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  • 8/13/2019 PR Chapter 2






    Public relations was born midst controversy. Although it is currently in its fifth trend-

    phase, that controversy still remains. It seems that the emergence of a new trend-phase

    does not shake off the old, but that trends exist concurrently. For techniques from earlier

    trends may be regarded as more promotive of its goals by an organisation than those of

    more recent trends, and such an organisation will have its own particular view of the

    function of public relations.

    Some have striven for conscience-driven changes with the plea that public relations be

    harnessed for the welfare of all society - the latest plea being, for example, that it take

    upon the role of activism in the pursuit of true democracy - but this confronts the

    question of whether public relations serves the interest of organisations or of sections of

    society. Rapid technological development in communication facility has made public

    relations, which is closely allied with communication, assume a high profile in the public

    arena of mass communication. This power of public profile plus the proliferation of its

    areas of operation, lends force to the claim that public relations should have scientific

    status and recognition as a profession, yet an overview of the literature indicated that

    public relations is not recognised as a scientific field in its own right, and that registration

    of its practitioners is not compulsory. This confronts educators with particular problems

    of public relations.

    It is said above that a new trend-phase in public relations does not replace earlier trends,

    but that they exist side-by-side. This results in a situation where the controversial

    practices of public relations from an earlier phase are still being adopted by some at later

    stages, thus such controversy remains. When the differences in motive of public

    relations practice in its five trend-phases to date are considered, it can be seen that the

    definition of what public relations is, and what it does, is very challenging. Hence a

    broadly-accepted definition has remained elusive. There are definitions, such as that of

    Harlow (1976:36) which are so long that they fail to clarify what would constitute

    appropriate qualification for the field:-

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    and another approach which prepares students so that they may eventually serve as

    managers. The issue of differing approaches gives rise to a situation of varying curricula

    being utilised for public relations education programmes. Some focus heavily on the

    Ahow-to-do-it@approach, leaning mainly on public relations=s early journalistic beginnings

    and its thrust toward gaining publicity, yielding fruits of short-term acclamation or ofprofit-motive, with claims exceedingly difficult to establish because of the wayward

    forces of market changes or public taste. Such an approach seems dilettante in that

    public relations can be carried by changing market forces of capitalism, but these

    vagaries have also given voice to pleas for public relations not to overlook the calling to

    democracy. The later arrival of public relations education in Europe meant that it was

    viewed from a different angle - it was to prepare students for long-time service where

    they could eventually be managers, as mentioned above.

    Differing curricula means differing content. Not only is there not agreement about

    perspective, but no agreement has been reached, as yet, on the question of domain.

    This may well be the cause of a dearth of well-grounded research in the field.

    In the absence of sufficient well-grounded research, it is difficult to achieve scientific

    status and professionalisation. The question of scientific status is exceedingly important

    and so the link between scientific status and theory is explained and their significance for

    professionalisation. Theory being a central focus and public relations itself being greatly

    influenced by worldviews, values and ethics, the diverging views of its scholars are

    revealed before theory development is discussed. This brings this background to the

    point that Terry (1989:281-298) could find only one exclusive public relations theory in

    his examination of texts. The proposed augmentation of this theory is also described

    before issues which constrain the development of public relations as a science are

    considered. These are the lack of definition of public relations (already referred to), and

    the criticism levied against applied communication research, including public relations.

    The potential value of applied communication research is also shown by the description

    of a particular research project.

    Consideration is also given to changing roles in public relations practice, for education

    will have to take this into account.

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    Professional accreditation and recognition is discussed thereafter, giving Grunig=s

    (2000:26) list of traits which can provide a measure of professionalisation of a field.

    Lastly, the role which public relations can play in the testing of theories illustrates its

    relationship with communication, which does hold scientific status. The need of both

    practitioners and researchers to be equipped with a broad and deep background isevident, and this need is reinforced by the greater role-sophistication which is emerging

    in the practice of public relations. Education is thus seen as having the capacity to play

    a vital role in the professionalisation of public relations, and giving consideration to

    education requires consideration of educational approach.

    Examination of public relations begins, as stated above, with a brief description of public

    relations and its controversy.



    Viewing public relationsas nothing other than communicationwould lead to describing

    its roots as being traceable to the beginnings of civilisation, but that which is represented

    by the term public relationsis a phenomenon that was born in the dawn of the twentieth

    century when the great American showman PT Barnum (Mersham, Rensburg & Skinner

    1995:4) copied American politicians by using press agentry and other methods of

    publicity for his attractions. This trend was soon followed by others, such as that of early

    film agents, with stunts and gimmicks being utilised to attract attention, resulting

    sometimes in the Amanufacture of news@, and this resulted in a misconception of the

    nature of the new phenomenon (Mersham, Rensburg & Skinner 1995:3-4). Cutlip and

    Center (1985:2) point out that businesses in America found it necessary to employ some

    means of defence against press stories of exaggerated claim with resulting pressure

    from the public for tighter business restraints. This means of defence most commonly

    employed was the hiring of journalists for the presentation of news items which were

    designed to create a positive impression in the public arena. Thus the focus highlighted

    relations with the public, and the term public relationswas coined. The unscrupulous

    use of press agentry, first utilised by Barnum (Mersham, Rensburg & Skinner 1995:4) in

    an opportunistic manner and nurtured by market forces, has left a seemingly indelible

    stamp of suspicion on public relations. Seitel (1987:30-31) says that an increasing

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    number of companies hired journalists so as to gain favourable publicity, giving rise to

    the situation where it is held that public relations evolved from press agentry. According

    to Mersham, Rensburg and Skinner (1995:5), public relations was viewed as a publicity

    effort to influence others and was seen as one-way persuasive communication, typified

    by the title of the book The engineering of public consent(1955) by Edward Bernays.

    Not all writers interpret the history of public relations as pointing to a base of principles

    arousing suspicion. Pearson (1992:111-130) says that there is no single interpretation

    of the history of public relations, but rather are there a group of perspectives. These

    differing perspectives all agree that public relations is a practice which began towards

    the end of the 19thcentury and in the first two decades of the 20thcentury, in the midst of

    great economic, technological and social changes. The public relations historian Hiebert(vide) saw Ivy Lee, the journalist who has been called by some the father of public

    relations, as a promoter of justice and open and honest communication with the people.

    Hiebert (vide) thus saw Lee as a promoter of democratic ideals. Lee supplied the press

    and the public prompt and accurate information concerning subjects of value and of

    interest to the public. Hiebert (vide), however, also wrote that Atoo much public relations

    is Machiavellian, concerned with maintaining power regardless of ethical considerations@

    (Pearson 1992:116). Thus it is clear that Hiebert (vide), who saw public relations being

    used to promote democracy on the one hand, also saw it on the other hand as being

    used for manipulation. Illustrating further the contradiction inherent in descriptions of the

    nature of public relations, Pimlott (1951:234) saw the complexity of industrialised society

    and the increased specialisation of roles in society as a strong cause of the growth of

    public relations, because it helps society function more smoothly. Tedlow (1979:16) saw

    public relations evolving on a similar basis to that of Pimlott (1951) but added that he

    believed that business began to focus on social responsibility and also needed a

    defence against anti-business sentiment; yet Smythe (1981:57) says that business

    needed to control the minds and bodies of its publics in order to secure growth and

    profits. Olasky (1987:2) also attacks the market goal of public relations and is

    concerned especially with alliances of large corporations with one another and with

    government for the purpose of regulation and control. Thus Olasky (vide) saw the rights

    of the individual as being prejudiced by the work of public relations.

