Download - PPSC Computer MCQ

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    Data Structure [ Concepts, FIFO, LIFO, Link List, Binary tree, Graph, Nodes, etc ]

    Computer Architecture [ Basic concepts,Instruction set, Addressin modes, I!O Intrusts "and#ers,

    $eisters, FF, Operation Codes, etc ]

    Data%ase [ Concepts, DB&Ss, Loica# DB, Security, Interity, S'L, etc]

    Operation System [ Introduction, (rocess &anaement, Dead#ock, &emory &anaement, Cache,

    Disk )rrors, I$', Addressin modes, *irtua# &emory etc ]

    Net+orks [ OSI &ode#, Standards, opo#oies, LAN,-AN, &AN, $ING, SA$, B.S, $O.)$, ".B,

    &odem, Fu## Dup#e/, "a#0 Dup#e/, )ncodin, Decodin, Asynchronous, Synchronous modes etc ]

    Data Communication [ Basics, &odes, &u#tip#e/in, De&u/ ]

    O%1ect Oriented (roramin [ Concepts, (o#ymorphism, Inheritance, )ncapsu#ation, Data "idin

    etc2 , and c33 %asic, G.I 0unctions, Strins etc ]

    ((SC .pcomin Lecturer 4567 Computer Science &c8s 0or est (reparation

    9 6 %yte : ; %its

    9 6 mea %yte : 657; %ytes

    9 6 ki#o %yte : 6547 %ytes

    9 A com%ination o0 6> %its are ca##ed +ord?

    9 A tera%yte : 6 tri##ion %ytes

    9 Our (C %e#ons to 7th eneration

    9 Fred Cohen coined the +ord computer @irus

    9 First computer @irus +as created in 6=5 at Be## #a%oratories

    9 -O$& means -rite Once $ead &any

    9 (o+er o0 a super computer is measured in FLO(S F#oatin (oint Operations per Second2

    9 ---!http hyperte/t trans0er protoco#2 +as created %y im Burner Lee in 64

    9 Inte# means Interated )#ectronics

    9 6 +orksheet contains 4 co#umns

    9 G?-?Basic G?- stands 0or Gate -ay

    9 Super Computer +as created %y ?"?*an asse#

    9 CO$BA is Common O%1ect $e8uest Broker Architecture

    9 .$L is .ni0orm or .ni@ersa# $esource Locator

    9 Inte# in@ented $A& chip

    9 In0ormation stored on disk as series o0 %umps on its shiny side?

    9 D*Ds ho#d more in0ormation than CDs? hey use sma##er %umps and ha@e t+o reEecti@e #ayers

    9 $ecorda%#e CDs do not ha@e %umps? here are patches o0 co#or on disk to chane the reEected

    #aser #iht

    9 In 6

    9 In 6>; main0rame +as %ui#t?

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    9 In 6=> Hrst supercomputer the Cray6 +as de@e#oped

    9 In 6;6 IB& produce the IB& (C?

    9 In 6; IB& made 8uantum computer

    9 Super computers uses para##e# processin

    9 In 6=7, computer ames +ere introduced?

    9 ($O& is the a%%re@iation o0 proramma%#e read on#y memory


    9 -hat +as the +or#ds Hrst hih #e@e# prorammin #anuae 6

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    9 -hat company introduced the Hrst commercia# minicomputer >< D)C

    9 Name the Hrst +e% %ro+ser pu%#ic#y a@ai#a%#e NCSA &osaic

    9 he +or#ds most po+er0u# super computer is ca##ed ASCI +hite?

    9 -or#d -ide -e% +as in@ented in 6K %y im Bareness Lee?

    9 he Bprorammin #anuae +as de@e#oped %y en hompson?

    9 he 6st commercia##y produced and so#d computer 6

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    1. Who invented the high level language c?

    a. Dennis $. Ritchie

    b. -i2laus Writh

    c. )eymour (apert

    d. $onald 3unth

    4. (ersonnel who design' program' operate and maintain computer e#uipment refers to

    a. Console/operator 

    b. (rogrammer 

    c. eople%are

    d. )ystem nalyst

    5. When did arch rivals I6M and pple Computers Inc. decide to 7oin hands?

    a. 8945

    b. 895&

    c. 899:

    d. 1&&1

    9. ;uman beings are referred to as ;omosapinens' which device is called )illico )apiens?

    a. Monitor b. ;ardware

    c. Robot

    d. Computer 

    8:. n error in software or hardware is called a bug. What is the alternative computer 7argon for it?


  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    a. $aughter board

    b. $otherboard

    c. =ather board

    d. 6readboard

    8*. In most I6M (Cs' the C(' the device drives' memory expansion slots and active components are mounted on a

    single board. What is the name of this board?

    a. $otherboard

    b. 6readboard

    c. $aughter board

    d. >randmother board

    81. What is meant by a dedicated computer?

    a. Which is used by one person only

    b. #hich is assigned one and only one tas"

    c. Which uses one 2ind of software

    d. Which is meant for application software

    84. "he system unit of a personal computer typically contains all of the following except@

    a. Microprocessor b. $is2 controller 

    c. )erial interface

    d. $odem

    85. computer program that converts an entire program into machine language is called aAan

    a. Interpreter 

    b. )imulator 

    c. Compiler 

    d. Commander 

    89. computer program that translates one program instructions at a time into machine language is called aAan

    a. Interpreter 

    b. C(

    c. Compiler 

    d. )imulator 

    !:. small or intelligent device is so called because it contains within it a

    a. Computer 

    b. Microcomputer 

    c. (rogrammable

    d. )ensor 

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    Computer Science Solved Mcqs

    6? o #ocate a data item 0or storae is

    d? Fetch

    4? prorams desined to per0orm speciHc tasks is kno+n as

    %? app#ication so0t+are

    K? per0orated paper used as input o0 output media is kno+n asa? paper tapes

    7? ime durin +hich a 1o% is processed %y the computer is

    c? )/ecution time

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    ((SC Computer Science Important &c8s For Lectureship 4567 )/am

     Computer &u#tip#e Choice 'uestions &C's2

    6? A## o0 the 0o##o+in are e/amp#es o0 rea# security and pri@acy risks )QC)(

    A? hackers?

    B? spam?

    C? @iruses?

    D? identity the0t?

    Ans+er B

    4? A process kno+n as RRRRRRRRRRRR is used %y #are retai#ers to study trends?

    A? data minin

    B? data se#ection

    C? (OS

    D? data con@ersion

    Ans+er A

    K? RRRRRRRRRRRRtermina#s 0ormer#y kno+n as cash reisters2 are o0ten connected to comp#e/

    in@entory and sa#es computer systems?

