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    Prayer for freeing us, the human beings, from the bondage of matter.( )

    (In the presence of our Supreme Maintainer and

    our Supreme Provider).

    The Supreme Lord, our guide and supporter to

    free us from material bondage.

    Translated and transliterated by: Nizar Hussein Premji.Original Source: Maarfatnaa Phool.

    AUM* *ALI* *AUM

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    ( )

    AUM* *ALI* *AUM Translated and transliterated by: Nizar Hussein Premji.Original Source: Maarfatnaa Phool. w w .

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    Approximate English Translation Of Verse #1.

    Let all of us, as individual beings, begin to recite the prayer for purifyingour actions, by first remembering, and calling, as well as, invoking the nam

    of our Supreme Lord. Our Supreme Lord, the only Lord who is the most

    merciful and the gracious. Our Supreme Lord, the only Lord who is full ofcompassion. Our Supreme Lord, the only Lord who shall help us with thepurification of our daily actions. Our Supreme Lord, the only Lord who

    shall guide us to the right path in our search for eternal freedom. In ousearch for achieving salvation.The Eternal Freedom, namely, the

    freedom from the bondage of physical matter.The Eternal Quest ofhuman beings for freedom.

    Explanation of the above verse.

    We, as human beings, are all individual beings. As individual beings, we areall unique persons. An individual being shall always have unique and

    countless needs, or requirements. In order to fulfill these needs, an

    individual being will search everywhere. When the search fails, that

    individual being will then look up towards the sky, for that somebody, or

    someone to fulfill some of these countless needs. Intuitively, that

    individual being will have to submit to that someone, or that

    somebody. Surely, for that individual being, that somebody, or

    someone, (up above from the sky), becomes a higher being. A being,

    that is always above all of us. This higher being is by logic and

    naturally a Supreme Being, or a Supreme Lord with a body of a

    form and a nature. Generally, a being has a body of some form an

    nature. That body also has a kind of aura, (halo), emanating from it.

    Similarly, the Supreme Lord is a body. This body has a unique form

    This body is unique in nature. This body emanates a unique aura. Letus name the Supreme Lord in this verse, as the Divine Being. Let us

    also name His unique body as a Divine Body. These names should not

    create any conflicts or differences amongst us.History of humanity shows that, a few of them were the founders of variousreligions. These few persons fully recognized the Supreme Lord as the

    cause of the entire creation. They gave different names to the Supreme

    Lord. The names were according to the predominant culture and language

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    Major Religions of the World and the beliefs of their followers.

    Human beings who followed the way of Islam, named the Supreme

    Lord as Allah. The way of Islam, that was revealed to Mohammed by

    the Supreme Lord through an angel of high ranking. Without alteringthem, Mohammed then spread these revelations to the people as message

    from Allah. By conveying these revelations to the people, as well as fully

    sharing these revelations with the people, Mohammed became the Nabee

    (Prophet, or the messenger of Allah). Mohammed eventually became the

    founder ofDeen-e-Islam. Prophet Mohamed then selected a few ArabicScholars of the time, and requested them to scribe these messages in the

    Arabic Language. Arabic was the predominant language of the people

    at that time. The scribing became the Holy Scripture for the Muslimsknown as the Holy Quran. Deen-e-Islam is the religion for the Muslims

    The Muslims, followers ofDeen-e-Islam, firmly believe in one of the

    chapters of the Holy Quran, namely, the chapter of Purity.

    Say, He, (Allah) is the One, (alone).

    Allah is the needless.

    He begets not, nor is He begotten.And there is none like unto Him.

    (Holy Quran, Chapter 112, Verse, 1 to 4).

    Allah, the Supreme Lord, has Ninety-Nine Aspects. An aspect is,

    either maternal, or paternal. Nabee, (Prophet Mohammed), clearly

    demonstrated all these aspects during His lifetime to His followers, the

    Muslims. All the Ninety-Nine Aspects are mentioned in detail, in the Holy

    Scripture of the Muslims, namely, the Holy Quran. The opening chapter,

    (soora, in Arabic), of the Holy Quran reveals the gist of the Supreme

    Lord, Allah. Today, Muslims make up about twenty percent of the

    Worlds population and number about one billion, two hundred million.Presently, the statistics show that Deen-e-Islam is the fastest growing

    Religion in the West, and some other parts of the developing world.

    An English translation of the Opening Chapter, (Sura-al-Faatihaa), of

    the Holy Quran.

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    Verse #1.In the Name of Allah The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

    Verse #2.All the Praise is for The Lord of the Entire Creation.

    Verse #3.

    The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

    Verse #4.

    The King of The Day of Recompense.

    Verse #5.

    Thee alone, do we worship, and Thee alone, do we ask for help.

    Verse #6.

    Guide us to the Right Path.

    Verse #7.

    The way of those who have deserved Thy Grace, not of those who are stillwaiting to deserve Thy Grace and are not on the right path.

    Another English Translation of the opening chapter.

    Verse 1.

    In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

    Verse 2.

    Praise is to God, the Cherisher of the creation and the provider ofSustenance to the creation.

    Verse 3.

    Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

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    Verse 4.

    Master of the Day of Judgment.

    Verse 5.

    We worship, but Thee. None other.In addition, Thy aid we seek.

    Verse 6.

    Show us the straightway,

    Verse 7.

    The way of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace,

    Not of those who are still in need of Thy Grace and in search for the rightpath.

    Daily Prayers for a Sufi.

    A Sufi is the follower of mysticism, (a religious practice in which a person

    searches for truth, knowledge, and closeness to God through meditation and


    Praise be to Thee, Most Supreme God,Omnipotent, Omnipresent, All-pervading, the Only Being.

    Take us in Thy Parental Arms. Raise us from the denseness of the earth.Thy Beauty do we worship, to Thee do we give willing surrender.

    Most Merciful and Compassionate God, the Idealized Lord of the whole


    Thee only do we worship, and towards Thee Alone we aspire.

    Open our hearts towards Thy Beauty, and illuminate our souls with Divine


    O Thou, the Perfection of Love, Harmony and Beauty, All-powerful Creatothe One who Sustains,

    Judge and Forgiver of our shortcomings, Lord God of the East and of the


    Of the worlds above and below, and of the seen and unseen beings:

    Pour upon us Thy Love and Thy Light,

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    Give sustenance to our bodies, hearts and souls,

    Use us for the purpose that Thy Wisdom chooseth, and guide us on the pathOf Thy Own Goodness.

    Draw us closer to Thee every moment of our life,

    Until in us be reflected Thy Grace, Thy Glory,Thy Wisdom, Thy Joy, and Thy Peace.Amen.

    Most Gracious Lord, Master, Messiah, and Savior of humanity,

    We greet Thee with all humility.

    Thou art the First Cause and the Last Effect,

    The Divine Light and the Spirit of Guidance,Alpha and Omega.

    Thy Light is in all forms, Thy Love in all beings:

    In a loving mother, in a kind father, in an innocent child,

    In a helpful friend, in an inspiring teacher.

    Allow us to recognize Thee in all Thy holy names and forms:

    As Rama, as Krishna, as Shiva, as Buddha.Let us know Thee as Abraham, as Solomon, as Zarathustra,

    As Moses, as Jesus, as Mohammed,And in many other names and forms,

    Known and unknown to the world.

    We adore Thy past,

    Thy Presence deeply enlightens our being.

    Moreover, we look for Thy blessing in the future.

    O Messenger, Christ, Nabee, the Rasul of God,

    Thou whose heart constantly reaches upward,

    Thou comest on earth with a message,

    As a dove from above when Dharma decays,

    And speakest the Word that is put into Thy mouth,

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    As the light filleth the crescent moon.

    Let the star of the Divine Light, shining in Thy heart,

    Be reflected in the hearts of Thy devotees.

    Let the Message of God reach everywhere,Illuminating and making the whole humanity

    As one single family in the parenthood of God.


    O Thou, Who art the Perfection of Love, Harmony, and Beauty,

    Lord of heaven and earth,Open our hearts, that we may hear Thy Voice,

    That constantly comes from within.

    Disclose to us Thy Divine Light, which is hidden in our souls,

    That we may know and understand life better.

    Most Merciful and Compassionate God,

    Give us Thy great Goodness,Teach us Thy loving Forgiveness,

    Raise us above the distinctions and differences, which divide.

    Send us the Peace of Thy Divine Spirit,

    Moreover, unite us all in Thy Perfect Being.


