D. A. Bird LTD.
May 2018
P l a n n i n g C o n s u l t a n t s
D. A. Bird Ltd Screening and Scoping Report Pury End Quarry
May 2018
3 Description of Proposed Development ............................................................................ 3
4 The Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations ....................................................... 5
5 Potential Environmental Effects and Technical Considerations ....................................... 7
6 Other Potentially Relevant Considerations .................................................................... 11
Appendix 1 – Site Location Plan
Appendix 2 – Site Plan
Appendix 3 – Plan showing the Northern Extension Working Areas
D. A. Bird Ltd Screening and Scoping Report Pury End Quarry
1 May 2018
1 Introduction & Background
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 This report has been prepared on behalf of our client D. A. Bird Ltd (hereafter
referred to as the Company) to seek the Mineral Planning Authority’s (MPA’s)
formal Screening and Scoping Opinion on the need for an Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) and the potential scope of the environmental impact assessment
of a planning application at Pury End Quarry for the following proposals:
· Northern extension to the Quarry; and
· Revised restoration with the raising of approved levels of the central/northern area of the existing operational quarry with importation of
inert materials.
1.1.2 To assist the MPA in coming to a considered view, a site description and details of
the proposed development are outlined below along with an outline of any
potential environmental effects and their potential significance. In addition, other potential considerations material to the preparation and consideration of this
application are also set out below. A Site Location Plan (Appendix 1), a Plan showing
an outline of the site area (Appendix 2) and a plan showing the northern extension working areas (Appendix 3) are attached to this report.
D. A. Bird Ltd Screening and Scoping Report Pury End Quarry
2 May 2018
2 Site Location & Description
2.1.1 Pury End Quarry is located approximately 300m west and south west of the village
of Pury End and just under 2km from Towcester to the north west. The village of
Paulerspury lies approximately 2km to the east/south east. Access to the quarry is
gained from an entrance in the southern end of the site from the public highway.
2.1.1 Limestone and good quality building stone has been supplied from Pury End Quarry
near Towcester for over 30 years. Customers are builders, landscapers and private
individuals and the extracted stone is suitable for new houses, extensions, interior
features such as fireplaces and exterior features such as barbeque areas, garden
walls, water features, rockeries and decorative features.
2.1.2 The quarry benefits from being distanced from residential areas. The nearest
residential property being Kirby Farmhouse (Grade II Listed), with operations at the Quarry being over 200m from this property with a large degree of natural
vegetation providing screening.
2.1.3 In terms of surrounding land uses, the site is bounded to the south by the public highway with agricultural land surrounding the site to the east, west and north.
2.1.4 Concept Park office/industrial park comprised of converted barns and modern
buildings which provide high office and workshop units is located to the north east
of the existing quarry and directly adjacent to the proposed extension area.
2.1.5 In a wider context, the quarry is situated in an area of undulating countryside.
Views of the site are restricted mainly to the east with views of part of the village of
Paulerspury possible.
D. A. Bird Ltd Screening and Scoping Report Pury End Quarry
3 May 2018
3.1.1 The proposed development is comprised of the following elements:
· Northern extension to the Quarry; and
· Revised restoration with the raising of approved levels of the
central/northern area of the existing operational quarry with importation of
inert materials.
3.1.2 In terms of the proposed northern extension, this forms only the southern part
(approximately 37.5%) of the M7: Pury End Quarry Extension allocated for
limestone and building stone extraction in the Adopted Minerals and Waste Local
Plan. The proposed extension area measures approximately 6ha with the northern
boundary following a natural ridge in the field.
3.1.3 In terms of operations in the proposed extension area, due to significant
overburden contained in the western section, the Company are proposing to just
carry out extraction operations in the eastern half.
3.1.4 The western side of the extension area is to be stripped but not extracted and is to
accommodate additional fill material/overburden. As discussed, the eastern side of the
area to be extracted and also infilled with inert material above level to tie in with the
levels in the western side (see attached plan at Appendix 3 outlining the 2 areas).
3.1.5 Furthermore, as part of the scheme, it is proposed that the restoration of the
central/northern area of the existing operational quarry (approximately 3ha) is to be
increased to approximately 2m above the approved final land levels, and feathered
down to the east and west, into the surrounding land levels, previously restored levels
and also the proposed extension area. This will lead to the loss of the hedgerow, which
forms the northern boundary of the current site, which may be translocated to an area
of the existing quarry if deemed of sufficient value.
