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The Rabbit


Forgot to Fly

Anshuman Sharma

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Copyright ©2012 Anshuman Sharma

All Rights Reserved

ISBN: 978-1-300-51419-0

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Dedication Dedicatio

To Gunn, Kli and Neelu

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The Sleeping Giant

The Mantra

The Search

The Purpose

The Quest

The Path

About Author

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This is a work of fiction which tells the story of a young man named Victor. This story is his

transformational journey of few months when he came in touch with a secret mantra. The story

looks at the various aspects of a teenage mind and tries to deliver a message to the readers who

can utilize these messages in their own life.

The teenage mind, contrary to all the confusing data disproving their focus, is a powerful

untapped resource. Teenagers are generally at a certain level of life in which they are bit

confused about their feelings and their ambitions. The education system in most of the countries

of the world does not focus on unlocking the potential of the teenage mind which can be

exceptionally creative and analytical.

In societies too teenagers are considered as rookies who do not have any seriousness or

expertise to do anything of value. They are supposed to only focus on their studies and aim to

receive good grades. They are also generally dependent on their parents for financial support

which blocks the freedom of thinking independently. But, if we look at the stories of successful

people who have changed the course of societies and history then we would find that these men

and women first identified their unique gifts in their teenage years. There are people like Steve

Jobs and Bill Gate, who started in their teenage years, changed the way the people communicate

and compute.

Many teenagers are stuck at the mediocre level from which they are not able to release

themselves for their whole life. The inferiority complex and lack of confidence which they had

in their teenage years haunts them till the end of their life. Interact with any unsuccessful

person and enquire about his/her teenage years you would find the lack of efforts during those

precious years to break the shackles of mediocre thinking. So, it becomes extremely important

for every individual to take the responsibility of their lives with improved thinking patterns

and actions.

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It is to be noted that every teenager irrespective of country, race, caste, color, religion,

language and gender has similar potential to achieve greatness. This is the responsibility of the

elders that they are able to unlock the mind and energy of the teenagers. It is in the grasp of

every teenager, who is ready to take challenges and responsibilities, to bring the necessary

changes and improvements in the society. They need to understand few basic facts and take the

required actions to uplift themselves to a higher level, in every aspect.

This book attempts to help the teenagers to realize their potential through the story of

Victor, who is a below average teenager struggling with the confusions in his life. Something

drastic happens in his life which changes him forever; with him the future of the society to

which he belongs. The readers of this book can understand this story in their own context and

implement the leanings of this story in their lives. They need to commit to honesty,

perseverance and consistency in their endeavors.

The creator of this work would like to see the teenage leaders all over the world, adding

value to their societies.

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The Sleeping Giant

Victor’s birthday was coming to end but he has not felt it yet. As always, he was staring at

the clock hung in the middle of the wall with contrasting color, the wall was light yellow and

the clock was with the distinct red color. This clock was his main companion for last three years.

He remembered the clock was gifted by Uncle Musa in the fifteenth anniversary of mom and

dad. As it was an extra clock it was suggested by papa to put in Victor’s room. But it was kept

on the table and remained there for full one week.

“Why aren’t they putting it” every day, at least ten times, Victor thought about it “already my

table is small and I am not able to use it properly.”

Seventh day Victor saw a thin layer of mud stuck to it. He could see it, even touch it. He wrote a

big ‘V’ with his index finger cutting through the layer of mud on the box of clock. The written

‘V’ looked massive as if it is shouting and saying that I belong to Victor. He smiled at it.

“Mom, why this box is kept here?” Victor asked.

No reply. “Mom, mamma” again, no reply.

“Mamma, this box is just filling my table,” “I am not able to use it properly.”

“Which box?” Mom counter-questioned her only child.

“That red colored box which was kept by papa, last week” Victor shouted back.

“Oh, that is a clock for you, put it in your room” Mom instructed.

Victor came near the box and cleaned it with the cloth kept on the side stool, he did not like the

color much as blue was his favorite. On opening it was a medium sized red colored clock with

seconds’ hand in addition to hour and minute.

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