  • 8/14/2019 Private Police Release 11 09




    Are private police the answer to currentpublic safety and fiscal concerns?

    Dr. James F. Pastor, a nationally recognizedauthor and authority on public safety andsecurity, contends private police provisions areinevitable.

    Contact: [email protected]:

    More than six years after the publication of his ground breaking book: The Privatization of Police in

    America: An Analysis and Case Study, it is more timely and prescient today than when it was originallypublished. The author, Dr. James F. Pastor, Ph.D., J.D., as the first to conduct ride along research of

    private police, saw the value of these supplemental service providers long before most. He possessed this

    vision due to his unique perspective. As a former tactical police officer, an attorney who represented police

    and security firms, and as a respected academic expert, his insight is both diverse and comprehensive.

    Policing agencies are strapped with two mutually inconsistent dynamics: being understaffed and

    overburdened with service provisions. While various order maintenance services are necessary, such as

    alarm response, disorderly and noise complaints, crime reporting, parking enforcement, and similar

    services, these are now too costly and organizationally challenging to deliver. With constrained budgets,

    some policing agencies are laying officers off. Most others are shrinking their ranks through attrition and

    reduced hiring (if at all). In short, policing agencies either need more money or less work. In these difficult

    economic times, the only real solution is less service provision.

    These challenges will force policy makers, police chiefs, public administrators, and security professionals

    to rethink their approach to policing the streets of America. In doing so, Dr. Pastor introduces a new

    model of policing Public Safety Policing that offers an organized and proactive response based, in part,

    on using private police to provide service provisions traditionally performed by policing agencies.

    About the Author

    Dr. Pastor is president of SecureLaw Ltd., a Chicago based public safety and security services firm. He is

    also an associate professor of Public Safety at Calumet College of St. Joseph, and an adjunct instructor at

    the International Law Enforcement Academy--where he teaches security technology to police officials

    throughout the world. Dr. Pastor has been interviewed regarding security issues on WGN and WLS radio,

    and with NBC 5, Comcast and Public Access cable TV stations as well as numerous print media. He

    formerly taught legal issues at Northwestern Universitys Center for Public Safety, and legal & ethical

    issues in security management in the graduate program at Webster University. He is the author of two

    other books, Terrorism and Public Safety Policing: Implications for the Obama Presidency (2009), andSecurity Law & Methods (2006).

    Dr. Pastor consults, writes and speaks on a variety of public safety and security issues, including serving as

    an expert witness. Previously, he practiced law for 15 years, serving as legal counsel for two police unions

    and five security firms. Dr. Pastor began his career with the Chicago Police Department serving as a

    tactical police officer in the Gang Crime Enforcement Unit, and later as an Assistant Department

    Advocate dealing with police misconduct allegations, including hundreds of use of force cases.

    SecureLaw Ltd. Phone: 312-423-6700

    65 West Jackson Blvd., #112 Fax: 312-692-2322

    Chicago, IL. 60604-3598 Email: [email protected]

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