Page 1: presents The Emmanuel · Many sleep experts say that a cool room around 65 degrees makes the best sleep. Your bed

Emmanuel Episcopal Church



MARCH in the year of our Lord





“To Know our Lord and To MaKe HiM Known”

Page 2: presents The Emmanuel · Many sleep experts say that a cool room around 65 degrees makes the best sleep. Your bed

The Emmanuel Light


Dear Siblings in Christ,

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. As high as the heavens are above the earth,

So high are my ways above your ways And my thoughts above your thoughts.”

(Isaiah 55:8-9)

Ten years ago. 2006. The week after Easter in a Catholic Church north of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The bishop stood at my side announcing to the parish that I was taking a leave from active priestly ministry.

This year. Ten years later. 2016. The week after Easter in an Episcopal Church in Rapid City, South Dakota. The bishop will stand next to me confirming six young people and possibly receiving others.

What I thought was an ending ten years ago was, in actuality, a beginning. Only with hindsight am I able to identify the many ways in which God’s hand was active in my life to bridge the two experiences identified above. It would have been impossible for me to know or articulate ten years ago why I was doing what I was doing. I only knew in the depth of my heart that I had to do it. If God had revealed to me what was in store between 2006 and 2016, I am certain that my fear, anxiety, and doubt would have interfered in God’s providential guidance.

As the tenth anniversary of one of the most painful moments of my life approaches, I am overwhelmed by a sense of joy and gratitude, not sadness. As I am reminded in the Isaiah passage above, I am thankful to God for having ‘thoughts’ and ‘ways’ that exceed anything I could have imagined for myself. I am thankful for Alison and the girls whose encouragement and support have lovingly allowed me the freedom to discern God’s plan for us as a family. I am thankful for Emmanuel parish for taking an enormous risk nearly three years ago by calling me to serve as your priest. I am thankful for Bishop John Tarrant whose open heart and spirit of discernment permitted me to be here.

As your priest, I am privileged to walk with you through difficult moments in life. By welcoming me into some of your most sacred and vulnerable experiences, I am humbled to facilitate your conversations with God. It is an honor to offer you

water during your desert experience, to help carry your cross on the way to Calvary, and to pour balm on your wounds during your excruciating crucifixion experiences.

I am also honored to be present when you have a very personal resurrection experience. The joy of transcending those dark moments, the acceptance of God’s love, and the realization of forgiveness by God for you and by you for others are incredible opportunities for praise.

As Holy Week and Easter approach, I recognize that each of you is immersed in the Easter story at different points. Some are struggling, while others are rejoicing that a certain struggle has ended. Some are wedged in the middle, a Holy Saturday experience of waiting and not-knowing.

No matter where you are in the story of Christ, we can learn from our own history. Where we were ten years ago, ten months ago, ten weeks ago, or ten days ago can be light years from where we are today. And where we end up in ten years, months, weeks, or days can be far beyond our own ‘thoughts’ or ‘ways.’ By entrusting ourselves to God’s ‘ways’ and ‘thoughts,’ we open ourselves to possibilities that exceed anything our limited imaginations can conjure up.

This Easter, let us give ourselves, individually and collectively, over to Jesus Christ completely and unreservedly. While I can’t promise that there won’t be hardships or struggles along the way, I can certainly assure you that God can and will use those experiences to deliver you and all of us at Emmanuel. Deliver you and us to what, you ask? Only God knows! ‘For (His) thoughts are not your thoughts and your ways are not (His) ways, says the Lord.’