    Human beings, who consider the teachings of Jesus the Christ as the

    Word of God, soulfully, address the Supreme Lord as, the HOLYFATHER. The followers of the teachings of Jesus the Christ are, the

    Christians. They firmly believe in the Trinity Form of God, namely, the

    HOLY FATHER, the HOLY SON, and the Holy Spirit. Some of the

    followers of Jesus, the Christ also firmly believe Jesus as the Supreme

    Lord, in the form of a human being. In the present age, the Christians are

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    awaiting the return of Christ to re-establish Paradise, here on the

    Planet Earth. Before the Europeans discovered the Old World, human

    civilizations were already existing and flourishing in those parts of the

    world. The Europeans brought weapons and taught Christianity to the

    peaceful peoples of those parts of the world. Today there are more followersof Christianity in the Old World than there are in Europe and theWestern World. In the present time, there are just over two billion

    Christians worldwide. Recent statistics show that, Christianity, the religion

    of Christians is on the decline.

    The 10 Commandments.

    Revelation of the Supreme God in the Old Testament.The 10 Commandments are found in the Bibles Old Testament at Exodus,

    Chapter 20. They were given directly by Supreme God to the people of

    Israel at Mount Sinai after He had delivered them from slavery in Egypt.

    Supreme God spoke all these words, saying, I am the LORD, your God,


    You shall have no other gods before Me.

    COMMANDMENT 2.You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything

    that is in the heaven above, as well as, in the earth beneath, or that is in the

    water under the earth.


    You shall not take the name of the LORD, your God in vain.


    Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.


    Honor your father and your mother.

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    COMMANDMENT 6.You shall not murder.

    COMMANDMENT 7.You shall not commit adultery.


    You shall not steal.


    You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.


    You shall not covet your neighbors house. You shall not covet your

    neighbors wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his

    donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

    Important Prayers of the Christians.

    Incline Thy ear, O Lord, and answer me, for I am poor and needy. Preserve

    my life, for I am devoted to Thee. Save Thy servant who trusts in Thee.Thou art my God. Be gracious to me, O Lord, for to Thee alone do I cry all

    day long. Gladden the soul of Thy servant, for to Thee, O Lord, I lift up my

    soul. For Thou art good, and all forgiving. Thou art abounding in steadfast

    love to all those who call upon Thee. Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer. Listen

    to my cry of supplication. In the day of my trouble, I call upon Thee, for

    Thou shall answer me.

    Psalms, 86, (Verses 1 to 7). Source, the Holy Bible, (New and Revised

    Standard Version).

    The Lords Prayer, traditional.

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    Our Father, who art in heaven,

    Hallowed be thy name.Thy Kingdom cometh,

    Thy will be done,

    On earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread.Forgive us our trespasses,

    As we forgive those who trespass against us.

    Lead us not into temptation,

    However, do deliver us from evil.

    For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. Forever and ever. Amen!

    The Lords Prayer, new version.

    Our Father in heaven,

    Hallowed be your name.

    Your Kingdom come,

    Your will be done,On earth as in heaven.

    Give us today our daily bread.Forgive us our sins,

    As we forgive those who sin against us.Lead us not into temptation,

    However, deliver us from evil.

    For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours.

    Now and forever. Amen!

    The Lords Prayer, or the our Father prayer is prayed daily by thousands

    of Christians, and can be seen both as a model for prayer, and has to berepeated as part of our daily prayer.

    It starts by addressing God as our Father in heaven, that although His nam

    is honored and above all other names, we are His children. As such, we

    occupy a place of privilege, and He wants us to spend time in prayer with


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    The Lords Prayer then moves on to pray that Gods Kingdom, or rule, will

    become the norm on earth, replacing human rules and governments, whichtoo often are driven by greed and power. Only then do we turn to our own

    needs, and ask our Father for our basic human needs to be satisfied, and

    that He would forgive the wrong things that we have done. We ask for Godguidance and protection as we journey through life. Finally, we turn back toGod, and acknowledge His supremacy and position as the Almighty Ruler.

    The Gnostic Lords Prayer.

    Our Father and Mother God,

    Thou art within us all,

    In addition, Thou maketh all things holy and united,As Thou art holy and united, one God living and true.

    Thy Kingdom come,

    Thy will be done,

    This is love to all that lives in the heavens and on the earth.

    Give us this day our daily bread,

    In addition, let us share our daily bread to those who have none.In addition, heal our broken spirits,

    As we heal and forgive others.In addition, lead us, through the darkness of Thy mystical love,

    To the light of the pleroma.Amen!

    Human beings, who obey the Natural Laws and regard themselves as, the

    followers ofSanaatanaDharma, or the Eternal Religion, worship the

    Supreme Lord in various forms and shapes. They manufacture Idols of

    these forms and shapes for worship and reverence. These Idols are carefully

    placed in showcases, both at the homes and the temples for prayers andworship. A follower ofSanaatanaDharma will always bow down before

    these Idols. Of all the various Idols, (in Gujarati, they are the moortees);

    seven Idols are very much revered and worshipped. These are as follows: -

    1.) The Idol, (moortee) of Vishnu. Vishnu is also called by the

    Name of Naaraayian, as the Supreme Deity.

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    2.) The Idol, (moortee) of Brahmaa, as the creative force.

    3.) The Idol, (moortee) of Shivaa, as the destructive andAnnihilating force.

    4.) The Idol, (moortee) of Raam and Seeta, as the seventh

    Incarnation of Vishnu, together with His eternal consort, Seeta.

    5.) The Idol, (moortee) ofKrishnaa and Raadhae, as the eight

    Incarnation of Vishnu, together with His eternal consort,Raadhae.

    6.) The Idol, (moortee) of Laxmi Maataa, as the provider ofSustenance to physicality.

    7.) The Idol, (moortee) of Kaali Maataa, as the destroyer of


    The followers ofSanatanaDharma, or the Eternal Religion, are

    popularly known as the Hindus. In the past few centuries, several

    offshoots ofSanatanaDharma sprung up. In the present age, these

    offshoots are considered as Religions of the Eastern Culture. Sikhism,

    Jainism, and Buddhism derive roots from SanatanaDharma. Hindus

    are all over the world and number about nine hundred million. Hindus

    also believe in Avataars. An Avataar is the incarnation of Vishnu, th

    Supreme Being. According to the Holy Scriptures of Hindus, Vishnu

    has incarnated in various forms and at various ages to update theprincipals of morality, and to re-establish the way of freedom from the

    bondage of matter. At the same time, to destroy the evil forces. In the

    present age, namely, Kali Yoog, the Hindus are anxiously awaiting

    Vishnu to incarnate as the tenth incarnation, (the Kalki Avataar), th

    final incarnation of this age, and release humanity from the clutches of

    Raavan, the imaginary being who has taken control over humanity.

    Gaayatri Mantra, the Universal Mantra for the Hindus.


    Bhur Bhuva Svaha,

    Tat Savitur Varenyam,

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    Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi,

    Dhiyo yonah Prachodayat,

    OM, - is the most sacred sound and is the static form of cosmic energy, or

    ParaBrahman and is the origin of creation.

    BHUR, - is Bhuloka, (The Physical World), and represents a body that is

    made up of Five Prime Elements, (PanchaBhutas), and it constitutes

    Prakriti, (Mother Nature).

    BHUVA, or Bhuva Loka, - is the middle world, and it symbolizes the subtle

    body, the Atmosphere and Prana Shakti, (Life sustaining energy). Howeverit is the Awareness or Prajnana that facilitates this Shakti.

    SVAHA, - is Swarga Loka, or Heaven. It is also referred to as Atman, (Soul)

    or the causal body.

    TAT, - meaning, that, or Paramaatmaa, The Supreme Lord. (TheUltimate Reality or The Supreme Lord is simply referred to as That

    because it defies depiction.)

    SAVITUR, - meaning, from where all creation happened. It is the protectorSavitri, the luminous. The life-giving energy of the sun, part of the Solar


    VARENYAM, - Supreme Consciousness that inspires adoration and

    becomes Fit to be Worshipped.

    BHARGO, - the Light that bestows wisdom, radiance, lustre, illumination.Therefore, it becomes the destroyer of ignorance.

    DEVASYA, - The Divine Reality.

    DHEEMAHI, - We meditate on the knowledge of the Absolute.

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    DHIYO, Booddhi, or the Intellect.

    YO, - Which is.

    NAH, - Our.

    PRACHODAYAT, - Enlightenment.

    Another English Word-to-Word Translation.

    AUM, = The Supreme Lord.


    Protector of the earth, the material sheath, the life-breath of the Universe.

    From the feet to the navel center.


    One of the meanings is the sky. The Lord who pervades and eliminates allmiseries. From the navel to the throat center.


    One of the meanings is the heavens. He is all Bliss and blesses His devotees

    with happiness. From above the throat center to the thousand petal-lotus.

    TAT, = That.

    (That, Thou Art).


    The SUN, Creator, Preserver, and Self-Luminous, the central mantra of

    the Solar Science.

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    Most fit to be worshipped. Most choice worthy.


    The burning splendor of the Sun that dispels ignorance, and therefore

    sorrows and miseries.


    The Deva, The Deity, He who is All Bliss, The Joyful One, The ShiningOne, The Revealer of All Glory.