    Hatfield (1994:189) says that public relations was encouraged by communication

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    officials during the First World War, when it was greatly supported by the press and

    public opinion favoured its use. Moreover, powerful industrial firms sought its services,

    so that publicity was soon established as its foundation. The execution of publicity

    programmes is carried out on technician level. Maund (1997:1) also mentions the part

    played by the First World War in the establishment of public relations, and soon itsstrong focus on publicity led public relations in America to become involved in the

    international arena on a market footing. The Second World War also had a strong

    influence on public relations, for in Britain many information officers were appointed to

    the intelligence services, and this involved a further development for the career. The

    organisation and management of public relations departments is seen as the

    management level of public relations.

    During the 1950s specialisation for particular areas such as financial public relations

    arose, and during the 1960s the social uprisings in America ushered in a focus on

    community relations followed by programmes of social responsibility. Maund (1997:1)

    says that public relations is only now becoming a management function in America.

    Strategic skills are, therefore, coming to the fore, following the focus on relationship

    building and maintenance, decision making, advocacy capabilities and crisis

    management. This has put greater emphasis on public relations as a management

    function, with there also being calls for professionalisation.

    It can be seen, therefore, that education for technician level public relations focuses on

    how to execute the various steps of a programme. This fits in with the micro level of an


    Education for management level public relations clearly requires management skills,

    such as those needed for managing staff, administration skills and also the skills

    necessary for the organisation of public relations programmes. This fits in with the meso

    level of an organisation. Education for the macro level of public relations involves

    education for environmental influences, requiring the feeding in of strategic information

    into the organisation=s policies. Such education needs to be both wider and deeper than

    that required for public relations technician or public relations manager.

    Globalisation, which Verwey (2000:53) describes as the increasing convergence and

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    interdependence of national economies and of the scope and availability of markets,

    distribution systems, capital, labour and technology, has ushered in the current trend.

    Community and consumer relations are incorporated in the business term stakeholders,

    thus stakeholdersis also being used to refer to the publicsof public relations. Verwey

    (2000:53) says that positioning for this new business context represents a fundamentalshift in the relationship of corporations to individuals and to society as a whole. The new

    Internet technology facilitates communication, which has the potential of greater reach

    and increased personalisation with one-to-one marketing.

    Another aspect of the Internet which holds immeasureable potential for public relations is

    its interactive facility. This shift from the basis of mass communication to personal

    communication enables stakeholders to communicate with one another on a scaleheretofore impossible. Its power potential is enormous and is already having an

    influence on the growth of democracy. Greater responsibility has been placed upon

    public relations as a phenomenon and also upon its practitioners by this growth of

    technology. Calls for public accountability have increased in recent times, and

    technological innovations make secrecy more difficult to maintain. Practitioners now

    require broad and deep background knowledge, knowledge of the particular business

    they are involved in, up-to-date skills and also the wisdom of Solomon.

    The trends which have been manifested in the development of public relations are

    shown in Table 1:-

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    Trends Time


    Model Type of Communication ut ilised

    1st Up to early


    Press agentry and


    One-way : tried to direct public perception

    2nd 1900-1939 Public information One-way : tried to inform public

    3rd 1940-1979 Persuasion Two-way assymetric : organisations sought to

    persuade publics

    4th 1980-early


    Professionalism Two-way symmetric : promotes mutual


    5th 1990s and


    Globalisation Two-way symmetric : technology ushering in

    interactivity and greater personalisation : and

    consensus and dissensus (agree to disagree)

    The origin of public relations, as said at the beginning of this section, is journalism. Its

    functionaries in its early stages were journalists. Yet it cannot be said to be journalism:

    the objective of journalism is to keep the public informed: an informed public is in a

    position to interpret events realistically, to make better decisions about threats and

    promises to society and to adapt societal plans to what is there rather than to what is

    wished were there. Journalists are expected to report on the basis of truth. From these

    noble aspirations have grown ideals such as press freedom and the right of the public to

    information. Few members of society would openly declare opposition to the values

    journalism holds forth and each year there are over 50 journalists worldwide who

    sacrifice their lives in the pursuit of reporting true facts to the world=s public (Sky

    Television News 28.11.2001). They are seen as heroes, being of the ilk of humans who

    are ready to die for their ideals. However, with the emergence of public relations, out of

    this noble breed stepped some few who were ready to offer its access-door of publicity

    to those powerful or greedy enough to pay for stunts and gimmicks in the Amanufacture

    of news@. The consequent hiring of journalists to defend stories of exaggerated claim

    meant that public relations continued to focus on that which was seen as false. In this

    way, it can be said to have originated upon the perversion of the noble aims of

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    journalism, and it still today does not have a noble underlying basis with which the public

    can identify. While the later step of businesses in America hiring journalists for the

    presentation of news items which were designed to create a positive effect in the public

    arena, can be argued to be no less worthy than is advertising, advertisements are

    generally very readily identifiable as advertisements, with their marketing aim. It is truethat advertising can adopt a particular register such as a medical register for promoting

    sales of a nappy-rash cream, thus purporting to be the expression of a medical authority,

    but even in such cases advertising remains readily recognisable, and its overt function

    as a tool of marketing is accepted by the public at large. Hiebert=s view, according to

    Pearson (1992:116), that public relations was used both to promote democracy and

    manipulation, further clouds any attempt one may make to ground public relations upon

    noble ideals, and Smythe=

    s (1981:57) claim that business needed to control the mindsand bodies of its publics in order to secure growth and profits, leads to the belief that an

    underlying function of public relations is to Amanage public perceptions@. It is noteworthy

    that the general public in America felt favourably disposed to public relations when its

    efforts were focused on war propaganda - that is in the service of what was seen as a

    good cause. The development of the career in Britain through a marked increase in the

    number of information officers needed for the Intelligence Services, can also be said to

    have been a noble application. Thus there are some underlying functions of public

    relations which elicit the approval of the general public.

    The controversial light in which the history of public relations is viewed is exacerbated by

    the position whereby its underlying aims and its definition have not yet been agreed

    upon. The basis of education for public relations personnel is, not surprisingly, also a

    matter where the lack of unanimity adds to the confusion. Yet it is argued in this study

    that education can make a strong contribution to the field, and with this in mind, the next

    section describes the history of public relations education from a global perspective.



    2.3.1 The home of public relations programmes

    While education for public relations thus began as training for journalism, so that Amost

    public relations programs are associated with schools or departments of journalism or

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    mass communications@(Joint Commission of the Public Relations Society of America

    and Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication: 1987:3), a

    survey on the trends in Public Relations Education by Walker (1982:19, 33) showed that

    journalism was responsible for fewer than half the total number of public relations

    programmes, and a survey by Neff (1989) showed that 21% of public relations courseswere offered in journalism departments, while 41% were offered in communication

    departments. The remaining 38% of public relations courses were offered by

    interdisciplinary, miscellaneous, mass communications, business and public relations

    departments, some of which offered only a single course in public relations. Neff

    (1989:170-171) says that the foregoing trend indicates that AThe future for public

    relations theory is clearly in the field of communication.@Neff (vide) states that graduate

    programmes are critical to the development of theory in public relations, and that twenty-one departments of communication, in contrast to twelve journalism and six mass

    communication departments, offer graduate public relations courses. Neff (1989:166)

    also states that the movement towards public relations programmes being offered in

    departments of communication Asuggested an interest in a more varied background

    other than journalism@.

    However, from the early 1990s there have been vast changes in the world economy and

    thus also in the field of public relations. Stanton (1991:47) says that while globalisation

    actually got under way in the 1970s with firms in the USA undertaking to serve

    multinational clients abroad, expansion in the 1980s in the United Kingdom (UK) was

    followed by a period of growth in Europe and also in countries of the pacific rim.

    Worldwide network relationships developed, especially with the elimination of economic

    barriers among the 12 nations of the European Community in 1992, and the unfettering

    of Eastern Europe politically. During the first half of the 1990s it was becoming clear that

    public relations was operating on both technician and management level, although

    Maund (1997:1), as already mentioned, said that public relations was only becoming a

    management function in America at that time. In its Gold Paper on Public relations

    education, IPRA (1990) accepts that public relations can be taught in a variety of

    academic homes, but stresses that an interdisciplinary approach must be followed.