In the Joy of Christ’s Resurrection,

From the Rector

Fr. Chris Roussell Rector

Page 3: presents The Emmanuel · Many sleep experts say that a cool room around 65 degrees makes the best sleep. Your bed

The Emmanuel Light


Hello fellow Emmanuelites! As many of you know, our Strategic Planning work is in full swing lately. Our committees are busy setting up and hosting focus groups to gather your candid and valuable feedback on a variety of topics including fellowship at Emmanuel, our teaching ministries, and communications. A topic that’s near and dear to my heart is communication – specifically digital communication - so I’d like to share some information about how we communicate through our presence on the web. Emmanuel has three communications channels on the web. Our website,, our Facebook page and our YouTube channel. We launched our new website towards the end of September, so I’ll start there. Since October, our website has had an average of 150 views per month. Our most active day on the website was Christmas day, with nearly 90 views that day! 95% of visits to our website came from people on computers or tablet devices, like iPads. 5% of visits came from people on mobile phones. Did you know the website is mobile friendly? It will display in a different view that’s easier to read on a small screen if you visit from your phone. Our Facebook page is becoming more widely used. We now have over 150 Facebook users following our page for updates! Our weekly Wednesday update posts are reaching an average of 100 people! Our most shared post of all time was Father Chris’s Christmas message last year, seen by over 1,000 Facebook users. Emmanuel is creating a lot of content for our YouTube channel! 70 people have subscribed to our channel so they can be notified whenever we post new videos. Since October 1, we have posted 26 videos to YouTube – recordings of the 10:15 a.m. services as well as Adult Forums. Those 26 videos have had nearly 1,500 views! One of our most viewed videos was the 2015 Christmas Eve Midnight Mass service – viewed nearly 200 times. I share all this because I think it’s important to point out how much our digital presence has expanded over the past year or two. Why is this important? We can more easily reach members of our church family who are out of town or who have moved away. We can share our message with tourists and members of the community with a few clicks. We now have a solid framework in place to share Emmanuel’s message – To Know Our Lord and To Make Him Known – in new ways and to more people than ever! I’m excited about that, and the potential it holds! I hope it excites you, too! Thank you for all you do, Emmanuel. I’ll see you at church!

Report from the Senior Warden

Michael Luciano Senior Warden

All are welcome! For more information contact Marty Garwood at 390-2016.

Page 4: presents The Emmanuel · Many sleep experts say that a cool room around 65 degrees makes the best sleep. Your bed

The Emmanuel Light

4 Creation Care

Recently, while beginning a hike into the Black Elk Wilderness just up the road from Horse Thief Lake near Mt Rushmore, I took a moment to ponder the sign at the trailhead. It says, “You are about to enter a very special place…” Jesus went into the Wilderness to renew himself and get away from the crowds. We watch as Jesus does not falter or succumb to temptation. Do we think the temptations of power, control, and selfishness that He is faced with are “easy” for Jesus to walk away from? Can we see Jesus’ temptation story as our own? Being fully human, Jesus knew our struggle. Being fully Devine, Jesus overcame our sin.

Walking in the wilderness of life is not the problem. Life is full of opportunity. We are safe when we walk with Christ. 40 Days in the Wilderness of Lent is filled with the stark beauty that reveals not only Christ’s journey, but our own. The Black Elk Wilderness was created in 1980 and is named after the Oglala Holy Man, Black Elk. It is a sacred place to Native Americans and is the only wilderness area in the Black Hills. The Black Elk offers a primitive wilderness experience. As you enjoy the sacred beauty of the Black Elk Wilderness and the Black Hills, please remember to “leave no trace” of your passing through. Always remember to reduce your impact on the scenery, reuse your water bottles, and recycle your trash. Donna Burnap

Interested in participating in a walking/hiking/snowshoeing group?

Are you slightly interested and would like more information?

If so please meet at the Emmanuel Church parking lot

Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 8 a.m. More information regarding the activity planned

for this day will be coming soon. There has been some interest by church members that we form a hiking group that would meet 1 or 2 times a month throughout the year and do some type of walking exercise. We would like men and women of all ages and levels of physical ability to participate. Let us hear your ideas of how this type of activity could make wellness fun! Getting out, enjoying God’s creation during all the seasons, and getting to know one another in a new way would be awesome!!! Please contact Mara Vucurevich (484-0660) or Vicki Sweet (390-8558) if you have any questions or would like to share your ideas of making this a successful activity.