    A? Data

    B? (ointo0sa#e (OS2

    C? Sa#es

    D? 'uery

    Ans+er B

    7? An2 RRRRRRRRRRRR system is a sma##, +ire#ess handhe#d computer that scans an itemTUs ta

    and pu##s up the current price and any specia# oPers2 as you shop?

    A? (SS

    B? (OS

    C? in@entory

    D? data minin

    Ans+er A

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    65? RRRRRRRRRRRR is the study o0 mo#ecu#es and structures +hose siJe ranes 0rom 6 to 655


    A? Nanoscience

    B? &icroe#ectrodes

    C? Computer 0orensics

    D? ArtiHcia# inte##ience

    Ans+er A

    Status OVine 66? RRRRRRRRRRRR is the science that attempts to produce machines that disp#ay

    the same type o0 inte##ience that humans do?

    A? Nanoscience

    B? Nanotechno#oy

    C? Simu#ation

    D? ArtiHcia# inte##ience AI2

    Ans+er D


    64? RRRRRRRRRRRR is data that has %een oraniJed or presented in a meanin0u# 0ashion?

    A? A process

    B? So0t+are

    C? Storae

    D? In0ormation

    Ans+er D

    6K? he name 0or the +ay that computers manipu#ate data into in0ormation is ca##ed

    A? prorammin?

    B? processin?

    C? storin?

    D? oraniJin?

    Ans+er B

    67? Computers ather data, +hich means that they a##o+ users to RRRRRRRRRRRR data?

    A? present

    B? input

    C? output

    D? store

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    Ans+er B


  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    D? %inary num%er?

    Ans+er C

    45? A strin o0 eiht 5s and 6s is ca##ed a

    A? mea%yte?

    B? %yte?

    C? ki#o%yte?

    D? ia%yte?

    Ans+er B

    -ho is credited +ith the creation o0 ---

    Ans+er im BernersLee


  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    K6? he in@ention o0 the s#ide ru#e is attri%uted to

    a2 Ba%%ae %2 Ouhtred c2 (asca#

    d2 Napier e2 None o0 the a%o@e

    Ans B2

    K4? -hich o0 the 0o##o+in is not an ad@antae o0 manetic disk storae?

    a2 he access time o0 manetic disk is much #ess than that o0 manetic tape

    %2 Disk storae is #oner #astin than manetic tape

    c2 Disk storae is #ess e/pensi@e than tape storae

    d2 A## o0 the a%o@e

    e2 None o0 the a%o@e

    Ans e2

    KK? he memory siJes in main0rame computers and ad@anced techno#oy micro computer are

    e/pressed as

    a2 Bytes %2 i#o%ytes c2 Bits

    d2 &ea%ytes e2 None o0 the a%o@e

    Ans d2

    K7? A preH/ 0or %i##ion +hich is e8ua# to ? is ca##ed as %i##i?

    a2 655 %2 65555 c2 6555 d2 65 e2 None o0 the a%o@e

    Ans d2


  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    K;? o mo@e the cursor to the end o0 the document press

    Ans Ctr# 3 )nd

    K? In -ord (rocessin the red under#ine indicates

    Ans Spe##in mistakes

    75? he shortcut key to print documents is

    Ans Ctr# 3 (

    76? First #ayer in the OSI re0erence mode# is

    a2 Data #ink %2 Net+ork c2 (hysica# d2 App#ication

    Ans c2

    74? *iruses, ro1an horses and -orms are

    a2 a%#e to harm computer system

    %2 una%#e to detect i0 aPected on computer

    c2 user0riend#y app#ications

    d2 harm#ess app#ications resident on computer

    Ans a2

    7K? (roram threats are

    a2 rap doors %2 ro1an horse c2 Both a2 W %

    Ans %2

    77? Fai#ure o0 pass+ords security due to e/posure can resu#t 0rom

    a2 )#ectronic monitorin %2 *isua# c2 Both a2 W %2

    Ans c2


  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    7=? Graphica# pictures that represent an o%1ect #ike H#e, 0o#der etc? are

    a2 ask %ar %2 -indo+s c2 Desktop d2 Icons

    Ans d2

    7;? -ho in@ented the supercomputer

    a2 (? Farns+orth %2 ?$ -hinHe#d

    c2 ?"? *an asse## d2 Char#es Gins%er

    Ans c2

    7? Accessin records 0rom a H#e direct#y +ithout searchin 0rom the %einnin o0 the H#e is

    a2 ime sharin %2 $andom

    c2 Direct access d2 Access time e2 None o0 the a%o@e

    Ans c2

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    a. portion of the hard dis2 considered as RM.

    b. ,xtended memory on the secondary storage that is used whenever physical memory is full .

    c. "he abstraction of separating logical memory + memory as seen by the process + from physical memory + memory as seen

    ny the processor.

    d. It is the page file in Windows folder.

    e. -one of these.

    !. "he DcmpE instruction modifies the@

    a. Instruction register.

    b. =lags register.

    c. )egment register.

    d. -one of these.

    %. Consider the following page reference string@

    8'!'%'&'!'8'*'1'!'8'!'%'4'1'%'!'8'. ssuming there are & page framess available and that all frames are initially empty' what is the

    total number of page faults that would occur for the page reference string above if the least/recently/used F

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    4. (hase )hift 3eying F()3G method is used to modulate digital signals at 91::bps using 81 levels. "he line signals speed Fi.e.

    modulation rateG will be@

    a. 8!:: bands

    b. !&:: bands

    c. &5:: bands

    d. 91:: bands

    e. -one of these

    5. ,xception handling is a powerful tenchni#ue that separates error/handling code from HHHHHH code

    a. 6uggy

    b. =aulty

    c. -ormal

    d. ,xceptional

    e. -one of these

    9. When a subroutine is called' the address of the instruction following the C

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    8%. "he advantages of creating a prototype are@

    a. It allows developers to experiment with number of different design options.

    b. It can serve as means of communication between developers and customers.

    c. It is better than water fall model

    d. 6oth a and b

    e. -one of these

    8&. Choose the correct statement@

    a. "esting can show the presence of bugs but never their absence

    b. "esting can always find all the bugs

    c. "esting can always be exhaustive

    d. If we test enough then we can find all of the bugs

    e. -one of these

    8*. Which of the following operations need the participating relations to be union compatible?

    a. -IO-

    b. I-",R),C"IO-

    c. $I==,R,-C,

    d. ll of these

    e. -one of these

    81. "he language used in application programs to re#uest data from the $6M is reffered to as the@

    a. $M<

    b. $$<c. $<

    d. )$<

    e. -one of these

    84. What is the correct J;"M< for a paragraph?

    a. K(LKApL

    b. K(LKA(L

    c. KpLKApL

    d. KApLKpL

    e. -one of these

    85. Which of the follwoing ;"M< form method is suitable when you need to send larger form submission?

    a. >et

    b. (ost

    c. 6oth >et and (ost

    d. 7ax

    e. -one of these

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    89. F!'&G is a point on a circle that has senter at the origion. Which of the follwoing points are also on circle?

    a. F!'/&G

    b. F/!'&G

    c. F&'/!G

    d. ll of the above

    e. -one of these

    !:. In 6resenhamEs algorithm' while generating a circle' it is easy to generate?

    a. One octant first and other by successive reflection

    b. One octant first and other by successive rotation

    c. One octant first and other by successive translation

    d. ll octants

    e. -one of these.

