  • Prosedur pembiakan bakteri dari spesimen klinikDEPARTEMEN MIKROBIOLOGI FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN USU


  • ALAT-ALAT YANG DIPERLUKANInkubatorObjek glassDeck glassLampu spiritus/lampu bunsenMikroskopSengkelit/OseSungkup lilin/Candle jarAnaerobic jarGas packIndicator anaerob

  • MEDIA & REAGENT YANG DIBUTUHKANBlood AgarThayer Martin AgarMac Conkey AgarSaboraud Dextrose AgarReaksi BiokimiaPewarnaan GramPewarnaan Ziehl NeelsenTSI Agar (Triple Sugar Iron)Media Semi solid

  • CARA MELAKUKAN KULTURSengkelit ujung bulat dipanaskan hingga pijar di atas nyala api Kemudian dinginkan sebelum mengambil spesimen dengan menggunakan sengkelit tersebutBuka tutup piring petri secukupnya untuk menghindari kontaminasi dari udaraJika menggunakan tabung reaksi, tutup kapas dari tabung yang berisi media harus dibuka di dekat nyala api, dan sebelum menutupnya kembali maka terlebih dahulu ujung tabung dipanaskanSengkelit ujung bulat yang telah mengandung bahan spesimen digoreskan pada lempeng agar pada medium padat atau dilarutkan pada medium cair

  • CARA MELAKUKAN KULTURSengkelit ujung lurus digunakan untuk mengkultur pada agar semisolidMedia yang telah ditanam bahan spesimen langsung dieramkan di dalam inkubator dengan suhu yang sesuai (suhu optimum 37 C) untuk bakteri AerobUntuk bakteri mikroaerofilik, media yang telah ditanam bahan spesimen dimasukkan dalam Candle jar dieramkan di dalam inkubator dengan suhu yang sesuai (suhu optimum 37 C)


  • CARA KERJA BEJANA ANAEROB MEMAKAI GAS PACKMasukkan perbenihan yang telah ditanam ke dalam anaerobic jarBuka pembungkus indikator dan letakkan dalam anaerobic jar sedemikian rupa hingga dapat terlihat.Indikator segera berubah menjadi berwarna biru setelah kontak dengan udara, tetapi akan hilang warnanya jika suasana anaerob telah tercapaiBuka generator H2 & CO2 (gas pack) dan diaktivasi dengan memasukkan 10 cc air, kemudian letakkan dalam posisi tegak dalam anaerobic jarAnaerobic jar segera ditutup rapat, lalu eramkan dalam inkubatorPengamatan koloni dilakukan 24 jam kemudian

  • PENANAMAN PADA PERMUKAAN MEDIA PADATSengkelit atau kapas lidi steril digunakan untuk mengambil bakteri dari bahan pemeriksaan Atau untuk pengambilan koloni pada medium cair yang telah mengandung kultur bakteriSengkelit atau kapas lidi steril tersebut disemaikan pada permukaan medium padat dengan cara goresan (menstreak) secara berulang-ulangPenggoresan yang berulang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan koloni yang terpisah pada proses penyentuhan terakhir yaitu :Pada proses penggoresan 1x pertumbuhan koloni bakteri masih rapat satu sama lainPada proses penggoresan ke-2x koloni bakteri semakin renggangPada proses penggoresan ke-3x koloni bakteri semakin terpisah-pisahPada penggoresan terakhir, diharapkan bakteri dapat tumbuh dengan membentuk isolated colony (koloni yang terpisah)

  • Conventional diagnosis methods

  • PENANAMAN PADA PERMUKAAN MEDIA MIRINGMasukkan sengkelit steril berujung bulat untuk menggores pada permukaan agar miringMasukkan sengkelit steril berujung lurus ditusukkan tegak lurus ke dalam kira-kira 1 1,5 cm dari dasar tabung/ butt

  • Medium TSI yang belum ditanami kuman (medium steril)B,C,D : Medium TSI yang telah ditanami kuman :B. alkali/alkali; gas (-);H2S (-)C. acid/acid : gas (+); H2S (-)D. alkali/acid ; H2S (+)

