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Evaluation of magazine.

Evaluation of magazine.By Kyran Phillips

Use of forms and conventions (masthead).My magazine sticks to the forms and conventions of a successful magazine. My masthead is bold and a strong primary colour and the largest text size on the page to emphasise its the most important piece of information offered on the page. This is because it represents the magazine company and allows potential customers to find it more efficiently and effectively. The masthead has a qwerty font that represents the genre of the magazine correctly, this is very effective and creates a house theme for the rest of the magazine to follow.

Use of forms and conventions (Image)The main focal feature of my front cover is the image. The image consumes a large quantity of the page. This is relevant as it informs the potential customer of the content inside. It can also help with sales as if people are fans of the artists being publicised it could encourage them to purchase the magazine. The image is clear and shows the artist very effectively, there outfits, facial expressions and style points towards the genre of grime successfully. The positioning of the artist and the quality really gives the impression of a professional magazine front cover image.

Use of forms and conventions (Date line, Price and barcode)I have stuck to the main forms and conventions of a magazine front cover by including a date line, barcode and price. I have decided to include these three features from the forms and convention lists because it creates a more professional feel about the magazine. Including the price informs the customer of how much they are paying for this magazine I believe this is very important to include because it can persuade a customer buy the magazine. The barcode is a common feature on magazines in the modern era therefore I just decided to include it. The date line is a very important convention as it reveals when the magazine was produced and this could be a key matter in the future. It also allows you to see what edition the magazine is and how old it is. The positioning of each convention is best suited for the magazine, they were placed in positions that agreed with the house theme and where were best visible without causing distraction. The colours correspond well with the background and stand out to the extent where they dont take the focus off main feature but they are still visible.

Use of forms and conventions (Subheadings)The subheadings are located on the left hand side of the page, they are key conventions as they inform the reader of the content inside the magazine, this can be a key selling point. The house colour theme is still continued with the font being white and red. Also the size of the font is readable and is large enough to state its a main feature of the front cover. The font is bold but looks very sophisticated this continues the theme of grime surprisingly but looks professional at the same time. The transparent red block behind three of the subheadings creates a more interesting appeal, it also continues with the house colour scheme.

Use of forms and conventions (contents page).

Use of forms and conventions (Image).One of the main focal points of the contents page is the image. Therefore I decided to use two images of the artists who are being advertised for there exclusive interview. Its very important to have a good, professional looking image otherwise people wont consider purchasing your magazine. The image continues the theme of danger and intimidation from the grime scene, I personally believe the images that I have captured portray this excellently. The outfits emphasize the theme of grime music that is usually stereotyped by listeners of this genre. The image on the contents page must relate to the main focus of the magazine which is being advertised. This is important as its what you are aiming to sell the magazine on, so you must continuously try to encourage the reader to view the exclusive interview in my situation. The shadowing in the image also creates a dark, intimidating vibe which is stereotyped to the grime genre. Another convention is to include a larger bold number on the image of the image of where you can find the main selling article of the issue.

Use of forms and conventions (subheadings)However the most important information on the page is the subheading as it informs the reader where to fine certain articles throughout the magazine. It also gives them a small insight to what the articles include. As this is so key to the contents page it is vital to make the information look professional and stand out. This is done so by position, color, font and size of texts. The font is illustrated in a solid black font and the text is rather small to maximize the spacing of the page, but is still clearly visible to read and to be seen without a struggle. The subheadings also organize the articles into page numbers into order, this helps the reader find where which article is. The numbers above the subheadings are larger than the text as it informs the reader of where the article is located in the magazine, it also looks more professional, sophisticated and organized.

Use of forms and conventions A convention for the contents page would be to include the title name of the magazine. It doesn'tt need to draw all the attention away from the other conventions on the contents page but its a good thing to include. So I included it on the top of my contents page just to stick the magazine name in the readers sub conscious. Its also good to have a house color theme that relates to your music theme as well, I decided to go with the colors black, white and red. This color scheme Is seen throughout the production and creation of my magazine. It relates to my genre and looks very professional. The colors symbolize everything the genre is about danger, powerful and intimidation. I decided to include shapes on my contents page to give it divides and to make it look organized and to give it a following function. The shapes allow each are to stay to themselves and prevents over lapping and any confusion. The shapes are colored the same as the house theme colors to continue stability throughout.

Use of forms and conventions (Articles).Throughout the magazines front cover, contents page and article there is an image of the artist that are being publicized for tis certain image. However the article image is very important as its the page that emphasizes the most focus on the event you are talking about based on the artist.

Use of forms and conventions (Article).

The article is the most important convention on the page as it can not be an article page without the article. I have used two color themes with this convention and that is black and red. I have used red to highlight the questions and black for the response from the artist. Not only does this look stylish and professional it also helps the reader see the clear split from the question and the response. The questions have been enlarged in size and there has been gaps put in between each question this is to help with the structure of the page and for a more sophisticated feel. The font is smart and easy to read, this is vital as we are looking to create a magazine with world wide potential. I decided to add a short few sentences at the start of the interview as a small introduction to what you will found out and encounter within this article.

