Page 1: presented by€¦ · BrightWork Template Design Sync enables you to make design changes to a template and pull those changes into sites created from that template on a site by site

presented by

Traci Grassi

BrightWork Solution Specialist

hosted by

Bróna O’Donnell

Customer Success

Page 2: presented by€¦ · BrightWork Template Design Sync enables you to make design changes to a template and pull those changes into sites created from that template on a site by site


Tips and Tricks

Reporting Tips

Synchronization Tips

Project Site Level Tips


Page 3: presented by€¦ · BrightWork Template Design Sync enables you to make design changes to a template and pull those changes into sites created from that template on a site by site
Page 4: presented by€¦ · BrightWork Template Design Sync enables you to make design changes to a template and pull those changes into sites created from that template on a site by site

Renaming Columns in the Cache Reports

List Names

Project Cache


Project Status Report Cache


Work Cache


The list name is manually typed at the end of the URL on the top level site in the BW Site Collection

For Example:

Go into the list – list settings and find the column you want to rename. When renaming a column you do

not need to update the XML File.

Page 5: presented by€¦ · BrightWork Template Design Sync enables you to make design changes to a template and pull those changes into sites created from that template on a site by site

Seeing an error in reporting

This work list was created using the Tasks list but it does not have the BrightWork fields needed for

reporting. In this list we need to add the bwSummaryTask and Owner columns which are being used in

the filter for this report.

Page 6: presented by€¦ · BrightWork Template Design Sync enables you to make design changes to a template and pull those changes into sites created from that template on a site by site

Identifying the Internal Name of a Column

In the List Settings there is a section

under General Settings called

Column Visibility Settings

Click on the link and it will show you

the Internal Name of a column.

The internal name is needed when

setting up reporting on a list and can

also be used when mapping fields

from the Project Request

Page 7: presented by€¦ · BrightWork Template Design Sync enables you to make design changes to a template and pull those changes into sites created from that template on a site by site
Page 8: presented by€¦ · BrightWork Template Design Sync enables you to make design changes to a template and pull those changes into sites created from that template on a site by site

Change Template Binding

There are 2 ways to change the template binding

1. PowerShell (This you need access to the server

and is cumbersome)

2. SharePoint Designer (this can be done by a Site

Collection Admin who has SP Designer Installed

on their computer)

Page 9: presented by€¦ · BrightWork Template Design Sync enables you to make design changes to a template and pull those changes into sites created from that template on a site by site

Synchronize sites to Template(s)

BrightWork Template Design Sync enables you to make design changes to a template and pull those

changes into sites created from that template on a site by site basis. These changes can include adding

new items such as lists and list columns and removing certain unmatched items in the destination site.

The Sync does not include content in a list.

To Synchronize a site with the template

If you are unsure which project template is being used for the site you can first go to the template

Go to Site Settings

Determine Template Usage

Click on Locate

This will bring up all sites based on that template

From here you can click on the project name and go to the site

Once you are at the project site

Go to Site Settings

Synchronize with Template

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Page 11: presented by€¦ · BrightWork Template Design Sync enables you to make design changes to a template and pull those changes into sites created from that template on a site by site

Calendar for Task Scheduling on Project Sites

This works with our Task Scheduler

This will allow you to change the work days the scheduler uses for calculating start and finish dates

On your Project Site

1. Go to Site Settings

2. Regional Settings

3. From here you can change to include weekends

Page 12: presented by€¦ · BrightWork Template Design Sync enables you to make design changes to a template and pull those changes into sites created from that template on a site by site

You can resize the promoted links

You have the ability to resize the Promoted

links on your project sites. These can be

quite large when you are trying to get a lot of

information onto one page.

To modify the size you need to:

1. Edit your Home Page with the Promoted Tiles

2. Add the WebPart under Media and Content called Script Editor to the

section above your tiles

3. Edit Snippet

4. Add the code to resize the tiles (on next slide)

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Snippet code to resize promoted links<style type="text/css">/* The height of the Promoted Link Webpart */.ms-promlink-body {

height: 100px;}

/* Tile and border size. Delta between ms-tileview-tile-root and size of the promoted link tiles is the space between tiles */.ms-tileview-tile-root {

width: 105px! important;height: 105px !important;


/* size of the promoted link tiles */.ms-tileview-tile-content, .ms-tileview-tile-detailsBox {

width: 100px !important;height: 100px !important;