    We meditate upon Him,


    Who our intelligence and Wisdom,

    PRACHODAYAAT, = He Inspires.

    In the past, the Gaayatri Mantra has been translated in many ways. Twosuch translations are as follows,

    First Translation.

    We meditate upon the Spiritual Effulgence of, THAT Adorable and

    Supreme, Divine Reality. The Source of the physical, the Astral, and theHeavenly Spheres of Existence. May THAT Supreme Divine Being,

    enlighten our intellect so that we may realize the Supreme Truth.

    Second Translation.

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    We meditate on the glory of the Creator;

    Who has created the Universe;Who is worthy of Worship;

    Who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light;

    Who is the remover of all Sin and Ignorance;May He enlighten our Intellect.

    Another Hindu Prayer By Swami Sivananda.

    O Adorable Lord of Mercy and Love!

    Salutations and prostrations unto Thee.

    Thou art Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient.Thou art Existence, Consciousness, and Bliss Absolute.

    Thou art the In-dweller of all beings.

    Grant us an understanding heart,

    Equal vision, balanced mind,

    Faith, devotion, and wisdom.

    Grant us inner spiritual strength

    To resist temptation and to control the mind.

    Free us from egoism, lust, greed, hatred, anger, and jealousy.Fill our hearts with divine virtues.

    Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms.Let us serve Thee in all these names and forms.

    Let us ever remember Thee.Let us ever sing Thy glories.

    Let Thy Name be ever on our lips.

    Let us abide in Thee forever and ever.

    In Urdu, the language of modern Pakistan, Khudaa, is the name given to

    the Supreme Lord. Majority of the people ofPakistan are Muslims, the

    followers ofDeen-e-Islam. For the Ismailis, Khudaa is the present and

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    the living Imam. The present living Imam is the Mursheed (the Tru

    Spiritual Guide). The Ismailis are the followers, (the Mureeds).

    The Supreme Lord, who is the Divine Being with a Divine Body.

    A Divine Body, which has a complexion of mercy and grace.A Divine Body, which is a treasure full of mercy. A reservoir full of mercyA Divine Body, which has a nature, or an aspect of compassion that is

    untiring and unceasing.A Divine Body, which will always be in beauty, Divine Beauty.

    A Divine Body, which will accept all beings, regardless of their forms.A Divine Body, which will bless all beings, regardless of their forms.

    A Divine Body, which will always be in love with all beings, regardless of

    their forms and bodies. Love that is devoid of conditions. Div ine andsublime Love. Divine Love that is devoid of hidden agendas. DivineLove that never harbors selfish motives.

    A Divine Body that emanates Divine Light. The Divine Light that

    shines forever, until eternity. The Divine Light that shall never diminish.

    A Divine Body that forever radiates Divine Love and Divine


    Every individual being has some concept of a Divine Being, having a

    Divine Body. This concept increases and becomes the day-to-day reality

    for that individual. This daily reality happens primarily in two ways: -1.)When that individual being regularly meditates, namely,

    Contemplates.2.) When that individual being comes in direct contact with a True

    Spiritual Guide.

    Eventually, out of free will, that individual being follows the guidance

    received from the True Spiritual Guide.

    Let all of us, the unique individual beings, try to ponder over the verses tha

    follow. The verses are from the Gujarati Book, called Maarfatnaa

    Phool. According to personal understanding, the writer-translator, Nizar

    Hussein Premji, has translated these verses into English. The writer-

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    translator has also elaborated the verses, explaining them. These

    explanations are the writer-translators personal experiences of, merging

    with Oneness, and emerging from Oneness. The merging with

    Onenessand the emerging from Oneness happened while the writer-

    translator had a brain surgery to remove a benign tumor. The surgery tookplace back on January 29, 2004. Personal experiences to which, nobody canadd to, or deduct from them. There are many repetitions in the

    explanations, in order to stress and remind a significant point. Once again,

    the verses are genuinely personal experiences. All individual beings shall

    also have their own personal experiences of, merging with Oneness, an

    emerging from Oneness. These personal experiences occur as soon as

    an individual being has acquired the knowledge of both, the metaphysical

    world, and the physical world, as well as, fully understanding andaccepting the Divine Grace from a True Spiritual Guide. Today,

    Gujarati is the mother tongue of almost fifty million people worldwide. It is

    also one of the elegant and sweet languages of the Eastern Culture.

    We shall examine these verses very closely, by using two perspectives,

    namely, the perspective as a human being, and the true self perspective

    Eventually, every individual being will understand the meaning of the true

    inner self. Please remember that the true self perspective, is the

    perspective of the Divine Being from deep within the true inner self. Le

    us name this perspective as the Divine Perspective. In the end, an

    individual being shall become free. Free fromthe bondage of physical

    matter. An individual being shall achieve eternal freedom, or


    H , H .

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    Verse #2.

    All praise and commendation is due to the Supreme Lord. The SupremeLord, (absolute in all respects), who existed even before the onset of time.

    The Supreme Lord, presently existing. The pure and holy Supreme Lord

    shall remain in existence, even after the end of time. The Supreme Lord, (abeing who is absolute in all respects), is the ever living and the eternal


    Explanation of the above verse.

    All the dominant religions of the present age agree upon the following

    Three: -

    1.) A Higher Being. By definition, this Higher Beingis above all


    2.) A code of conduct for the human beings.3.) A kind of acknowledgement, thanksgiving, or a prayer to be

    Recited from the heart by the followers of a particular religion.

    It is but natural to praise and commend a being that shall fulfill an

    individual beings needs.

    Similarly, in this verse, an individual being is acknowledging by giving duerespect, and glorifying this Divine Being. The Divine Being who is,

    above all else. The Divine Being, who has been in existence from the

    remote past. The Divine Being, who is the primordial being. The Divine

    Being, who is presently existing. The Divine Being, (the purest, and the

    holiest of all), who shall exist even after the end of time. Eternal Existence

    is the Divine Beings lifespan.Glory is unto Thee, the being who is absolute in all respects, as well as, th

    ever living, and the eternal being!This acknowledgment by an individual being of Eternal Existence of the

    Divine Being is the truth, or the reality, for that individual being. Th

    truth in Sanskrit is, Sat, and Hakeeqat, in Urdu.Eternal Existence of the Divine Being, the one who is above all else

    becomes the first natural state of the Divine Being. The first natural

    state of UTMOST TRUTH, or FINAL REALITY. In Sanskrit, this

    first natural state of UTMOST TRUTH is, SAT.

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    i .

    Verse #3.

    Thou, the Divine Being, art the only omniscient being.Explanation of the above verse.

    The Divine Being, the one who is above all else naturally must possess

    the full knowledge of both, the physical matter and the spirit. The full

    knowledge of both, the physical world and the metaphysical world. The

    full knowledge of both, the material world and the Spiritual World. Th

    full knowledge of both, the vast cosmic worlds and the world of spirits.

    In Arabic, the vast cosmic worlds is Duniya, and the Spiritual Worldis Deen. In simple terms, the ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE of the two

    worlds, namely, the metaphysical world and the physical world. This

    ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE becomes the second natural state of the

    Divine Being, the one who is above all else. In Sanskrit, the second

    natural state of ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE is, CHIT.

    .Verse #4.

    Thou art the fully manifested being, the known and the exoteric being. Thou

    art the fully concealed being, the unknown and the esoteric being.

    Explanation of the above verse.The Divine Being shall fully manifest and fully reveal His Divine Body

    to an individual being who has acquired the full knowledge of both, the

    physical matter and the spirit. The full knowledge of both, themetaphysical world and the physical world. The Divine Being shall

    remain fully concealed or fully hidden and becomes the unknown to an

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    individual being who has not acquired the knowledge of the spirit. The

    knowledge of the metaphysical world.When the perspective of an individual being increases from the human

    perspective to the Divine Perspective, that individual being will then fee

    and experience the nature ofDivinity from deep within. For the Ismailis,(the followers of the path as shown by the Agakhan), this perspectivedevelops in two ways: -

    1.) By the physical presence of the Agakhan, (the Imam) during His Visit

    to the various Ismailis around the world.

    2.) By attending the morning meditation session every day. This session i

    held between four and five in the morning. The sessions are held in al

    the Jamaat Khanaas, (places of worship), throughout the world.

    @ T .

    Verse #5.

    Thou art the Almighty Lord and Thou art the Omnipresent Lord.

    Explanation of the above verse.The Divine Being, the one who is above all else , surely must have more

    power and strength than all the other beings. More than, the combinedpower and strength of all the other beings that are below the Divine

    Being. This cosmological, superior strength and power is evidentthroughout the creation and felt by all the other beings. An individual being

    who has acquired the full knowledge of both, the physical matter and the

    spirit shall also gain the power from the Almighty Lord, (the Divine

    Power). That individual being will be empowered by the Divine Power.That individual being shall intuitively perceive the Divine Power

    prevailing all over. That individual being shall feel the Divine Power from

    within and without. An individual being that becomes empowered by the

    Divine Power has to be prudent and very careful when using this power.

