
Presentation to the NRA

about opposing gun control

(Photo found at:

One way to effect change on your issues is to lobby at the state and local level against gun control

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Reasons why this will work

-Most gun control laws are created at the state and local levels-Many state such as Texas do not have tight gun control laws so spending time at there would be a waste of time and resources

Reasons why not will not work:

-This will take many more people then just lobbying congress because you have to open up offices in more cities then just one

-This will coast more and make communication harder because will be spread out across the country

Another way to present your issue is to create a TV spot that supports the presidential

candidate that would be best on guns using a regular working class man

(Photo found at:

Reasons why this will work:

-Many in America consider guns a birth right and will fight to keep them at any coast so having someone painted as anti guns will motivate people to vote against that person-The next president will likely appoint a supreme court judge and The Court will likely take up guns as a key issue -People who really care about guns typically live in rural America and will be able to relate to a blue collar worker

Reason this would not work

-Only some people who see will agree with it so you are not doing a good job on targeting an audience -people will not be able to take it with them to keep and look at latter -some people be turned off by this ad

Another idea to effect change is to hold a rally in Washington, DC with other pro gun groups to show strong support for the second amendment

(Photo found at:

Reasons this will work:

-Low on coast-The pro gun movement has a huge following so it will be easy to get a huge turnout at the event -It will show legislators in Washington and around America that their is a large amount of people will fight attempts at pealing back gun rights

Reason why this would not work

-if people do not turn out the rally will look like a flop and will hurt you because it will look like you cannot motivate people to come up - A rally can sometimes get out of hand and then the rally and not gun control becomes the issue

Links on gun control

• Pro-gun control websites:


Anti gun control website: -


• Video from ABC’s 20/20 about gun control not reducing crime. Link: Gun contorl myths video

• YouTube clip on why you should be for stronger gun control: Pro Gun Control

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