3.1.6 The existing method of extraction in terms of both building stone and aggregate
production, together with other aspects of the operations, would continue. Existing site infrastructure would continue to be used, with material extracted from the
proposed extension hauled back through the existing quarry via the existing access
D. A. Bird Ltd Screening and Scoping Report Pury End Quarry
4 May 2018
3.1.7 The design of the extension proposals would take into account natural screening, to
be supplemented by additional amelioration features.
3.1.8 Traffic movements from the quarry would not exceed 140 movements (70 in and 70
out) as set out in condition 7 of Planning Permission ref: 07/00011/MIN, with
restoration materials imported on a back haul basis as much as possible. Quarry
generated traffic would continue to enter and exit the existing access to the quarry.
D. A. Bird Ltd Screening and Scoping Report Pury End Quarry
5 May 2018
4 The Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations
4.1.1 The need for an Environmental Assessment is considered under the terms of the
Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017.
4.1.2 In terms of extraction of aggregate, the proposal predominantly falls within the
description of Category 2(a) of Column 1 of Schedule 2 as the proposal exceeds the
‘All Development except the construction of building…’ threshold referred to in
Column 2 of Schedule 2.
4.1.3 The National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) advises in Paragraph 058
(Reference ID 4-058-20140306) indicative thresholds where it is more likely that EIA
will be required, and also advises of key issues to consider. For quarry proposals it is
recommended that EIA is more likely to be required if the quarry covers more than
15 hectares or involves the extraction of more than 30,000 tonnes of mineral per year. Therefore, in terms of extraction operations, the proposed extension area falls
under the 15 ha limit and the level of minerals to be extracted is also below the
4.1.4 As the proposal involves restoration through infilling of inert wastes, it is also worth
considering this element in the EIA considerations. Category 11(b) of Schedule 2 of
the EIA Regulations 2017 sets out the descriptions and applicable thresholds and
criteria for installations for the disposal of waste. The threshold states:
I. The disposal is by incineration; or
II. the area of the development exceeds 0.5 hectare; or
III. the installation is to be sited within 100 metres of any controlled waters.
4.1.5 The National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) advises in Paragraph 058
(Reference ID 4-058-20140306) indicative thresholds where it is more likely that EIA
will be required, and also advises of key issues to consider. In relation to
installations for the disposal of waste, it advises the following:
“Installations (including landfill sites) for the deposit, recovery and/or disposal of
household, industrial and/or commercial wastes where new capacity is created to hold more than 50,000 tonnes per year, or to hold waste on a site of 10 hectares or
more. Sites taking smaller quantities of these wastes, sites seeking only to accept
D. A. Bird Ltd Screening and Scoping Report Pury End Quarry
6 May 2018
inert wastes (demolition rubble etc.) or Civic Amenity sites, are unlikely to require
Environmental Impact Assessment”.
4.1.6 Although, the site area is under the 10 ha threshold (extension area – 6ha and
existing quarry infilling area – 3ha) and the level of infilling throughout the duration
of the proposal will be below 50,000 tonnes per annum, it is considered that a
combination of the aggregate and infilling operations mean the proposals may
likely require EIA.
4.1.7 Therefore, in accordance with Part 4, Para 15 of the ‘Town and Country Planning
(Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017’, the company request that
MPA provide a Scoping Opinion as to the information to be provided in the
Environmental Statement.
4.1.8 To assist you in the formulation of the Scoping Opinion this report provides an outline of the development proposal and a broad outline of potential
environmental effects and technical considerations as well as the potential benefits
and other relevant considerations. You will find included with this report:
· Location plan (Appendix 1);
· Plan showing an outline of the site area (Appendix 2); and
· Plan showing the proposed northern extension working areas (Appendix 3).
D. A. Bird Ltd Screening and Scoping Report Pury End Quarry
7 May 2018
5 Potential Environmental Effects and Technical Considerations
5.1.1 The scope of the potential effects on the environment and technical considerations
to be considered in relation to the proposed development are as follows:
· Potential landscape & visual effects;
· Effects on Archaeology and Cultural Heritage;
· Potential effects of noise;
· Potential effects of dust and effects on local air quality;
· Potential effects on the water environment;
· Potential Effects on Soil Resources; and
· Potential Effects of Traffic.
Potential Landscape & Visual Effects
5.1.2 A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) will be undertaken following the
Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment 3rd Edition (GLVIA3) published by the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment and the
Landscape Institute in 2013. The LVIA will demonstrate an understanding of the
existing approved development and restoration scheme and its setting (the baseline) adequately assess the impact of the proposed development upon the
landscape character and the visual amenity.
