  • 7/28/2019 Profitable mean reversion after large price drops


    Profitable mean reversion after large price drops:

    A story of day and night in the S&P 500, 400

    MidCap and 600 SmallCap Indices

    May 2011

    Authors:Christian L. Dunis

    Jason Laws

    Jozef RudyCorresponding author and presenter :

    Jozef Rudy

    [email protected]

    Liverpool JMU, TATRA Asset Management

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 Profitable mean reversion after large price drops




    Data used

    Methodology 2 versions of the strategy




  • 7/28/2019 Profitable mean reversion after large price drops



    Contrarian profits explained by overreaction hypothesis (Lo and MacKinlay, 1990), whereassumption of negative autocorrelation is very common (Locke and Gupta, 2009)

    Contrarian profits exclusively after large price falls (Choi and Jayaraman, 2009), no condition of

    autocorrelation necessary

    Recent decreasing performance of contrarian strategies (Khandani and Lo, 2007)

    According to Fama (1997, p. 6) most anomalies are shaky and tend to disappear when reasonable

    alternative approaches are used to measure them

    Majority of trading ideas well-known across Wall Street. A practical implementation and

    parameters make every strategy unique (Chan, 2009)

    Unique idea: to increase sampling frequency from Close-Close to Close-Open-Close: non-standard

    sampling frequency

    Cliffetal (2008, p. 2) affirm that the impact of the periodical market closes on the first moment of

    stock returns is still not fully understood.


  • 7/28/2019 Profitable mean reversion after large price drops


  • 7/28/2019 Profitable mean reversion after large price drops


    Methodology I

    Strategy (Version 1):

    Buy n worst shares during night, hold during day

    Strategy (Version 2):

    Buy n worst shares during day, hold during night

  • 7/28/2019 Profitable mean reversion after large price drops


    Costs of trading

    Trading costs one-way: 0.05% Transaction costs: 0.05%

    Bid-ask spread: 0%

    Net return calculation:


    1ln( / )

    t tt X XRet P P TC

  • 7/28/2019 Profitable mean reversion after large price drops



    Portfolio of equal % holding of entire index

    Day (Open-Close) and Night (Close-Open)

    Returnsno real difference and no edge

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    Results by deciles small caps

    Version 1

    Version 2

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    Results by deciles mid caps

    Version 1

    Version 2

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    Results by deciles big caps

    Version 1

    Version 2

  • 7/28/2019 Profitable mean reversion after large price drops


    Results first decile Year over Year

    Close Close Version 1

    Version 2

  • 7/28/2019 Profitable mean reversion after large price drops


    Results Excess over Close-Close

    strategy I

    According to Park (1995), the profitability of a mean

    reversion strategy disappears (goes to 0 no

    profitable edge) once the average bid-ask price is

    used instead of a closing price.

    Thus, if we can prove, that our strategys results are

    well in excess of Close-Close strategy, we show theviability even after the inclusion of a bid-ask bounce

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    Results Excess over Close-Close

    strategy II

    Close-Close holding period, small caps:

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    Results Excess over Close-Close

    strategy III

    Excess information ratios first decile:

  • 7/28/2019 Profitable mean reversion after large price drops


    Results Significant alpha in Fama-

    French framework


    S&P 500 Universe:

    1 2 3( )s f m f

    t t t t t t t r r r r SMB HML

    1 1( _ _ _ ) ( _ _ _ )

    3 3SMB Small Value Small Neutral Small Growth Big Value Big Neutral Big Growth

    1 1( _ _ ) ( _ _ )

    2 2HML Small Value Big Value Small Growth Big Growth

  • 7/28/2019 Profitable mean reversion after large price drops



    Profitable strategy achieved by increasing

    the sampling frequency

    Significant alpha

  • 7/28/2019 Profitable mean reversion after large price drops



    Chan, E. (2009) Quantitative Trading: How to Build Your Own Algorithmic TradingBusiness, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey.

    Choi, H. S. and Jayaraman, N. (2009) Is Reversal of Large Stock-Price Declines

    Caused by Overreaction or Information Asymmetry: Evidence from Stock and

    Option Markets.Journal of Futures Markets. 29, 4, 348-376.

    Cliff, M. T., Cooper, M. J. and Gulen, H. (2008) Return Differences between Trading

    and Non-Trading Hours: Like Night and Day. SSRN eLibrary,

    Fama, E. F. and French, K. R. (1993) Common Risk Factors in the Returns on Stocks

    and Bonds.Journal of Financial Economics. 33, 1, 3-56.

    Khandani, A. E. and Lo, A. W. (2007) What Happened to the Quants in August

    2007?Journal of Investment Management, 5,4, 5-54. Lo, A. W. and Mackinlay, A. C. (1990) When Are Contrarian Profits Due to Stock

    Market Overreaction? The Review of Financial Studies, 3,2, 175-205.

    Locke, S. and Gupta, K. (2009) Applicability of Contrarian Strategy in the Bombay

    Stock Exchange.Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 8,2, 165-189.

  • 7/28/2019 Profitable mean reversion after large price drops


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