    At the same time, following signs of economic downturn in the 1980s in America, the first

    half of the 1990s saw many corporations reducing their public relations staff and using

    outside agencies more. This led to great expansion of public relations consulting

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    (Stevens 1996:19). Expansion of consulting services has meant that there is a growing

    demand for specialist knowledge, and, says Stevens (1996:19) the quality of public

    relations personnel has not kept pace with the growing sophistication of clients=needs.

    It can be suggested that this is the reason why some companies prefer to take a

    manager from another section who is required to learn the public relations manager rolerather than to appoint a public relations person as manager who does not have

    extensive knowledge of that particular field in which such business operates. It can be

    seen, therefore, that it would be questionable for a body such as IPRA to lay down a

    particular home as being the most desirable for public relations education. Perhaps a

    realistic view of the home for public relations education programmes for the 21stcentury

    has been expressed by, among others, Pincus, Rayfield and Ohl (1994:55), who hold

    that public relations can only reach the highest levels of corporate decision making whenit is included in M.B.A. programmes. Berkowitz and Hristodoulakis (1999) in their study

    of formal public relations education and its relationship to workplace socialisation,

    concluded that if public relations is to be encouraged within a management orientation,

    education must train students accordingly. The management orientation of a business

    school will offer educational perspectives of today=s business practice and will take into

    account important issues of globalisation. This will also apply to formal education

    departments of communication, where international communication will be prominent.

    2.3.2 The dual approach to public relations education

    It can be seen that public relations has broadened into roles which require decision

    making, advocacy capabilities and crisis management, reaching far and wide into areas

    in which it can render valuable service. This, in turn, means that there are heavier

    demands upon education than existed in former eras of public relations practice.

    Table 2 provides a comparison of the dual approach to public relations education

    emanating from America and Europe, showing that the American approach does not

    cater for the heavier demands of the 21stcentury:-

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    Table 2: Dual approach to Public Relations education

    America Europe

    Technical qualification

    Education model based on technical skill

    Degree in Communication

    Education model emphasises theory more than practicalskill

    Hazleton and Cutbirth (1993:192):-

    Up to 1993 p.r. seen as arts and crafts, more

    appropriately taught by practitioners than professors.

    Job experience more important than professional


    Understanding achieved by performance rather than


    Hofstadler (1989:17):-

    Emphasis on theory as it is believed student will master

    techniques once in practice.

    Providing students with a broad and deep background

    seen as being of prime importance.

    Model focuses on initial job placement for immediate

    service.Model focuses on preparation for eventual

    advancement to management level.

    Black (1990:15):-

    Public relations in the USA has deep and well-

    established roots - University of Florida in 1984

    celebrated 50 years of continuous public relations

    education there.

    Black (1990:1-15):-

    In Europe, and especially in Great Britain, the steady

    growth in public relations practice is not matched by a

    corresponding development in public relations

    education. While public relations associations in

    Europe are active in providing seminars, short courses

    and introductory courses, a solid academic base is

    lacking. September 1989 saw the first 3 or 4 year

    bachelor degree courses started.

    Boyer (1990:14):-US sees education as a means to an end.

    Boyer (1990:14):-Education more likely to be seen as noteworthy as

    Europeans place a different value on education and

    being educated than do most Americans.

    Walker (1989:22-25):-

    Public relations has relied on the news faculty for its

    core curriculum, but the news faculty fails to view public

    relations beyond its media relations function. However,

    public relations has outgrown journalism and problems

    arise when it is likewise subsumed by business or

    speech, partly because inadequate resources are

    allocated to public relations by institutions. Where

    journalism has objectivity as its byword, public relations

    has advocacy. In order to gain control over the public

    relations curriculum, public relations education units

    need sufficient faculty numbers so that they will not be

    outnumbered when deciding upon the curriculum for

    public relations. An independent unit would be able to

    call upon the Business Unit for management, marketing

    and finance courses and the Social and Behaviour

    Sciences Unit for their contribution to what is an

    interdisciplinary sequence.

    Hofstadler (1989:17):-

    European public relations education does not focus on

    journalism. It is found in departments of

    communication, where theory is emphasised far more

    than practical skills. As a result, Europe has made a

    great contribution through research, leading to strong

    theoretical development, particularly in critical and

    rhetorical theory.

    Grunig (1992:103):-

    The many cultures in Europe give rise to a situation of

    great complexity. This fosters a need for public

    relations, and also requires a complex approach in

    education and training. A steady growth in academic

    programmes is a natural consequence.

    Ogbondah and Pratt (1991/1992:36-41):- Hazelton and Cutbirth. (1993:187-196):-

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    The need for courses in international public relations

    has arisen as more countries are being represented by

    US public relations firms.

    The establishment of the European Economic

    Community, which facilitates the movement of people

    across national boundaries, has greatly increased the

    demand for business to operate in several languages

    and to communicate with markets of diverse languages,

    and this has created a greater demand for public

    relations personnel and an increased need for

    education to provide tuition in several languages and ininternational public relations.

    Epley (1992:113:-

    Needs to turn out graduates with more than one


    International studies should be an important focus.

    Not meeting effects of globalisation.

    Epley (1992:113):-

    Graduates are empowered in 2 or 3 languages.

    Graduates complete a high-level programme in

    international studies.

    Meeting effects of globalisation more effectively.

    Adams (1993:12-13):-

    A survey in America in 1993 showed that a majority ofhigh level practitioners believe educators should spend

    less time on theory and research methods and more

    time on practical issues.

    Hazelton and Cutbirth (1993:187-196):-

    The formation of the European Economic Community in1992 has brought about phenomenal growth in Europe

    for public relations. This growth will also have an effect

    on the USA as Europe and the USA do not operate in

    isolation from one another. Therefore, public relations

    practice in the USA is bound to be affected also by the

    effects of the European Economic Community. The

    European Economic Community is impacting on the

    legal/political, the competitive, the economic, the social

    and the technological, dimensions of the environment.

    The academic unit that seems most likely to meet the

    requirements is a department that offers a very broad

    base and great diversity.Sommerness and Beaman (1994:92-93):-

    A study of 119 colleges and universities found that only

    one university offered a course in international public

    relations and so the authors stress the need for such


    Kinnich and Cameron (1994:83):-

    Recommend that courses provide for strategic decision-

    making and more technical managerial skills such as

    accounting and budgeting.

    Hatfield (1994:198):-

    AThe British integration of public relations and business

    education is a product of the times and the needs of a

    changing society. The Cranfield degree reflects the

    state-of-the-art demands on the British professional

    communicator and focuses the future of that group on

    the management function.@

    Hatfield (1994:189-199):-

    In America, public relations has arisen out of a need for


    Hatfield (1994:189-199):-

    Education and training in Europe has arisen from

    corporate communication.

    Pratt and Ogbondah (1996:397-415):-

    There is a crucial need to expand US public relations

    curricula, particularly in respect of international

    communication, the fast-changing political structure of

    the world, and technological development such assatellite communication demand this.

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    Hazelton and Cutbirth (1993:187-196):-

    Secondary education in the USA does not specialise,

    resulting in tertiary education specialising to a lesser

    degree than it does in Europe.

    Hazelton and Cutbirth (1993:187-196):-

    General education is entrusted to secondary school

    education, thus tertiary education puts much greater

    emphasis on specialisation than is the case in the USA.

    Thus tuition is more specific and more in-depth than

    that of the USA.

    Nessmann (1995:151-160):-University education in the USA is more general than

    that in Europe.

    Management in public relations is not a technical

    function. In America, action is seen as providing

    experience for learning.

    In the USA, one quarter of academic class time of 3

    years is devoted to the student's choice of speciality.

    The USA educates for technical functions.

