Page 1: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

Presentation 66

Page 2: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

Presentation 66

Page 3: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

IntroductionOne of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate. What is your response to this Bible passage with its long list of names? Do you think it boring? Clearly God thought it important to place these names here just as considers other lists of names throughout this book to be important.

You might feel like skipping this passage in order to return to the narrative, which many find ‘more interesting’. But this list of names teaches some very wonderful and important truths about God.

Presentation 66

Page 4: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

The last time I visited our local library and looked in the biography section, I saw the biographies of David Beckham, Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher… but none describing the lives of people living in my street. You may reply that biographies are written only about people whom society deems to be important or famous.

The list of names in Gen. 46 reminds us that very ordinary people are valuable to God. He considers everyone’s personal histories to be of great significance.

The God who told Moses 'I know you by name' and addressed King Cyrus saying, 'I am the Lord the God of Israel who summons you by name’, is no less interested in very ordinary people.

People Are Important to God

Presentation 66

Page 5: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

Many people feel depersonalised today. We are identified by a works number, a national insurance number, a bank account number, a building society number and so on. An American University sent out a personal welcome letter to new students coming into their first year of study. The letter read something like this,Dear Student No EM 4/768362,This is a short note of personal welcome as you embark upon your new course of studies. We want to assure you of our interest in your personal development during your time with us.Yours sincerely, Dean of the faculty.

God does not treat us as numbers. His interest in us does not rise or fall according to the number of gifts we possess or our importance in society.

People Are Important to God

Presentation 66

Page 6: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

This list seventy names helps us to think of the pace at which God works in history. Place these against the promise God made Abraham 215 years earlier that he would become the father a great nation, as numerous as the stars in the sky... We might have thought that in the intervening years a great advance would have been made towards nationhood. But the numbers are small. But jump ahead another 430 years in time and the 70 have be come 601000 men plus their wives , children and a number of camp followers totalling it is thought to be around 2,000,000 people. We must not be discouraged by small beginnings in the work of God.

The Pace At Which God Works

Presentation 66

Page 7: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

In God's work there is often pressure for instant results. Speed of accomplishment becomes the touchstone of success rather than permanence of the work. If we do not see immediate success we are discouraged! I have heard of a preacher who visited a village church overseas. He asked the congregation to put their hands in the air as he took a photograph. When the photograph was sent home the impression given was that the raised hands indicated the number of people who wanted to become Christians. Are you shocked? The church to which he belonged made it clear that they expected to see results!

The Pace At Which God Works

Presentation 66

Page 8: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

We are conditioned to expect instant results. Of course God can work quickly and with large numbers. But God is more concerned with permanence than with size. He takes time to lay foundations. Jesus was not discouraged by the fact that after a demanding 3 year schedule of public ministry he only had a handful of committed followers. But from that small beginning the church made a rapid impact upon the Roman empire.

The Pace At Which God Works

Presentation 66

Page 9: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

Young Christians in particular want to see God act now! The following advice was given by a minister to the young people in his congregation:

“I would say to anyone who is young and planning a career in Christian service, 'Start slowly. Think of a career in God's service as a parabola but with a very flat curve at the beginning but with a steeper curve at the end. Do not cut basics. Above all learn all you can about the Bible, make changes slowly, and invest in people. Remember that Jesus focused a lifetime of ministry in just twelve disciples”.

The Pace At Which God Works

Presentation 66

Page 10: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

There is one final point to be drawn from this list of names and it is the unity of purpose, which God secured amongst this people. It is really very remarkable that they all decide to take up the invitation to return to Egypt. Think of all the quarrelling and division that had marked this family in the past. But now without exception agree to head for Egypt. There are no wives arguing about the schooling in Egypt, or the language difficulties or the hardship of leaving the familiar behind. No one is even left behind to maintain a toe hold in Canaan just in case they don't like life in Egypt. With unity of mind and purpose they respond to Joseph's invitation.

Unity Of Purpose

Presentation 66

Page 11: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

Unity is derived from our common union with Christ. From our oneness with Christ flows our oneness with each other. Nowhere in scripture are Christians told to create unity. Why? We have it already! Since God has established it we are called upon to maintain it! Eph. 4:3 ‘Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace’. Disunity is unnatural for the Christian. We are a part of one company, moving to one destination, and answerable to one Master. The Psalmist recognised the value of unity when he wrote: ‘How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! ... For there the LORD bestows his blessing, even life forevermore’. Ps 133:1-3

Unity Of Purpose

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Page 12: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

We turn now to the tender scene of reunion itself. It had been 22 years since Joseph had last seen his father. This separation was the principal cause of the great emotional void in his life. This is clear from the number of occasions in which he asked after his father cf. Gen.43.27, 45.3,9. Circumstances had not hardened him, nor had high office made him remote. His tenderness is publicly displayed. cf v29 'he threw his arms around his father and wept for a long time.'

Together Again

Presentation 66

Page 13: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

Joseph was not ashamed to show his emotions. Western culture has absorbed a lot of Greek thought and this is reflected in parts of our culture where there is a refusal to show emotions. The Stoics considered the showing of emotion to be a sign of weakness. It was considered a great virtue to appear impassive and in order to behave in this way ones emotions required to be subdued.

And so we have the famous ‘British stiff upper lip’. We need to be encouraged to display our emotions when the situation demands it. Many Christian are afraid to show emotions, in particular they are afraid to show tears which they think is a contradiction of faith.

