pan, add the mixed eggs, cook the underside and then put the pan under a grill to cook the top of the omelet.

Extras You can also cover your vegetables in the same salad dressing you used for lunch or you can include a salsa or a homemade marinara sauce with no added oil. Don’t use any oil or butter or any store-bought sauces or dips. Everything that you eat this week should be homemade or completely natural.


POWER BOOSTERS I highly recommend that you include the following power boosters, as these are what sets this diet plan apart from other plans. You will really notice the different from including these boosters every day. GRAPEFRUIT ESSENTIAL OIL To kick-start your weight loss, reduce your appetite, and support your blood sugar levels, add 9-10 drops of grapefruit essential oil to your diet every day. You can either add it to a capsule once a day, or divide it up into 3 capsules 3 times a day before meals. Or you can add 3 drops to a drink 3 times a day. Either add it to a small glass of water and drink it quickly, or add the drops to a large glass of water and enjoy the flavor. The choice is yours. This is pretty crucial to your success, so don’t forget your grapefruit! You will be surprised just how much this reduces your appetite. (If you are on medication, check that you can have grapefruit in combination with your medication. If you are unable to use grapefruit, replace the grapefruit with a combination of lemon, peppermint, and lavender). *Please note – it is extremely important that you only use Young Living oils to ingest as any other essential oil could be adulterated and harmful. NINGXIA RED Drinking Ningxia Red during this diet plan is optional, but highly highly recommended. Not only is it amazing for your energy levels and for supporting blood sugar levels, but there have been many testimonials where people have said that the weight dropped off once they started drinking Ningixa Red. Just feeling better and having more energy is going to go a long way to helping your willpower to stick to a healthy diet. I would recommend you drink what you can afford. I recommend at least 2 oz a day (28ml), but if you have health challenges, drink between 4-6 oz for 90 days. If all you can afford is 1 oz, start with that. You will be glad you did, and you will find a way to afford to buy this every month.


GET THE RIGHT MINDSET Did you know a lot of people are overweight because they have decided to be? It might sound weird, but the brain follows the exact instructions and messages that you give it. So if you are constantly saying things like “I’ll never be able to lose weight,” “I’ll always be big,” “I will never get into the jeans I wore before I had a baby,” then that’s exactly what will happen. You need to reprogram your mind for success. No doubt, if you believe these things, then you may lose weight on this diet plan if you are able to stick to it, but you’ll go back to eating the junk that enabled you to gain the weight in the first place, and you’ll not be thin for long. The right mindset will say things that will help you become thin for life, such as “If I want long-term results, I have to eat healthy most of the time” or “I am thin and confident,” etc. It is very hard for some of us to believe these messages because they are so ingrained into us all. So I’m giving you some additional help in this area. You need someone to tell you positive things about yourself everyday so that you will eventually believe them. The person I have chosen to give you these positive messages is David McGraw. He has a soothing voice and has recorded a great free audio that you can listen to in order to reset your mind and help you lose weight. I suggest listening to this audio once a day. It is extremely relaxing, so I suggest the best time to listen to this track is before bed, and as a bonus it will help you sleep. Here is your challenge – listen to this audio once a day for at least a month and see how you feel. You can find the audio here: This is a one week diet plan, but if you can stick to this diet for a month, you’ll be amazed at the results. I also have something else that is pretty incredible that recently helped me completely overcome my own emotional eating and cravings.


I took this quiz designed by an amazing weight loss expert, and I was blown away by the results. I had never seen anything like this before, and I think it’s going to help you reveal what’s been blocking you from losing weight and sticking to a healthy diet. Click the link below to take this free and eye opening quiz:


Healthy Treats Remember – this is healthy eating for life, not just for one week. You will be surprised how little time you spend in the kitchen with this diet plan – so that gives you plenty of free time to make healthy treats if you feel the need. The treats won’t really help you lose weight, but they will assist you in continuing to feel amazing and avoid energy slumps and extra weight gain. It’s better to eat a healthy homemade treat than to stray off the diet completely. For those times that you just really need a little extra something, here are a couple of treats for you.

For this fudge recipe, just melt all the ingredients in a glass jar placed in a pan of boiling water. Then add the oils, pour into a tray, and place in the freezer until solid. Take it out and cut into chunks.


Melt the coconut oil and mix with the rest of the ingredients, shape into balls, and roll in shredded coconut. Store in the fridge.


I Want To Hear From You!

I would love to know your results on this diet plan. Please email me (Katherine) at [email protected] with your testimonial, and I will send you a free gift. Before and after photos and videos will get an extra gift! Please tell me your name, which country you live in, what results you experienced (weight loss or health), and what you thought of the diet plan. I can’t wait to hear from you! *If you are new to Young Living products, you can get started by clicking the link below. What products do I need for this detox? I recommend starting with the following:

•   A Premium starter kit •   1 bottle of Ningxia Red •   1 bottle of grapefruit oil •   1 tub of Balance Complete or Power Balance.

That will give you everything you need to complete this powerful detox (which can also be a diet for life) You can also learn more about how you can lose weight and detox very easily with essential oils here:

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