    Computer Science Important &c8s For (CS W CSS )/ams

    In Microsoft windows 2ey =8 is mostly used for 





    "he device which converts analog signals to digtital signals and vice versa is called

    mother board



    IAO device

    -"=) stand for 

    -etwor2 =ile )aving

    -ew "echnology =ile )ystem

    -ewt "rend =ile )aving-on "echnology =ile )ystem

    "he part of C( where arithmetic and logical functions are performed is called

    control unit


  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    In cyber crimes'

    FG "he computer is a tool F6G "he computer is a target

    FCG 6oth FG and F6G F$G -either FG nor F6G

     ns@ C

    !. Which of the following is not an operating system?


  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    8!. One 2ilobyte F36G is e#ual to

    FG 8::: bytes F6G 8:!& bytes

    FCG 8:!& bits F$G 8:!% bytes

     ns@ 6

    8%. One megabyte FM6G is e#ual to

    FG 8:!% 2ilobytes F6G 8::: bytes

    FCG 8:: 2ilobytes F$G 8:!& 2ilobytes

     ns@ $

    8&. One >igabyte F>6G is e#ual to

    FG 8::: megabytes F6G !:&5 megabytes

    FCG !:!% megabytes F$G 8:!& megabytes

     ns@ $

    8*. 5 bits forms a

    FG byte F6G nibble

    FCG 2ilobyte F$G -one of the above


    81. "he Institution set up by the >overnment of India to provide computer based information services to government

    departmentsFG C/$I" F6G C$C

    FCG -IC F$G $O,CC

     ns@ C

    84. Information Communication "echnology FIC"G involves primarily

    FG ,nrichment of existing 2nowledge

    F6G Installation of e#uipments

    FCG )torage and communication of information

    F$G se of technology for teaching

     ns@ C

    85. =or use of IC"' teachers should be familiar with

    FG (rogramming F6G 6rowsingFCG (lanning F$G ;andling of audio/visual aids

     ns@ 6

    89. Cloud computing means

    FG Computing using the satellite

    F6G Computing using cloud chamber technology

    FCG Computing which results in errors

    F$G )hifting computing power from offline (Cs and

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    FCG ,lectro magnetic waves entering the computer from internet

    F$G programme

     ns@ $

    !%. Rohith was as2ed to prepare a multimedia presentation as part of a seminar. Which of the following software can be made

    use of?

    FG -otepad F6G ,xcel

    FCG (ower (oint F$G dobe Reader 

     ns@ C

    !&. In internet terminology I( means

    FG Internet (rovider F6G Internet (rotocol

    FCG Internet (rocedure F$G Internet (rocessor 

     ns@ 6

    !*. Which one of the following is not a search engine?

    FG 6ing F6G >oogle

    FCG ahoo F$G Windows

     ns@ $

    !1. C

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    F6G Modem helps in stabiliing the voltage

    FCG Modem is the operating system

    F$G Modem converts the analog signal into digital signal and vice/versa

     ns@ $

    %%. Which of the following is the appropriate definition of a computer ?

    FG Computer is a machine that can process information.

    F6G Computer is an electronic device that can store' retrieve and process both #ualitative and #uantitative data #uic2ly and


    FCG Computer is an electronic device that can store' retrieve and #uic2ly process only #uantitative data.

    F$G Computer is a machine that can store' retrieve and process #uic2ly and accurately only #ualitative information

     ns@ 6

    %&. Information and Communication "echnology includes

    FG On line learning


  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    F$G Inter Connected "erminals

     ns@ C

    &!. Which of the following statement is not correct?

    FG Computer is capable of processing only digital signal

    F6G Computer is capable of analysing both #uantitative and #ualitative data

    FCG ppropriate software is re#uired for processing the data

    F$G Computer is capable of processing digital as well as analog signals


    &%. Which of the following is the appropriate definition of Information "echnology?

    FG Information "echnology refers to the use of hardware and software for processing information

    F6G Information "echnology refers to the use of hardware and software for distribution of useful information

    FCG Information "echnology refers to the use of hardware and software for storage' retrieval' processing and distributing

    information of many 2inds

    F$G Information "echnology refers to the use of principles of (hysical sciences and )ocial sciences for processing of information

    of many 2inds

     ns@ C

    &&. Which of the following statement is correct?

    FG irus improves the speed of processing information through computer F6G Internet does not allow the virus to spread

    FCG irus is a part of software

    F$G irus is an operating system

     ns@ C

    &*. Which of the following is correct statement?

    FG Computers can be used for diagnosing the difficulty of a student in learning a sub7ect

    F6G (sychological testing can be done with the help of computer provided a software is available

    FCG set of instructions is called a programme

    F$G ll of the above

     ns@ $

    &1. parallel port is most often used byFG Mouse F6G Monitor 

    FCG (rinter F$G 3eyboard

     ns@ C

    &4. 6lue tooth technology allows@


  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ



  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    FG lan "uring F6G uc2erburg

    FCG int Cerf F$G Ray "omilson

     ns@ $

    1%. ROM )tands for 

    FG Range Of Motion F6G Read On Memory

    FCG Read Only Memory F$G -one of these

     ns@ C

    1&. One "erabyte F"6G is e#ual to

    FG 8::: megabytes F6G !:&5 megabytes

    FCG 8:!& gigabytes F$G 8:!& megabytes

     ns@ C

    1*. )uper computer developed by Indian scientists?