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    , , { .

    Verse #6.

    Thou art the creator of, as well as, the maintainer of, and the provider of

    sustenance to: -

    1.) The seven lower realms. The seven lower planes or strata. The seven

    Regions of hell.

    2.) The seven upper realms. The seven higher planes or strata. The seven

    Regions of heaven. Often referred to as the paradise worlds or the

    Garden Of Eden.3.) The world of spirit beings or the Spiritual World. 4.) Thy Lofty Throne, (Seat), fully studded with Spiritual Gems.

    Let us, as individual beings, name this Lofty Throne as, the

    Divine Throne. The Divine Throne that forever glitters from

    The Spiritual Gems. The Divine Throne that emits charming and

    Delighting rays that spread throughout from the Divine Throne.

    Explanation of the above verse.

    The Supreme Lord, (Khudaa, in Urdu), is the sole creator of the worldsmentioned above. He conceived independently, with a single thought. A

    single thought, which from the very beginning would give rise to the

    countless Spiritual Beings of the Spiritual World. Another name for th

    Spiritual World, is the Spiritual Realm. A single concept, namely, to

    be. To let these countless Spiritual Beings come into being. To manifes

    and show up as the physical existence that would be apart, and

    separate from their Spiritual Existence. A single thought that would

    encompass the Spiritual Existence, as well as, the physical creation, (thmanifested creation), and become the Divine Will. The Divine Will

    that shall remain forever, until eternity. The Divine Will that would give

    rise to the Divine Plan. We shall discuss the Divine Will further down.

    For now, the Divine Will that divinely became materialized, (manifested

    physically), and was perceived as the All That Was, of the remote past. In

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    essence, the sum of all the past physical matter.

    The Divine Will that is divinely materializing, (manifesting physically),

    and becoming the All That Is, of the present. In essence, the sum of all th

    present physical matter.

    The Divine Will that shall divinely materialize, (manifest physically), inthe future, until eternity, and shall be known as the All That Is Not. Inessence, the sum of all the forthcoming physical matter.

    The All That Was, implies to the spirit beings that relegated themselve

    during the past to the manifested creation, (the vast cosmic worlds).

    The All That Is, implies to the spirit beings presently relegating to the

    manifested creation, (the vast cosmic worlds).

    The All That Is Not, implies to the spirit beings that shall relegate

    themselves in the future to the manifested creation, (the vast cosmicworlds).

    By relegating, the spirit beings became apart and separated from the

    Spiritual World, (the Spiritual Realm). No longer as a part of the

    Spiritual World, (the Spiritual Realm). Within the vast cosmic

    worlds, these spirit beings took the forms of physical beings during th

    past. Within the vast cosmic worlds, these spirit beings that presently

    have taken the forms of physical beings. All That Is Not, implies to the

    spirit beings that shall take future forms of physical beings within the

    vast cosmic worlds.

    Let us now ponder over the above verse by first using the Divine


    In the very beginning, there was just a dot, (a mere dot, and a void).

    Nothing else existed in any form or shape. Todays men made precisioninstruments are not precise enough to measure the size of that dot. Yet th

    dot was absolute in all respects. That absolute dot was the only

    source of power existing, and available for creating the total creation. Theabsolute dot was the Essence of All.

    A source of power has potential to generate energy in some form.

    Similarly, it was possible to generate energy from that absolute dot, a

    source of power. The Divine Power of the absolute dot. For clarity

    purposes, let us give a name to that absolute dot. The name shall be the

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    Divine Dot, or the Divine Dynamo, the Essence of All with the

    Divine Power. Let us also name the energy that the Divine Dot had a

    potential for generating. The name shall be the Divine Creative Energy.

    In Sanskrit, Divine Creative Energy has a name. The name in Sanskrit is

    Param Shakti.In one Divine Second, the Divine Creative Energy, the Param Shakti

    simply flowed out from the Divine Dot, or the Divine Dynamo, or the

    Essence of All to create the following: -

    1.) The lofty and glamorous throne. The Divine Throne. Arse

    Azim, in Urdu.

    2.) The countless Spiritual Gems and the Spiritual Creation,

    Alternatively, the Metaphysical world. The creation of the

    Spiritual Realm. Deen, In Arabic.3.) The vast cosmic worlds, or the physical world,

    Material creation. The creation of the physical realm.

    Duniya, In Arabic.

    This is the Divine Will, namely, the outflow of the Divine Creative

    Energy from the Divine Dot, or the Divine Dynamo, or the Essence o

    All. A source of power is required to generate energy. The generated

    energy from that source of power flows out and is available for various

    usages, according to a devised plan. A plan is simply a blueprint of

    accomplishing tasks and achieving results. Similarly, the Divine Dot, or

    the Divine Dynamo, or the Essence of All, is the source of the Divine

    Creative Energy. This Divine Creative Energy, is accomplishing the

    tasks and achieving the results as set up by a plan, namely, the Divine


    The Divine Plan, is the only blueprint for the creation of the physical

    matter and the spirit.The Divine Plan, is the only blueprint for the creation of the physical

    world and the metaphysical world.

    The Divine Plan, is the only blueprint for the creation of the vast

    cosmic worlds and the world of spirits, the Spiritual World.

    The Divine Plan, is the only blueprint for the creation of the physical

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    realm and the Spiritual Realm.

    The Divine Plan, is the only blueprint for the creation of the lofty and

    glamorous throne. In Urdu, the name is, Arse Azim.

    The Divine Plan, is the only blueprint for the creation of Duniya and

    Deen.The Divine Plan that gave rise to The All That Was, of the remote


    The Divine Plan that is giving rise to The All That Is, of the present.

    The Divine Plan that shall give rise to The All That is Not, of the

    future, until eternity.The Divine Plan that no one can tamper.

    The Divine Plan that shall never be hampered and can never be

    altered.The Divine Plan that shall never be thwarted.

    The Divine Plan that never becomes redundant.

    The Divine Plan that shall be accomplished and fulfilled in accordance

    with the Divine Will, until eternity.

    The Divine Dot, the creator of the Divine Creative Energy is therefore,

    in reality, the one, and the only Divine Creator. The Source of All the

    Creation. The Essence of All That Was. The Essence of All That Is.

    The Essence of All That Shall Ever Be. The Divine Creator is also the

    maintainer, as well as, the supporter of the worlds that were created by theoutflow of the Divine Creative Energy from the Divine Dot. The

    maintainer and the supporter is, the paalanhar, in Kutchi. As mentionedearlier, the Divine Creator is the Divine Being. A Divine Being with a

    Divine Body.The Divine Creative Energy immediately produced Arse Azim, the

    lofty and glamorous throne, or the Divine Throne after flowing out

    from the Divine Dot. Therefore, Arse Azim is the foremost of all thecreations. From Arse Azim, all other created worlds came into beingCame into existence. Existence, either of physical matter that has

    physical nature, or of spirit that has Spiritual Nature.

    Let us name the creations as spheres. We shall look closely into these

    spheres, by first using the Divine Perspective.

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    The spheres according to the Divine Perspective.

    According to the Divine Perspective, there are sixteen created spheres,

    of two distinct classes. The first-class is the class of spirit - comprising twspheres. Both spheres of the spirit class have a Spiritual Nature.

    The second-class is the class of physical matter - comprising fourteen

    spheres. All fourteen spheres of the physical matter class have a

    physical nature. The two spheres of the first-class are, the Arse Azim

    or the lofty and glamorous throne, (the Divine Throne), and the world

    of spirits, or the Spiritual World, or the Spiritual Realm, or the

    metaphysical world made up of countless Spiritual Gems. The fourteen

    spheres of the second-class are, the seven lower realms, or planes andthe seven higher realms, or planes. The fourteen spheres comprise

    the physical appearance and the physical disappearance of the

    countless Spiritual Beings as physical beings. The physical

    appearance is the physical birth for a Spiritual Being. The physical

    disappearance is the physical demise for a Spiritual Being. The

    fourteen spheres have popular names. The seven lower realms are

    popularly named as, the seven hellish worlds. Sat zameen, in Kutchi.

    Narakh, in Gujarati. Dojakh, in Urdu. The seven higher realms are

    popularly named as, the seven heavenly worlds. Sat aasmaan, in Kutchi.

    Swargh, in Gujarati, Jannat, in Urdu. All fourteen spheres have a

    group name. The group name is the vast cosmic worlds, or the physical

    world, (the physical realm). Human beings from the past ages and

    civilizations have compiled fascinating epics on these lower and upper

    realms. We, as human beings, have fantasized and regarded the seven

    upper realms, together with the seven lower realms as a playing field

    for two forces. The force of bad, or the seven lower realms against th

    force of good, or the seven upper realms. The force of devils againstthe force of gods. The force of wicked against the force of pious.

