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Presenting research

Ryan Goldsmith

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How we carried out the research.• For this research we created 2 surveys consisting of 10 questions each, we then

uploaded the surveys to a website called survey monkey. This gave us a place to monitor all of the responses that we got. The website provided us with a URL link that we could then share wherever we wanted to.

• We then shared the link on social media sites like Facebook, twitter and chat rooms this gave us a good amount of exposure and allowed us to target groups specifically by searching them on Facebook etc.

• Another way that we gained responses for the surveys was by using a printed version of the document and getting people to fill them in in person.

• An advantage of putting our survey on line and on these sites was that it helped us gain exposure to our target market. A disadvantage was that a lot of people simply ignore the links when they pop up on Facebook or twitter.

• An advantage of doing the surveys face to face is that you can see the persons response to the question and tell if they are taking it seriously, another advantage is that they might expand on their answers more if they can talk to you in person so this in tern will give you more information to use for the results.

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Summary of data for the vegetarian survey.

• From the information gained we can tell that 65% of the 20 people who answered our vegetarian survey are female. 70% of the people where aged 11-20, 70% of the people also became vegetarian aged 11-20. There are two main reasons why people have become vegetarian that are apparent in the survey and they are concerning animal welfare and being healthier. The main concern about being a vegetarian seems to be that there is an apparent lack of choice when eating out at a restaurant for example.

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Question 1• This information has showed us that the

majority of the people that answered our vegetarian survey are female. This could mean that when we are considering options for our finished product we may want to think about making our recipe cards more appealing to the female audience if they are going to be a majority audience. This could mean a change in fonts colour scheme etc. to make it more female appropriate. However we could go the other way and try to make sure that our cards appeal to both male and female audiences this will give us a larger market but will be difficult to execute effectively.

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Question 2• This information shows us that 70%

of the people that answered our survey are aged 11-20.

• I think that this shows that our target audience age can be a lot larger than initially expected as I did not envisage people of that age range to take an interest in vegetarianism to the point of taking time out to complete a survey.

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Question 3• This information tells us that the age

of making the transition to vegetarian happened at the age of 11-20 for 70% of the people.

• This shows us that we could work on advertising to the whole spectrum of ages to try and encourage more people to become vegetarian even at an older age or younger than 11-20.

• This tells us that the people where most likely in high school when they decided to make the change and so we could come up with a way of getting the cards into schools for the children to read and take home to try out for themselves.

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Question 4• This question helped to show us the

main reasons why people make the choice to become vegetarian the main ones were to be healthier and also living a lifestyle that is more animal friendly.

• This shows that these people are concerned with being healthy and we could adapt our recipe cards to appeal to people involved in sport for instance. This could mean making a series of sports nutrition cards that relate different dishes to the best suited sport.

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Question 5• This gave us a few ideas of what

types of vegetarian meals people like to eat and also showed that there are a vast range of favourites out there. This gives us plenty of ideas for what to base our cards around so we should be able to make a range of cards that appeal to a large portion of the vegetarian community.

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Question 6• I think that in a way this answer goes

hand in hand with the last one as the main point of these answers is saying that there is not enough choice when it comes to vegetarian meals when in fact the previous question showed that there is a wide range of dishes available. Our recipe cards could help to show people that just because you are a vegetarian you don’t have to be restricted with the amount of choice that you have.

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Question 7• This question shows us that 60% of

the people that answered the questionnaire do not have another family member that is also a vegetarian. This was surprising to me as a lot of the time people will become vegetarian because their parents are where as these responses show that these people have made the decision of their own accord.

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Question 8• This question is closely related to

question 4 and brings up a couple of the same points i.e. eating healthier and the safety of animals. This information is a good way for us to see what people enjoy and what will catch their attention if we can somehow incorporate these themes into our recipe cards. This information will be useful when trying to determine who our best target audience is and how we can target them specifically.

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Question 9• This question helps to show us

whether or not people found it difficult making the necessary changes to their lifestyle when becoming a vegetarian.

• This information isn’t inherently vital with the production of our cards it was just a way of getting to know a little more in depth about people making the transition to becoming vegetarian especially when the majority were aged 11-20 when they did and this is a time when you are subjected to all of the advertising that would often influence the eating of meat.

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Question 10• This question was just regarding any

further information people who did find it difficult making the change had about why they did but as 80% answered saying that they didn’t find it difficult there isn’t a lot that can be taken from these results.

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conclusion• I think that the results that I have gained from my research has helped me to see

that the majority of the people that we asked were aged 11-20 and 65% are female so the target audience for our product may be best suited to those in that age range and also female. Our cards could also be aimed at those people who like to live a healthy lifestyle and are also concerned with the safety of animals. This helped t give me a few ideas for related cards regarding fitness and wellbeing. We also learnt that people decide to change their way of eating when they are young mostly aged 11-20 so the people we advertise to may be newly vegetarian so our cards could help with giving them advice and options.

• I feel that the way we went about getting our results was the correct way to do it however I was disappointed with the total responses that we gained from it. One thing I think we should have done was push it a bit more and put it out there so more people would see it and hopefully they would feel obliged to fill it in.

• Another way of gathering more responses could have been by going around more people face to face to gather information from them rather than relying on people stumbling across it on a website or page etc.

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