    FG (aram F6G Cray I

    FCG 6lue >ene F$G I6M )e#uoia


    11. process used by large retailers to study trends

    FG data selection F6G data mining

    FCG both FG and F6G F$G -one of the above ns@ 6

    14. "echnology no longer protected by copyright' available to everyone

    FG (roprietary F6G Open

    FCG (rivate F$G ,ither FG or F6G

     ns@ 6

    15. Computers use PP+ language to process data

    FG ,nglish F6G powerful

    FCG decimal F$G binary

     ns@ $

    19. "he term DbitE is a short for 

    FG binary digit F6G binary number FCG digit F$G byte


    4:. Which of the following is not an example of input device?

    FG 3eyboard F6G mouse

    FCG (rinter F$G scanner 

     ns@ C

    48. $)< is an example for PPP connection

    FG networ2 F6G wireless

    FCG internet F$G broadband

     ns@ $

    4!. PPPP is the program that manages C(' memory' storage devices and inputAoutput devices.

    FG )uper system F6G pplication software

    FCG Operating system F$G Control system

     ns@ C

    4%. 6inary language consists of PP/

    FG ! digits F6G % digits

    FCG & digits F$G 8: digits


  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    4&. What combination of short cut 2eys will you use to change a text in upper case to lower case in M) Word?

    FG CtrlQ< F6G )hiftQ=%

    FCG CtrlQ)hiftQ F$G )hiftQltQ=*

     ns@ 6

    4*. Which -obel

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    51. Which of the following is not a browser program ?

    FG MO)IC F6G Windows ,xplorer 

    FCG Internet ,xplorer F$G -etscape -avigator.

     ns@ 6

    54. 2ios2 offers PPPPP

    FG $igital Certificate F6G "ouch )creen pplication

    FCG Internet )ervices F$G -one of these

     ns@ C

    55. - refers toPPPPP

    FG irtual nalog -etwor2 F6G alue dded -etwor2

    FCG ariable ddress -etwor2 F$G irtual dditional -etwor2

     ns@ 6


  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    95. "he programs which are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM is 2nown as@

    FG )oftware F6G =irmware

    FCG lgorithm F$G ROMware

     ns@ 6

    99. Which access method is used for obtaining a record from a cassette tape?

    FG )e#uential F6G $irect

    FCG Random F$G -one of these


    8::. )CII stands for@

    FG merican )ecurity Code for Information Interchange

    F6G merican )tandard Code for Information Interchange

    FCG merican )cientific Code for Interchanging Information

    F$G merican )tandard Code for Interchanging Information

     ns@ 6

    Computer Science rends And echno#oies &C's

    -hat hides your identity 0rom the -e% sites you @isit

    -e% #o

    C#ick stream

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    An anonymous -e% %ro+sin ser@ice

    None o0 the a%o@e


    In +hich H#e the compi#er manae the @arious o%1ects, +hich are used in +indo+sprorammin

    Contro# Fi#e

    Binary Fi#e

     e/t Fi#e

    O%1 Fi#e


    )commerce in0rastructure in@o#@es

    -e% ser@ers



    A## o0 these


    -hich type o0 app#ication is %ui#t %y app +iJard in &FC




    A## o0 these


    -hich o0 the 0o##o+in prorams can use key #oer so0t+are


    Instant messaes

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ



    A## o0 the a%o@e


    &CommerceX re0ers toa myth +hich does not e/ist in rea#ity

    the a%i#ity o0 %usiness to reach potentia# customers +here@er they ar)

    the a%i#ity to ha@e #are capacity o0 memory storae dea#in trade and commerce

    None o0 the a%o@e


    -hat component o0 ?N) inc#udes ser@ices used to support +e% ser@ices



    *isua# Studio



    &FC stands 0or

    &icroso0t Fi#e C#ass

    &icroso0t Foundation C#ass

    &icroso0t Form C#ass

    None o0 the a%o@e


    -hich o0 the 0o##o+in is a di#emma 0aced %y %usinesses today

    Customers +ant %usinesses to kno+ them, %ut +ant to %e #e0t a#one

    Customers +ant %usinesses to pro@ide +hat they +ant, %ut do not +ant %usinesses to

    monitor their ha%its and pre0erences

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    Customers do not #ike ads %ut +ant to kno+ +hat ser@ices and products are a@ai#a%#e

    A## o0 the a%o@e


    -hich in0rastructure inc#udes app#ication ser@ers, data ser@ers, and c#ientsC#ient!ser@er

     hin C#ient

    4tier in0rastructure

    Ktier in0rastructure


    -hich o0 the 0o##o+in is 0a#se concernin )nterprise $esource (#annin )$(2

    It attempts to automate and interate the ma1ority o0 %usiness processes?

    It shares common data and practices across the enterprise

    It is ine/pensi@e to imp#ement?

    It pro@ides and access in0ormation in a rea#time en@ironment?


    -hat is it ca##ed +hen I specia#ists +ithin your oraniJation de@e#op the systems




    A## o0 the a%o@e


    -hat is the unauthoriJed use, dup#ication, distri%ution or sa#e o0 copyrihted so0t+are

    Fair .se Doctrine

    (irated so0t+are

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    Counter0eit so0t+are



    At any i@en time (ara##e# *irtua# &achine (*&2 has RRRRRRRR send %uPer and RRRRRRRRrecei@e %uPer?






    -hich is the most @a#ua%#e e#ectronic commerce to the indi@idua# customer in #on run

    Business to Customer

    Business to Business

    Customer to Customer

    None o0 the a%o@e


     he Linker a##o+s access 0or LIB? H#es 0or


    Source code


    A## o0 these


    -hich sement is eBay an e/amp#e



  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ



    None o0 the a%o@e


    -hat is an e#ectronic representation o0 cashDiita# cash

    )#ectronic cash


    A## o0 the a%o@e


     he %est products to se## in B4C ecommerce are

    Sma## products

    Diita# products

    Specia#ty products

    Fresh products


     e#net is a

    Net+ork o0 te#ephones

     e#e@ision net+ork

    $emote #oin

    None o0 these


    One o0 the distinuished 0eatures o0 supercomputer o@er other cateory o0 computer is

    para##e# processin

    hihest accuracy #e@e#

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    more speed

    more capacity


    -hich is used to connect messaes sent to a proram a#on +ith 0unctions meant 0orhand#in such messaes

    &essae 8ueue

    &essae hand#er

    &essae map

    -indo+s procedure


    OraniJations +ith %oth physica# and on#ine presences are re0erred to as +hat

    &u#tipresence oraniJations

    Dua#presence companies


    A## o0 the a%o@e


     he idea o0 &FC document architecture +as created %y






    LDA( stands 0or

    Liht +eiht Data Access (rotoco#

    Liht +eiht Directory Access (rotoco#

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    Lare Data Access (rotoco#

    Lare Directory Access (rotoco#


    -hich o0 the 0o##o+in is not one o0 the 0our primary 0ocuses o0 eo@ernmentG4G





    Cookies are used to do +hich o0 the 0o##o+in

    Store your ID and pass+ord 0or su%se8uent #oons to the site

    Store contents o0 e#ectronic shoppin carts

     o track +e% acti@ity

    A## o0 the a%o@e and more


    -hich o0 the 0o##o+in app#ies to the imp#ementation o0 an idea


    Inte##ectua# property


    Denia#o0ser@ice attack


    -hat is the meanin o0 M"i%ernate in -indo+s Q(!-indo+s =

    $estart the computers in sa0e mode

    $estart the computers in norma# mode?