Together Again

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Page 14: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

This reluctance to show emotion was not true of the great Bible characters and was certainly not true of our Lord himself. The men and women of the scriptures were not Stoics, they were not emotional cripples. They were people of passion. They wept in agony, when their hearts were sore and they wept with joy, when they were aware of their blessedness. We would live more rounded Christian lives if we could learn to release our true emotions as they did. Fulton Sheen made the following valuable observation:

“Each of us makes his own weather, determines the colour of the skies in the emotional universe in which he inhabits”.

Together Again

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Page 15: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

It is hard to find words to express the sheer joy of Jacob as he is reunited with Joseph. We read in Gen.45.27 that when Joseph's brothers persuaded Jacob that his beloved son was alive that 'the spirit of their father Jacob revived'. The great reversal that took place in his life reminds us of the words of the prodigal's father to his eldest son, “This brother of yours was dead and is alive was lost and is found”. Joseph had been dead and lost to Jacob but God had changed all that. So overwhelmed was Jacob that he utters these staggering words in v30

‘Now I am ready to die since I have seen for myself that you are alive'.

He Who Was Dead Now Lives

Presentation 66

Page 16: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

It is wonderful when a parent is able to say that and mean it. To see their growth and development and above all to see the indelible mark of God's grace in their child’s life. What a thrill it is to know that their lives are hidden with God and that he will bless them and make them a blessing to others. When John Paton, missionary to the New Hebrides, prepared to depart from Scotland, his frail father accompanied him to the dockside to bid him farewell. He knew that it was unlikely that he would see his son again this side of heave. John's father confidently committed him to God's hand. He knew his son's heart was bound to Christ. Armed with that knowledge he too was content to die.

He Who Was Dead Now Lives

Presentation 66

Page 17: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

Conversely, there is nothing more heart-breaking to an ageing parent than to see that their children have wilfully and stubbornly refused to live to please God. The choices young people make can distress or gladden their parent’s hearts. They have the potential to be the cause of great anxiety, distress and broken-heartedness to parents or a source of great comfort and joy. In the parable of the prodigal son.

The waiting father was unable to rest content in his old age, his eyes were constantly canning the horizon. Ask yourself if your parents can look at your life and see evidence of God at work so that they too can say, 'I am now ready to die‘.

He Who Was Dead Now Lives

Presentation 66

Page 18: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

A Greek attending the original Olympic games was thrilled when 3 of his sons were victorious! That joy was heightened when they brought the laurel crowns they had earned and placed them on their fathers head. It was their was of saying, ‘We owe so much to our father'. The crowd were so overwhelmed by this act that they cried out, 'Die now, die at once you can never die in a happier time than this moment'. In fact the father did expire on the spot.

The greatest pleasure a child can bring to a believing parent is not an Olympic award but evidence of a life that has been handed over to God. The inexpressible joy of that is the crown that parents will gladly lay at Jesus’ feet.

He Who Was Dead Now Lives

Presentation 66

Page 19: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

There is an application here for parents too. Are we determined to invest time in our children? Do we seek to provide consistent Christian examples in the home? Do we speak to our children of a God who is dear to us, pray for them, support them and love them into the kingdom. Our principal responsibility as parents is to our family. This area of service is of foremost importance. There is little value in being highly regarded in Christian work or secular employment if we have neglected our families and done nothing to influence them for Christ. Do some parents rob themselves of the kind of contentment Jacob knew?

He Who Was Dead Now Lives

Presentation 66

Page 20: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

The words of a song by Sandy and Harry Chapin are appropriate: My child arrived just the other day, he came to the world in the usual way but there were planes to catch and bills to pay, he learned to walk while I was away and he was talkin fore I knew it and as he grew he’d say, I'm gonna be like you dad You know I'm gonna be like you,

My son turned 10 just the other day, he said, thanks for the ball dad, com'on lets play Can you teach me to throw? I said not today, I got a lot to do. He said, that's okay and he walked away and his smile never dimmed, it said, I'm gonna be like him. You know I'm gonna be like him

Well he came home from college just the other day so much like a man I just had to say Son, I'm proud of you, can you sit for awhile, he shook his head and said with a smile. What I'd really like dad is to borrow the car keys, see you later, can I have them please

He Who Was Dead Now Lives

Presentation 66

Page 21: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

When you comin home son? I don't know when but well get together then, you know we'll have a good time then. I've long since retired, my son's moved away. I called him up just the other day. I said I'd like to see you if you don't mind. He said I'd love to dad if I can find the time

You see my new jobs a hassle and the kids have the flu but its sure nice talkin to you dad. Its been nice talking to you. And as I hung up the phone, it occurred to me he's grown up just like me, my boy is just like me.

It need not be like that! Investment in the lives of our children is not wasted. Those of us who are parents need a constant reminder of that. Instead of growing apart the investment of time in our children's lives can have the effect of drawing us together.

He Who Was Dead Now Lives

Presentation 66

Page 22: Presentation 66. Introduction One of the most common words in the teenagers vocabulary is 'Boring'. It refers to something that doesn't excite or stimulate

As we look at this family, which in the purposes of God has been reunited against all the odds we should be encouraged to consider what God can do. Yes there were years of heartache. Mistakes were made by parents and children but despite all of that God's hand was at work to bless. This story should strengthen us in our faith and encourage us to persevere in our praying. We should be challenged to be Christian examples and instructors and to invest time in the lives of those whom God has entrusted to our care. Then we too can anticipate a day when, with God’s help, we are able to say, 'I am content to die'


Presentation 66

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