
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have

learnt in the progression from it to

the full product?

Looking back on my preliminary task (front cover), it is clear that I have improved on my skills and knowledge of how to use Photoshop. I have learnt how to lay-out things correctly on the front cover, so everything isn’t cramped and looks unattractive to the reader. I have also learnt how to colour co-ordinate my work, and not contrast too many colours together. In my preliminary you can see my background on my front cover is really bright, perhaps too bright in contrast to the model, which doesn’t make her stand out. As you can see on my music magazine cover, I have used a background with much less colour, it has neutral colours rather than vibrant colours. I decided to use a “close-up” shot on both front covers, as I really liked the outcome of the photo on my preliminary task so I decided to do it on my music magazine. The lay-out on my music magazine is much more attractive than my preliminary task. I have learnt many helpful tips through looking back at my task, it has helped me improve on my music magazine, and decide what looks attractive to the reader.

Looking back on my preliminary task (contents page), it is clear that I have improved on my skills and knowledge of how to use InDesign. It’s very obvious that on my preliminary task I just knew the basics, however I decided to research into how to use InDesign, and improved with is shown evidently in my music magazine. I decided to use three columns rather than one like my preliminary task, as it looks more attractive to the reader as it provides more space, and it show’s that my music magazine has been organised. In my preliminary task, I decided to create my own background, using InDesign tools, however looking back I can see compared to my music magazine the background looks to colourful and it may be hard for the readers to be able to read the writing presented on the page, therefore I decided to have a plain background on my music magazine and decided to use only one picture, which makes the model stand out and it is clear the model is from the main article within the magazine.

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