Page 1: Prefrontal parvalbumin interneurons shape neuronal activity to parvalbumin interneurons shape neuronal activity


Prefrontal parvalbumin interneurons shape neuronalactivity to drive fear expressionJulien Courtin1,2, Fabrice Chaudun1,2, Robert R. Rozeske1,2, Nikolaos Karalis1,2, Cecilia Gonzalez-Campo1,2, Helene Wurtz1,2,Azzedine Abdi3,4, Jerome Baufreton3,4, Thomas C. M. Bienvenu1,2 & Cyril Herry1,2

Synchronization of spiking activity in neuronal networks is a fun-damental process that enables the precise transmission of informa-tion to drive behavioural responses1–3. In cortical areas, synchronizationof principal-neuron spiking activity is an effective mechanism forinformation coding that is regulated by GABA (c-aminobutyricacid)-ergic interneurons through the generation of neuronal oscil-lations4,5. Although neuronal synchrony has been demonstrated tobe crucial for sensory, motor and cognitive processing6–8, it has notbeen investigated at the level of defined circuits involved in thecontrol of emotional behaviour. Converging evidence indicates thatfear behaviour is regulated by the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex9–12

(dmPFC). This control over fear behaviour relies on the activationof specific prefrontal projections to the basolateral complex of theamygdala (BLA), a structure that encodes associative fear mem-ories13–15. However, it remains to be established how the precisetemporal control of fear behaviour is achieved at the level of pre-frontal circuits. Here we use single-unit recordings and optogeneticmanipulations in behaving mice to show that fear expression iscausally related to the phasic inhibition of prefrontal parvalbumininterneurons (PVINs). Inhibition of PVIN activity disinhibits pre-frontal projection neurons and synchronizes their firing by reset-ting local theta oscillations, leading to fear expression. Our resultsidentify two complementary neuronal mechanisms mediated byPVINs that precisely coordinate and enhance the neuronal activityof prefrontal projection neurons to drive fear expression.

To identify the prefrontal circuitry involved in conditioned fearbehaviour, mice were implanted with recording electrodes aimed atthe dmPFC, and submitted to auditory fear conditioning, a robustlearning paradigm in which animals learn to associate a neutral stimu-lus (the conditioned stimulus, CS) with a coincident aversive foot-shock(the unconditioned stimulus, US) (Fig. 1a). Re-exposure to the CSinduces the expression of various conditioned fear responses, includ-ing an immobilization reaction called freezing. Twenty-four hoursafter conditioning, mice displayed a selective increase in freezing dur-ing presentations of the CS associated with the US (CS1), whichreturned to baseline levels by the end of the second extinction session(Fig. 1b). One week later, CS1 presentations induced a selective fearrecovery (Fig. 1b). Among the 732 neurons recorded in dmPFC, 493(67.3%) displayed significant excitatory or inhibitory phasic responsesto CS1 presentations following conditioning. To dissect dmPFC cir-cuits involved in the control of fear behaviour, we separated the CS1-responsive neurons into putative principal neurons (PNs, n 5 351) andinterneurons (INs, n 5 142) using unsupervised clustering and cross-correlogram analyses (Extended Data Fig. 1). Among dmPFC INs, prin-cipal component analyses revealed two main subclasses with oppositeCS-evoked responses during fear expression (Fig. 1c, d, and ExtendedData Fig. 2a, b). Type 1 INs (n 5 68) displayed short-latency, CS-evoked activity correlated with high (CS1), but not low (CS2), fearstates. Conversely, type 2 INs (n 5 15) were strongly inhibited duringhigh but not low fear states (Fig. 1c, d). Correlation analyses carried out

between changes in activity after CS presentations and freezing levelsrevealed that the firing of type 1 and type 2 INs were correlated andinversely correlated, respectively, with freezing (Fig. 1e, f). Moreover,latency and cross-correlation analyses of simultaneously recorded cellsrevealed that CS1-evoked excitation of type 1 INs preceded type 2 INsCS1-evoked inhibition (Extended Data Fig. 2c–e).

Interestingly, whereas type 1 INs displayed moderate firing rates(16.2 6 1.5 Hz) and were weakly modulated with local theta oscilla-tions, type 2 INs showed fast firing activity (43.9 6 9.7 Hz) and werestrongly modulated with local theta, suggesting that type 2 INs arePVINs16 (Extended Data Fig. 2 f–h). To address this possibility, we selec-tively infected PVINs with injections of a conditional adeno-associatedvirus (AAV) encoding for archaeorhodopsin in the dmPFC of miceexpressing the Cre recombinase under the control of a PV promoter(PV-IRES-Cre; Fig. 2a and Extended Data Fig. 3a, b). Using this strat-egy, we optically silenced the firing of type 2 (n 5 5/5 (5 out of 5)) butnot type 1 INs (n 5 0/9), indicating that type 2 INs belong to the PVINpopulation (Fig. 2b). Remarkably, among light-reactive PVINs (n 5 9),only type 2 PVINs (n 5 5) displayed significant decreases in CS-evoked activity following conditioning, suggesting a functional roleof this subpopulation during fear behaviour (Extended Data Fig. 4a–d). In summary, we identified two subclasses of dmPFC INs whoseactivities oppositely correlate with fear behaviour and demonstratedthat type 2 INs are PVINs.

