Page 1: Principles for Attribution A call for support and contributions for use cases Caroline Sutton Co-Founder Co-action Publishing Past President, OASPA COASP

Principles for AttributionA call for support and contributions for use cases

Caroline SuttonCo-Founder Co-action PublishingPast President, OASPA

COASP 2014, Paris

Page 2: Principles for Attribution A call for support and contributions for use cases Caroline Sutton Co-Founder Co-action Publishing Past President, OASPA COASP


Page 3: Principles for Attribution A call for support and contributions for use cases Caroline Sutton Co-Founder Co-action Publishing Past President, OASPA COASP

OASPA Recommends Use of Creative Commons Licenses

Preferably: Attribution 4.0


Also accept: Attribution-

Noncommercial 4.0


Page 4: Principles for Attribution A call for support and contributions for use cases Caroline Sutton Co-Founder Co-action Publishing Past President, OASPA COASP

1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 20140








Growth of Fully OA Journals Using a CC-BY License

From OASPA blog May 21, 2014, by Claire Redhead. Data submitted by OASPA members

Page 5: Principles for Attribution A call for support and contributions for use cases Caroline Sutton Co-Founder Co-action Publishing Past President, OASPA COASP

Section 3 – License Conditions.

Your exercise of the Licensed Rights is expressly made subject to the following conditions.

Attribution.If You Share the Licensed Material (including in modified form), You must:

retain the following if it is supplied by the Licensor with the Licensed Material:

identification of the creator(s) of the Licensed Material and any others designated to receive attribution, in any reasonable manner requested by the Licensor (including by pseudonym if designated);a copyright notice;a notice that refers to this Public License;a notice that refers to the disclaimer of warranties;a URI or hyperlink to the Licensed Material to the extent reasonably practicable;

indicate if You modified the Licensed Material and retain an indication of any previous modifications; andindicate the Licensed Material is licensed under this Public License, and include the text of, or the URI or hyperlink to, this Public License.

Page 6: Principles for Attribution A call for support and contributions for use cases Caroline Sutton Co-Founder Co-action Publishing Past President, OASPA COASP

You may satisfy the conditions in Section 3(a)(1) in any reasonable manner based on the medium, means, and context in which You Share the Licensed Material. For example, it may be reasonable to satisfy the conditions by providing a URI or hyperlink to a resource that includes the required information.

If requested by the Licensor, You must remove any of the information required by Section 3(a)(1)(A) to the extent reasonably practicable.If You Share Adapted Material You produce, the Adapter's License You apply must not prevent recipients of the Adapted Material from complying with this Public License.

Page 7: Principles for Attribution A call for support and contributions for use cases Caroline Sutton Co-Founder Co-action Publishing Past President, OASPA COASP

Attribution is a legal requirement

The license informs users of what they must do.

The question of how to do this is left open.

Page 8: Principles for Attribution A call for support and contributions for use cases Caroline Sutton Co-Founder Co-action Publishing Past President, OASPA COASP
Page 9: Principles for Attribution A call for support and contributions for use cases Caroline Sutton Co-Founder Co-action Publishing Past President, OASPA COASP

The OASPA Principles for Attribution

Page 10: Principles for Attribution A call for support and contributions for use cases Caroline Sutton Co-Founder Co-action Publishing Past President, OASPA COASP

Principles for Attribution

1. Researchers choosing Open Access and using liberal licenses do so because they wish to maximise access to and re-use of their work.

2. Authors choose Creative Commons licenses in part to ensure attribution and the assignment of credit.

Page 11: Principles for Attribution A call for support and contributions for use cases Caroline Sutton Co-Founder Co-action Publishing Past President, OASPA COASP

Principles continued

3. The community expects that where modifications have been made to an article that this will be made explicit and every practicable effort will be made to make the nature and scope of modifications explicity.

4. The community assumes, consistent with the terms of the Creative Commons licenses, that unless noted otherwise authors have not endorsed any republication or modification of their original work

Page 12: Principles for Attribution A call for support and contributions for use cases Caroline Sutton Co-Founder Co-action Publishing Past President, OASPA COASP

Please join us in signing

Contact: [email protected]

Page 13: Principles for Attribution A call for support and contributions for use cases Caroline Sutton Co-Founder Co-action Publishing Past President, OASPA COASP

Help us develop the use cases

Page 14: Principles for Attribution A call for support and contributions for use cases Caroline Sutton Co-Founder Co-action Publishing Past President, OASPA COASP

Reproduction of a whole article , book, or book chapter

A Use Case

Page 15: Principles for Attribution A call for support and contributions for use cases Caroline Sutton Co-Founder Co-action Publishing Past President, OASPA COASP

Key Principles:• The address of the original work to be provided in full, as a hyperlink.• Should be given as DOI where available• Esp. important in case of reprinted or aggregated content that is sold while

original is free.

‟no endorsement clause”:Any endorsement clause should be clear and separate to any copyright statement.

Table of Contents: Clearly show the original source of the article and the license it is available under.

Citation at site of reprinted work:Show clearly the original source of the article and the license it is available under.

Indexing and metadata: Include the statement ‟reprinted in full from CITATION; available under a LICENSE license from ADDRESS”

Page 16: Principles for Attribution A call for support and contributions for use cases Caroline Sutton Co-Founder Co-action Publishing Past President, OASPA COASP


More than just access: Delivering on a Network Enabled LiteratureCameron Neylon, Public Library of Science

Reprinted in full from PLOS BIOLOGY 10(10): e1001417 under the terms of a CC BY license.

Original version available under a CC BY license at

Page 17: Principles for Attribution A call for support and contributions for use cases Caroline Sutton Co-Founder Co-action Publishing Past President, OASPA COASP


At table of contents, citations

Speller JRW (2011), Science and Literature, reprinted in full from Bourdieu and Literature, Open Book Publishers, Cambridge. Free to read version available under a CC BY license from

At Chapter Head

Science and LiteratureJohn R W Speller

Reprinted in full from Speller (2011), Bourdieu and Literature, Open Book Publishers, Cambridge under the terms of a CC BY license. Original

version available under a CC BY license at

Page 18: Principles for Attribution A call for support and contributions for use cases Caroline Sutton Co-Founder Co-action Publishing Past President, OASPA COASP


[email protected]

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