    Within this playing field, there is a common theme, (a common play,

    or a drama). The theme of evil forces battling and fighting against the

    godly forces. With thecommon outcome of, the godly forces prevailing

    over the evil forces. Today these epics have become the basis of the

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    scriptures of some major religions dominant in the world. We shall look

    closely upon this subject further down. From a metaphysical perspective,

    this means the constant struggle of matter with spirit. The Universal

    Battle of the Evil Being, (the Satan), against the Supreme Being, or


    Arse Azim, the lofty and glamorous throne.

    Arse Azim, the lofty and glamorous throne, (the Divine Throne),

    came into existence immediately the Divine Creative Energy flowed out o

    the Divine Dot. Arse Azim spread everywhere, creating a single

    horizon. A horizon that no human beings can ever measure. A horizon that

    shall exist for eons. A horizon that is eternal. A single horizon that shallnever cease, but shall keep on expanding forever.

    A throne always glitters because of precious gems studded to it. Similarly,

    the Arse Azim had studs upon it. The studs of countless Spiritual Gems

    These countless Spiritual Gems glittered from the dazzling light. The ray

    emitting from these countless Spiritual Gems, were glamorous and

    enchanting. They spread throughout from the single horizon. This is themysterious light. The halo, (the aura), emanating from the Arse Azim.

    Let us give a name to this mysterious light. The name shall be, the Divin

    Light. The Divine Light, which the human beings from the past

    civilizations and ages were searching. The Divine Light, which the human

    beings of the present civilization and age are in search. The Divine Light,

    which the human beings from the future civilizations and ages shall search.The Divine Light is, the light upon light, and it is a mystery. From all

    ages and civilizations, only a few human beings during their lifetime havesolved this mystery, and seen the Divine Light. Experienced and felt the

    Divine Light. In Urdu, the Divine Light has a name. The name is

    Noor.Arse Azim, the lofty and glamorous throne, is in reality the DivineBody of the Divine Being. The Divine Light, (the Noor), is

    emanating from the face of this Divine Body. In Kutchi, a face is a


    Therefore, in summary we have a Divine Face of, a Divine Body. The

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    Divine Mercy pour out from the Divine Being, and making the Divine

    Being the merciful and compassionate being from deep within. Divine

    Mercy and Divine Compassion simply pour out from the Divine

    Beings Divine Body. This Divine Mercy and Compassion becomes the

    sixth and the final natural state of the Divine Being, the one who isabove all else. In Sanskrit, this sixth natural state is, DAYAALU ANAY

    KRIPAALU ROOP. Finally, completing the form and the nature of the

    Divine Being. Also called the nature of Divinity.

    The eternal form and nature of the Divine Being or The Supreme

    Lord is: -1.) SAT, meaning Ultimate Reality.

    2.) CHIT, meaning a being of total awareness. A being having absolute

    Knowledge.3.) AANAND, meaning full of bliss.4.) AMAR SHANTI, meaning ever-lasting peace.

    5.) SAMPOORAN PREM, meaning unconditional love.

    6.) DAYAALU ANAY KRIPAALU ROOP, meaning a form full of mercy

    And Compassion.

    The world of spirit beings or the Spiritual World, or the metaphysicalworld.

    The countless Spiritual Gems are in reality the countless spirit beings o

    the Spiritual World. The offspring of the Divine Body. The

    fragmented portions of the Divine Body. The offspring of the Suprem

    Lord. The first creation of the Divine Body. Being the offspring of the

    Divine Body, their nature is the same as the Divine Body. The nature opure and unstained spirit. The nature of Divinity.

    A precious gem will never loose its purity if it is in its original state. When a

    precious gem is mixed up with other compounds, it becomes an alloy,

    (an alien), and thus looses its purity. Similarly, the countless Spiritual

    Gems, studded to the Divine Throne, will never loose their purity. As

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    soon as they separate themselves from the Divine Throne, they turn

    impure and stained.As mentioned earlier, the Divine Being had an intense desire to experienc

    and feel the glamour of these countless Spiritual Gems. The Intense

    Divine Desire gave rise to the First Divine Thought. The Initial DivineThought.

    Let us deeply study a thought. In Kutchi, a thought is Khayaal.

    A thought springs up from an intense desire, or wish. A desire or a

    wish to accomplish and achieve something. This something is, the

    fruit of the thought. The outcome of the thought. A desire or a

    wish has an agenda. An agenda that is open and frank, or that is

    hidden and selfish. Nevertheless, a wish or a desire becomes a

    thought. The thought that immediately becomes planted and has tofructify, bear fruits. These fruits are available immediately or

    sometime in the future. Depending upon the strength and the intensity of th

    desire. These fruits are only available to the initiator of the thought.

    Nobody else will have excess to these fruits, or be able to share these


    The Divine Beings, Initial Divine Thought immediately fructified. TheInitial Divine Thought of becoming fragments of Itself from within

    the Divine Being. These infinite fragments are the fruits. The fruits

    became the countless Spiritual Beings of the Spiritual World, (the

    Spiritual Realm). These countless Spiritual Beings have the same

    nature, the same composition, and the same constituents as the Divine

    Being. The nature of Divinity. These countless Spiritual Beings are by

    inference, nothing but, a portion, a speck, a spark of the Divine

    Being. The Divine Being, having a Divine Body, is therefore, the sumof infinite sparks. The sum of infinite sparks is the TOTAL SPARK,

    or the ULTIMATE SPARK.

    Let us, as individual beings, closely look at the meaning of a spark.

    Scientists have proved a spark as a latent and hidden force. This latent

    and hidden force is easily converted into energy with the aid of a generator,

    or a dynamo. Similarly, the Divine Dot, as a Divine Dynamo harnessed

    and created the Divine Being. As mentioned above in the last paragraph,

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    the Divine Being created the infinite Spiritual Beings, (the offspring of

    the Divine Being). These infinite Spiritual Beings have bodies. Thebodies are, Spiritual Bodies, or according to human perspective astral

    bodies. Every Spiritual Body is a Spiritual Dynamo capable of

    harnessing energy. The Spiritual Energy. Spiritual Energy is PurushShakti, or Guru Shakti in Sanskrit. As mentioned earlier, the initialthought of the Divine Being became the Initial Divine Thought of

    Divine Being. In the same manner, the initial thought of a Spiritual

    Being became the Initial Spiritual Thought of the Spiritual Being. The

    infinite Initial Spiritual Thoughts became the Combined Initial Spiritua

    Thought. This Combined Initial Spiritual Thought arose from the

    intense desires of the infinite Spiritual Beings to enjoy their greatness in

    an environment separate from the Divine Being. In simple terms, thisseparate environment is nothing, but a mirror. A mirror that essentiall

    must have the same dimensions as the Divine Body. We already know the

    dimensions of the Divine Body, the Arse Azim. A mirror of the same

    dimensions to see the reflected image of the combined rays emitting from

    the Divine Light. This reflected image has created chaos and misery fo

    the human beings of all civilizations. We shall look into this subject furtherdown. For now, this reflected image is the image of the Divine Body an

    the offspring, (the progeny), namely, the spirit beings. Scientifically, weuse a mirror to view something. The produced view as seen from within the

    mirror becomes an illusive view of that something. It is not the real

    view. This illusive view has a name in Kutchi. The name is maya, or

    that which is not. The infinite Spiritual Beings, the original residents o

    the Arse Azim, the lofty and glamorous throne, created maya, the

    mirror. In order to experience and feel the beauty and the glamour of thesparkling Arse Azim. Maya, the mirror therefore became the

    reflected image. Maya, the reflected image playing havoc upon the

    human beings of all civilizations and ages. Maya, the reflected imageout of control. Maya, the reflected image, spreading as a wild fire.Maya, the reflected image that can be viewed, experienced and felt by

    the Divine Being as infinite physical beings, of multitude colors,

    beauties, as well as, forms. Created out of physical matter. Maya, the

    enchanting and the bewitching illusion. Maya, the mesmerizing, but at th

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    same time deadly beauty.

    The spirit beings the offspring and the progeny of the Divine Being are

    always a part of the Divine Being. As a part of the Divine Being,

    they remain in close proximity of the Divine Being. The Divine Being,

    also the Arse Azim, and the foremost of the creation from the DivineCreative Energy that flowed out from the Divine Dot, the Essence of

    All, rightfully became the subsequent creator of the remaining worlds,

    including the Spiritual World. The Divine Being could not create

    outside of the Divine Will. Fully bound by the Divine Will, the Divine

    Being simply let the Divine Will take its course. Aptly the saying goes,

    Let Thy Divine Will be fulfilled. Therefore, in accordance with the

    Divine Plan of the Divine Will the first abode, the first residence, the

    original abode to house the spirit beings came into existence.