5.1.3 A study area of approximately 2.5km distance from the application site is proposed
for both the landscape and visual impact assessments.
5.1.4 In order to assess the potential impacts on the landscape, existing landscape
character assessments would be considered to better understand the site and its
5.1.5 In accordance with GLVIA3, representative, specific and illustrative viewpoints will
be selected from a range of receptor types, orientations and distances from the site
D. A. Bird Ltd Screening and Scoping Report Pury End Quarry
8 May 2018
to understand the visual effects and will be agreed with the Councils landscape
advisor. Consultation regarding the methodology, and viewpoint locations in
particular, is welcomed.
5.1.6 The LVIA will be used as a design tool to propose mitigation measures for
incorporation into the development scheme and the restoration concept.
Consideration will be given to enhancements of existing features and how the
restoration relates to the visual amenity and landscape character of the locality and
the wider area.
Potential Effects on Ecology & Nature Conservation Interests
5.1.7 An assessment of the potential ecological impact of the proposed development
area would be undertaken which would reflect the guidelines produced by IEEM
“Guidelines for Ecological Impact Assessment”.
5.1.8 The assessment will include a desk based survey to identify existing ecological
designations on the site and on adjacent area.
5.1.9 Further to this, a Phase 1 Habitat survey will be conducted to identify the level of ecological and nature conservation value of the site currently and the potential
for/presence of protected species.
5.1.10 Based upon the findings of this assessment work, if required, recommendations will be made on the need for further assessment/survey work to be carried out (at an
appropriate time of year). If necessary, this work will also identify proposed
mitigation required to minimise any potential impact on ecology and nature
5.1.11 The results of all survey work will be used to assist the Company in the final scheme
Archaeology & Cultural Heritage
5.1.12 A desk based assessment of the site would be undertaken to identify the presence
and significance of any potential archaeological remains within the proposed site
5.1.13 The desk based assessment would be used as a baseline study for assessing the
D. A. Bird Ltd Screening and Scoping Report Pury End Quarry
9 May 2018
potential impact the development may have on any identified archaeological and
cultural heritage resource. A geophysical survey will also be undertaken to give a
more informed assessment of any archaeological activity at the site. Consideration
of potential mitigation measures to minimise any adverse impacts that are
identified would be outlined and amendments to the scheme design made
Potential Effects of Noise
5.1.14 In terms of the potential impacts of noise from the proposed development, the
proposed extension benefits from being located away from main residential areas
although it does move operations closer to Concept Park office/industrial park. The
current operations at the quarry are carried out within environmentally acceptable
levels. Therefore, it is proposed that the planning application will incorporate noise mitigation to minimise the potential impact from noise.
Potential Effects of Dust and Effects on Local Air Quality
5.1.15 Effective dust suppression measures are currently adopted and incorporated at the site ensuring that dust is minimised and is not a source of nuisance. Therefore, it is
proposed that the planning application will incorporate a dust mitigation scheme to
minimise the generation of airborne dust.
Potential Effects on the Water Environment
5.1.16 The impacts of the proposals on the hydrology, hydrogeology and drainage of the
site will be undertaken.
5.1.17 As the site is over 1 hectare in area a Flood Risk Assessment will also be undertaken.
Potential Effects on Soil Resources
5.1.18 An assessment of the soil resources will be undertaken to consider the potential
impacts and any necessary mitigation measures.
5.1.19 Published information on soils and land quality will be referred to as well as
borehole information on soils.
5.1.20 This information will be used to determine the location of the various soil types
across the site and provide an indication of the materials available for the
D. A. Bird Ltd Screening and Scoping Report Pury End Quarry
10 May 2018
restoration of the site. The assessment will give consideration to the approach to be
taken to soil stripping, handling and storage and the subsequent use of the soils in
the restoration of the site.
Potential Effects of Traffic
5.1.21 The existing quarry transport infrastructure and access to the public highway will be
used to gain access to the public highway. The proposed development will not result
in traffic movements exceeding 140 movements (70 in and 70 out) as set out in
condition 7 of Planning Permission ref: 07/00011/MIN but will prolong vehicle
movements over a longer period of time.
5.1.22 The EIA will though include a concise review of the existing transport arrangements,
including access standard, vehicle volumes and the routeing/management of
D. A. Bird Ltd Screening and Scoping Report Pury End Quarry
11 May 2018
6 Other Potentially Relevant Considerations
6.1.1 In carrying out the EIA the Company will give consideration to other potentially
relevant matters, including the need for the development, the potential socio-
economic effects of the development, the main alternatives to the development
and options in terms of scheme design. Consideration will also be given to the
potential cumulative effect of the development, having particular regard to the
totality of the whole development as well as the potential for the effects to be
experienced in combination with those of other developments.
