  • 8/11/2019 Prof Ed 5 Proposed Code of Ethics for the Counselor



    Any counselor or guidance worker, seeking togrow in the performance of his duties should consider thecode of ethics and all teachers may very well adopt it asan aid in the understanding and developing of guidancecompetencies:

    A Counselor:

    1. In respecting the dignity of each counselee,gives him his primary allegiance. A counselor accepts responsibility for safe guarding theconfidential relationship between him and thecounselee. In his writing, speaking andinterviewing, he makes it clear that counselorshave a relationship to counselees, similar to thatof lawyers to client, or doctors to patient.

    2. Accepts all who needs assistance but does notallow the demands for his service to dilute theuality of his services. If the demand his greater

    than can be handled satisfactorily, the counselor informs the proper administrative authority of hisinability to provide ade uate counseling service.!ntil additional services can be available, heselects those in greatest need of counseling.

    ". Actively promotes the concepts of counseling asprofession. #e attempts to get others not to takecounseling responsibility beyond their limitations.

    $. %nlists the cooperation and assistance of other staff workers and administrators in providingnecessary supporting services for the counselingprogram of the school.

    &. 'hen necessary refers the counselee toappropriate persons or agencies and takes stepsto make such referrals possible and to insure thecontinuity of counseling.

    (. As a staff member, he is a member of the schoolteam, and accepts his share of general schoolduties. #e resists those which interfere his dutiesas counselor, either because of thisincompatibility or because the make undueinroads on his time.

    ). *eeks employment only on the basis of hisualifications. #e does not e+ploit his political or non professional affiliations for this purpose.

    . Continues to grow professionally.-. aintains active cooperation with some

    professional group or groups.1/. Continuously engages in research to contribute

    to his personal growth or to that of theprofession. #e plans such research so that thecounselor0counselee relationships are notviolated.

    11. eriodically evaluates his work and seeks theassistance of others who can help him improvethe uality of his work.


    ACTIVE- DIRECT APPROACH his model involves the counselor directly taking

    an active part in coming up with accepted resultsregarding the client3s problem.

    Active0direct approach is an approach that opensa chance to an educative process. Clients aregiven opportunities for awareness to see throughseveral options and possibilities around himabout his problem under the assistance of acounselor.

    1. Setting a viewpoint- the counselor teaches theclient to set clearly his viewpoint by initiating theconference, focusing on what the counselee3spoint of view regarding is present predicament.

    2. Suggesting a ou!se o" a tion- the counselorsolicits information from the client afterinterviewing him on an issue at hand. *teps onwho will face the problem are carefully

    discussed and the client is encouraged to makehis move.

    ". Reassu!ing an# #i!e ting to t$e point o"i%po!tan e "o! p!ope! %ove- he client isgiven proper re0assurance by focusing on hispossible capacity to overcome the obstacle. hecounselor drives the point of importance toallow time for him to see how to move or effecta change.

    $. Give "ee#&a 's 0 !sually, counselors that helpcounselees achieve better and feel rela+ed,give a positive comment.

    GENERAL APPROACH4 his is a techni ue of what counselors use.4 #ere relation of openness and confidence is

    created for the counselee to relate with trust.() Esta&*is$ing Rappo!t

    5 6enerally, a student7counselee does not 8ust come for counseling. 'hen he does,he does not readily open up. hecounselee has to feel easy in relatingwith the counselor. 9apport has to beestablished.

    +) Lo ating an# #e"ining t$e p!o&*e% 5 he counselor leads the client to know

    what the problem is, defines its kind andnature. #e knows how it affects theclient.

    ,) Counse*ing session 5 his is the point where the counselor

    initiates a session for the client to openup himself, unload his burden andventilate his problem while the counselor attentively listens, observes andempathi es.

  • 8/11/2019 Prof Ed 5 Proposed Code of Ethics for the Counselor


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