    Description of the Spiritual World, or the metaphysical world.

    Description of the Spiritual Abode.

    Description of the Spiritual Residence.

    The description of the Spiritual World, or the Spiritual Abode, or the

    Spiritual Residence, is very simple and logical when viewed from the

    Divine Perspective. The description becomes complex and illogical, whenviewed from the perspective as a human being.

    We shall now give a name and a status to the residents of the Spiritual

    Abode. The name is, the Spiritual Family. The Noorani Family, in

    Kutchi. The status is, the Spiritual Equality of the countless Spiritual


    The Spiritual Family, made up of the Spiritual Parent, namely, the

    Divine Being, the Supreme Lord, and the countless Spiritual

    Children, the countless spirit beings. The Spiritual Parent,

    (Pitamaa, in Gujarati), playing and fulfilling the Divine Role of bothParents. Divinely and simultaneously demonstrating Paternal Aspect as

    well as, Maternal Aspect to His Spiritual Children. Spiritual

    Children have a name in Kutchi. The name in Kutchi is, Roohaani


    From within the Spiritual Abode, the Spiritual Parent built the

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    countless Spiritual Rooms for His countless Spiritual Children. These

    Countless Spiritual Rooms, had the same design. They were built from

    the same materials. They were also equal in value to each other. Normally a

    house or a property has monetary value placed upon it. The house has

    rooms built inside. The rooms are designed and built to suit differentpurposes, namely, kitchen, living room, seating room, den, and etcetera.Each room has a monetary value placed upon it, according to the size, the

    design, and materials used to build the room. Similarly, within theSpiritual Abode the Spiritual Rooms were designed and built from the

    same materials, namely, the nature of spirit and all were equal in value to

    each other. This equal value is beyond any monetary value and is

    mathematically termed, as infinite value. Therefore, each Spiritual

    Child became totally accepted, and blessed with a Spiritual Room. Builtfrom the spirit nature, the qualities, and attributes of spirit. Thesequalities and attributes of spirit are infinite in value. The Divine

    Parent, the Spiritual Parent did not have a stake on any particular

    Spiritual Child. Each Spiritual Child, duly blessed and equally granted

    with the same Spiritual Room within the Spiritual Residence, or the

    Spiritual World. Therefore, we, as Spiritual Children, the Roohaani

    Bachaa, are blessed Spiritual Children. Accepted always, and inall

    ways by our Spiritual Parent. Never cursed. Having the Divine Grace

    upon us. This Divine Grace has a name in Kutchi. The name is Chhatra

    Chhaayaa. We, as Spiritual Children, are always under the Chhatra

    Chhaayaa of our Spiritual Parent. Our Spiritual Parent spoilt us, and

    abundantly blessed us. He bestowed us. As His Beloved Spiritual

    Children, He endowed us and gifted us equally with a Spiritual


    A Spiritual Room, equal in size, size that is immeasurable.

    A Spiritual Room, equal in value, value that is infinite.

    A Spiritual Room, made from the same materials, materials of spiritnature that are very precious and very rare.Therefore, no one Spiritual Child could claim supremacy in any form or

    shape, over another Spiritual Child. This endowment, this gift of a

    Spiritual Room has a very strange name. In English, the name of this gift

    is, the Gift OfDivinity, God. Human Beings from all ages and civilization

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    have totally missed this strange name, Gift-Of-Divinity, God.

    Our Heritage, as Spiritual Beings, (the Roohaani Bachaa).

    Our heritage, as Spiritual Children is very significant and important.

    We, as Spiritual Children, are eternally placed in a safe environment. In

    state, that is devoid of fear. In a state, that is Enlightened with Divine

    Light. In a state of total purity.

    We, as Spiritual Children, regard ourselves as very fortunate. We, as Spiritual Children, are fully blessed Spiritual Children. Fully

    blessed by our Spiritual Parent, the Supreme Lord.

    We, as Spiritual Children, always behave humbly and meekly in thepresence of our Spiritual Parent.We, as Spiritual Children, always bow down and look upon our Spiritua

    Siblings as ourequal.

    We, as Spiritual Children and as, Spiritual Beings are Eternal

    Beings. Ageless Beings.

    We, as Spiritual Children, are eternally boundless, and eternally

    limitless, and free beings.

    We, as Spiritual Children, are fully aware that we are equal to each otherWe, as Spiritual Children, and Spiritual Sibling to each other are made

    of the same Spiritual Nature. The Spiritual Nature that shall never be

    stained as long as we remain united, or as a part with our Spiritual

    Parent. The Spiritual Nature that is made up of Divine, Natural,

    Attributes. In short form the letters, (D), (N), (A). These Divine,

    Natural, Attributes are our inherent qualities. Our built in Spiritual


    As spirit beings, we possess the following inherent and natural qualities

    of: -1.) Final Reality. Ultimate Truth. Sat, in Gujarati.2.) Absolute Knowledge of both, the physical matter, and the spirit.

    Absolute Knowledge of both, the physical world, and the

    Metaphysical World. A being of Total Awareness, or Total

    Consciousness. Chit, In Gujarati.

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    3.) Infinite Bliss, Infinite Joy, or Infinite Delight. Aanand,

    In Gujarati.4.) Ever Lasting Peace. Shanti, in Gujarati.

    5.) Perfect and Unconditional Love. Sampooran Prem, in Gujarati.

    6.) Finally completing our form as spirit beings, as the Most Merciful And The Compassionate Beings. Dayaalu anay Kripaalu Roop, inGujarati.


    1.) Sat, meaning, Ultimate Reality.2.) Chit, meaning, a being of total awareness.

    3.) Aanand, meaning, infinite bliss.

    4.) Shanti, meaning, everlasting peace.5.) Sampooran Prem, meaning, perfect and unconditional love.

    6.) Dayaalu anay Kripaalu Roop, meaning, the most merciful, and the

    Compassionate being,

    Becomes the irrefutable and the undeniable conclusion, for the nature of th

    true inner self.

    Our Behaviors, As Human Beings.

    We, as human beings, regard ourselves as very unfortunate.We, as human beings, are living in fear of death.

    We, as human beings, have placed ourselves in a dark environment.We, as human beings, are forever bounded and ever limited physical


    We, as human beings, are in search for the light.

    We, as human beings, behave proudly and arrogantly in the presence of

    fellow human beings.We, as human beings, never respect, and never look upon fellow human

    beings as our equal. On the contrary, we become fearful from deep within.

    We, as human beings, always regard our fellow human beings as strangers,

    predators, and enemies.

    We, as human beings, are always greedy, always cheating, and always

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    and the helpless.

    In the name of God, we create societies of fear, societies of lust, societiesof mongers, as well as, societies full of, hidden agendas, and selfish


    In the name of God, we condemn and judge our fellow human beings.In the name of God, we punish our fellow human beings.In the name of God, we manufacture crude weapons and nuclear bombs.

    In the name of God, we use these crude weapons for slaughtering and

    killing our fellow human beings.

    In the name of God, we slaughter animals for our consumption, calling

    the Slaughter as halal and kosher foods, (authorized foods).

    In the name of God, we create Heavens and Hells, defined and based

    By the beliefs of organized religions.In the name of God, we tell each other that we are acting according to the

    will Of God, and by doing so we harm each other.

    Lastly, in the name of God, we manufacture other

    Bogus gods and goddesses for showmanship and worship.

    These are just a few of the things that we, as human beings, have created.

    Thus degrading ourselves and loosing our status as human beings with thesdeplorable behaviors. Therefore, how can we, as human beings, ever derive

    peace from within?In our present life, as human beings, we sometimes say,

    How come your spirits are low?Regain your spirits and become normal.

    These and other such sayings aptly point out and describe a human being strue Spiritual Nature, the true inner self.

    The vast cosmic worlds, orthe physical world, the physical creation,or the material creation.