Watch for future announcements in the Sunday Bulletin or E-blasts.

Page 5: presents The Emmanuel · Many sleep experts say that a cool room around 65 degrees makes the best sleep. Your bed

The Emmanuel Light

5 Health and Wellness

Blessings to all in the Name of the Lord! “…Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

(Matthew 11:28-29)

St. Francis of Assisi wrote, “Lord, make me an instrument of Peace.” Is this a resolution to be tried by all peoples? Peace as a resolution means calmness, tranquility, absence of war, and absence of inner personal conflict. This peace needs work, and one of the ways we can accomplish this is with rest.

Did you know that all five of your senses effect the way you rest? The five senses are: Touch: A great night’s sleep can depend on the comfort you feel in your bedroom environment. Many sleep experts say that a cool room around 65 degrees makes the best sleep. Your bed surface can affect your sleep. The feel of your mattress, pillows, sheets, and pajamas effects the quality of your sleep. Soft soothing clean sheets, or a pillow top covering for your mattress can help sink into a dreamland slumber. Sight: A great night’s sleep can depend on the visual conditions in your bedroom environment. Have you ever woken up just before your alarm goes off and marveled at your body’s sense of time? Humans (and most living creatures) have an internal clock that mirrors nature’s day and night. Light and darkness are powerful cues that tells your body it’s time to rest, or get you ready for a productive day. So it’s no surprise that light in the bedroom (as well as light peeking in from the outside) has an impact on the quality of your sleep. Gadgets have a great impact on our sleep. Turning off the gadgets or placing them in a different room are essential to your rest. Hearing: Listen! While you sleep, your brain continues to register and process sound on a basic level. Noise can jostle your slumber- causing you to wake, move, shift between stages of sleep, or experience a change in heart rate or blood pressure. Creating a quiet bedroom environment is key to a full healthy night’s rest. If you have slept 7-9 hours but are still drowsy the next day, sound is a possible culprit. Smell: Don’t leave your nose out of the picture! Certain smells can have an effect on your sleep. Lavender has been shown to decrease heart rate and blood pressure, potentially putting you in a more relaxed state. Sniffing lavender before going to bed has been proven to give a deeper sleep and an overall feeling of vigor in the morning. Taste: The hours before you go to bed what you eat can affect your sleep. Yes, there are cer tain foods that can promote better sleep, but the best choice overall is to eat lightly before bed (if at all) and avoid alcohol or other stimulants like caffeine. Save larger, protein-rich meals for breakfast and lunch, when your body needs the daytime energy. Not eating after 6 pm will decrease your chances of nighttime heart burn as well.

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Lord, You will establish peace for us, for You have also done all our works in us.”

(Isaiah 26:3, 12)

Sande Hammerquist

LPN/A.A. Parish Nurse

Join the health and wellness group of walkers. Ask Vickie Sweet for more information.

I am in need of a Nurse or C.N.A. who would be willing to help with glucometer and blood pressure checks monthly. Please contact me if you can help.

Page 6: presents The Emmanuel · Many sleep experts say that a cool room around 65 degrees makes the best sleep. Your bed

The Emmanuel Light


ECW Spring Fling Luncheon

Plans are underway for the 2016 ECW Spring Luncheon. The menu includes a warm beef dish and dessert bar provided by ECW. Church members will be asked to provide salads. A recipe booklet is being planned to sell at the Luncheon. Recipes to be included are the Chili Cook-off winners and pies in the pie auction (if those participants are interested), the beef dish, dessert items, and salad recipes for those who wish to participate. All recipes need to be submitted to: Candise Hollis at candy.hollis@gmailcom or placed in the ECW mail slot not later than March 8. Raffle items are being planned. ECW looks forward to the participation of each of you and trust you will enjoy this year's Spring Luncheon.