    Nessmann (1995:151-160):-A more specialised model of university education is

    utilised in Europe than in the USA.

    Management in public relations is an applied function :

    the application of theory renders the public relations

    practitioner capable of crisis management, analytical

    thinking, and so forth. In Europe, most of the academic

    time of 4-5 years is devoted to the subject

    specialisation. Thus Europe educates for public

    relations management. Europe has made great

    contributions to the development of theory, such as

    mass communication theory and critical theory. In

    Europe, public relations is regarded as a carefullyplanned process.

    Belch and Belch (1993):-

    Institutions of higher education are not compelled to

    adhere to recommended model curricula and often

    advocate teaching public relations as a transversal

    subject between journalism and marketing, so public

    relations is widely equated with publicity and viewed as

    a simple, cheap and credible publicity process.

    Hatfield (1994:189-199):-

    Carol Friend, past president of the British Institute of

    Public Relations (IPR), sees the programme of the

    Communication, Advertising and Marketing Foundation

    (CAM) as representing a valuable strategy for the public

    relations profession. The third year of study focuses on

    public relations strategy, public relations for commercial

    organisations and for non-commercial organisations.

    Those who wish to advance further can take the

    Cranfield MBA programme.

    Duncan Caywood and Newsom (1993):-

    Duncan and Caywood chaired the Association for

    Education in Journalism and Mass Communication

    (AEJMC) Task Force, which recommended :

    advertising and public relations students be offered an

    integrated communication programme with a strong

    emphasis on liberal arts, training in oral, written and

    visual communication, a solid understanding of

    business and organisational behaviour, counselling

    skills and that an understanding and respect for other

    communication disciplines/specialities be cultivated.

    Hazelton and Cutbirth (1993:187-196):-

    Issues which cut across national boundaries have given

    rise to new and powerful political and social groups,

    such as Green Peace, and this gives rise to an even

    greater demand for public relations personnel who must

    be knowledgeable in many areas. Technological

    developments have also made new demands on public

    relations and upon educators in the field of public


    White (1995:1-11):-

    The Public Relations Society of America has not

    recommended that public relations must be combined

    with communication theory, although this was

    determined by an international report published by the

    IPRA in 1983.

    White (1995:1-11):-

    Public relations must be combined with communication

    theory. This was determined by an international report

    published by the IPRA in 1983.

    Paster (1995:14-21):-

    Paster warns against losing the balance between new

    tools - internet, cellular phones and other new

    technology - which represent action, and focusing onunderstanding clients and their messages and publics

    and their attitudes.

    Hayes (1996:24-25):-

    The 21stcentury needs a holistic approach. Instead of

    deal or transaction based networking, we have

    accessibility and personalisation of the informationsuperhighway for the importance of long-term

    relationship building. We must find a way to position

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    public relations as a strategic management tool with

    political, cultural antennae. For this, we need to be able

    to speak the language of business, our knowledge must

    be broad, we need the intellectual framework and

    methodologies which can make us truly PR

    professionals. We must be able to communicate

    globally, regionally and locally. The approach for the

    21st century must be a strategic and counsellingapproach rather than a tactical and implementation


    Hazelton and Cutbirth (1993:187-196):-

    Suggest that PR education should be housed in the

    academic unit which offers the broadest base and the

    greatest diversity, regardless of its label. They suggest

    a department of communication which embraces the

    technical skills offered in journalism, and the flexibility

    and theory found in mass and speech communication.

    The preferred paradigm would thus be knowledge

    rather than skills-based. A Ph.D. is the appropriatecredential for teaching PR, as it is not seen as essential

    to have practical experience to teach, as technical skills

    are less central than theoretical knowledge, which

    directs choices about the application of skills.

    Hatfield, C.R. (1994:188-199):-

    Prominent public people in Britain do not see PR as a

    field of undergraduate education. Consultancies offer

    in-house training programmes aimed at managers for

    the profession - most trainees have degrees. Cuts in

    government budgets hindered the establishment of

    formal public relations education until the University of

    Stirling established a M.Sc. Interdisciplinary programme

    in 1988, which included public relations, and CranfieldTechnical Institute offered from the same year a MBA

    degree with half the course work being business and

    half public relations. Carol Friend, past president of the

    IPR, prefers an employee with a business studies

    background. Roger Hayes, director of communication

    for Thorn EMI, states that communication is not an

    academic programme in the UK, but rather an

    apprenticeship within industry.

    Berkowitz and Hristodoulakis (1999:91-103):-

    Professional socialisation in the workplace does not

    associate public relations with the managerial role, for,

    unlike journalism which has a homogenised role based

    on News, there is not a homogenised view of the role of

    public relations personnel.

    L=Etang (1999:261-289):-

    The level of knowledge and skills has not been raised to

    a professional level in the UK, despite the introduction

    of a new diploma qualification as entry level for

    membership of the IPR. This is because many

    practitioners see subjectively-assessed Apersonal

    qualities@and experience as being more credible than

    qualifications attesting to a body of knowledge and a set

    of skills. There remains tension over the curriculum

    between academics and practitioners.

    Report of the Commission on Public Relations

    Education (1999):-

    The Report directs programmes to ensure that students

    understand the impact of societal relations and also the

    multicultural and global issues that are likely to

    influence development in the 21stcentury. Intercultural

    sensitivity and fluency in a foreign language are named

    as essential for the international practice of public


    The IPR prefers public relations education to be located

    in business and management units. It tried from early

    times to exclude from membership press agents and

    publicists. This was applied despite the difficulty of

    defining Apress agentry work@. After some time,

    however, it seemed as if the Institute was lapsing into a

    moribund state. Experience was seen as a yardstick for

    membership. Midst much controversy about an

    appropriate curriculum for public relations, subjects

    such as organisational behaviour, marketing and media

    relations were included in Part I and Part II of the

    Diploma in Public Relations offered by CAM, an

    educational trust of which the IPR was a founding


    McInerny (1997/1998:44-47):-

    Ethics is a focal point in discussion, and the emphasisshould begin with public relations education in colleges

    and universities, but unfortunately is usually limited to a

    Hutton (1999:199-214):-

    Public relations has a poor public image and themajority of the public believe that it does not hold ethical

    values. This position militates against achieving

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    single chapter in the introductory course, whereas it

    should be integrated throughout the curriculum.professional status for public relations.

    McDevitt (2000:40-49):-

    Ethical training should involve the integration of theory

    and practice so that the professional habits of valuing

    efficiency over critical thinking are challenged.

    Lee and Padget (2000:27-39):-

    A short-term ethics course cannot develop values

    considered essential for ethical behaviour.

    Kitchen (1997:12):-

    The Communication manager (public relations

    practitioner) is responsible for transmitting information

    about the environment to decision makers in the

    dominant coalition and must also managecommunication between the subsystems of the

    organisation and its relevant stakeholders. In order to

    effectively carry out this responsibility, public relations

    personnel must be educated for ethical practice.

    Aldoory and Toth (2000:115-125):-

    A study which did a content analysis of master=s degree

    programmes in public relations on the World Wide Web,

    describing the status of public relations curriculation,

    found a lack of adherence to recommendations of the

    Foundation for Public Relations Research and

    Education as a benchmark, and also a lack of

    consistency across programmes in number and type of

    courses offered in core public relations courses,

    optional public relations courses and other optional


    Hogg and Doolan (1999:1-11):-

    Public relations practitioners do not adhere to their own

    code of ethical behaviour. Public relations practitioners

    must interpret directives according to their own

    understanding of organisational policy, and are also

    constrained by perception of the expectations of key

    players in the situation : a senior staff member and

    members of the audience/target market. Ethical actions

    may thus be adjusted according to these perceptions of

    the expectations of key players, and the validity of these

    perceptions will have great bearing on the way the

    actions are carried out.