To determine whether the CS-evoked inhibition of type 2 PVINs causesfear expression, PV-IRES-Cre mice received intra-dmPFC injectionsof a conditional AAV encoding for archaeorhodopsin or channelrho-dopsin. Infection of dmPFC PVINs did not change their electrophysio-logical characteristics (Extended Data Fig. 3c–e). Before fear conditioning,optical silencing of PVINs induced freezing (Fig. 2c). Moreover, afterfear extinction, CS1 presentations coupled to optical silencing of PVINs,including type 2 INs, consistently reinstated fear responses (Fig. 2c andExtended Data Fig. 4c–e). Conversely, optical activation of PVINs tran-siently inhibited freezing (Fig. 2d). To control that freezing induced byCS-evoked inhibition of type 2 INs did not result from motor impair-ments, we optically inhibited PVINs during a place avoidance para-digm, in which mice could actively avoid the compartment in whichthey received optical silencing. Under these conditions, optogeneticsilencing of PVINs produced place aversion relative to control animals(Extended Data Fig. 5). These data demonstrate that fear expression iscausally related to the inhibition of dmPFC PVINs, including type 2 INs.

PVINs target the perisomatic region of PNs, thereby providingpowerful inhibition of dmPFC output activity17. Therefore, CS1-evoked inhibition of PVINs during fear behaviour might disinhibitPNs, a permissive mechanism that would gate fear responses. Consistentwith this, the vast majority of tone-reactive PNs (n 5 308/351, 87.7%)significantly increased their activity upon CS1 relative to CS2 presen-tations (Fig. 3a). Moreover, the optogenetic activation of PVINs inhibitedPNs, prevented CS1-induced activation of PNs and reduced freezing(Extended Data Fig. 6a–c). Conversely, light-induced inhibition of

1INSERM, NeurocentreMagendie,U862, 146 Rue Leo-Saignat, Bordeaux 33077, France. 2University of Bordeaux, NeurocentreMagendie,U862, 146 RueLeo-Saignat, Bordeaux 33077, France. 3Universityof Bordeaux, Institut des Maladies Neurodegeneratives, UMR 5293, Bordeaux F-33000, France. 4CNRS, Institut des Maladies Neurodegeneratives, UMR 5293, Bordeaux F-33000, France.

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PVINs disinhibited PNs and produced freezing (Figs 2c and 3b). Thesedata suggest that the increased activity of dmPFC PNs during fearexpression results from a disinhibitory mechanism mediated by PVINs.

As PVINs have a key role in the genesis of cortical networks oscilla-tions18,19, we investigated whether specific changes in dmPFC local fieldpotentials (LFPs) were associated with different fear states. Althoughfreezing periods were associated with a strong reduction of LFP thetapower compared to non-freezing periods (Extended Data Fig. 7a), CS1

but not CS2 presentations were associated with a transient amplitudeincrease and a phase resetting of theta oscillations (Fig. 4a and ExtendedData Fig. 7b). This analysis produced similar results when restricted tofreezing and non-freezing periods during CS presentations (ExtendedData Fig. 7c, d). This observation raises the question of whetherdmPFC theta phase resetting during fear behaviour is mediated locallyor imposed by a remote structure, such as the hippocampus. To addressthis question we locally injected muscimol to inactivate the medialseptum, a structure that is involved in the genesis of hippocampal thetaoscillations20. Inactivation of the medial septum reduced hippocampal

theta power, whereas it did not influence freezing and had no effect ondmPFC theta phase resetting evoked by CS1 presentations (ExtendedData Fig. 8).

Interestingly, we observed a strong correlation between CS1-evokedinhibition of PVINs and dmPFC theta phase resetting, suggesting thatthis phenomenon is gated by PVINs (Fig. 4b). In support of thishypothesis, optogenetic inhibition of PVINs reproduced theta phaseresetting (Fig. 4c and Extended Data Fig. 9). Consistent with this,dmPFC theta resetting induced by CS1 was blocked by optogeneticexcitation of PVINs (Fig. 4d). Our results indicate that CS1-evokedinhibition of PVINs mediates theta phase resetting during fearexpression, a phenomenon that might enhance synchronization andefficiency of dmPFC output neurons. To evaluate whether dmPFCtheta phase resetting is associated with spiking synchronization amongPNs during fear expression, we quantified the number of PNs display-ing a significant firing increase during CS2 and CS1 presentations.Significantly more PNs were activated during CS1 relative to CS2

presentations (Fig. 5a). This activation was associated with a signifi-cant increase of coincident firing between pairs of PNs following CS1

(Fig. 5b and Extended Data Fig. 10a). Furthermore, more PNs weresignificantly phase-locked to local theta oscillations during CS1 rela-tive to CS2 presentations (Fig. 5c). Consistent with this, comparison of




Time (ms)

–400 –200 0 200 400


q. (H







Time (ms)

–400 –200 0 200 400


q. (H









Blocks of 4 CS





g (%









Day 1: Hab. Day 2: Post FC Day 3: Ext. Day 10: Ret.

Time (ms)

–400 –200 0 200 400

z sco







Time (ms)

–400 –200 0 200 400

z sco








g (%
















g (%













2.0Type 1

Type 2

z sco

rez s




d f

Day 1: Hab. Day 1: FC Day 3: Ext.

4 CS 5 CS-US

4 CS5 CS4 CS

12 CS

Day 2: Post FC

4 CS

12 CSCS+


Day 10: Ret.