God's Peace, Lee Hammerbeck

Warm Beef Dish Dessert Bar


Page 7: presents The Emmanuel · Many sleep experts say that a cool room around 65 degrees makes the best sleep. Your bed

The Emmanuel Light

7 Variety Night 2016 Variety Night 2016 took place on Saturday, February 20 at 7:00 p.m. Kaleb Walker began the evening’s entertainment with a piano solo by Beethoven entitled “Fur Elise.” Judy Vidal and her page turner (and husband), Brent Cogswell, followed Kaleb with a piano and vocal arrangement of “Wicked.” Judy is the chief arranger and director for the Black Hills Showcase Chorus. Megan Hagel, the granddaughter of the Edstroms, played the cello solo “Tartenella.” She may be in the Rapid City Symphony some day! The youth of Emmanuel put on a good show with their rendition of “This Is The House That Jack Built” (only this piece was attune to characters that were presented from various sounds from instruments and other paraphernalia). It was a fun skit to watch and hear because the various

instruments had to “be on their toes” to come in at the right time. A piano solo entitled “Ondine” by Debussy, told a story of love and turmoil, and was beautifully played by Cynthia Aldrich. Though a challenging piece, Cynthia played it with ease. Kathy Peterson and the “Take Five” quintet sang for us and their harmony was

terrific! Judy Vidal is also a member of this group. Dave Martinson, our choir director, played “Dizzy Fingers” on the clarinet. Truly his fingers were flying on the instrument and it was fun to listen to him play. A humorous reading by Vance Sneve really got the audience in a happy mood. It was great to have him share in the fun this year. Andrew Josten, who is a friend of the Roussell family, played an original arrangement on the guitar and he sang with his own accompaniment. The Youth presented a highly entertaining act to the tune of the “Hokey, Pokey.” Our hats off to Joe and Lori Luciano who sewed and created the costumes for the group! The youth have been very faithful about being a part of the variety show over the years and we are grateful for their participation. The “Take Five” ladies were so well received that they did an encore which was really jivey and they made it look so easy.

Master of Ceremonies for the evening was Dwight Edstrom, who always does a great job of entertaining the crowd with his humor and storytelling.

(continued on page 8)

Page 8: presents The Emmanuel · Many sleep experts say that a cool room around 65 degrees makes the best sleep. Your bed

The Emmanuel Light

8 Variety Night 2016 (cont.)

Our sincere thanks to the audience that attended the evening of fun and entertainment. You are very important to the success of the evening. The money raised for the organ maintenance fund was $615. This is a fantastic fundraiser for the upkeep and tuning of the organ. Thank you to Judy Gaalswyk, Cynthia Aldrich, Marie Luciano, and JoAnn Edstrom, all members of the choir, who brought cookies for the reception after the show.

Now is the time to be thinking about what YOU can contribute to the Variety Night next year!!!!!!

JoAnn Edstrom

Page 9: presents The Emmanuel · Many sleep experts say that a cool room around 65 degrees makes the best sleep. Your bed

The Emmanuel Light


Page 10: presents The Emmanuel · Many sleep experts say that a cool room around 65 degrees makes the best sleep. Your bed

The Emmanuel Light


On Good Friday the Youth will present The Living Stations of the Cross, which is symbolic of Jesus’ spiritual journey to the cross. Many of the youth will be participating in a confirmation retreat on March 4-6, 2016. Please keep them in your prayers as they also make their way to confirming their baptismal promises when Bishop Tarrant visits Emmanuel on Sunday, April 3.

The youth are also looking for community service projects for this year. Please email me ([email protected]) if you have any ideas. We do have a few ideas in process, but are always looking for more.

Youth Group News

Lori Luciano

The Youth Perform at the February 20th Variety Show!