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    Shutdo+n the computer terminatin a## the runnin app#ications?

    Shutdo+n the computer +ithout c#osin the runnin app#ications?


    A document supportsRRRRRRRR@ie+?One

    One or more


    None o0 these


    )/terna# data is stored in the

    Customer H#e

    Forecast a##ocation H#e

    &arket 0orecast H#e

    A## o0 these


    )#ectronic credit card can %e

    .nencrypter 0orm on#y

    )ncrypter 0orm on#y

    Both A and C

    None o0 these


     RRRRRRRRRRRis not a cateory o0 )(S?

    ) %ankin

    Direct payments

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    $etai#in payments

    Cash on de#i@ery


    A techni8ue used to ain persona# in0ormation 0or the purpose o0 identity the0t, o0ten %yemai#, is ca##ed



    Brand spooHn

    A## o0 the a%o@e


     he trend to outsource I 0unctions to other countries is termed

    Forein outsourcin

    OPshore outsourcin

    )/terna# outsourcin

    Outer outsourcin


    )(S is needed %ecause


    G#o%a# %reakthrouh

    Fast and secure

    A## o0 these


    -hich c#ass is used to contro# the data %ein used %y app#ication

    Document c#ass

    *ie+ c#ass

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    Frame c#ass

    App#ication c#ass


    Sa#es Hures in the market 0orecast H#e are updated %y the&arket research procedure

    Sa#es ana#ysis procedures

    Sa#es 0orecastin

    A## o0 the a%o@e


    A honey pot is an e/amp#e o0 +hat type o0 so0t+are






    -hich o0 the 0o##o+in descri%es ecommerce

    Buyin products 0rom each other

    Buyin ser@ices 0rom each other

    Se##in ser@ices 0rom each other

    A## o0 the a%o@e


    -hat are p#astic cards the siJe o0 a credit card that contains an em%edded chip on +hich

    diita# in0ormation can %e stored

    Customer re#ationship manaement systems cards

    )o@ernment identity cards

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    F)DI cards

    Smart cards


     RRRRRR is not an )Commerce app#ication?"ouse %ankin

    Buyin stocks

    Conductin an auction

    )@a#uatin an emp#oyee


     he prorammin that pro@ides comp#e/ so#ution uses




    None o0 these


    )nterprise $esource (#annin )$(2

    has e/isted 0or o@er a decade

    does not interate +e## +ith the 0unctiona# areas other than operations

    is ine/pensi@e to imp#ement

    automate and interates the ma1ority o0 %usiness processes


    A c#usterin techni8ue that permits a con@enient raphica# disp#ay is

    partition %ased c#usterin

    pro%a%i#istic mode# %ased c#usterin

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    hierarchica# c#usterin

    a#omerati@e c#usterin


     o compare, o@er#ay or cross ana#yJe to maps in GIS%oth maps must %e in diita# 0orm

    %oth maps must %e at the same e8ui@a#ent sca#e?

    %oth maps must %e on the same coordinate system

    A## o0 the a%o@e


     he mercanti#e process mode# consists o0 the 0o##o+in phases

     he prepurchase phase

    (urchase consummation phase

    (ostpurchase Interaction phase

    A## o0 the a%o@e


    -hat is the e#ectronic commerce acti@ities per0ormed %et+een a o@ernment and its

    %usiness partners 0or such purposes as purchasin direct and indirect materia#s,

    so#icitin %ids 0or +ork, and acceptin %ids 0or +ork






     RRRRRR is sometimes said to %e o%1ect oriented, %ecause the on#y +ay to manipu#ate

    kerne# o%1ects is %y in@okin methods on their hand#es?

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    -indo+s N

    -indo+s Q(

    -indo+s *ISA



    -hat is a +orkstation +ith a sma## amount o0 processin po+er and costs #ess than a 0u##

    po+ered +orkstation

    C#ient!ser@er net+ork



     hin c#ient

    Computer Mcqs For Lecturer & Subject Specialist And Other PSC Exams

    6? -hich o0 the 0o##o+in is not a (rorammin #anuae

    A? Basic

    B? FO$$AN

    C? LAS)$D? (ASCAL

    )? A## are prorammin #anuaes

    Ans+er is : C

    4? he technica# term not re#ated to computer systems

    A? *irus

    B? -inchester Disk

    C? &ouse

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    D?FIFO System

    Ans+er is : D

    K? Fo/(ro is

    A? A medicine

    B? a disease

    C? a Computer Lanuae

    D? a anima#Ans+er is : C

    7? Super Computer +as in@ested %y

    A? ?"? *an asse#

    B? ?C (errier

    C? -?L udson

    D? A?? arnerin

    Ans+er is : A

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    ? -hich o0 the 0o##o+in is the unit to e/press the memory o0 a computer

    A? Compi#er

    B? Bus

    C? Byte

    D? C#one

    )? CAD

    Ans+er is : C

    65? -hich one o0 the 0o##o+in characteristics is a%sent in a computer, ho+e@er

    sophisticated it may %e

    A? "ih speed

    B? Inte##ience

    C? Accuracy

    D? (er0ect &emory

    Ans+er is : B

    Computer Science Mcqs For PCS & CSS Exams

    i2 -hen a## access and processin is done in one #ocation, a computer system is said to


    a2 net+orked

    %2 distri%uted

    c2 centra#iJed

    d2 #inked

    ii2 oo#s to chane ($O& chips, ca##ed

    a2 chip kits

    %2 $A& %urners

    c2 ($O& %urners

    d2 none o0 


  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    iii2 he type o0 modu#ation that chanes the heiht o0 the sin#e is ca##ed a2 0re8uency