4 CS

4 CS









n= 15

Type 2

n = 68

Type 1

n = 68

Type 1

n = 15

Type 2

Conditioning context Extinction context

Figure 1 | Firing of distinct dmPFC INs oppositely correlates with fearexpression. a, Protocol. b, During habituation (Hab.), mice (n 5 29) exhibitedlow freezing during CS2 and CS1. After fear conditioning (Post FC; the firstextinction session), CS1 (CS presentations 1–12, grouped into blocks of 4)induced high freezing (Wilcoxon signed-rank tests, CS2 versus each CS1 block;all P , 0.001). After extinction (Ext. (the second extinction session), n 5 28mice), CS1 (CS1 9–12; the last 4 CS1 of the extinction session) and CS2 evokedlow freezing. During retrieval (Ret.), CS1 but not CS2 induced fear recovery(n 5 21 mice, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, CS2 versus CS1; P , 0.001). Errorbars, mean 6 s.e.m. c, d, Left, raster plots and peristimulus time histograms(PSTHs) of CS1-evoked firing for INs (type 1 and 2) during Post FC (CS1 1–4,108 trials). Right, mean z score of CS2 and CS1-evoked responses of type 1 andtype 2 INs during Post-FC, Ext. or Ret. sessions (CS2 and CS1 1–4, 108 trials).Type 1 INs were excited (n 5 68, 25 mice, paired t-test, CS2 versus CS1,P , 0.001), whereas type 2 INs were inhibited during CS1 (n 5 15, 8 mice,paired t-test, CS2 versus CS1, P , 0.001). Bins of 10 ms. e, f, Correlationsbetween freezing during CS (Post-FC, Ext. or Ret. sessions, CS2 and CS1 1–4)and CS-evoked firing (mean z score 0–150 ms post CS) for type 1 INs (n 5 68,Pearson’s r 5 0.79, P , 0.01) and type 2 (n 5 15, Pearson’s r 5 20.93,P , 0.001).





g (%










g (%










g (%










g (%








Base CS+

Post FC Test



ArchT expression in

dmPFC PV interneurons




Time (ms)

–400 –200 0 200 400

Mean f


. (H





Time (ms)

–400 –200 0 200 400

Mean f


. (H




50Type 1 Type 2

n = 9 n = 5

Light Light






Base Light

Pre FC Extinction





Base CS+/no light





24 h

24 h

24 h

Pre FC


Post FC


24 h

24 h


Post FC


Figure 2 | Prefrontal type 2 PVINs control fear expression. a, Schematic oflight inhibition of archaeorhodopsin (ArchT)-green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing PVINs (green) in dmPFC with an optic fibre coupled to therecording electrodes (yellow). Cg1, anterior cingulate cortex; IL, infralimbicarea; PL, prelimbic area. b, PSTHs showing mean activity changes for type 1(left, n 5 9) and type 2 INs (right, n 5 5) upon yellow light (yellow bars, 250 ms;108 trials, 0.9 Hz). A Fisher exact statistical test revealed that the proportions ofthe two populations were significantly different (P 5 0.033). Bins of 10 ms.c, Protocol (left panel) and behaviour from PV-IRES-Cre mice infected indmPFC with GFP (control, n 5 8) or ArchT-GFP-expressing (n 5 9) floxedAAV viruses and submitted to yellow light. Before conditioning (Pre FC,middle panel) and after extinction (right panel), optogenetic inhibition ofPVINs induced freezing (paired t-tests, Pre FC, GFP versus ArchT,***P , 0.001; Extinction, GFP versus ArchT, ***P , 0.001; light-pulseduration, 250 ms; 108 trials, 0.9 Hz). d, Protocol (left panel) and behaviour fromPV-IRES-Cre mice infected with control GFP (n 5 8) or channelrhodopsin(ChR2)-enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (eYFP)-expressing (n 5 6) floxedAAV viruses in the dmPFC and submitted to blue light. Following conditioning(middle panel, Post FC), optogenetic activation of PVINs decreased freezing(Post FC, GFP versus ChR2, paired t-test, **P , 0.01; light-pulse duration,250 ms; 108 trials, 0.9 Hz). NS, not significant. Error bars, mean 6 s.e.m.


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the strength of theta phase locking, a measure of spiking synchroniza-tion, revealed a stronger tuning of dmPFC activity to local theta duringCS1 periods (Extended Data Fig. 10b). To evaluate whether enhance-ment of the spiking synchronization of PNs with local theta induced byCS1 presentations was causally related to the inhibition of PVINs, weoptogenetically manipulated PVINs and quantified PN theta phaselocking. Our analysis revealed that light-induced inhibition of PVINsincreased, whereas light-induced excitation of PVINs reduced PNsphase locking to dmPFC theta oscillations (Extended Data Fig. 10c, d).

To understand the dynamics of PNs synchronization during thetaphase reset, the mean preferred phase of individual PNs was calcula-ted during the first three theta cycles following CS1 (SupplementaryMethods). Relative to CS2 presentations, CS1-induced firing of PNsoccurred significantly more frequently around the peak of the oscilla-tions, thereby creating precise temporal windows during which PNswere synchronized (Fig. 5d). Interestingly, similar to the CS1 condition,artificial resetting of local theta oscillations, either by aligning the phaseof individual LFPs during CS2 presentations or by optogeneticallyinhibiting PVINs, produced synchronization of PNs firing aroundthe peak of theta oscillations (Extended Data Fig. 10e, f). This obser-vation suggests that the overall phase preference of PNs did not changebetween CS2 or CS1 conditions, but that PV-mediated theta phaseresetting coordinated and sharpened synchronization among PNs.