Page 11: presents The Emmanuel · Many sleep experts say that a cool room around 65 degrees makes the best sleep. Your bed

The Emmanuel Light


March 2 - Wednesday 5:30 p.m. - Prayer & Soup Supper at St. Matthew’s March 9 - Wednesday 5:30 p.m. - Prayer & Soup Supper at Emmanuel March 16 - Wednesday 5:30 p.m. - Prayer & Soup Supper at Woyatan Lutheran 522 Anamosa St., Rapid City

Morning Prayer will be Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays

8 a.m. during Lent.

February 24th Soup Supper at Emmanuel

Page 12: presents The Emmanuel · Many sleep experts say that a cool room around 65 degrees makes the best sleep. Your bed

The Emmanuel Light

12 March Adult Forums

Lent Education Forum - Fr. Chris Roussell “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Exploring Everyday Evil.”

March 6 & 13 9:15 a.m. in the Parish Hall.

All are welcome.

March 20 - Palm Sunday Services 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Noon Processional Downtown

with Area Churches (See back page for details.)

March 21 & 22 –Morning Prayer 8 a.m. Monday & Tuesday

March 23 – Eucharist 12:15 p.m. Wednesday

March 24 – Maundy Thursday Service 7 p.m. (Limited Incense)

March 25 – Good Friday March 26 –Holy Saturday Vigil (No Incense at Services) (Incense) 8 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Confession 8 p.m. 3 p.m. Service 7 p.m. Living Stations of the Cross by Youth

March 27 – Easter Sunday Services 8 a.m. (No Incense) & 10:15 a.m. (Incense)

Easter Egg Hunt following the 10:15 a.m. service.

Holy Week Schedule

No Forum March 20—Palm Sunday

Or March 27—Easter Sunday

Page 13: presents The Emmanuel · Many sleep experts say that a cool room around 65 degrees makes the best sleep. Your bed

The Emmanuel Light

13 March Celebrations!

Happy Birthday

Please join us in celebrating our church family’s birthdays and anniversaries this month!

1 Vance Sneve 2 Barbara Oates



Bob Bsharah

6 Charles Starbuck

Robert Blumenthal Paula Pederson


12 Stewart Flanery

27 Thomas Helmer


Jamie Clapham


Kaleb Walker

20 Janet Flinn David Lust Jennifer Regan


Claudia Vucurevich 4

Nathan Wessel 15

24 23


Beth Halvorson Tim Pederson

Caitlyn Riggs Riley Riggs Kellie Rude

Liliana Kowalski Rob Riggs Karyl Shanahan

Jonel Geske Liz Bogue


20 Kim Morey & Rose Rangel 24 Gene & Robyn


28 Richard & Theresa Jones

29 Happy Anniversary

3 12 17 Doc & Donna Savage Todd & Nicole Craig Rick & Kiernan Zimbelman


MacKenzie Zarnoth

30 LaVerne Johnson Brad Dunbar

Doris Lind

Page 14: presents The Emmanuel · Many sleep experts say that a cool room around 65 degrees makes the best sleep. Your bed

The Emmanuel Light


Good Friday

Easter Vigil

March 27

Karen Psaiki Jill Maher



Colin Lerback

Alison Roussell

Nancy Seger

Les & Cora


Nyle Hedin

Liturgical Schedule - March 2016

Lock-up: March

Peter Hansen Stewart Flanery


6 March

13 March

20 Maundy


Lector Kelli Trebil Sande


Sean Vickers Donna Burnap

Nicole Craig Thom Helmer

EM Nyle Hedin

Laura Lewandowski

Sande Hammerquist

Acolyte Sean Vickers

Collin Lerback

Mary Feliz

Usher Shelby Vickers

Matt Vickers

Joann Gaffaney Lynn Von


Les & Cora Koss

Greeter Bob & Vickie Pollock

Mary Parker Kelli Trebil

Key & Mary Parker

MC Thom Helmer Nyle Hedin Laura


March 6 March

13 March


March 24

7 p.m.

