
Prayer Procession ”500 Crosses for Life”

LondonSaturday, 12 November 2011

Every day more than 500 unborn children die by abortion in

England, Scotland and Wales.

13:30 Start at Westminster CathedralPeaceful Prayer Procession with a

Mourning Ceremony at Westminster Bridge

End at Westminster Abbey at about 16:00”500 Crosses for Life“ is an ecumenical initiative of

”European Voice of the Unborn Children: Protect Our Life“ (EuroProLife, Westendstr.78, D-80339 Munich) and partners.

Contact in London: Joseph Clovis (0208) 690 8314Email: [email protected] ·

Join the united prayer forces of European and British Christians for our unborn brothers and sisters,

their parents, doctors and all other children of God, who are involved in abortion.

European Voice of the Unborn Children: ”Protect Our Life”!

EuroProLiferepresents 21 European nations (December 2010)

The situation:Within the framework of the second Worldwide Prayer Conference for Life in Cracow/Poland on 13th/14th October 2007, the representatives of 12 European Nations agreed upon the establishment of a Christian, interdenominational network, in order to give voice to the unborn children in Europe.As the only continent, Europe has a birth rate of only 1.5 which greatly differs from the least rate of 2.1 indispensable to maintain a nation`s population.

Our objectives are:1. To concentrate our energies in order to organize and support public prayer events for Life in Europe.2. To stop the flood of destruction by peaceful means: We intend to give testimony to the public by devout prayer.3. To express our pain, by our prayer in the processions and mourning ceremonies, for the innocent children that were killed and their wounded parents.4. We pray in the same loving attitude as did Mother Mary and the apostle John under the cross.5. We do not pray against anybody or anything. We pray for love, light and life.6. We pray for all the persons involved in the abortion process (doctors, politicians etc.) in order to flash the light of love in their hearts for the innocent defenceless babies. 7. Euro Pro Life is a Christian interdenominational network, which unites the different pro life organisations of European countries in common prayer for life.

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