Converging evidence indicates that dmPFC PNs target both thebasolateral amygdala (BLA) and the periaqueductal grey (PAG), twostructures involved in fear behaviour21–23. This raises the possibilitythat PNs may modulate fear expression through direct projections tothe PAG and/or the BLA. To disentangle these possibilities, we anti-dromically activated dmPFC efferents using extracellular stimulationof BLA or PAG in anaesthetized mice, following completion of beha-viour. These experiments revealed that PNs disinhibited during CS1

presentations preferentially targeted the BLA (Fig. 5 e, f and ExtendedData Fig. 6d). These data indicate that theta phase resetting mediatedby PVINs synchronizes PNs after CS1 presentations and suggest thatdmPFC PNs preferentially target the BLA to drive fear responses.

Using single-unit and LFP recordings combined with optogeneticmanipulation of PVINs in mice, we have shown that a subpopulation

of PVINs organizes the spiking activity of dmPFC PNs during precisetime windows, through phase resetting of local theta oscillations, todrive fear expression. Our data indicate that the fine regulation ofdmPFC-BLA PNs by a subtype of PVINs is critical for the expressionof fear behaviour. Our results demonstrate that inhibition of type 2PVINs during CS1 presentations is causally related to the expressionof conditioned fear responses, and suggest that type 1 INs might inhibittype 2 INs. The origin of CS-mediated type 1 INs excitatory responsesremains to be determined, but it is likely that they receive inputs fromstructures involved in the encoding or modulation of conditioned fearsuch as BLA or hippocampus24,25.

A key question is what mechanisms can account for our observationthat inhibition of PVINs is necessary and sufficient for the expressionof fear responses. Cortical PVINs are known to inhibit PNs throughpowerful perisomatic inhibition17. As a consequence, CS1-evokedinhibition in PVINs induced a strong disinhibition of PNs, a permiss-ive mechanism that gated neuronal responses during fear expression.These results indicate that CS-evoked activity in dmPFC PNs duringfear expression result in part from a disinhibitory mechanism. Notably,conditioned freezing was not entirely prevented by PVINs activation,indicating that some dmPFC PNs may escape inhibitory control, or

Time (ms)

–400 –200 0 200 400F


. (H






Time (ms)

–400 –200 0 200 400


q. (H






Time (ms)

–400 –200 0 200 400

z sco









n = 308

CS+CS– Tone

Time (ms)

–400 –200 0 200 400

z sco







Time (ms)

–400 –200 0 200 400F


. (H





n = 27

Time (ms)

–400 –200 0 200 400







No light Light Light

Figure 3 | dmPFC PVINs disinhibit PNs during fear expression. a, Rasterplots and PSTHs illustrating CS2 and CS1-evoked activities (left and middlepanels, respectively) of a PN during Post FC (CS2/CS1 1–4, 108 trials). Rightpanel, mean PSTHs of PNs recorded during Post FC, Ext. or Ret. (n 5 308neurons from 27 mice, CS2 and CS1 1–4) showing a stronger and significantincrease in response to CS1 compared to CS2. b, Firing of a PN recorded in amouse expressing ArchT in dmPFC PVINs at baseline (left panel, no light),and in response to yellow light (middle panel, light-pulse duration, 250 ms;108 trials, 0.9 Hz). Right panel, mean PSTHs of all PNs displaying significantCS1-evoked excitation during Ext. and disinhibited during optogeneticinhibition of PVINs (n 5 27/41 PNs from 7 mice; light-pulse duration, 250 ms;108 trials, 0.9 Hz). Bins of 20 ms.

Time (ms)

–300 –150 0 150 300









bTime (ms)

–300 –150 0 150 300


rm. A






–300 –150 0 150 300








–300 –150 0 150 300


rm. A






Time (ms)

–300 –150 0 150 300









Time (ms)

–300 –150 0 150 300


p. (m





Time (ms)

–300 –150 0 150 300


p. (m





n = 28

Normalized variance

0.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

z sco





r = 0.75

P < 0.05

n = 6

n = 9


–300 –150 0 150 300











CS+ CS+/light
































No light








Figure 4 | Inhibition of PVINs induces theta phase resetting. a, dmPFC LFPtrace amplitudes (Amp.) filtered in the 8–12-Hz range (left panel, 27 sweeps)and corresponding standardized trace amplitudes (middle panel) illustratingtheta phase resetting induced by CS1 but not CS2 (Post-FC session, first CS2

and first CS1, 27 sweeps). Right panel, time variance of the first theta peakfollowing CS (Post FC, CS2 and CS1 1–4, n 5 28 mice, CS2 versus CS1, pairedt-test, ***P , 0.001). b, Correlation between CS-evoked firing of type 2 INs(mean z score 0–150 ms post CS) and the time variance of the first theta peakfollowing CS (Post FC, CS2 and CS1 1–4, n 5 15 type 2 INs, Pearson’s r 5 0.75,P , 0.05). c, Left panel, dmPFC LFP traces recorded in a mouse expressingArchT in PVINs in control conditions (top part; No light, 27 sweeps), andduring optogenetic inhibition of PVINs (bottom part; light duration, 250 ms; 27sweeps, 0.9 Hz). Right panel, time variance of the first theta peak following light(n 5 9 mice, No light versus Light, paired t-test, *P , 0.05). d, RepresentativeLFP traces recorded when CS1 was presented alone (left panel, Post-FC session,first CS1) or paired with the optogenetic activation of PVINs (middle panel,Post-FC session, fifth CS1; light-pulse duration, 250 ms; 27 sweeps, 0.9 Hz).Right panel, time variance analyses of theta resetting during CS1 or CS1/Light(n 5 6 mice, CS1 versus CS1/Light, paired t-test, **P , 0.01). Error bars,mean 6 s.e.m.