Lectors Mary Lou Riggs

Marie Luciano

Richard Jones Mary Lou


Kristin San-ford

Rebecca Katus

Alan Freiberg Stewart Flanery

EM Rebecca Katus Karyl

Shanahan Stewart Flanery

Mary Lou Riggs

Acolyte Stewart Flanery Justin

Pederson Zane Stymiest

Joel Walker Kaleb Walker Jaden Wells

Mary Helen Flanery

Meredith Landry

Riley Riggs Jaden Wells

Brian Allen Mary Feliz

Nicholas Lust Zane Stymiest

Usher Richard Jones Lynn Lafferty

Bob & Sherry Ermish

Joe & Lori Luciano

Les & Cora Koss

Greeter Donna Andrews

Babs Makdeis

Mindy Elliot Patsy Nichol-


Lynn Lafferty Karyl


Jackie Newell Karyl


MC Mary Helen Flanery

Tim Pederson Michael Luciano

Michael Luciano

Counters David Janak Patsy


Sherry Ermish Brian


Rhonda Hatzenbuhler

Mike Sweet

Rite 1

8:00 a.m.

Rite 11

10:15 a.m.

March 25

3 p.m.

March 26 8 p.m. March 27

Nyle Hedin Cheryl


Cheryl Johnson

Patsy Nicholson

Laura Lewandowski

Mary Helen


Isabelle Lust

Sean Vickers

Mary Helen Flanery

Isabelle Lust Nicholas Lust Tim Pederson

Brian Allen Michael Luciano


Vickers Matt


Bob Blumenthal


Hatzenbuhler Lynn Lafferty

Bob & Vickie Pollock

Key & Mary Parker

Barry Jones Richard Jones

Mary Helen Flanery

Brian Allen Tim Pederson

Jamie Clapham

Vicki Sweet



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Page 15: presents The Emmanuel · Many sleep experts say that a cool room around 65 degrees makes the best sleep. Your bed

The Emmanuel Light


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 8 a.m. Morning Prayer

2 11:00 a.m. Bible Study 12:15 p.m. Holy Eucharist & Healing 1:30 p.m. ECW 5:30 p.m. Youth Group 5:30 p.m. Prayer & Supper at St. Matthew’s

3 8 a.m. Morning Prayer 11:30 a.m. Book Group 6:30 p.m. Book Group 8 p.m. AA

4 8 a.m. Morning Prayer 3 p.m. Retreat at Terra Sancta for Confirmands

5 Confirmand Retreat at Terra Sancta (all day) 9 a.m. DOK Lenten Quiet Day at St. An-drew’s 1 p.m. Downton Ab-bey Tea

6 8 a.m. Eucharist I 9:15 a.m. Sunday School & Adult Forum 10:15 a.m. Eucharist II

7 8 a.m. Morning Prayer

8 8 a.m. Morning Prayer

9 11:00 a.m. Bible Study 12:15 p.m. Holy Eucharist & Healing 5:30 p.m. Youth Group 5:30 p.m. Prayer & Supper at Emmanuel

10 8 a.m. Morning Prayer 6:30 p.m. Book Group 8 p.m. AA

11 8 a.m. Morning Prayer 9 a.m. Dakota Experience

12 Dakota Experience till 2 p.m. 8 a.m. Altar Guild 10 a.m. Focus Group 1 p.m. Communica-tions Committee 2 p.m. Focus Group

13 8 a.m. Eucharist I 9:15 a.m. Sunday School & Adult Forum 10:15 a.m. Eucharist II

14 8 a.m. Morning Prayer 3:30 p.m. Outreach


8 a.m. Morning Prayer 10 a.m. Caregivers Support Group 10:30 a.m. Prayer Intercessors 3:30 p.m. Executive Committee

16 11:00 a.m. Bible Study 11:30 a.m. BH Symphony League 12:15 p.m. Holy Eucharist & Healing 5:30 p.m. Youth Group 5:30 p.m. Prayer & Supper at Woyatan Lutheran

17 8 a.m. Morning Prayer 11:30 a.m. Book Group 2 p.m. Westhills 6 p.m. Two Pillar Committee - Meet in Parish Hall 6:30 p.m. Book Group 8 p.m. AA

18 8 a.m. Morning Prayer

19 12 p.m. Focus Group

20 PALM SUNDAY 8 a.m. Eucharist I 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Eucharist II Noon - Community Churches Palm Sunday Processional

21 8 a.m. Morning Prayer 6:30 p.m. Vestry Mtg.