6.1.2 Restoration using inert waste makes a significant contribution to the aims of
sustainable development by returning land to agricultural, recreational and
conservation uses, and enabling beneficial use of inert wastes that require disposal.
Socio Economics
6.1.3 The proposals will secure the existing employment on site. Consideration will be
given to socio-economic effects, including the likely rural/local employment and other economic benefits associated with the proposal at the local and regional level.
6.1.4 As set out in paragraph 041 (Reference ID: 4-041-20170728) of PPG, the Town and
Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 do not require an applicant to consider alternatives. However, where alternatives have
been considered, paragraph 2 of Schedule 4 requires the applicant to include in
their Environmental Statement a description of the reasonable alternatives studied (for example in terms of development design, technology, location, size and scale)
and an indication of the main reasons for selecting the chosen option, including a
comparison of the environmental effects.
6.1.5 A statement will be produced indicating why the extension area was chosen and will
discuss the alternative working schemes developed and those discounted in
identifying the preferred working option.
6.1.6 The NPPF identifies the need to consider the level of existing activity and impacts
from an operation/number of local operations to assess the impact upon localities.
D. A. Bird Ltd Screening and Scoping Report Pury End Quarry
12 May 2018
Consideration will be given to the potential successive effects resulting from an
extension to the quarry development and the overall duration of the operations.
Community Engagement
6.1.7 As part of the Screening and Scoping process we welcome input both from the
Statutory and Technical Consultees, and the Parish Council at this stage. The
Company will engage with the local community prior to the submission of a
planning application to allow local members the opportunity to make comment and
for any further measures to be incorporated within the scheme prior to formal
Map data shown may contain Ordnance Survey . products supplied by Pear Technology Services Ltd; Email: [email protected]
) Crown Copyright and database rights from date shown above Ordnance Survey . licence number 100023148
Drawing No:
Heaton Planning Ltd 9 The Square, Keyworth Nottingham NG12 5JT
D A Bird Ltd
Appendix 2 – Plan Showing an Outline of the Site Area
Map data shown may contain Ordnance Survey . products supplied by Pear Technology Services Ltd; Email: [email protected]
) Crown Copyright and database rights from date shown above Ordnance Survey . licence number 100023148
Drawing No:
Heaton Planning Ltd 9 The Square, Keyworth Nottingham NG12 5JT
D A Bird Ltd
Red Line Boundary
Appendix 3 – Plan Showing the Proposed Northern Extension Working Areas
Map data shown may contain Ordnance Survey . products supplied by Pear Technology Services Ltd; Email: [email protected]
) Crown Copyright and database rights from date shown above Ordnance Survey . licence number 100023148
Drawing No:
Heaton Planning Ltd 9 The Square, Keyworth Nottingham NG12 5JT
D A Bird Ltd
1 Introduction & Background
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 This report has been prepared on behalf of our client D. A. Bird Ltd (hereafter referred to as the Company) to seek the Mineral Planning Authority’s (MPA’s) formal Screening and Scoping Opinion on the need for an Environmental Impact Assessment ...
Northern extension to the Quarry; and
Revised restoration with the raising of approved levels of the central/northern area of the existing operational quarry with importation of inert materials.
1.1.2 To assist the MPA in coming to a considered view, a site description and details of the proposed development are outlined below along with an outline of any potential environmental effects and their potential significance. In addition, other po...
2 Site Location & Description
2.1.1 Pury End Quarry is located approximately 300m west and south west of the village of Pury End and just under 2km from Towcester to the north west. The village of Paulerspury lies approximately 2km to the east/south east. Access to the quarry is ...
2.1.1 Limestone and good quality building stone has been supplied from Pury End Quarry near Towcester for over 30 years. Customers are builders, landscapers and private individuals and the extracted stone is suitable for new houses, extensions, interi...
2.1.2 The quarry benefits from being distanced from residential areas. The nearest residential property being Kirby Farmhouse (Grade II Listed), with operations at the Quarry being over 200m from this property with a large degree of natural vegetation...
2.1.3 In terms of surrounding land uses, the site is bounded to the south by the public highway with agricultural land surrounding the site to the east, west and north.
