Page 1: Pre-Lim Target Audience Profile

.Target audience profile

My magazine will be called ‘student- sun’ and is aimed at 16-19 year olds of both genders who are in full time education at the

Douay Martyrs school, and may or may not have a part time job. My target audience has a good sense of humour and enjoy a laugh. They are fun, especially when in the company of their

friends and families. Music and fashion will be a big part of their life, along with social networking, learning to drive, and watching films; there favourite type of films are horror and rom-coms. They

like to socialize with their friends, and are quite interested in sports. Education is valued a lot by these sixth formers because it is seen as the key to a successful future, and this will be reflected

on my magazine front cover. The readers of my magazine also have needs, for example, they need to know how to survive sixth

form and how to balance their social life with their school work. My magazine will help with these needs by providing advice and

guidance on how to progress well at school and in the future, as well as helping with other needs, such as how to dress at school.

They will read ‘student-sun’ to satisfy their needs, and add pleasure and entertainment to their lives, whilst also seeing it and

using it as a ‘friend’ which links in to Maslow’s ideas about needing social interaction in our lives.

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