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that other brain regions promote fear responses in concert withdmPFC.

Although fear behaviour was associated with a reduction in dmPFCtheta-oscillation magnitude, CS1-evoked inhibition of PVINs induceda robust and transient theta phase resetting spanning two to three thetacycles. Transient theta phase has been previously observed in corticalregions following electrical or sensory stimulations26–28. Our findingsprovide the first mechanistic explanation of phase resetting at the

cellular level and extend this phenomenon to the control of emotionalbehaviour. Functionally, we observed that theta phase resetting syn-chronized PNs around theta peaks without changing the preferredphases of individual PNs. This observation suggests that resetting oflocal theta oscillations, but not the preferred phases of individual PNsto the local LFP, is critically involved in the expression of fear res-ponses. Thus, theta phase resetting represents a powerful mechanismfor reliable fear expression because it creates an optimal temporalrelationship that binds spiking activity with sensory information pro-vided by CS. Ultimately, phase resetting of oscillations is a powerfulmechanism that enhances the impact of input signals and enablestransmission of information to downstream targets. Our data alsoshow that reduction of rhythmic inhibition from PVINs paradoxicallyincreases synchrony. Suppression of interference between two oscilla-tors may account for this effect. Future work will be needed to identifythe origin of dmPFC theta oscillations that are unmasked by PVINsinhibition.

Another question is how synchronized PNs can control fear expres-sion. Previous findings suggest that putative dmPFC PNs displayingsustained or transient changes in their spiking activity promote fearexpression through activation and synchronization of BLA neurons9,29,30.In line with these studies, our results demonstrate that PNs exhibitingCS1-evoked synchronized firing during fear expression preferentiallyproject to the BLA where they may target specific neuronal populationsactivated during fear behaviour23.

Finally, our findings suggest that persistent fear behaviour, which isat the core of psychiatric conditions such as anxiety disorders, may befinely regulated at the level of specific prefrontal inhibitory circuits.

METHODS SUMMARYMice were submitted to a fear-conditioning paradigm in which the CS1 but notthe CS2 was paired with a mild foot-shock (US). Extinction training was carriedout over 2 days and mice were tested 1 week later for a retrieval session23. For opto-genetic manipulations, PV-IRES-Cre mice received stereotaxic injections of AAVviruses encoding channelrhodopsin or archaeorhodopsin in the dmPFC. Bilateralactivation of archaeorhodopsin or channelrhodopsin was performed usingimplanted optic fibres coupled to a laser beam. Inactivation of the medial septumwas achieved using local pressure injection of fluorescently labelled muscimol.Individual neurons were recorded extracellularly and spikes were sorted by time-amplitude window discrimination and template matching as described23. CS-evoked responses were normalized to baseline activity using a z-score transforma-tion. Antidromic and orthodromic spikes evoked by extracellular stimulations ofthe BLA or PAG were recorded in neurons isolated from behavioural sessions andrecorded in urethane-anaesthetized mice, after completion of behaviour. In vitrowhole-cell voltage and current-clamp recordings were performed using glass pipe-ttes (4–6 MV) filled with K-gluconate-based solutions.

Online Content Any additional Methods, Extended Data display items and SourceData are available in the online version of the paper; references unique to thesesections appear only in the online paper.

Received 15 May; accepted 9 October 2013.

Published online 20 November 2013.

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Ln (z)

0 1 2 3




e o













. o

f P








. o

f P







Preferred phase (°)


. o

f P



. o

f P




Time (ms)

–400 –200 0 200 400







g (C








CS– (14.7% freez.)

b cn = 308






80CS+ (69.8% freez.)

Preferred phase (°)

0–360 360 720 1,080






. o

f P



Disinhibited dmPFC PNs


















0 μ


3 ms



Figure 5 | Synchronization of dmPFC PNs during fear expression.a, Number of significantly CS-activated PNs recorded during Post-FC, Ext. orRet. sessions (CS2, n 5 205; CS1 1–4, n 5 308; CS2 versus CS1, paired t-test,P , 0.001). b, Normalized averaged ratio of changes in coincident activitybetween pairs of PNs induced by CS2 and CS1 (Post-FC, Ext. or Ret. sessions,n 5 975 pairs from 308 PNs). Dashed line, significant z score at P , 0.05 level.Bins of 30 ms. c, Cumulative distribution of log-transformed Rayleigh’s test Z ofCS-responsive PNs (n 5 308; Post-FC, Ext. or Ret. sessions). Dashed line,significant theta phase locking threshold (ln (Z) 5 1.1, P , 0.05; CS2, n 5 24neurons; CS1 (1–4), n 5 65 neurons). d, Top panel, preferred theta phasedistributions of PNs (n 5 308 neurons, 108 CS pips, Post-FC, Ext. or Ret.sessions) during theta cycles around CS2 (left part, blue bars, 14.7% freezing)and CS1 (right part, red bars, 69.8% freezing, bins of 45u). Bottom panel,preferred theta phases of individual PNs. Example 8–12-Hz theta-filtered LFPtraces during CS2 and CS1 are represented above for illustrative purposes.During CS1 but not CS2, resetting of theta oscillations synchronizes the firingof PNs around the peaks of theta cycles (Rayleigh test for circular uniformity:first theta cycle post CS, CS1 versus CS2, P , 0.001). e, Left panel, strategy usedto identify connections between PNs and the BLA–PAG. Rec., recordingelectrode; S, stimulation artifact; Stim., stimulation electrode. Right panel,antidromic spikes recorded from a PN in response to BLA stimulationsidentified by their low temporal jitter (top trace, 10 trials), collisions withspontaneously (Spont.) occurring spikes (middle trace, 10 trials) and ability tofollow high-frequency stimulation (bottom trace, 250 Hz, 10 trials). f, PNsexhibiting antidromic responses to BLA stimulations displayed CS1- evokedexcitation (9/9 neurons). Only a small fraction of PNs exhibiting antidromicresponses to PAG stimulation displayed CS1-evoked excitation (1/7 neurons,14.3%). Thin arrow indicates that fewer neurons that project to the PAGare disinhibited; thick arrow indicates that more neurons that project to theBLA are disinhibited.