    Taylor (2000:73-88):-

    Few schools offer courses in international public

    relations - it is an exciting area for public relations

    education to better prepare their students for

    globalisation and other challenges of the new century.

    The focus should be on intercultural communication.

    In-depth analysis of ethical questions, such as

    examining the codes of conduct of various

    organisations, should also form a firm section of the


    Moss, Warnaby and Newman (2000:277-305):-

    Ethical decision-making is attenuated by several factors.

    A study of practitioner role enactment in UK companies

    revealed considerable differences. The level of

    strategic decision-making by public relations

    practitioners is determined by a group of factors

    - industry and organisational context,

    - what management expectations of public relations

    are, and

    - the practitioner=s competence as perceived by


    Verwey (2000:51-68):-

    APractitioners must redefine themselves to be highly

    relevant within emerging global trends... The increasing

    need for high purpose and high function public relations

    will require new broad-based competence in a number

    of fields.@

    It can be observed that, although Black (1990) stated that in the USA public relations

    has deep and well-established roots, from its beginning public relations education in the

    USA was based upon the vocational education model. It seemed that while in

    1991/1992 Ogbondah and Pratt mentioned that there was a need for more international

    courses, in the year 2000 Taylor observes that few schools offer courses in international

    public relations to better prepare their students for globalisation and other challenges ofthe new century. In the year 2000 also, Aldoory and Toth found a lack of adherence to

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    recommendations of the Foundation for Public Relations Research and Education as a

    benchmark, and also a lack of consistency in number and type of courses offered, in

    public relations programmes offered on the World Wide Web. In 1995, White observed

    that, despite a recommendation determined by an international report published by IPRA

    in 1983, the PRSA had not recommended that public relations be combined withcommunication theory.

    Thus it can be said that public relations education in the USA is based upon a vocational

    model and that it, including the members of the PRSA, is slow to augment its offerings

    so that its graduates will be well prepared to meet the demands of the 21stcentury.

    Indeed, it can also be seen from the above table that in 1995 Paster warned against the

    heavy focus on action through using new technology outweighing the focus onunderstanding clients and their messages and publics and their attitudes. There is thus

    a need for USA public relations education to grow from using a vocationalmodel of

    education towards a model which offers both broader and deeper education so that the

    demands can be met as described by Verwey (2000:51-68) : Ahigh purpose and high

    function public relations will require new broad-based competence in a number of fields@.

    An opposite flow is discernible in the European model of public relations education.

    Perhaps the establishment of public relations at a later date than in the USA had

    provided opportunity for it to be fitted into the approach to education prevalent in

    Europe : that education itself holds great value and a strong foundation for worthy

    endeavour is a sine quo none. Thus the strong university tradition pointed public

    relations to genericeducation degree courses in communication studies, thus nurturing

    an education model mature for the public relations field. Grunig (1992) has pointed out

    that the many cultures in Europe do not only create a great need for public relations, but

    also require a complex approach in education and training. Facility of communication in

    diverse languages, and other proficiencies of inter-cultural communication, are long-

    standing needs which were catapulted into the limelight with the establishment of the

    European Economic Community in 1992. Earlier and greater specialisation in European

    education favours coping with the increased demands of public relations in the

    21stcentury with moderate adaptation. There is one area in which the European public

    relations education model can be extended, and that is in the area of practical

    application. Instead of students having to master public relations techniques and skills

    after gaining employment, this training could be offered as part of the course of

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    Thus it can be seen that the models of public relations education in the USA and Europe

    are seated at very different points in models of education.

    Hazleton and Cutbirth (1993:195) express the view A...the ideal public relations

    curriculum should emphasize the type of reflective learning and theory found in

    European Institutes...@.

    2.3.3 Public relations education in the USA

    Section 2.3.1 shows that while education programmes for public relations in the USA aremostly associated with schools or departments of journalism or mass communications,

    38% were found by Neff (1989:170-171) as being offered by interdisciplinary,

    miscellaneous, mass communications, business and public relations departments.

    Some of these offered only a simplecourse in public relations. It can readily be seen

    that the birth of public relations from journalism with its first practitioners being trained

    journalists, has given rise to a situation where it is considered that the ability to write well

    provides a sound basis for the practice of public relations, with a simple course in public

    relations being seen in some institutions as providing sufficient opportunity for learning

    other techniques of public relations.

    The first Commission for public relations education was appointed in 1975, and one of its

    primary recommendations was that a public relations programme must consist of a

    minimum of 12 hours per semester. In 1978 this was upgraded (Anon.2000:9). Epley

    (1992:111) states that while several practitioners emphasised the rise of international

    public relations, the fact that public relations education in the USA focused on technical

    skills rather than on theory and research resulted in this area being overlooked to a large

    degree in public relations programmes.

    The statement mentioned in 2.3.2 by Adams (1993:12) that a survey in America in 1993

    showed that the majority of high level practitioners believe PR educators should spend

    less time on theory and research methods and more on practical issues, points to the

    blunting effect of education which is not broad and deep but is, rather, narrowly defined.

    It has also already been mentioned that Sommerness and Beaman (1994:92-93) carried

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    out a study which revealed that only one out of 119 colleges and universities offered a

    curriculum which included international public relations. Burk (1994:42) also makes

    specific suggestions about the need for international public relations training for

    practitioners. Fitzgerald and Spagnolia (1999) draw attention to the fact that American

    programmes do not offer languages other than English, and state that public relationsneeds more multilingual practitioners. Fitzgerald and Spagnolia (vide) also state that

    public relations practitioners will need lifetime education to increase their knowledge of

    psychology, economics, business and philosophy.

    The focus on practical issues and the limiting of theory and research referred to above

    and mentioned by Adams (1993), draws into consideration the lack of focus on strategic

    communication in American public relations education. This is emphasised by thestatement of Maund (1997:1) (previously referred to) that public relations was only then

    becoming a management function in America. Whereas strategic communication enjoys

    strong focus in Europe where education for public relations is primarily seen as

    preparing students for management, education in America is aimed at technician level,

    with techniques enjoying a much stronger focus. Maund (vide) questions whether the

    public relations profession will be able to handle the challenges of the new century.

    Hayman (1999:19) says that the demand in the new century will be for a new breed of

    professional public relations practitioners who hold higher intellectual powers than


    An area of strength in America is the concern about ethics. Members of the PRSA adopt

    the principle of telling the truth, and Capelin (1999:2) says that it is important that such

    codes should not only be taught but also made manifest in practice. Verwey (2000:11)

    says that practising ethical public relations may become one of the greatest challenges

    to the public relations professionals of the 21st century, for the post modern public

    relations practitioners will need to serve as the conscience and change agent of the


    2.3.4 Aspects of public relations education peculiar to Britain

    In Britain there were only a few public relations consultants who worked on their own

    until the time of the second world war, when the numbers appointed in government

    departments were increased greatly so as to deal with information and intelligence,

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    propaganda and psychological warfare and persuasion and public relations (L=Tang

    1996:430). By 1946 a conference had been held at which a definition of public relations

    was adopted, and an institute for public relations was formed in 1948 (Hesse 1984:8).

    According to Hatfield (1994:189) British public relations differed in its origin from that of

    American public relations, as it arose from the practice of corporate communicationrather than from seeking publicity. Hatfield (1994:190) provides some insight into the

    state of public relations education in Britain with the following quote from a past

    president of the institute for public relations, Carol Friend:

    AThe dearth of formal Public Relations and management training, lack of

    cross-feed between in-house and consultancy career paths, and early

    job specialisation are breeding a generation of frustrated functionaries.Operating by the seat of one=s proverbial pants and responding to every

    situation with knee-jerk reaction is no way to compete with other

    management advisors who encroach a little each on public relations=

    counseling role@.