22 8 a.m. Morning Prayer 2:30 p.m. Focus Group 5:30 p.m. MOB mtg.


11:00 a.m. Bible Study 12:15 p.m. Holy Eucharist & Healing 5:30 p.m. Youth Group

24 MAUNDY THURSDAY 7 p.m. Maundy Thursday Service 8 p.m. - 6 a.m. All Night Vigil 8 p.m. AA

25 GOOD FRIDAY 8a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Confession 3 p.m. Good Friday Service 7 p.m. Living Stations of the Cross

26 HOLY SATURDAY 12 p.m. Focus Group 8 p.m. Easter Vigil

27 EASTER 8 a.m. Eucharist I 9:15 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt 10:15 a.m. Eucharist II 5:30 p.m. Cornerstone Mission Meal


29 30 11:00 a.m. Bible Study 12:15 p.m. Holy Eucharist & Healing 5:30 p.m. Youth Group

31 6:30 p.m. Book Group 8 p.m. AA

March 2016

Calendar Recap

St. Patrick’s Day March 17

Easter March 27 Upcoming Events

Page 16: presents The Emmanuel · Many sleep experts say that a cool room around 65 degrees makes the best sleep. Your bed

The Emmanuel Light



From the Church Office

Emmanuel Parish Staff


The Reverend Chris Roussell

Priests-in-Residence The Reverend Elizabeth Bryan

The Reverend David Cameron

The Reverend Canon David Seger


The Reverend Jo Hedin The Reverend Virginia Bird

Director of Christian

Formation Stephen Branch

Choir Director David Martinson


JoAnn Edstrom

Office Manager

Nanette Branch


Kim Morey


Betty Welke


Marcus Flavin


Kathy Peterson

The Vestry

Michael Luciano, Senior Warden Bob Ermish, Junior Warden

Jamie Clapham Brian Allen

Richard Hatzenbuhler Richard Jones Lynn Lafferty

Lynn Von Wald Stewart Flanery

Julie Grundhoffer Peter Hansen

Kelli Trebil

Emmanuel Episcopal Church

717 Quincy St. Rapid City, SD 57701

605-342-0909 [email protected]

Our Regular Worship Times

Sunday 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I

10:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II

Wednesday 12:15 p.m. Holy Eucharist and Healing Service

NOTE Please email church correspondence

to Nanette Branch at: [email protected]

Special Announcement Cornerstone Mission

Meal Serving Next: 5:30 p.m.

March 27, 2016

Easter Sunday

30 Main St., Downtown

Rapid City

Non-perishable items are

welcome or you can donate

financially, making your checks out

to Emmanuel Episcopal Church

with “Mission Meal”

on the memo line.

The Cornerstone Rescue

Mission Meal is served every 4th

Processional of Downtown Churches

Here’s what will take place downtown on Palm Sunday...Folks from 1st

Congregational will plan to arrive outside of Emmanuel around 12 noon. The group will walk on the sidewalk, waving palms to 1st Christian where we’ll be joined by

their folks, then around the corner to Faith Temple where we’ll be joined by folks

from Faith Temple and 1st Presbyterian. Then across the street to 1st Methodist.

The street will be available to walk in the street from 1st Methodist to

Trinity Lutheran, with crossing help at 5th street. Then we will gather in

Trinity’s new Eco Prayer Park for a short program.

Come and be part of the celebration!

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