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Supplementary Information is available in the online version of the paper.

Acknowledgements We thank members of the Herry laboratory, K. Benchenane andD. Dupret for comments on the manuscript, K.Deisseroth and E. Boyden for generouslysharing material, J. Bacelo, S. Wolff and P. Tovote for technical and computationalassistance, the Bordeaux Imaging center of the University of Bordeaux, and C. Poujoland S. Marais for technical assistance with microscopy. This work was supported bygrants from the French National Research Agency (ANR-2010-BLAN-1442-01;ANR-10-EQPX-08 OPTOPATH), the European Research Council (ERC) under theEuropean Union’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC grantagreement no. 281168, a Fonds AXA pour la recherche doctoral fellowship (J.C.) andthe Conseil Regional d’Aquitaine. T.C.M.B is a fellow of Ecole de l’Inserm LilianeBettencourt-MD-PhD program, France.

Author Contributions J.C., F.C., R.R.R., N.K., C.G.-C., H.W., A.A., J.B. and T.C.M.B.performed the experiments and analysed the data. J.C. and C.H. designed theexperiments and wrote the paper.

Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available The authors declare no competing financial interests.Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of the paper. Correspondenceand requests for materials should be addressed to C.H. ([email protected]).


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Page 6: Prefrontal parvalbumin interneurons shape neuronal activity to parvalbumin interneurons shape neuronal activity

METHODSAnimals. Male C57BL6/J mice (3 months old, Janvier) and PV-IRES-Cre mice(3 months old, Jackson Laboratory, B6;129P2-Pvalbtm1(cre)Arbr/J) were individu-ally housed for at least 7 days before all experiments, under a 12-h light–dark cycle,and provided with food and water ad libitum. All procedures were performed inaccordance with standard ethical guidelines (European Communities Directive86/60-EEC) and were approved by the committee on Animal Health and Care ofInstitut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale and French Ministry ofAgriculture and Forestry (authorization A3312001).Behaviour. Fear conditioning and extinction took place in two different contexts(context A and B). The conditioning and extinction boxes were cleaned with 70%ethanol and 1% acetic acid before and after each session, respectively. To scorefreezing behaviour, an automated infrared beam detection system located on thebottom of the experimental chambers was used (Coulbourn Instruments). Theanimals were considered to be freezing if no movement was detected for 2 s. Onday 1, C57BL6/J mice were submitted to an habituation session in context A, inwhich they received four presentations of the CS1 and of the CS2 (total CSduration, 30 s; consisting of 50-ms pips at 0.9 Hz repeated 27 times, 2 ms riseand fall; pip frequency, 7.5 kHz or white-noise, 80 dB sound pressure level).Discriminative fear conditioning was performed on the same day by pairing theCS1 with a US (1-s foot-shock, 0.6 mA, 5 CS1–US pairings; inter-trial intervals,20–180 s). The onset of the US coincided with the offset of the CS1. The CS2 waspresented after each CS1–US association but was never reinforced (five CS2

presentations; inter-trial intervals, 20–180 s). The frequencies used for CS1 andCS2 were counterbalanced across animals. On day 2 and day 3, conditioned micewere submitted to extinction training (post-fear-conditioning and extinction ses-sions) in context B during which they received 4 and 12 presentations of the CS2

and CS1, respectively. Retrieval of fear was tested 7 days later in context B, with 4presentations of the CS2 and the CS1. Four distinct behavioural experiments wereperformed to collect the entire data set.

For optogenetic experiments using archaeorhodopsin, PV-IRES-Cre mice weresubmitted on day 1 to a pre-fear-conditioning session in context A during whichthey received yellow light stimulations (250-ms pulses repeated at 0.9 Hz during 2min). Fear conditioning was performed on day 2 in context A, by pairing the CS1

with the US (1-s foot-shock, 0.6 mA, 5 CS1/US pairings; inter-trial interval, 20–180 s). On day 2 and day 3, conditioned mice were submitted to extinction training(post-fear-conditioning and extinction sessions) in context B during which theyreceived 12 presentations of the CS1. At the end of the last extinction session theyreceived an additional four presentations of the CS1 coupled to yellow lightstimulations (each CS1 pip was paired with a 250-ms light pulse). For optogeneticexperiments using archaeorhodopsin, two distinct behavioural experiments wereperformed to collect the entire data set. For optogenetic experiments using chan-nelrhodopsin, PV-IRES-Cre mice were submitted on day 1 to the same fear con-ditioning protocol as above. A post-conditioning test was performed on day 2 incontext B and consisted of four presentations of the CS1 alone followed by fourpresentations of the CS1 coupled to blue light stimulations (each CS1 pip waspaired with a 250-ms light pulse). On day 3, mice were submitted to a second test incontext B (Test) in which they received four presentations of the CS1. For opto-genetic experiments using channelrhodopsin, two distinct behavioural experi-ments were performed to collect the entire data set.

