
ONG SENG PENG 0319016 Tutor: Ms Patmaselvi

QUESTION 1: i. Who was the architect or founder of the building?

                      ii. What was the concept or philosophy of the architect or founder that makes the building                                         historiacally significant / meaningful?


(Sancta Camisia in Chatres Cathedral)

The region Chatres Cathedral construction started in 1134 during the early Gothic period and was destroyed by fire in 1194. However the “Sancta Camisia” a silk relics which believed is used by the Virgin Mary when she gave birth to Jesus is found unharmed after the fire which led people to believe that it was a sign from Mary. Thus the donations came in from all over France and rebuilding began almost immediately in 1194. The West façade and the old crypt of the building is safe from the fire therefore it is being renovated from the previous Romaneques style to the High Gothic style.


This building is designed and built under the direction of Bishop Fulbert and later under the direction of Geoffroy de Lèves but neither man was an architect. In 1194 when the building went down in flames, the 1st architect was commissioned to design the cathedral, but his name has lost record in the history. Before 1194, the Chatres cathedral was built in the style of Romanesque architecture,

then the reconstruction of the building in 1194 were built in the style of Gothic Architecture. Since the rebuild, the cathedral has been maintained well until today.


French Gothic Architecture

It is an Architecture that flourished during medieval period, it can be seen in many cathedrals in Europe.

The notable elements of this architecture can be seen in this building are, the flyying buttery invented by the builder to support the high wall, pointed arch, clerestory and triforium.


THE BUILDING CONCEPTS (What makes this building historical significance):

What makes this building unique is the building design that based on the religious scenario of Jesus in the Bible. These scenarios are expressed in the 3 façades of the building namely South Portal, North Portal and West Portal, the main entrance of the cathedral. The sculptures and the stained glass at the 3 portals tells the story of Jesus especially to the illiterate and also keep and remind the faith of the worshipers when they come to pray. Besides, this building also slightly elevate the name of Virgin Mary because people believed that the mother of Christ should be honoured as well since she was the chosen one by God to give birth to Jesus and raise him up therefore there are sculptures in the building showing Virgin Mary enthrone together with Jesus Christ. In order to achieve this idea, the Bishop Filbert had ordered numerous of sculptors to help him to create the sculptures.

Below are the design of each 3 main facade of the building.

West façade main portal also known as Royal portal): 

The sculptures on the west façade depict Christ's religious scenes, the left portal symbolise ascension into heaven (at the left portal), the middle portal signifying the coming of Jesus during the day of judgement, and the right portal is representing the Christ in the lap of Virgin Mary.

The columns are attached with figures of Kings and Queens from the Old Testament in bible. They were regarded as the royal ancestors of Christ and which is why the West façade is known as Royal portal. 

The stained glass on the west portal :

Known as West Rose, this stained glass depicts the Last Judgment: Christ in judgment is surrounded by Four Evangelists and angels, then scenes of angels blowing trumpets, resurrection, judgment, heaven and hell.

North façade (Old testament):

The sculptures at the north portal illustrates the Old Testament and the Virgin Mary as precursors and preparations for Christ. There are several Old Testament figures are attached to the column.

From the Left: the sculpture represent Isaiah (with a small figure of Jesse below him) , Jeremiah (who prophesied the Passion, holds a Greek cross and has an attentive listener beneath his feet), Simeonthe (the priest to whom Christ was presented at the temple, holds the Child in his arms), John the Baptist (thin from fasting, wears his camel hair tunic and points to a medallion of the Lamb of God; a dragon is beneath his feet) and St Peter  dressed as a pope,He once held a chalice as well as his keys and pastoral staff.

The stained glass on the north portal :

Known as Norhth Rose, it  depicts the Glorification of the Virgin: Virgin and Child surrounded by doves and angels, then Old Testament kings and Old Testament prophets.

South façade (New testament):  

In the central scene Christ appears human, mild and gentle, an image that became known as the Beau-Dieu, the "handsome God." The left bay has sculptures of martyrs; the right bay figures of confessors (saints who were not martyred).

The stained glass on the south portal :

Known as South Rose, it depicts the Glorification of Christ: Christ blessing surrounded by Four Evangelists and angels, then the elders of the Apocalypse, then the arms of donors to the cathedral.


Cruickshank, D. (1996). Gothic. In A History of Architecture (Twentieth ed., p. 430). Daryagani, New Delhi: CBS & distributor.

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