The pull quote is located in the middle of the article text, its used as a quotation of something inspirational that the artists have said. The pull quote helps to break up the text and makes it more appealing to the eye. Its an important convention to include as most successful magazine will have one, as its trying to stand out on the page , I have decided to use a more unique and different font to the article text itself.

Use of forms and conventions (Article).

A pull quote and Subheading are two key forms and conventions as they provide the reader with interesting factual information, whether its informing the reader of what's in the main article or a side piece of information about the artists. Either way these two conventions are vital to include in your magazine and are not worth challenging as they can only benefit your article. By providing the reader a subheading it informs them about the main focal point of the article and is almost a title to the article, it can also be used to introduce the article and the artists being mentioned. The subheadings have been illustrated in a bold, bright and clear manor. They have remained with the house colors of the magazine with red, black and white, this reminds the reader of the genre of music and looks more professional. I have underlined the subheadings to emphasize there importance's and also because they are title like explain the article to the reader. The colors differ from the name of the interview to the artists names. This is to make the artist names standout more and give them a higher status.

A pull quote is a interesting convention as it is not necessarily essential, however from my research I have discovered a large majority of well renounced magazines will include this feature. Therefore I decided to include it in mine not only because it looks professional, it can help the construction of the page and the spacing. It also provides the reader with information that doesn'tt have to be based around the article. The pull quote has had quotation marks put around it to emphasizes that the artists has said these words themselves. I decided to apply a drop shadow to the quote as it helps it contracts more sufficiently against the background, this indicates its a good piece of information to read to the reader. On the article the pull quote is rather large and located above the image more as a piece of inspiration to the reader but also for something they can look out for in the future from these specific artists.

Social group and represented how?The genre I have publicized to the world through my magazine is grime UK. The genre of grime is known to be a small genre with huge potential to expand across the world, through free styles. There are many great artists representing this genre and have helped it to expand massively in the past year. The artist that represent grime are seen to be intimidating, scary and dangerous. The music they produce is usually highly offensive and abusive towards others in the industry. Although they also do produce hype music that gets people buzzed, ready for parties and raves. The artists in the industry produce videos of them smoking drugs, driving flash cars and going around in there big gangs. The way i have best portrayed this genre is through my images.

Image on contents page.

This image is a great representation of what the grime genre is about. For starters the common stereotype is the black cap that the artists is wearing, this imposes intimidation. Secondly the shadowing around the image emphasizes the danger and dark side of the genre. It also helps to create a great materialistic image. The outfit that the artist is wearing is very fitting a camo tee, light denim jeans and addidas trainers. This is a common outfit for a grime star or anyone involved or supporting the industry. The artist has produced a great facial expression it makes him look intimidating, dangerous and almost threatening, this matches the music that is being produced in the genre today. Finally the positioning and hand jesters also creates a sense of fear to the reader. His hand jester is implying he has gun which emphasizes the danger and fear that is purposed through the music. Also the mass of the artist creates a strong sense of intimidation and gives him authority and power.

Image on magazine cover.

In this image on the magazine cover there are two artists being publicized both of them are representing the grime scene well. The first thing to analyze is there facial expressions both artists look threating and aggressive this is excellent as grime music is usually about abusive content to other artists, therefore they need to remain un phased and intimidating. Secondly the colour scheme of the artist out fit are all black. This emphasizes a dark, fearful theme and a stereotypes for gangs and violence. The two artists are positioned right next two each other however Yunga C is in a more dominant position showing hes the leader out of the pair of artists. Finally Yunga C is wearing a piece of jewelry around his next which represents wealth and power. Overall I believe the aspects of this image on the magazine cover is a great interpretation of the genre of music and what it proposes to its listeners. Both of the artists are young showing that the younger generation are also inspired to create this genre of music and also creates a connection with younger fans around the ages of 16,17,18. the chains also shows that he is rich however they show there money through jewelry instead of like other classes of people. There ethnicity also plays a large part as grime is a predominantly black genre as shown by the image.

Image on Article page.

This image is a great representation of a grime artists all of the models aspects stereotype a grime artist. Firstly there facial expressions are arrogant, intimidating and give off a general ore of not caring. Secondly there body stance emphasizes strength as they dont lean they stand up tall this connects to the grime artist trying to take grime to a larger audience. The artist in the back of the image is portraying a hand jester that can represent your squad, a gang or your area. This is usually seen in the grime industry and there is a lot of negative press that is wrongly passed onto a to grime artists based on there life style and appearance. Finally there clothing is also seen as being fashionable and up to date which is key as in the grime scene the artists wear expensive and in style clothing. Also the artists in the background is wearing adiddas which is already linked massively with a world wide famous artist stormzy therefore anyone who has any knowledge into the grime industry already will see a clear link behind the fashion style of YUNGA NERB.

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