
We Bring Light to Your Information Technology Needs!

Christian Marketplace Network June 12, 2009

Is This You or someone in your office?

I thought computers were supposed to make our lives easier?

Am I crazy or did this computer just do something by itself?

Why can’t this thing just work right?

My job used to be so much easier before this new program was installed!

How come computers cost so much and work how I want them to so little of the time?

“A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention in human history, with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila.” (unknown)

Who is ProLumen Consulting?

We are an Information Technology solutions provider

that focuses on integrating technology effectively into

your business.

We are an “A to Z” IT solution, including:

Hardware Acquisition, Sales and Service

Software Sales and Support

Help Desk Support

Network Integration/Support

Database and Web Services

Technology Business Alignment

Other: Telephony, Photocopiers, Handheld devices…

IT Industry Stats

What is one of the largest costs of a small business


Hacking and Computer Viruses will cost global

businesses around $1.6 trillion this year alone! (source:

One of the main reasons that this figure is so high is that

companies do not prepare for this by partnering with an IT firm

ahead of time that knows their systems and how to handle a

disaster such as this.

You always pay significantly higher after a “disaster”


How does ProLumen help in a down


Fixed Cost Model

Case Study: GBG Supply, Inc.

Accident: An employee disconnected the server from the UPS

power supply and plugged it directly into the wall during a water

leak from an overhead pipe and fried the server and all

associated data.

Associated Real Costs:

Labor Hours: $7500

Offsite Data Restoration Services: $2500

New Hardware: $3000

Downtime Realized Costs: $30,000

Total Loss to Company: $43,000

Total Company Paid: $2500

Savings: $40,500

We bring light to your Information


What does our tagline mean?

One of the practical ways we bring light to your

information technology is by our free network assessment

We analyze how your technology is currently being used

We bring light to potential problems in your network.

We provide cost effective solutions based on your business

needs and in alignment with your target objectives. We then

work with you to decide what will be the best short term and

long term in your specific industry/situation.

Who is a good customer for ProLumen?

Any small to medium sized business that uses


A business who is too small to afford their own full

time IT staff member.

A business who complains a lot about computers or

the technology they have.

Any Industry

A business who wants to get MORE from their


Thank You!

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