    %2 phase

    c2 amp#itude

    d2 prophase

    i@2 A connection 0or simi#ar net+ork

    a2 sate##ite

    %2 %ridec2 ate+ay

    d2 0a/

    @2 he techno#oy +here%y part o0 the proram is stored on disk and is %rouht into

    memory 0or e/ecution as needed is ca##ed

    a2 memory a##ocation

    %2 @irtua# storae

    c2 interrupts

    d2 prioritiJed memory

    >2 he processors components are synchroniJed %y

    a? Instructions

    %? Data

    c? In0ormation

    d? C#ock pu#ses

    Ans? d2

    =2 )/terna# de@ices are #inked to a sma## computer system throuh

    a? Channe#s%? Contro# units

    c? (#us

    d? inter0aces

    Ans? d2

    ;2 Data on disk are recorded on a series o0 concentric circ#e ca##ed

    a? Sectors

    %? Cy#inders

    c? B#ocks

    d? racks

    Ans? d2

    2 he simp#est data structure is a

    a? Fi#e

    %? List

    c? $ecord

    d? Array

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    Ans? d2

    652 Se@era# computers #inked %y communication #ines 0or a

    a? Net+ork

    %? Distri%uted system

    c? ime share system

    d? $in

    Ans? a2

    662 -hat is Fast )thernet

    642 "o+ do you add a +orkstation to the domain

    6K2 -hat is the dra+ %ack o0 Array imp#ementation o0 Co##ection

    672 BrieEy +rite the procedure 0or Binary Search?

    62 BrieEy descri%e $O& BIOS?

    6=2 "o+ do you deHne (O$S Name diPerent types o0 ports?

    6;2 -hat is (ass+ord -here and ho+ +i## you use it62 "o+ do @iruses in0ect (Cs

    452 BrieEy descri%e Data ransmission &odes

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    COMP!E" SC#E$CE PCS%MC'S PAPE" ()*)+()*(

    6o%1ect a#so ca##edRRRRR2 is a common data type that inc#udes photoraph, audio, @edio,

    or a document in other app#ications?

    a2 Num%er %2 BLOB c2 Inteer d2 %inary e2 none o0 these

    4? in data%ase, an2 RRRR He#d is a roup o0 re#ated He#ds?

    a2 a%#e %2 ey c2 $ecord d2 (rimery He#d e2 Non o0 these

    K? In a data%ase, an2 RRRR He#d is a He#d that uni8ue#y identiHes each record in a H#e?

    a2 &ain %2 Identi0yin c2 &aster d2 ey e2 none o0 these

    7? I0 a #o+est annua# 0ee at a discount +herehouse is $s?454< and the hihest is $s?

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    66? +ith RRRRRRR memory , the operatin system a##ocates a portion o0 storae medium,

    usua##y the hard disk , to 0unction as additiona# $A&

    a2 *irtua# %2 per0ormance c2 de@ice d2 &aned e2 none o0 these

    64? I0 a ne+ a de@ice such as printer or scanner is attached to a computer, its RRRRRRRRR

    must %e insta##ed %e0ore the di@ice can %e used

    a2 Dri@er %2 p#at0orm c2 manaer d2 kerne# e2 none o0 these

    6K? A RRRRRRRR is an icon on the desktop that pro@ides a user +ith immediate access to a

    proram or H#e?

    a2 kerne# %2 spoo#er c2 %uPer d2 Shortcut e2 none o0 these

    67? RRRRRRRR a disk or reorniJin it so the H#es are stored in contiuous sectors, speeds

    up disk access and thus per0ormance o0 entire computer ?

    a2 Formatin %2 De0rementin c2 Spoo#in d2 compressin e2 none o0 these


  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ



    '?6? Se#ect the %est option!ans+er and H## in the appropriate %o/ on the Ans+er Sheet?


    i2 AQ reister is a#so kno+n as

    a2 Accumu#ator

    %2 Co##ector

    c2 Distri%utor

    d2 Counter

    e2 None o0 these

    ii2 In the Base 3 OPset addressin, OPset address is a#so kno+n as

    a2 (hysica# Address

    %2 Loica# Address

    c2 Actua# Address

    d2 Instruction Addresse2 None o0 these

    iii2 he techni8ue 0or a##o+in a unit to check the status o0 another independent#y

    0unction unit is kno+n as

    a2 Interrupt

    %2 System ca##

    c2 (o##in

    d2 rape

    e2 None o0 these

    i@2 he method 0or storin data temporari#y such that the inputoutput o0 the same 1o% is

    o@er#apped +ith its o+n processin, is kno+n as

    a2 Spoo#in

    %2 Contention

    c2 I!O +ait

    d2 BuPerin

    e2 None o0 these

    @2 he D&A that uses Busses +hen C(. is not usin them is termed as

    a2 Shared D&A

    %2 Cyc#e Stea#in

    c2 Channe#

    d2 ransparent D&A

    e2 None o0 these

    @i2 RRRRRRRRR Schedu#er dea#s +ith the decision as to +hether to admit another ne+ 1o%

    to the system?

    a2 "ih Le@e#

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    %2 &edium Le@e#

    c2 Lo+ Le@e#

    d2 Short term

    e2 None o0 these

    @ii2 -hen the process is in the states o0 B#ocked Suspended or $eady Suspended, its

    re#e@ant data is

    stored ina2 &ain &emory

    %2 "ard Disk

    c2 &anetic ape

    d2 BuPer

    e2 None o0 these

    @iii2 (riority, ( : ime -aitin 3 $un ime2 ! $un ime is used to ca#cu#ate priority in

     RRRRRRRRRR schedu#in a#orithm

    a2 Shortest o% First

    %2 (riority Schedu#in

    c2 Lonest -ait First

    d2 "ihest $esponse $atio Ne/t

    e2 None o0 these

    i/2 "DLC (rotoco# stands 0or

    a2 "ihLe@e# Data Link Contro#

    %2 "ih Le@e# De@e#opment (rotoco#

    c2 "ue Le@e# Data Link Contro#

    d2 "ih De@e#opment Le@e# Contro#e2 None o0 these

    /2 RRRRRRRRR is the eneric name 0or a set o0 standards issued %y the Internationa#

    CommunicationsStandards Body CCI, desined to support &essae "and#in Systems

    i?e? )#ectronic &ai#?

    a2 C(!I(

    %2 ISDN

    c2 Q?755

    d2 Q?4<

    e2 None o0 these

    /i2 RRRRRRRR #ayer is responsi%#e 0or the trans0er o0 a packet o0 data a#on one #ink in the

    net+ork? It oraniJes data into 0rames and detects errors in transmission?

    a2 (hysica# Layer

    %2 Data Link Layer

    c2 Net+ork Layer

    d2 ransport Layer

    e2 None o0 these

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    /ii2 )ncryption is the con@ersion o0 data in some inte##ii%#e 0ormat into an uninte##ii%#e