    This statement shows inadequacies in British public relations education and training. It

    is re-inforced by the fact that the writer sent letters during 1997/1998 to a list of 37

    universities, polytechnics and colleges enquiring whether or not they offered a

    course/programme in public relations and, if so, what its length was. The answers were

    all negative, a few institutions stating that they offered courses in English, journalism or

    communication (speech or writing), and that students wanting to do public relations

    could enrol for these courses. Despite this situation, Burk (1994:43) stated that the

    British were foremost in integrating public relations in global planning. Josephs and

    Josephs (1995:32-34) commented that the increased trade with other countries brought

    about by the European Economic Community has led to a great increase in the demand

    for public relations services, and also an increase in the numbers of public relations

    practitioners setting up their own consulting agencies. While formal education for public

    relations seems to take a back seat in Britain, it is evident from the television news

    services that public relations practitioners occupy a high public profile, for they are

    constantly the subject of news stories and frequently make comments on behalf of

    industry. An indication of the public attention the field receives, despite its low profile in

    education courses, is the item on Sky Television News (28.2.2002) that Athe Government

    is considering introducing laws to regulate the activities of 'spin doctors' such as Joe

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    Moore@. (Joe Moore, Public Relations Director and Personal Advisor to the Transport

    Minister, had previously apologised on television for having sent an email/emails

    internally shortly after the happenings stating that the events of September 11 in the

    USA presented a good opportunity for the release of poor Railtrack figures. The story of

    the sending of the email at such a time was given prominence on news services,eventually resulting in the resignation of both the Public Relations Director and the

    Communication Director concerned.)

    The position in the UK of a public relations industry that is much in demand and which

    has many very active practitioners while there appears to be little evidence of

    undergraduate courses being offered at educational institutions, suggests that it is

    mostly people with degrees from other disciplines who hold degrees and practitionerstrained abroad who are actively engaged in the field in the UK.

    2.3.5 Public relations education in Canada

    Pollock (1999) says that public relations is seen as one of the fastest-growing careers in

    Canada, after the recessionary period of the nineties with drastic cutbacks in both

    budgets and jobs. The public relations practitioner requires specialist training -

    universities, colleges and institutes offer a nine month programme in communication with

    public relations as a subject - and this means that those entering public relations are

    older than graduates in other fields. They are also required to do compulsory internship

    in an organisation or another approved location. O'Malley (1999:1) says that emphasis

    is placed upon honesty and accuracy in communication, and upon integrity and truth.

    2.3.6 Public relations education in Australia and New Zealand

    The 1992 Australian President of IPRA, Pritchitt, said that there were greater

    opportunities to develop public relations in countries of Asia and Australia and North

    America than in countries of the European Community. His speech was addressed to

    an international audience of the United Nations on January 10, 1992. He said that the

    Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) was doing wonderful work with the Russian

    public relations association and this should be extended to other countries, and the

    PRSA and IPRA should co-operate. Developed countries must recognise their

    responsibility to develop public relations both domestically and internationally. He

    mentioned environmental issues as being of particular significance, and also a need for

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    advice for setting standards of excellence in education.

    Quarles (1993:24) says that Australia has developed an approach to public relations

    education which sees close co-operation between educators and practitioners and which

    makes it an impressive international player.

    The New Australian and New Zealand public relations Manual states (1996:12-13) that

    while the Australian Institute of Public Relations was established in 1949, public relations

    matters were dealt with as publicity by managers, press agents and spokespersons in

    the 1930s, the term public relations not being known. In 1942 and especially from about

    two years after the end of World War II, journalists and advertising people left their jobs

    and entered the new field of public relations. Education for other allied fields thusprovided the basis for the practice of public relations. Short courses offering

    specialisation in public relations are offered in conjunction with business courses by

    colleges and other educational institutions, while universities offer public relations as part

    of communication studies.

    2.3.7 Public relations education in Africa

    The development of public relations in Africa is typified by the origins of public relations

    in British Colonial Africa (Smyth 2001:149-161):-

    A case study of Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) shows that the cinema, the wireless (radio)

    and the cheapening daily press were utilised before Word War II, during that war and

    after that war in three distinct stages. The war and other political and developmental

    influences were the main topics. Examples of media campaigns are Mass Education in

    African Society (1944) and other government information campaigns such as Education

    for Citizenship in Africa (1948). In the then Northern Rhodesia, the administration

    showed great interest in communicating with the African population, especially African

    miners on the Copperbelt. The mining on the Copperbelt ushered in urbanisation of

    large numbers of Africans, through the mining system of compounds for African workers.

    A strike among these workers in 1935, whose cause was found to be the inadequately

    publicised change in the tax law, led the government to produce a newspaper in 1936,

    which was printed in simple English and also in four main African languages. Hollywood

    entertainment films had been shown from 1928, and previously-censored films to

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    prevent the instigation of racial feelings drew a crowd of two thousand a week at an

    open-air compound cinema started in 1931. The films were intended to promote health

    and economic development, and to promote cultural adjustment for workers coming from

    rural areas.

    In 1940 the British Government set up a Public Relations Branch, but the Colonial Office

    Public Relations Branch was nervous about the idea of using propaganda for the

    colonies, for fear of anti-German sentiment expression turning into a two-edged sword.

    Thus publicity aimed rather to promote loyalty to Britain and the Empire and confidence

    in the inevitability of an allied victory and that such victory would promote the moral and

    material aspirations of the colony.

    Just as had happened in Britain itself, the war brought about the appointment of

    information officers in the colonies, and this gave rise to what is now frequently referred

    to as public relations. At the same time, this appointment of an information officer in

    then Northern Rhodesia led to an extension of duties : the officer appointed stated a

    further aim - to be able to report to the Government on the people's criticisms of existing

    or contemplated measures. It can be seen that this could readily aid in the manipulation

    of public opinion, and additional funds and facilities were provided for the task. The

    press and radio were also utilised for the furtherance of such aims. Halls were utilised

    where communal radio services were offered, but the crowding and noise and constant

    switching to another language in which the message was repeated, detracted greatly.

    Thus films were tried, but it was difficult to obtain films with an African setting, so cine

    cameras were provided to some officials and the raw footage processed, edited and

    titled in Britain, and these films were also shown by using mobile cinema vans. These

    films helped in recruiting volunteers for the war. Such clear and fruitful results led to the

    increase in the size, status and the scope of the information office, which then added

    public relationsto its job description, for it sought not only to inform, but also to Aengineer

    consent@(Smyth 2001:156-157) to government policies.

    After World War II community development became a focus of operation. An enlarged

    Information Department was expected to manage good relations between the Colonies

    and Britain, so that the Colonies would stay in the Commonwealth. The wording Public

    Relations Departmentwas seen as having too localised reference, thus Information

    Department was retained. Africans were being trained in local government with eventual

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    self-government in mind, as reflected in the document Education for Citizenship in Africa

    (1948). In this document, the Aimplanting of democratic habits of mind and habits of

    action@(Smyth 2001:158) was proposed. The job of Information Officer became notably

    more difficult with the Federation of Northern Rhodesian with Southern Rhodesia and

    Nyasaland, because of the large numbers of white settlers who wielded power inSouthern Rhodesia especially, and the rising claims of democracy by the African

    population. The paternalistic approach of the government newspaper in Northern

    Rhodesia exacerbated the already-evident struggle between white settlers who wished

    to exercise control of the colonies with approaching independence and the African

    population, who sought African control and whose case was being strengthened by

    growing democracy and by the formation of the African National Congress.

    The Central African Broadcasting Station (CABS) was launched in 1949, and was used

    to promote mass education. After 1949 the coverage widened so that items could be

    placed overseas and gain publicity for Northern Rhodesia.

    It can be seen that public relations was an integral part of colonial administration. The

    government information departments provided training and development and established

    tenure for the field of public relations in the British colonies. The goal of independence

    with the population remaining favourably disposed towards Britain, was largely achieved.