For the place-avoidance experiment, we used an apparatus composed of twoplexiglas compartments (20 3 10 cm each) connected by an alleyway. The twocompartments differed tactilely (smooth plastic versus metal bars) and visually(grey plexiglas with red horizontal stripes or grey plexiglas). The time spent in eachcompartment was automatically recorded by an infrared beam detection systemlocated on the bottom of the apparatus (Imetronic). On day 1, mice were allowedto explore freely the entire apparatus during a 15-min pre-exposure. Followingpre-exposure, the compartment in which the mice spent the most time was desig-nated as the most visited compartment. On day 2, mice were submitted to a 15-mintest session during which light pulses (250-ms pulse width, repeated at 0.9 Hz)were delivered while the animals occupied the most visited compartment, but notwhen they occupied the less-visited compartment. The automated infrared beamsensors detected when the animal fully entered and exited the most visited com-partment on day 1. The laser was automatically turned on for the period of time inwhich the animal stayed in the most visited compartment. The laser was turned ononly when the animal fully entered the most visited compartment, not before theentrance. For place avoidance experiments, two distinct behavioural experimentswere performed to collect the entire data set.

For pharmacological experiments, C57BL6/J mice were submitted to a fearconditioning paradigm consisting of CS1 and US pairings in context A as describedabove. On days 2, 3 and 4, conditioned mice were tested in context B during whichthey received four presentations of the CS1 before muscimol injections (Day 2,Test pre-MUS), 5 min after muscimol injections (Day 3, Test MUS), and 24 hrs

following muscimol injections (Day 4, Test post-MUS) . For pharmacologicalexperiments, two distinct behavioural experiments were performed to collect theentire data set.Surgery and recordings. Mice were anaesthetized with isoflurane (induction 3%,maintenance 1.5%) in O2. Body temperature was maintained at 37 uC with atemperature controller system (FHC). Mice were secured in a stereotaxic frameand unilaterally implanted in the left dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC) witha multi-wire electrode array aimed at the following coordinates: 2 mm anterior tobregma; 0.3 mm lateral to the midline; and 0.8 to 1.4 mm ventral to the corticalsurface. A subset of animals (n 5 10) were also implanted in the dorsal hippocam-pus (dHip) at the following coordinates: 2 mm posterior to bregma; 1.2 mm lateralto midline; and 1.2 to 1.4 mm ventral to the cortical surface. The electrodesconsisted of 16 individually insulated nichrome wires (13 mm inner diameter,impedance 30–100 KV; Kanthal) contained in a 26-gauge stainless-steel guidecannula. The wires were attached to an 18-pin connector (Omnetics). For micethat received dmPFC and dHip multi-wire implants, two connectors were used.All implants were secured using Super-Bond cement (Sun Medical). After surgerymice were allowed to recover for 7 days and were habituated to handling. Analgesiawas applied before, and 1 day after surgery (Metacam, Boehringer). Electrodeswere connected to a headstage (Plexon) containing sixteen unity-gain operationalamplifiers. The headstage was connected to a 16-channel preamplifier (gain 1003

bandpass filter from 150 Hz to 9 kHz for unit activity and from 0.7 Hz to 170 Hz forfield potentials, Plexon). Spiking activity was digitized at 40 kHz and bandpassfiltered from 250 Hz to 8 kHz, and isolated by time-amplitude window discrim-ination and template matching using a Multichannel Acquisition Processor system(Plexon). At the conclusion of the experiment, recording sites were marked withelectrolytic lesions before perfusion, and electrode tips locations were recon-structed with standard histological techniques.Single-unit analyses. Single-unit spike sorting was performed using Off-LineSpike Sorter (OFSS, Plexon) for all behavioural sessions. Principal-componentscores were calculated for unsorted waveforms and plotted in a three-dimensionalprincipal-component space; clusters containing similar valid waveforms weremanually defined. A group of waveforms were considered to be generated froma single neuron if the waveforms formed a discrete, isolated, cluster in the prin-cipal-component space and did not contain a refractory period less than 1 ms, asassessed using auto-correlogram analyses. To avoid analysis of the same neuronrecorded on different channels, we computed cross-correlation histograms. If atarget neuron presented a peak of activity at a time that the reference neuron fired,only one of the two neurons was considered for further analysis. After fear con-ditioning, if the same neuron was sequentially recorded during different beha-vioural sessions, we considered only the first behavioural session in which it wasrecorded. To separate putative inhibitory interneurons (INs) from putative excit-atory principal neurons (PNs) we used an unsupervised cluster algorithm based onWard’s method. In brief, the Euclidian distance was calculated between all neuronpairs based on the three-dimensional space defined by each neuron’s average half-spike width (measured from trough to peak), the firing rate and the area under thehyperpolarization phase of the spike. An iterative agglomerative procedure wasthen used to combine neurons into groups based on the matrix of distances suchthat the total number of groups was reduced to give the smallest possible increasewithin-group sum of square deviation. To assess the significance of cross-correlogramanalyses performed between pairs of recorded neurons, a mean firing rate with95% confidence limits of the target neuron was calculated. Significant short-latency inhibitory or excitatory interactions were retained if the number of actionpotentials of the target neuron was inferior or superior to the 95% confidencelimits, respectively. Moreover, to show that cross-correlations were not simplyoccurring by chance or were due to CS presentations, we performed two controls.First, the spike train of the neuron was shuffled 100 times and a shuffled cross-correlogram was computed. Absence of short-latency interaction in the shuffledcross-correlogram was indicative that the cross-correlations were not due tochance. Second, to control that short-latency interactions were not artificiallyinduced by stimulus presentations, we computed a shift predictor and subtracted itfrom the original cross-correlogram. Persistence of short-latency cross-correlationsindicates that the neuronal interactions were not due to CS presentations. CS orlight-induced neural activity of recorded neurons was calculated by comparing thefiring rate after stimulus onset with the firing rate recorded during the 500 msbefore stimulus onset (bin size of 10 ms) using a z-score transformation. z-scorevalues were calculated by subtracting the average baseline firing rate establishedover the 500 ms preceding stimulus onset from individual raw values and bydividing the difference by the baseline standard deviation. Only CS1 responsiveneurons (at least one significant positive or negative z-score bin (z-score . 6 1.67,P , 0.05) within 100 ms following CS onset) were considered for further analysis.For statistical analysis, z-score comparisons were performed using the averagez-score value calculated during the 150 ms after CS onset.