    0ormat ca##ed RRRRRRRRR to pre@ent the data 0rom %ein understood i0 read %y an

    unauthoriJed party?

    a2 C#ear e/t

    %2 )ncrypted e/t

    c2 Cipher e/t

    d2 Coded e/t

    e2 None o0 these

    /iii2 Binary search re8uires a%out RRRRRR comparisons +ith an initia# #ist o0 6,555,555


    a2 65

    %2 45

    c2 K<

    d2 655

    e2 None o0 these

    /i@2 A RRRRRRRRR header #ist is a header #ist +here the #ast node contains the nu## pointer?

    a2 Grounded

    %2 Circu#ar

    c2 One +ay

    d2 $ooted

    e2 None o0 these

    /@2 RRRRRRRR are sma## app#ications that are accessed on an internet ser@er, transported

    o@er the internet, automatica##y insta##ed and run as part o0 a +e% document?

    a2 App#ets%2 a@a Bean

    c2 Sockets

    d2 a@a Component

    e2 None o0 these

    /@i2 A- stands 0or

    a2 A%stract -indo+ echni8ue

    %2 A%stract -indo+ oo#kit

    c2 Actua# -indo+ echni8ue

    d2 Added -indo+ oo#kite2 None o0 these

    /@ii2 GIF imaes can ha@e on#y upto RRRRRRR co#ors?

    a2 64;

    %2 4


  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    /@iii2 RRRRRRRR is stored on a c#ient and contains state in0ormation o0 the +e%site @isited?

    a2 Cookies

    %2 Ser@e#et

    c2 "istory

    d2 $esident (ae

    e2 None o0 these

    /i/2 In so0t+are )nineerin (A denotes?a2 ey (rocess Audit

    %2 ey (rocess Area

    c2 ey (rocess Ana#ysis

    d2 ey (ro%#em Area

    e2 None o0 these

    //2 he RRRRRRRR (rocess &ode# deHnes a series o0 e@ents that +i## trier transitions

    0rom state to state 0or each o0 so0t+are enineerin acti@ities?

    a2 Spira#

    %2 Operationa#

    c2 $AD

    d2 Concurrent De@e#opment

    e2 None o0 these

    Computer Science Mcqs For PSC Exams

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ



    62?o%1ect a#so ca##edRRRRR2 is a common data type that inc#udes photoraph, audio,

    @edio, or a document in other app#ications?

    a2 Num%er %2 BLOB c2 Inteer d2 %inary e2 none o0 these


    4? in data%ase, an2 RRRR He#d is a roup o0 re#ated He#ds?

    a2 a%#e %2 ey c2 $ecord d2 (rimery He#d e2 Non o0 these


    K? In a data%ase, an2 RRRR He#d is a He#d that uni8ue#y identiHes each record in a H#e?

    a2 &ain %2 Identi0yin c2 &aster d2 ey e2 none o0 these


    7? I0 a #o+est annua# 0ee at a discount +herehouse is $s?454< and the hihest is $s?

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ



    ;? he amount o0 data, instructions and in0ormation that can tra@e# o@er a

    communication channe# somtimes is ca##ed RRRRRRR 

    a2 %road%and %2 %ase%and c2 #atency d2 %and+idth e2 none o0 these


    ? H%er optic ca%#es ha@e a## o0 the 0o##o+in ad@antaes o@er ca%#es that used +ire

    e/cept RRRRRRR 

    a2 #o+er costs W easier insta##ation and modiHcation

    %2 Faster data transmission W sma##er siJe

    c2 Less suscepti%#e to noise 0rom other di@ices

    d2 Better security 0or sina#s durin transmission

    e2 none o0 these


    65? ARRRRR is a net+ork that connects compter and di@ices in a #imited eoraphica# area,

    such as home, schoo# computer #a%oratory , or oZce %ui#din

    a2 LAN %2 &AN c2 -AN d2 *AN e2 none o0 these


    66? +ith RRRRRRR memory , the operatin system a##ocates a portion o0 storae medium,

    usua##y the hard disk , to 0unction as additiona# $A&

    a2 *irtua# %2 per0ormance c2 de@ice d2 &aned e2 none o0 these


    64? I0 a ne+ a de@ice such as printer or scanner is attached to a computer, its RRRRRRRRR

    must %e insta##ed %e0ore the di@ice can %e used

    a2 Dri@er %2 p#at0orm c2 manaer d2 kerne# e2 none o0 these


    6K? A RRRRRRRR is an icon on the desktop that pro@ides a user +ith immediate access to a

    proram or H#e?

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    a2 kerne# %2 spoo#er c2 %uPer d2 Shortcut e2 none o0 these


    67? RRRRRRRR a disk or reorniJin it so the H#es are stored in contiuous sectors, speeds

    up disk access and thus per0ormance o0 entire computer ?

    a2 Formatin %2 De0rementin c2 Spoo#in d2 compressin e2 none o0 these



  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    45? A unit test RRRRRRRR 

    a2 @eriHes that each indi@idu#e proram +orks %y itse#0 

    %2 @eriHes that a## prorams in an app#ication +ork toather proper#y

    c2 @eriHes that an app#ication +orks +ith other app#ications

    d2 is per0ormed %y endusers and @eriHes that the ne+ system +orks +ith actua# data

    e2 none o0 these

    i2 AQ reister is a#so kno+n as

    a2 Accumu#ator

    %2 Co##ector

    c2 Distri%utor

    d2 Counter

    e2 None o0 these


    ii2 In the Base 3 OPset addressin, OPset address is a#so kno+n as

    a2 (hysica# Address

    %2 Loica# Address

    c2 Actua# Address

    d2 Instruction Address

    e2 None o0 these


    iii2 he techni8ue 0or a##o+in a unit to check the status o0 another independent#y

    0unction unit is kno+n as

    a2 Interrupt

    %2 System ca##

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    c2 (o##in

    d2 rape

    e2 None o0 these


    i@2 he method 0or storin data temporari#y such that the inputoutput o0 the same 1o% is

    o@er#apped +ith its o+n processin, is kno+n as

    a2 Spoo#in

    %2 Contention

    c2 I!O +ait

    d2 BuPerin

    e2 None o0 these


    @2 he D&A that uses Busses +hen C(. is not usin them is termed as

    a2 Shared D&A

    %2 Cyc#e Stea#in

    c2 Channe#

    d2 ransparent D&A

    e2 None o0 these


    @i2 RRRRRRRRR Schedu#er dea#s +ith the decision as to +hether to admit another ne+ 1o%

    to the system?

