
Fleeing Sexual Immorality

Proper Dress and Behavior

Yet, immorality is common. Not rare among God’s holy people. 1 Pet.

1:13-16 Why do good people do bad things? Too often we fail to “flee.” 1 Corinthians 6:18 Even when things don’t lead to sexual

immorality, they may still be sinful. Stop it early. Prov. 22:3; Rom. 13:14 Not everything is spelled out. Heb. 5:12-14

1 Cor. 6:9, 10; Heb. 13:4

Does dress belong in this discussion?

Fashion designers, magazines, etc. say yes. Dress sends signals.

Tamar. Gen. 38:14, 15 Attire of a harlot. Prov. 7:10 Godly character. 1 Tim. 2:10

Can one’s clothing serve to stir lust? Matt. 5:27, 28


Dress sends signals. Can one’s clothing serve to stir lust? Matt.

5:27, 28 2 Samuel 11:2-4 Proverbs 6:25 Lewdness/lascviousness/sensuality. Gal. 5:19

Areas of concern:


Can one’s clothing serve to stir lust? Matt.

5:27, 28 2 Samuel 11:2-4; Proverbs 6:25; Gal. 5:19

Areas of concern: Adam and Eve. Gen. 3:21 Tunics reached the knees. Why expose the

thighs and even more with the wrong movement?

Cover up. Proverbs 5:18, 19; Ezek. 23:2, 3, 21


Ladies: Avoid things that are too short, too

low, too tight, too sheer. Men: Say something. Break up if necessary. Are you okay with simply being tempting

/tempted? Matt. 5:28; 18:6-9 Instead of skin showing, let your light shine.

Matt. 5:14-16

Observations About Dress

Fornication doesn’t just happen; there are

steps that lead to it. Uncleanness. Eph. 5:3 Indecent handling of males and females.

Gal. 5:19 Rom. 13:13, 14

Sexual immorality and sensuality. ESV Make no provision for the flesh.

Physical Displays of Affection

Rom. 13:13, 14

Sexual immorality and sensuality. ESV Make no provision for the flesh.

Crucified the flesh with its passions and desires? Gal. 5:24

Be honest and be careful. 1 Cor. 10:12 Keep your hands where they belong. Not all

kisses are holy. Rom. 16:16 Think about your partner. Rom. 14:13

Physical Displays of Affection

Most dance is sensual in nature.

Lewdness: “Indecent bodily movements, unchaste handling of males and females.” Thayer

Dance movements are decent and chaste. Without music, would it even be questionable? Flee youthful lusts. 2 Tim. 2:22 Think of your partner and/or others watching. Luke

17:1, 2 Most dances feature immodest dress.


Will there be indecent bodily movements?

Unchaste handling of males and females? Low-cut, form-fitting, leg-baring dress? Will it enhance your influence for good?

Matt. 5:16 Is this social event really that important? Why “like” prom pictures? Eph. 5:11

The Prom

If fornication hasn’t happened…

Is your level of resistance diminishing? Crossed lines you didn’t intend to cross?

Has lust become a problem? Matt. 5:28 The sin of lewdness is still a sin. Diminished your influence? Encouraged others to

sin? Think on these things. Be discerning. Listen

to the counsel of others.


Think on these things. Be discerning. Listen

to the counsel of others. It’s not easy to stand for God, but it’s worth

it. Matt. 10:32, 33 Take your stand. If you have never taken your stand for Jesus,

please do so today.


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