    Northern Rhodesia, now Zambia, is a staunch member of the Commonwealth (Smyth

    2001:160). The fact that English is the official language in Zambia today is evidence of

    this staunchness.

    Nartey (1988:24) defines public relations as Aa way of life@, and sees its beginnings in

    Africa as having been manifested in tribal customs from early times. It should be

    observed that, as with many writers, public relations is equated by Nartey (1988) with

    communication and seen as an umbrella term for that most pervasive of human

    activities, human interaction. Thus the record of public relations education, particularly

    in Africa, is reported as being the record of communication in various forms, such as that

    of radio and television and of the press, thus some writers comment as if journalism

    education can be taken to mean public relations education.

    Opukah (1992:14-16) says that the move towards democracy on a broad front has

    promoted the development of public relation in Africa. This point has been illustrated by

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    Smyth (2001) above.

    South Africa being such a young democracy (1994), means that the context of public

    relations practice is extremely challenging, for groups of stakeholders previously passive

    (suppressed) are now rising with strong voice. Not surprisingly, activism is now adynamic force, and with the many competing claims of such a multicultural society,

    South Africa is likely to be a rigorous proving ground for the practices and principles of

    public relations.

    Ferreira (1999:33-39) states that it is not possible to make a general statement about the

    state of public relations education in Africa : some public relations officers have entered

    the career through journalism, and some have been trained abroad. In some countries,the training is informal and is done, for example by banks and other employers or by

    private colleges and the national public relations societies. Formal education is offered

    in tertiary institutions in some countries, such as Nigeria and South Africa.

    Despite the foregoing statement by Ferreira (1999), the position gleaned from the

    available literature is reflected in the following table so as to indicate the provision and

    scope of named public relationseducation in some countries of Africa:-

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    Has PublicRelationsSociety withConstitution

    Public Relations Education and Training offered

    EGYPTYES All universities offer public relations as a course of study; the ArabPublic Relations Society (APRS) has established the Institute of PR

    and Information, which is devoted to teaching public relations andsince its inception in 1966 has held 190 courses, from which 4,000students have graduated; The International Academy for PublicRelations and Information offers B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees inPublic Relations (Borhan 1993(a)).

    GHANA YES The Business Education Examination Council (BEEC) offers a diplomacourse; the University of Ghana offers a one-year post-graduatediploma with some aspects of public relations (Ferreira 1999). Kazeze(Ferreira 1999) states that some public relations practitioners in Ghanastudy by means of correspondence courses.

    KENYA YES Dafina Institute offers Public Relations Group Diploma of LondonChamber of Commerce and Industry since 1993; Daystar UniversityCollege has a masters' programme in public relations and a B.-degree in Communication is also offered (Ferreira 1999).

    NIGERIA YES Jackson College offered public relations from 1960; the BEEC offersa public relations diploma course; public relations courses also forman integral part of mass communication programmes (Ferreira 1999).

    In association with the University of Nigeria, the Nigerian Institute ofPublic Relations (NIPR) has started a M.Sc. Degree programme inpublic relations (Okereke 1993).

    TANZANIA YES Nyegezi Social Training Institute offers a 3-year advanced diploma injournalism with advanced public relations as an elective; TanzaniaSchool of Journalism offers a diploma with public relations as one ofthe prescribed subjects; Public Relations is included as a marginalcourse in marketing and business management (Ferreira 1999).

    UGANDA YES Makerere University offers a mass communication degree course inwhich public relations is one of four possible areas of specialisation inthe third year of study (Ferreira 1999).

    ZAMBIA YES Africa Literature Centre offers a one-year course which equipsstudents to work in publishing, journalism and public relations (AfricaLiterature Centre 1995).

    ZIMBABWE YES The Zimbabwe Institute of Public Relations (ZIPR) conducts a one-year, part-time diploma course and also holds workshops andseminars on a frequent basis (Dickens 1992 & 1993). Adult educationcolleges offer courses in public relations (Ferreira 1999).


    YES Private colleges offer part-time and full-time certificate and diploma

    courses in public relations; nine technikons offer 3-year diplomas,

    four of which offer 4-year degrees and also the M.Tech. and D.Tech.

    Degrees in public relations; several universities offer communication

    degrees in which public relations is offered as a choice of

    specialisation module (Writer).

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    It should be observed that Ferreira (1999) reports that the public relations societies of

    several countries did not reply to correspondence and could not be contacted. Opukah

    (1993:17) mentions Athe massive weakness of the so-called national associations, which

    are moribund anyway@. Given the turbulent state of the continent, it must be borne in

    mind that recorded positions may no longer hold true. For instance, the current politicalinstability and economic decline in Zimbabwe renders the present position of public

    relations and public relations education there precarious and uncertain. Africa has

    struggled for independence, it is now struggling with independence. Some few countries

    are beginning to build on a steady basis and are trying to meet the challenges of

    globalisation, but Africa remains to a large extent a dark continent poorly equipped for a

    century in which communication technology will hold sway. One of the countries which

    holds great promise is South Africa. South Africa has up-to-date technology andextensive education facilities. Although its education is in a state of flux due to changes

    brought about since it became a democracy in 1994, it offers a large number of places in

    education to students from the rest of Africa. While earning foreign exchange may be a

    motive, there is little doubt that this forms part of the overall plan for Africa to uplift itself.

    Under this arrangement, one South African technikon alone is accepting ten public

    relations students for the year 2002 for the programme in public relations. In so doing,

    South Africa is carrying added responsibility in education for public relations, as is

    indicated by the backdrop to public relations work in Africa illustrated above. The

    development and the scientific status of public relations in South Africa is discussed in

    Chapter 4.

    2.3.8 Public relations in the Middle East

    Al-Enad (1990:24-26) says that public relations plays different roles and performs

    different functions in third world countries than it does in developed nations.

    Environmental factors affect its practice, goals and philosophy and values. Authoritarian

    theory of the press is in effect in most Arab countries, while in some parts there is a

    developmental theory. Communication is one-way, its purpose is unbalanced, its tools

    are the mass media, which can edit and change. So public relations in any form must

    suit the cultural and social conditions, for the mass communication is not sophisticated.

    Thus it is difficult to motivate for utilising public relations.

    In underdeveloped countries, public relations personnel are utilised as receptionists

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    in Japan in areas of community relations, environmental issues, media relations, crisis

    management, seminars, corporate advertising, philanthropy programmes and investor

    relations, budget fluctuations according to the state of the economy tend to govern public

    relations to a large degree.


    The restoration of democracy in 1986 has led to a proliferation of mass media and has

    favoured the growth of public relations. Both government and business recognise the

    value of public relations. Business has also found a combination of public relations and

    advertising more effective than advertising alone.

    Several major universities offer degree courses in communication with public relationsas a major. Conferences, seminars and workshops are held from time to time by the

    Public Relations Society of the Philippines (PRSP) (Nieva 1993:24).


    The Korean Chapter of IPRA is active, although its membership is not large. (Imm



    Sendiri (1992:42) reported that Government Ministries were re-designating their

    Ainformation officers@as public relations officers, due to economic expansion and the

    recognition of the need for professionals to address eceonomic, political and social

    issues. Privatisation is one example of a dynamic, underlying thrust towards the growth

    of public relations. Colleges and universities offer courses to help develop future


    2.3.10 Increasing demands for public relations education

    It can be seen from the previous sections that public relations has been active on a

    global scale for many years. Globalisation, which is such a dynamic force shaping

    business, is driving public relations education to a degree of curriculum agreement which

    will enable graduates to operate in a foreign environment and also to be able to

    represent within their domicile country the organisation in an international business

    environment when the opportunity arises. Bearing this in mind, the IPRA Wheel of

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    Education will be considered next.