/* size of the image within the promoted link tile */.ms-tileview-tile-content > a > img {

width: 100% !important;height: 100% !important;


/* Changes the Promoted Link Title when you hover over it*/.ms-tileview-tile-detailsListMedium {

font-weight: bold;height: 100px;padding: 4px 7px 7px;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;


/* Changes the Promoted Link Description when you hover over it*/.ms-tileview-tile-descriptionMedium {

font-weight: normal;padding-top: 10px;font-size: 11px;/* If you want to change the font size, change above */


/* Remove this if you only what to show the images and not the text *//* Adjust the text in the Collapsed Promoted Link */.ms-tileview-tile-titleTextMediumCollapsed {

font-weight: normal;background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);width: 100px;height: 40px;position: absolute;top: -20px;left: 0px;text-align: center;vertical-align: middle;font-size: 11px;/* If you want to change the font size, change above */line-height: 20px;word-wrap: break-word;



Copy and paste into the snippet window

They can be adjusted to meet your needs

Page 14: presented by€¦ · BrightWork Template Design Sync enables you to make design changes to a template and pull those changes into sites created from that template on a site by site

Missing Edit Button on my List

If your view does not have the Edit button it

is the view type causing the problem. It

needs to be created as a datasheet view

To create a new Datasheet View

1. Go to List Settings

2. Create a New View

3. Select Datasheet View

4. Name your View

5. Add your columns/groupings/filters

6. Click Ok

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Copy data from Excel to SharePoint

If you need to copy large amounts of data from Excel to your SharePoint List this can be done in

Internet Explorer

To create a new Datasheet View

1. Go to List Settings

2. Create a New View

3. Select Datasheet View

4. Name your View

5. Add your columns to match your spreadsheet

6. Click Ok

7. Make sure you are only in the cell and do not see your cursor in the cell to

copy and paste

Page 16: presented by€¦ · BrightWork Template Design Sync enables you to make design changes to a template and pull those changes into sites created from that template on a site by site

Setting up Document Content Types

If you have a document template you want your team to use each time a new document is created. You can

add a document content type that is managed at the top level site and used on the projects sites. This is

nice when you make a modification to the template, if they have not created a document based on that

template, they will always use the latest version set by the administrator.

To create a new Document Content Type

1. Go to the Top Level of your BrightWork Site Collection

2. Site Settings

3. Site Content Types

4. Create

5. Name your Document Content Type (This is what users will see when

selecting the template)

6. Parent Content Type “Document Content Types”

7. Parent Content Type “Document”

8. Group: This is easier to keep track of if you create your own Group to

manage your templates

9. Click Ok

10.Advanced Settings

11.Upload Document Template

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Applying Document Content Type

Once you have created and added your template to the content type you will need to add to the project site

template and synchronize your changes

To add your Document Content Type in the Document Library

1. Go to your Project Site Template

2. Go to the Document Library

3. Go to Library Settings

4. Go to Content Types Section

a. If this is not turned on go to Advanced Settings – Turn on Allow

management of Content Types

5. Add from existing site content types

6. Select your created group

7. Click on the template and click Add

8. Click Ok

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Display Name and Internal Field NameWhen creating a new field it is important that the internal name of the field has no spaces or special

characters. This is helpful when setting up reporting and also keeps the field names clean and easy to read

and remember.

When adding a new field in your site or site collection

1. When you first create the field name it should not contain spaces or

special characters

2. Select the field type and any defaults

3. Click Ok

a. The first save is when the internal field name is created in SP

4. To update the display name to something that will make sense to the

user, including special characters, click on the field name and edit the


5. Click Ok

If a field is saved with a space or special character it will add characters to the internal name.

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Project Status Reports Week Ending Default Date

The Project Status Reports week ending date is set to default to the Friday of the week you are adding the

report. For example – if I add my status report today it is going to automatically default to Fridays date. If

this is the preferred method I recommend setting this field to not show up on new or edit in Column Visibility


If this is not what you are looking for in your environment it can be changed.

To update the Week Ending Date

1. Go to the list settings

2. Click on the Week Ending Date field

3. In the Calculated Value you will see the calc to set to pull Friday of the

current week

4. You can remove this calculated value and have the PM update the

week ending, have it default to Today, or change the default by

changing the number of days in the calculated value

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