2.1.4 Concept Park office/industrial park comprised of converted barns and modern buildings which provide high office and workshop units is located to the north east of the existing quarry and directly adjacent to the proposed extension area.
2.1.5 In a wider context, the quarry is situated in an area of undulating countryside. Views of the site are restricted mainly to the east with views of part of the village of Paulerspury possible.
3 Description of Proposed Development
3.1.1 The proposed development is comprised of the following elements:
Northern extension to the Quarry; and
Revised restoration with the raising of approved levels of the central/northern area of the existing operational quarry with importation of inert materials.
3.1.2 In terms of the proposed northern extension, this forms only the southern part (approximately 37.5%) of the M7: Pury End Quarry Extension allocated for limestone and building stone extraction in the Adopted Minerals and Waste Local Plan. The pro...
3.1.3 In terms of operations in the proposed extension area, due to significant overburden contained in the western section, the Company are proposing to just carry out extraction operations in the eastern half.
3.1.4 The western side of the extension area is to be stripped but not extracted and is to accommodate additional fill material/overburden. As discussed, the eastern side of the area to be extracted and also infilled with inert material above level to...
3.1.5 Furthermore, as part of the scheme, it is proposed that the restoration of the central/northern area of the existing operational quarry (approximately 3ha) is to be increased to approximately 2m above the approved final land levels, and feathere...
3.1.6 The existing method of extraction in terms of both building stone and aggregate production, together with other aspects of the operations, would continue. Existing site infrastructure would continue to be used, with material extracted from the p...
3.1.7 The design of the extension proposals would take into account natural screening, to be supplemented by additional amelioration features.
3.1.8 Traffic movements from the quarry would not exceed 140 movements (70 in and 70 out) as set out in condition 7 of Planning Permission ref: 07/00011/MIN, with restoration materials imported on a back haul basis as much as possible. Quarry generate...
4 The Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations
4.1.1 The need for an Environmental Assessment is considered under the terms of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017.
4.1.2 In terms of extraction of aggregate, the proposal predominantly falls within the description of Category 2(a) of Column 1 of Schedule 2 as the proposal exceeds the ‘All Development except the construction of building…’ threshold referred to in C...
4.1.3 The National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) advises in Paragraph 058 (Reference ID 4-058-20140306) indicative thresholds where it is more likely that EIA will be required, and also advises of key issues to consider. For quarry proposals it is...
4.1.4 As the proposal involves restoration through infilling of inert wastes, it is also worth considering this element in the EIA considerations. Category 11(b) of Schedule 2 of the EIA Regulations 2017 sets out the descriptions and applicable thres...
I. The disposal is by incineration; or
II. the area of the development exceeds 0.5 hectare; or
III. the installation is to be sited within 100 metres of any controlled waters.
4.1.5 The National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) advises in Paragraph 058 (Reference ID 4-058-20140306) indicative thresholds where it is more likely that EIA will be required, and also advises of key issues to consider. In relation to installatio...
“Installations (including landfill sites) for the deposit, recovery and/or disposal of household, industrial and/or commercial wastes where new capacity is created to hold more than 50,000 tonnes per year, or to hold waste on a site of 10 hectares or ...
4.1.6 Although, the site area is under the 10 ha threshold (extension area – 6ha and existing quarry infilling area – 3ha) and the level of infilling throughout the duration of the proposal will be below 50,000 tonnes per annum, it is considered that ...
4.1.7 Therefore, in accordance with Part 4, Para 15 of the ‘Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017’, the company request that MPA provide a Scoping Opinion as to the information to be provided in the Environmental...
4.1.8 To assist you in the formulation of the Scoping Opinion this report provides an outline of the development proposal and a broad outline of potential environmental effects and technical considerations as well as the potential benefits and other ...
Location plan (Appendix 1);
Plan showing an outline of the site area (Appendix 2); and
Plan showing the proposed northern extension working areas (Appendix 3).
5 Potential Environmental Effects and Technical Considerations
5.1.1 The scope of the potential effects on the environment and technical considerations to be considered in relation to the proposed development are as follows:
Potential landscape & visual effects;
Effects on Archaeology and Cultural Heritage;
Potential effects of noise;
Potential effects of dust and effects on local air quality;
Potential effects on the water environment;
Potential Effects on Soil Resources; and
Potential Effects of Traffic.
Potential Landscape & Visual Effects
5.1.2 A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) will be undertaken following the Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment 3rd Edition (GLVIA3) published by the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment and the Landscape I...
5.1.3 A study area of approximately 2.5km distance from the application site is proposed for both the landscape and visual impact assessments.