    As mentioned earlier, Arse Azim is the foremost of all the creations

    created from the outflow of Divine Creative Energy, the Param Shakti

    from the Divine Dot, and the Essence of All. This continuous flow of th

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    Divine Creative Energy from Arse Azim then created the world of

    spirits beings, or the Spiritual World. The spirit beings are

    genderless beings while at home in the Spiritual World. From the

    Spiritual World, or the metaphysical world, the physical world, or

    the vast cosmic worlds made up of physical matter emerged. It was theintense desire of the Divine Being to experience and feel the glamour and

    the glittering of the Spiritual Gems. This desire could be fulfilled only

    through creating a surface apart from the Divine Body and the

    Spiritual Gems. From within itself, the Divine Creative Energy split up

    into two energies, namely the Spiritual Energy and the material energy

    Spiritual Energy became the Purush Shakti, in Sanskrit. Material

    energy became the Prakriti Shakti, in Sanskrit. Prakriti Shakti is

    therefore, the foremost of the physical creation, the other surfaceapart from the Divine Body to emerge. This is the Scientists famoustheory of the big bang evolution. This big bang theory is a reality, not

    just a mere theory as pointed out by the Scientists. This big bang theory

    evolved at various times, based upon the discoveries of nature by the

    Scientists with the aid of science and its related subjects, during the past. It

    is evolving in the present times. It shall keep on evolving in the future, basedupon the new discoveries made by Scientists. The Scientists can never prove

    this big bang theory. According to Divine Will, the big bang theory i

    a definite reality. It is not a mere theory. The material energy, the

    Prakriti Shakti created the physical aspect of the Divine Being, or th

    material aspect of the Divine Being. As the two sides of a coin are

    always attached, similarly the two aspects of the Divine Being are

    always together. The two aspects are the Spiritual Aspect and the gross

    physical aspect. Therefore, the big bang theory, as viewed from the

    Divine Perspective is very clear, simple, and logical. In One Divine

    Second, in One Divine Instant, a singular Spiritual Ray became

    stained. Stained with the foreign matter. Spirit turned intomatter. With that contact, a Spiritual Ray, also a Spiritual Being

    adopted the form of a physical form, and became manifested as a

    physical being. Under the direct jurisdiction of the gross physical

    aspect of the Divine Being. In the present age, various Religions have

    given names to these two aspects.

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    Some of the common names for the two aspects are,

    Ali and Nabee.Shah and Pir.

    Parmaatmaa and Aatamaa.

    Purush and Prakriti.Vishnu and Laxmi.Raam and Seetaa.

    Krishna and Raadhe.Holy Fatherand Holy Son.

    Spirit and matter.Yang and Yin.

    The Spiritual Aspect is eternal, unborn, and infinite. The gross physicalaspect is the infinite physical bodies of various sizes, colors, beauties, an

    forms. Created out of physical matter. The gross physical aspect is

    limited in time and is perishable. Since time immemorial, both aspects

    divinely fulfilled the amra to create Maya, the reflected image of the

    Divine Being. In reality, Maya is the vast cosmic worlds emerging

    from the Divine Beings Divine Body, and creating the physical

    matter. The physical matter portrays the gross physical aspect for a

    specified time, or time span and after the end of that time span, merges intothe Divine Beings, Divine Body. This cycle of, emerging and

    merging is an eternal cycle. The cycle that is defined by the Scientists asthe evolution cycle of the big bang theory. Maya is the physical

    creative aspect, the preservative aspect, and finally the dissolutive

    aspect, of the vast cosmic worlds and is subordinate to the Spiritual


    Maya, the physical creative aspect of the Divine Being.

    The Divine Creative Energy, the outflow from the Divine Dot split up

    into two energies after creating Arse Azim. The split up was in accordanc

    with the Divine Will to create another surface apart from the Arse

    Azim. This illusive surface essentially created in order to experience and

    feel the Divine Light emitting forever from the glittering Spiritual

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    Gems studded to the Arse Azim. There are now two energies, namely, th

    Spiritual Energy and the material energy. Spiritual Energy is called

    Guru Shakti, or Purush Shakti, in Sanskrit.

    Material energy is the Prakriti Shakti, in Sanskrit. In English, the

    name is Mother Nature. Sometimes Prakriti Shakti is also theKundalini Shakti. In English, the meaning of Kundalini Shakti is the

    coiled-up serpent, or the latent creative energy. Prakriti Shakti

    created a surface apart from the Arse Azim, made from five primary

    physical elements. This surface is the vast cosmic worlds, Duniya, in

    Arabic. By natural tendency, this created surface of Duniya always

    stays separate and apart from the Deen. This created surface was in

    accord with the Divine Will. The five primary physical elements are

    called Mahatatavas, in Sanskrit. They are as follows: -

    1.) Ethereal World, namely Aakaash, in Gujarati.

    2.) Air, namely Hawaa, in Gujarati.

    3.) Fire, namely Agghni, in Gujarati.

    4.) Water, namely Jal, or Paani, in Gujarati.

    5.) Earth, (Landmass), namely Dharti in Gujarati. Miti, or maati

    In Kutchi.

    These five primary physical elements combine in infinite combinations

    to make up, or form the vast cosmic worlds.The vast cosmic worlds is actually the other side of the coin. The first side

    or the hidden side is the Arse Azim, the Divine Body. We already knowthat the Arse Azim is a horizon that is ever expanding. Therefore, the

    vast cosmic worlds, the other side of Arse Azim is also a horizon. A

    horizon that expands according to human beings perspective and

    understanding of science and its related branches. A horizon that keeps on

    expanding from new discoveries, and findings made by human beings. Afascinating horizon from the viewpoint of human beings. This fascinating

    horizon has attracted and allured human beings of the past ages and

    civilizations. It is attracting and alluring the human beings of the present

    age and civilization. It shall also attract and allure the human beings of the

    future age and civilization. By observing the vast cosmic worlds, we, as

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    human beings, derive great pleasure. The more we derive pleasure from the

    vast cosmic worlds, the more we become fascinated to the vast cosmic

    worlds. At the same time, we keenly study the physical nature and the

    composition of the countless physical bodies within this vast cosmic

    worlds. The more we study the physical nature and the composition othese countless physical bodies, the more we attach ourselves to these

    countless physical bodies. Thus, our True Spiritual Nature binds itself

    to these attachments. These attachments then become our future physical

    bodies. Our fruits of the attachments. In reality, the two natures, the

    True Spiritual Nature, and the gross physical nature are simultaneously

    present deep within the physical bodies.

    From Divine Perspective, Maya, the material energy and the Divine

    Being, the Spiritual Energy, coordinately created this fascinatinghorizon.It was created from the five primary physical elements. These five

    primary physical elements are actually the five mediums created for the

    pleasure of the Spiritual Beings that freely relegate themselves to the

    vast cosmic worlds.

    Therefore, the secret of secrets, the Divine Secret is,There is only one infinite horizon. Metaphorically, one coin of infinite


    The infinite horizon that simultaneously portrays the features, the

    Spiritual Aspect, and the gross physical aspect. This infinite horizon

    is none other, but the Divine Body.

    The Divine Bodys Spiritual Aspect is equal to,The countless Spiritual Beings, or the Roohaani Bachaa . The offspring

    of the Divine Being. The original and the permanent residents of the

    Spiritual Abode. All having a Spiritual Nature. All having a Spiritual

    Equality. The true and genuine Spiritual Gems forever sparkling and

    shining. The glittering and the dazzling light spread all across, from theinfinite horizon. The Deen, in Arabic.The Divine Bodys gross physical aspect is equal to,

    Eight million, four hundred thousand, physical forms. These eight

    million, four hundred thousand physical forms can be of various sizes,

    colors, and beauties. Therefore, these physical forms are the infinite

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    physical beings. The temporary residents of the vast cosmic worlds. All

    having a unique physical form with a unique physical nature. The

    Duniya, in Arabic.

    The physical form that is always under the jurisdiction of Maya, and

    within the laws of relativity. The infinite physical beings, is the falseimage always in search of Light.In short, and in reality,



    The Divine Body.

    In simple terms, this Divine Body is a body of UNITY IN


    TU HEE TU, in Gujarati. This TU HEE TU, when translated inEnglish, becomes Thou art the one and only. TU HEE TU becomes a

    powerful prayer with abstruse results and rewards. The prayer is,





    RAB TU.


    This is the Eternal Truth, Sat, or Sateeyaam in Sanskrit.

    In English,AWWAL TU, is Thou art the beginning.

    AAKHIR TU, is Thou art the ending, or the final.ZAAHIR TU, is Thou art the fully manifested.

    BAATEEN TU, is Thou art the much-concealed. Thou art the fully

    hidden.RAB TU, is Thou art the maintainer, as well as, the provider of


    RAHEMAAN TU, is Thou art the gracious and the most merciful.

    Maya, the preservative aspect of the Divine Being.

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    Maya, the preservative aspect of the Divine Being has a subtle

    authority as a purveyor to maintain the infinite physical beings for a

    time span. The physical beings are the temporary residents of the vast

    cosmic worlds.

    Maya, the dissolutive aspect of the Divine Being.

    Maya, the dissolutive aspect of the Divine Being once again has a

    subtle authority of simply dissolving, or melting the infinite physical

    beings with the spirit. This happens after the physical beings

    terminate, or cease to be physical beings.

    The Spiritual Beings, the offspring of the Divine Being are, by nature,in a state of blissfulness and emotionally aware of both, the physical

    matter and the spirit inside the Spiritual Abode.

    This complete knowledge and state of blissfulness was not the Divine


    The Divine Plan was devised exclusively for letting the Spiritual Beings

    have the feeling, as well as, get to enjoy their greatness in an environment

    other than the Spiritual Abode. The Divine Plan actually provided a

    contextual field for their enjoyment apart and separate from the

    Spiritual Abode. This contextual field is the vast cosmic worlds. Out of

    their FREE WILL, the Spiritual Beings, the Roohaani Bachaa could

    relegate to the vast cosmic worlds and don anyphysical form for

    physical pleasure and enjoyment.