    2.3.11 The International Public Relations Association Wheel of Education and

    implications of the dual approach to public relations education

    It can be seen that there is little unanimity about public relations education between

    various countries. In 1990 the International Public Relations Association (IPRA),

    representing practitioners and institutes of about 60 countries, set out a model AThe

    Wheel of Education@in their Gold Paper No.7, suggesting educational requirements for

    the theory and practice of public relations. This model was formulated by practitioners

    and educators from countries all round the world. The model is given below:-

    OrganisationStructure andBehaviour

    Business StatisticsAdministration

    Theory and Process Languagesof Communication

    Writing for Advertising NaturalEconomics Mass Media Sciences


    ANDPolitical Editing PRACTICE Media law SocialScience OF PUBLIC and Ethics Services


    Graphics andCommunica- Research

    Government tionOrganisation Humanities

    Media AnalysisPublic PersonnelAdministration Management



    Figure 1: The Wheel of Education

    It is noted in the above model that the contribution of communication is confined to

    ATheory and Process of Communication@. This is identified as Communication

    theory/concepts/models in the recommended core curriculum for the central wheel,

    where it is stated that considerable variation is possible within this general framework

    (Gold Paper No.7, 1990:28-30). The focus, it would seem, is on accrediting people for

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    public relations work on the basis of fragmentary education preparing them to operate on

    a technical basis, as can be seen by labels such as AGraphics and Communication@,

    AEditing@, and AAdvertising@, in which courses are frequently offered by informal

    institutions on a short term basis, so that one could argue that these credits could easily

    be obtained by doing short courses at a variety of informal colleges, the mere possibilityof which challenges the integrity of such a curriculum. The recommendations included in

    Gold Paper No.7 (1990:6) mention acceptance of the fact that there are two schools of

    thought about Apublic relations training programmes@, the first that it is a technician-

    based communication skills programme and the second that students should be

    prepared for roles as managers. Thus it can be seen that the dual approach which is

    characterised on the one hand by the American education model and referred to by

    Hazleton and Cutbirth above as reflecting a craftmodel of education and on the otherhand by the European education model which puts a greater emphasis on theory than it

    does on skills thus providing a broad and deep background preparing students for

    advancement to management level, is firmly embedded in the field of public relations.

    Hazleton and Cutbirth (1993:195) are also mentioned above as stating that the ideal

    public relations curriculum should emphasise the type of reflective learning of the

    European model.

    The question of the dual approach to education for public relations is one of profound

    significance to the field. The craft approach, focusing largely on skills, provides

    technicians who are able to execute communication programmes but it does not provide

    a sufficient theoretical background for the testing of theory in practice and thus the

    building of a body of knowledge. Earlier it was mentioned that Maund (1997:1) says that

    public relations is only recently becoming a management function in America. Thus it

    seems that from its birth the craft model of education seemed sufficient for the place

    public relations occupied in business, but that its growth and expansion into many areas

    has changed that position, and that fuller knowledge is now essential for good practice.

    Dunne (1999:1-11) explores the relationship between knowledge and good practice.

    Referring to practical knowledge, Dunne (1999:4) says Aknowledge with an irreducible

    core of judgment can be made to seem unreliable, makeshift, unaccountable and elitist@.

    Dunne=s point can be illustrated by referring to the art of the sculptor or painter: the

    teacher can teach technique, yet greater powers than are taught are incorporated in the

    execution of a good sculpture or a great painting, as the works of famous artists show.

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    This greater power in execution can be said to be irreducible to finite steps and thus

    unaccountable and elitist. This is clearly recognisable where talent reigns supreme as in

    the work of great artists, but is much less clear or even relevant as we descend to the

    practical of more mundane areas. Hatfield=s (1994:190) quote above of the chair of the

    institute of public relations education in Britain thatAoperating by the seat of one


    proverbial pants with knee-jerk reaction is no way to compete with other management

    advisors who encroach a little each on public relations counseling role@puts this point

    into perspective. The question which should be asked is whether or not there is

    something in the nature of the practitioner=s knowledge which needs to be framed and

    strengthened by theory. Dunne (1999:3) says there is, and he calls it the exercise of

    judgement, which is knowledge invested in action, and by which a practitioner develops

    an ability to recognise the particularity of a situation or case and then brings thisparticularity into some relationship with established norms or procedures in the relevant

    area. This judgement is thus effected as a Amediation between general and particular, in

    bringing both into illuminating connection with each other@ (1993:3). This requires

    perceptiveness in the reading of each particular situation as much as flexibility in one=s

    mode of applying the general knowledge. It can be seen that Dunne is not referring to

    an inexplicable talent of the great artist, but rather to the reflection essential to coping

    adequately with varying situations such as are presented on a day-to-day basis in

    practical fields. In order that reflection may become a part of the practitioner=s stock-in-

    trade, the practitioner needs a sound foundational background. Thus Dunne (1999:3)

    says a person of sound judgement Ais not a maverick with a nose for the unusual...she is

    a keen student of the general stock of knowledge@.

    Dunne elaborates further on the concept of the general stock of knowledge, which he

    calls technical rationality(1999:2). Dunne explains that the efficacy of the activity is

    matched by the rigour of the knowledge, for the defining feature of knowledge is

    rationality, and thus rationality is also the defining feature of action, and this is the

    relationship between knowledge and good practice. Knowledge built upon technical

    rationality suppresses the context-dependence of first-person experience in favour of a

    third-person perspective which yields generalised findings in accordance with clearly-

    formulated, publicly agreed procedures. This renders a body of knowledge with values

    of prediction and control. This minimizes dependence on the judgement of the individual


    The foregoing emphasises the need for practitioners to be keen students of a stock of

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    general knowledge, thus underlining the importance of foundational knowledge from the

    very first rungs of a career ladder. It should, however, be observed that the IPRA Gold

    Paper No.7 (1990:5) states that public relations should ideally be provided mainly for

    those students who already have received a first university degree in other fields. This

    would tie in with public relations education given in Canada. It could be argued,therefore, that this core curriculum of IPRA is not intended to stand alone as qualification

    for public relations work. Were it to be seen as standing alone to yield public relations

    personnel, it is difficult to visualise such backgrounds yielding a body of public relations

    knowledge which would support a claim to public relations being a profession and

    holding scientific status, a question to which this study now turns.


    Section 2.3.11 above focuses attention on the great significance which the dual

    approach to public relations education holds for the field, in that the craft approach, in

    training technicians, seemed sufficient for business until after the middle of the twentieth

    century. However, the nearer the end of the century came, the more public relations has

    expanded, as indicated in Table 1 Trends of Public Relations. Thus the demands upon

    practitioners have grown tremendously, and the responsibility carried likewise. Dunne

    has shown, as said in section 2.3.11, that the defining feature of knowledge is rationality,

    and that rationality is also the defining feature of action, this being the relationship

    between knowledge and good practice.

    The model of European public relations education seeks to build both a broad and a

    deep knowledge. This provides the foundation for prediction and control in practice.

    This is why the European model has as its objective education providing scope for

    management in public relations, and is also why Europe has made such significant

    contributions to communication theory. The history of public relations education shows

    that its development in Europe was much later and slower than in America, and that it

    was also firmly grounded in university education. Thus it can be seen that there is a link

    between the history and the scientific status of public relations in each region. Whereas

    there is, in some quarters, efforts to lobby for the professionalisation of public relations,

    this section seeks to underline the significance of theory and research to scientific status

    and thus to the professionalisation of a field.

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    The section begins with the essential need of developing a body of knowledge for public

    relations education.

    2.4.1 Developing a body of knowledge for public relations education

    This section seeks to clarify the meaning ascribed to theoryand to a scienceand to

    show the significance of the link between these for professionalisation.

    Littlejohn (1989:6-12) sees a theory as being a construction of an individual - the

    theorist - and is that theorist=s way of organising and representing facts. A theory is

    thus an abstraction which focuses on a particular aspect and cannot, therefore, revealthe whole truth. A theory consists of concepts and their relationships and tries to explain

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