5.1.4 In order to assess the potential impacts on the landscape, existing landscape character assessments would be considered to better understand the site and its context.
5.1.5 In accordance with GLVIA3, representative, specific and illustrative viewpoints will be selected from a range of receptor types, orientations and distances from the site to understand the visual effects and will be agreed with the Councils lands...
5.1.6 The LVIA will be used as a design tool to propose mitigation measures for incorporation into the development scheme and the restoration concept. Consideration will be given to enhancements of existing features and how the restoration relates to ...
Potential Effects on Ecology & Nature Conservation Interests
5.1.7 An assessment of the potential ecological impact of the proposed development area would be undertaken which would reflect the guidelines produced by IEEM “Guidelines for Ecological Impact Assessment”.
5.1.8 The assessment will include a desk based survey to identify existing ecological designations on the site and on adjacent area.
5.1.9 Further to this, a Phase 1 Habitat survey will be conducted to identify the level of ecological and nature conservation value of the site currently and the potential for/presence of protected species.
5.1.10 Based upon the findings of this assessment work, if required, recommendations will be made on the need for further assessment/survey work to be carried out (at an appropriate time of year). If necessary, this work will also identify proposed mi...
5.1.11 The results of all survey work will be used to assist the Company in the final scheme design.
Archaeology & Cultural Heritage
5.1.12 A desk based assessment of the site would be undertaken to identify the presence and significance of any potential archaeological remains within the proposed site area.
5.1.13 The desk based assessment would be used as a baseline study for assessing the potential impact the development may have on any identified archaeological and cultural heritage resource. A geophysical survey will also be undertaken to give a more...
Potential Effects of Noise
5.1.14 In terms of the potential impacts of noise from the proposed development, the proposed extension benefits from being located away from main residential areas although it does move operations closer to Concept Park office/industrial park. The cu...
Potential Effects of Dust and Effects on Local Air Quality
5.1.15 Effective dust suppression measures are currently adopted and incorporated at the site ensuring that dust is minimised and is not a source of nuisance. Therefore, it is proposed that the planning application will incorporate a dust mitigation s...
Potential Effects on the Water Environment
5.1.16 The impacts of the proposals on the hydrology, hydrogeology and drainage of the site will be undertaken.
5.1.17 As the site is over 1 hectare in area a Flood Risk Assessment will also be undertaken.
Potential Effects on Soil Resources
5.1.18 An assessment of the soil resources will be undertaken to consider the potential impacts and any necessary mitigation measures.
5.1.19 Published information on soils and land quality will be referred to as well as borehole information on soils.
5.1.20 This information will be used to determine the location of the various soil types across the site and provide an indication of the materials available for the restoration of the site. The assessment will give consideration to the approach to be...
Potential Effects of Traffic
5.1.21 The existing quarry transport infrastructure and access to the public highway will be used to gain access to the public highway. The proposed development will not result in traffic movements exceeding 140 movements (70 in and 70 out) as set out...
5.1.22 The EIA will though include a concise review of the existing transport arrangements, including access standard, vehicle volumes and the routeing/management of vehicles.
6 Other Potentially Relevant Considerations
6.1.1 In carrying out the EIA the Company will give consideration to other potentially relevant matters, including the need for the development, the potential socio-economic effects of the development, the main alternatives to the development and opti...
6.1.2 Restoration using inert waste makes a significant contribution to the aims of sustainable development by returning land to agricultural, recreational and conservation uses, and enabling beneficial use of inert wastes that require disposal.
Socio Economics
6.1.3 The proposals will secure the existing employment on site. Consideration will be given to socio-economic effects, including the likely rural/local employment and other economic benefits associated with the proposal at the local and regional level.
6.1.4 As set out in paragraph 041 (Reference ID: 4-041-20170728) of PPG, the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 do not require an applicant to consider alternatives. However, where alternatives have been consi...
6.1.5 A statement will be produced indicating why the extension area was chosen and will discuss the alternative working schemes developed and those discounted in identifying the preferred working option.
6.1.6 The NPPF identifies the need to consider the level of existing activity and impacts from an operation/number of local operations to assess the impact upon localities. Consideration will be given to the potential successive effects resulting from...
Community Engagement
6.1.7 As part of the Screening and Scoping process we welcome input both from the Statutory and Technical Consultees, and the Parish Council at this stage. The Company will engage with the local community prior to the submission of a planning applica...
Appendix 1
Location Plan
Appendix 2
Site Plan
Appendix 3

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