    The Divine Being, the most merciful, and the compassionate being,

    provided 8,400,000 different physical forms, or physical states. These

    physical forms, i.e. physical states could be in infinite combinations of

    various sizes, shapes, beauties, and colors. Under the direct authority ofMaya, the physical aspect, of the Divine Being the relegated spirit

    beings could enjoy, experience and feel their greatness in a physical

    environment. Those spirit beings that out of their free will relegated t

    the vast cosmic worlds, immediately experienced and felt separate, as

    well as, apart from the Divine Being. Let us, as individual beings,

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    closely examine the next two verses. The verses clearly reveal the plight and

    the physical condition of the spirit beings that out of their free will

    relegated to the vast cosmic worlds, the duniya, in Arabic.


    Verse #7.Thou, the Supreme Being, art the only one, yet Thou art the infinite. Thou,

    the Supreme Being, art the infinite, yet Thou art the one and only.

    Explanation of the above verse.The Divine Being with a Divine Body, is the one and the only being i

    existence. Existing simultaneously, as the two sides of a coin. One side,

    featuring as the Spiritual Aspect. The other side, featuring as the gross

    physical aspect. His gross physical aspect is the countless spirit beings

    that have taken, or donned the physical forms. His Spiritual Aspect is

    infinite, unborn, and eternal. It is full of Spiritual Gems, namely, the

    spirit beings. His Spiritual Aspect is the course and cause for the gros

    physical aspect to be, and become manifested as physical beings.

    A IL .

    Verse #8.Countless universes emerge, (come forth) from the Divine Body of the

    Supreme Lord, to commence their physical evolution. Eventually, at the

    end of their physical cycle, they all merge and rest in the Divine Body of th

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    Supreme Lord.

    Explanation of the above verse.As mentioned earlier, each Spiritual Gem, as a spirit being has a free

    choice to become separate and apart from the Divine Beings

    Divine Body in order to experience and feel its greatness. Greatness thatcan be enjoyed as a singular and independent being, or as a pluraland united being. This enjoyment is possible only within the physical

    world, or the physical realm. Therefore, every Spiritual Being, or

    every Roohaani Bachaa creates Its own physical world within the

    vast cosmic worlds. Please remember that a spirit being is also aSpiritual Ray. A Spiritual Ray that reflects and refracts from the

    Divine Body. A Spiritual Ray that scientifically has similar properties

    of any other optic ray.

    A Spiritual Rays reflection from the Divine Body, or the Arse Azim.

    A Spiritual Ray that bounces off from the Divine Body immediately

    lands on the surface of Maya. In other words, it will hit the surface of

    Maya. As soon as it hits the surface of Maya, the Spiritual Ray

    becomes stained and impure. This is now the beginning of the never-

    ending journey, or the physical evolution for that Spiritual Ray.

    Please remember, that a Spiritual Ray is also a Spiritual Being. In

    essence, a Spiritual Being has now begun its arduous and sole journey

    in the foreign environment of Maya. The never-ending prison of

    physical forms, where the Spiritual Being is encaged in physicality

    and looses its Spiritual Identity. Within the caged physical

    environment, the Spiritual Being becomes terrified and frightened. Itobtains the physical identity of a physical being and develops ego,

    (ahamkaar, in Gujarati) based on the physical nature of that physica

    being. The journey during which the Spiritual Being is totally lost andconfused. Within the foreign environment of Maya, this Spiritual

    Being creates Its own universe. It creates Its own bramaand, in

    Sanskrit. As noted above, there are infinite Spiritual Beings. These

    infinite Spiritual Beings have the free will to create infinite

    universes. Infinite bramaando are therefore created within the

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    foreign environment of Maya, the gross physical aspect of the

    Divine Being.

    Description of a universe created by a Spiritual Being within the

    Foreign environment of Maya.

    Maya, the mirror, or the reflected image of the Divine Body is the

    conglomeration of five primary elements. The five primary elements, o

    the five primary layers are designed (layered) according to their thicknes

    and density. They increase from the finest of states to the grossest of states.

    From the totally unconscious states to the fully conscious states. The states

    are the physical forms. In totality, there are eight million, four hundred

    thousand different physical forms. All of them varying in sizes, shapes,and colors. A Spiritual Being will start Its physical evolution within Its

    own universe according to Its independent desire and wish. Thus, a

    Spiritual Being has an independent choice of donning a physical form

    from any one of the eight million, four hundred thousand forms.

    Scientifically, a physical form is made up of cells. Cells are


    Let us, as individual beings, briefly study the biology and the chemistry of asingle cell. The information below is taken from various sources over the

    internet. The writer-translator has included this brief description ofcellular structure to prove the co-existence and the correlation of the

    biological DNA and the Divine, Natural, Attributes. The naturaland the eternal state of Divinity. The true inner core of any cell.

    The cell is one of the most basic units of life. There are millions of different

    types of cells. There are cells that are organisms onto themselves, such as

    microscopic amoeba and bacteria cells. There are cells that only functionwhen part of a larger organism, such as the cells that make up your body.

    The cell is the smallest unit of life in our bodies. In the body, there are

    brain cells, skin cells, liver cells, stomach cells, and the list goes on. All of

    these cells have unique functions and features. All have some recognizable

    similarities. All cells have a skin, called the plasma membrane,

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    protecting it from the outside environment. The cell membrane regulates

    the movement of water, nutrients, and wastes into and out of the cell. Insidof the cell membrane are the working parts of the cell. At the center of the

    cell is the cell nucleus. The cell nucleus contains the cells DNA, the

    genetic code that coordinates protein synthesis. In addition to the nucleus,there are many organelles inside of the cell, - small structures that helpcarry out the day-to-day operations of the cell.

    With the discovery, mapping and sequencing of the DNA molecule over

    the last few decades, the Scientific World now understands that organic lif

    is based on vastly complex information code, and, like the modern and the

    most complex software codes, such information cannot be created or

    interpreted without some kind of Superior Intelligence.

    Cell Theory.

    Modern biology rests on some core assumptions about cells described in Ce

    Theory. Its major tenets are,

    1.) All living things are composed of one or more cells.2.) Chemical reactions take place within cells.

    3.) All cells originate from pre-existing cells.4.) Cells contain hereditary information, which is passed from one

    Generation to another.

    Basic Cell Types.

    Cells can be separated into two major groups, namely, prokaryote cells that

    do not have a central nucleus, for example, bacteria. Prokaryote cells are

    among the earliest and most primitive forms of life on earth. The second,

    and a larger group, are eukaryote cells. They are characterized by a cellnucleus, (center). All organisms, other than bacteria, consist of one or more

    eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotes are smaller by size and simpler in internal

    structure than eukaryotes and are believed to have evolved much earlier.

    Common Cell Properties.

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    All cells share a number of common properties. The common properties are1.) They store information in genes made of DNA.

    2.) They use proteins as their main structural material.

    3.) They build proteins using the information encoded in the DNA.4.) They use a chemical called adenosine triphosphate , (ATP), as the

    Means of transferring energy for the cells internal processes.

    5.) They are enclosed by a cell membrane, composed of proteins and a

    Double Layer of lipid, (fat), molecules, that controls the flow of materials

    Into, and out of the cell.

    Parts of a Typical Cell.

    The parts of a cell are called organelles, (like organs in the body). Each

    organelle has a specific function within the cell. There are three main parts

    of a typical cell, the cell membrane holding the cell together, the cytoplasm

    containing the cytoskeleton and the various organelles of the cell and the

    nucleus, the center of the cell housing the DNA.

    Highlights of Several Key Cell Parts.

    Based on,,

    Also, see an excellent illustration at,,

    Cell membrane.

    The cell membrane has proteins embedded in it, with the ends protruding

    out on the cell surface. This is an important feature as many of these

    proteins act as flags on the cells surface helping to identify it and interact

    with other cells, while others act as transport portals into and out of thecell. The cell membrane separates the cell from its surroundings and

    comprises a double molecular layer. It has an oily interior while both

    surfaces are attracted to water. The cell membrane is effectively continuou

    with the endoplasmic reticulum and the nuclear membrane.
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    Bundles of microtubules. During cell division, the centrioles go to opposite

    sides of the cell and organize the microtubules that drag the chromosomes

    apart, (so that one set each of the duplicated chromosomes end up in eachdaughter cell).


    Generates microtubules.


    The substance of which eukaryotic chromosomes are composed.


    The area outside the nucleus, but inside the cell membrane.

    Cytosol, (pronounced as, SIGHT-oh-sol).

    The salty semi-fluid filling the cytoplasm. Con

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