    a2 "ih Le@e#

    %2 &edium Le@e#

    c2 Lo+ Le@e#

    d2 Short term

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    e2 None o0 these


    @ii2 -hen the process is in the states o0 B#ocked Suspended or $eady Suspended, its

    re#e@ant data is

    stored in

    a2 &ain &emory

    %2 "ard Disk

    c2 &anetic ape

    d2 BuPer

    e2 None o0 these


    @iii2 (riority, ( : ime -aitin 3 $un ime2 ! $un ime is used to ca#cu#ate priority in

     RRRRRRRRRR schedu#in a#orithm

    a2 Shortest o% First

    %2 (riority Schedu#in

    c2 Lonest -ait First

    d2 "ihest $esponse $atio Ne/t

    e2 None o0 these


    i/2 "DLC (rotoco# stands 0or

    a2 "ihLe@e# Data Link Contro#

    %2 "ih Le@e# De@e#opment (rotoco#

    c2 "ue Le@e# Data Link Contro#

    d2 "ih De@e#opment Le@e# Contro#

    e2 None o0 these

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ



    /2 RRRRRRRRR is the eneric name 0or a set o0 standards issued %y the Internationa#

    CommunicationsStandards Body CCI, desined to support &essae "and#in Systems

    i?e? )#ectronic &ai#?

    a2 C(!I(

    %2 ISDN

    c2 Q?755

    d2 Q?4<

    e2 None o0 these


    /i2 RRRRRRRR #ayer is responsi%#e 0or the trans0er o0 a packet o0 data a#on one #ink in the

    net+ork? It oraniJes data into 0rames and detects errors in transmission?

    a2 (hysica# Layer

    %2 Data Link Layer

    c2 Net+ork Layer

    d2 ransport Layer

    e2 None o0 these


    /ii2 )ncryption is the con@ersion o0 data in some inte##ii%#e 0ormat into an uninte##ii%#e

    0ormat ca##ed RRRRRRRRR to pre@ent the data 0rom %ein understood i0 read %y an

    unauthoriJed party?

    a2 C#ear e/t

    %2 )ncrypted e/t

    c2 Cipher e/t

    d2 Coded e/t

    e2 None o0 these

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ



    /iii2 Binary search re8uires a%out RRRRRR comparisons +ith an initia# #ist o0 6,555,555


    a2 65

    %2 45

    c2 K<

    d2 655

    e2 None o0 these


    /i@2 A RRRRRRRRR header #ist is a header #ist +here the #ast node contains the nu## pointer?

    a2 Grounded

    %2 Circu#ar

    c2 One +ay

    d2 $ooted

    e2 None o0 these


    /@2 RRRRRRRR are sma## app#ications that are accessed on an internet ser@er, transported

    o@er the internet, automatica##y insta##ed and run as part o0 a +e% document?

    a2 App#ets

    %2 a@a Bean

    c2 Sockets

    d2 a@a Component

    e2 None o0 these


    /@i2 A- stands 0or

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    a2 A%stract -indo+ echni8ue

    %2 A%stract -indo+ oo#kit

    c2 Actua# -indo+ echni8ue

    d2 Added -indo+ oo#kit

    e2 None o0 these


    /@ii2 GIF imaes can ha@e on#y upto RRRRRRR co#ors?

    a2 64;

    %2 4


  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    d2 ey (ro%#em Area

    e2 None o0 these


    //2 he RRRRRRRR (rocess &ode# deHnes a series o0 e@ents that +i## trier transitions

    0rom state to state 0or each o0 so0t+are enineerin acti@ities?

    a2 Spira#

    %2 Operationa#

    c2 $AD

    d2 Concurrent De@e#opment

    e2 None o0 these

    62 I0 the hihest 0re8uency o0 a sina# is 4655 "J and #o+est 0re8uency o0 a sina# is 455

    "J, samp#e rate +i## %e

    a2 7555 "J

    %2 7>55 "J

    c2 7455 "J

    d2 4K55 "J

    e2 None o0 these


    42 A modem can do+n#oad at a rate o0 RRRRRRRRR %ps and up#oad at a rate o0

     RRRRRRRRR %ps?

    a2 KK?> KK?>

    %2 KK?> ?>

    c2 ?> KK?>

    d2 ?> ?>

    e2 None o0 these

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ



    K2 A system ca## pro@ides inter0ace %et+een

    a2 A process and a thread

    %2 A thread and a user proram

    c2 A process and an operatin system

    d2 A process and a user proram

    e2 None o0 these


    72 C(. schedu#in in0ormation a%out a process is he#d %y

    a2 a (C

    %2 the C(. $eister

    c2 the Cache

    d2 a (CB

    e2 None o0 these


    2 In O%1ect Oriented (rorammin, o@er#oad methods

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    a2 Can ha@e the same types and num%er o0 parameters as another method +ith the

    same name in the same c#ass as #on as the return type is diPerent?

    %2 Cannot %e used as methods that manipu#ate attri%utes

    c2 &ust a#+ays ha@e diPerent num%er o0 parameters

    d2 &ust ha@e diPerent num%er o0 parameters or i0 the num%er o0 parameters is thesame a diPerent se8uence o0 parameter type

    e2 None o0 these


    =2 I0 you +anted to sort many #are o%1ects or structures, it +ou#d %e most eZcient to

    a2 (#ace them in an array and sort the array

    %2 (#ace pointers to them in an array and sort the array

    c2 (#ace them in a #inked #ist and sort the #inked #ist

    d2 (#ace re0erences to them in an array and sort the array

    e2 None o0 these


    ;2 he type o0 the @aria%#e a pointer points to must %e part o0 the pointers deHnition so


    a2 Data types do not et mi/ed up +hen arithmetic is per0ormed on them?

    %2 (ointers can %e added to one another to access structure mem%ers

    c2 No ones re#iious con@iction +i## %e oPended

    d2 he computer can per0orm o@er#oadin

    e2 None o0 these


    2 I0 +e ha@e a tree o0 n nodes, its depth can %e ca#cu#ated as

    a2 Lo4 n362 6

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


    %2 Lo4 n

    c2 Lo4 n362 6

    d2 Lo65 n362 6

    e2 None o0 these


    652 -hich one o0 the 0o##o+in methods does not chane the oriina# @a#ue o0 the

    arument in the ca##in 0unction

    a2 Ca## %y passin re0erence o0 the arument

    %2 Ca## %y passin the address o0 the arument

    c2 Ca## %y passin @a#ue o0 the arument

    d2 Ca## %y passin pointer o0 the arument

    e2 None o0 these

  • 8/18/2019 PPSC Computer MCQ


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