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To identify the main firing patterns among INs, we used an unbiased principalcomponent analysis (PCA) based on the neuronal activity evoked by CS1 pre-sentations (z-score 500 ms before and after CS1 presentations, CS1 presentations1–4 in post-fear-conditioning, extinction and retrieval sessions, each CS1 consist-ing of 27 individual sound pips; bin size of 10 ms). Only the first principal com-ponent was considered (PC1) because it explained most of the variance of our dataset. Type 1 and type 2 interneurons were defined as correlated and inverselycorrelated, respectively, with PC1 at the P , 0.001 significance level. Co-firingbetween recorded PNs pairs was established by quantifying the number of non-overlapping 30-ms time windows following CS1 presentations during which co-firing events occurred (each pip presentation, CS1 presentations 1–4, 108 pips,post-fear-conditioning, extinction or retrieval sessions). We then calculated a ratioof coincident firing by dividing the number of co-firing occurrences during CS1

presentations by those obtained during CS2 presentations. This coincident firingratio was normalized to the pre-CS period (500 ms pre CS) using a z-score trans-formation. To control that the changes in coincident firing between CS1 and CS2

conditions were not due to an increase in PNs firing rate during CS1 presenta-tions, the same analysis was performed but this time the number of co-firing eventsin each 30-ms time window was normalized by the total number of spikes of thetwo neurons in this particular time window. Statistical analyses were performedusing paired Student’s t-tests post hoc comparisons at the P , 0.05 level of sig-nificance unless indicated otherwise. Results are presented as mean 6 s.e.m.Statistical analyses. For each statistical analysis provided in the manuscript, theKolmogorov–Smirnov normality test was first performed on the data to determinewhether parametric or non-parametric tests were required. Two different approacheswere used to calculate the sample size. For studies in which we had sufficientinformation on response variables, power analyses were carried out to determine

the number of mice needed. For studies in which the behavioural effect of themanipulation could not be pre-specified, such as optogenetic experiments, we useda sequential stopping rule (SSR). In essence this method enables null-hypothesistests to be used in sequential stages, by analysing the data at several experimentalpoints using t-tests. Usually the experiment started by testing only a few animalsand if the P value was below 0.05, the investigator declared the effect significant andstopped testing. If the P value was greater than 0.36, the investigator stopped theexperiment and retained the null hypothesis. For sample-size estimation usingpower analyses, we used an on-line power analysis calculator (G*power3). Foreach analysis, sample size was determined using a power .0.9 and alpha error 5 0.05.All tests were two sided. Power analyses were computed for matched pairs (dif-ferential conditioning protocol in which we used an internal control (Fig. 1) andpharmacological experiments (Extended Data Fig. 8)). In our behavioural experi-ments, a critical parameter is freezing level, and the numerical endpoint typicallyranges between 50 and 70% freezing for CS1 presentations immediately followingauditory fear conditioning and between 10 and 30% freezing for CS2 presenta-tions. A minimum biologically significant difference in the mean values betweenCS2 and CS1 conditions (Fig. 1), or between CS1 presentations before and afterpharmacological treatment (Extended Data Fig. 8) is 1.5-fold. If we assume astandard deviation of 1.5 for a mean value of 60% freezing for CS1 and 20%freezing for CS2 or CS1 after pharmacological treatment (which are realisticnumbers), then a minimal n 5 6 (paired t-test) or n 5 8 (Wilcoxon signed-ranktest) is needed to reject the null hypothesis with 90% probability. Sample sizedetermination using SSRs analyses were used for optogenetic experiments inwhich it was not possible to determine a priori the effect of the optical manipula-tion. We used P values of 0.05 and 0.36 for lower and upper criterion. Using thisstrategy we ended up with an n comprising between 6 and 13 animals per group.


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