  • PENANAMAN PADA PERMUKAAN MEDIA SETENGAH PADAT (SEMI SOLID)Sengkelit ujung lurus yang steril untuk mengambil isolated colony dari bakteriTusukkan sengkelit tersebut tegak lurus ke dalam media semi solid kira-kira 1 1,5 cm dari dasar

  • Medium steril Test motility positifTest motility negatif

  • PENANAMAN PADA MEDIA CAIRKoloni diambil dari sediaan menggunakan sengkelit atau kapas lidi steril lalu masukkan dalam media cairAgar koloni bakteri terlepas dari sengkelit atau kapas lidi tersebut, maka sengkelit di goyang2kan dalam medium cair ituJika terdapat pembentukan gas atau tidak, dapa dinilai dengan tabung terbalik (tabung Durham)

  • Classification & DiagnosisType of coloniesAppearanceColor, shape, size and smoothnessOn differential mediaBlood, MacConkey, EMBOn selective mediaMacConkey, Thayer-Martin

  • Classification & DiagnosisMetabolismUtilization of specific substratesLactose (Sal/Shi/Yer/)-Citrate (E. coli-/Klebsiella+)Production of certain end productsFermentation end products Acid (acetate, propionic acid, butyric acid etc.)AcetoinAlcoholAmineH2S

  • Classification & DiagnosisSpecialized testsImmunologicalO-, H- & K-Ag (serotype)Precipitation, agglutinationSpecialized enzymesCatalase--- Staph+. vs. Strep-.Coagulase---S. aureus+ vs. S. epidermidis-Oxidase---Neisseria gonorrhoea+Urease---Proteus+, Helicobacter+Antibiogram patternPhage typingFatty acid profile

  • Molecular diagnosisRibotypingRestriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)DNA hybridizationPCR, RT-PCR and RAPDNucleic acid sequence analysisPhage-GFP (TB)


  • DNA hybridization

  • In situHybridization

  • RAPD of P. aeruginosa

  • Rate of increase2nPCRRT-PCR

  • Molecular diagnosisReduce reliance on cultureFasterMore sensitiveMore definitiveMore discriminatingTechniques adaptable to all pathogensTechnically demandingRelatively expensiveCan be too sensitiveProvides no information if results are negative

  • Differentiating Staphylococci from StreptococciGram stain and morphologyBoth Gram +Staphylococci: bunched cocciStreptococci: chained cocci (S. pneumoniae form diplococcus)Enzyme testsStaphylococci: catalase +Streptococci: catalase -GrowthStaph.: large colonies (non-fastidious), some hemolyticStrep.: small colonies (fastidious), many hemolytic (a or b)

  • StaphylococciS. aureus: coagulase +S. epidermidis: coagulase -

  • Streptococci


    On blood agar

    Growth inhibition disc

    S. pyogenes (group A)


    Sensitive to bacitracin

    S. agalactiae (group B)


    Resistant to bacitracin

    S. pneumoniae (pneumococcus)


    Sensitive to optochin



    Resistant to optochin

  • Differentiating the Gram- bacteriaCocciNeisseria Rods Type of disease they causeEnteric Gram- rodsAPI testCurvedVibrio, Campylobacter, HelicobacterSpiral Gram- organismsSpirochetes

  • Gram negativeStraight rodsCurved rodsLactose+ Lactose-Citrate+ Citrate-H2S+ H2S-Klebsiella E. coli Salmonella ShigellaCampy blood agar42oC+ 25oC-

    CampylobacterTCBS agarYellowOxidase+


  • BacteriaGram+Gram-Acid FastIntraCellularWallLessCocciRodCocciRodSpiralStaph.Strep.Non-sporeSporeStraightCurve+O2-O2+/-O2OtherS. a.S. e.S. s.ABPnVirFilRodA.i.C.d.L. m.M.t.M.l.N.c.+O2-O2B.a.B.c.C.b.C.t.C.p.C.d.TreponemaBorreliaLeptospiraNeisseriaMoraxella

    P.a.EntericBact.Resp.ZooGUBordetella.H. influenzaeLegionellaYersiniaPasteurellaBrucellaFrancisellaStreptobacillusH. ducreyiGardnerellaCalymmatobacteriumRickettsiaCoxiellaErlichiaChlamydiaMycoplasmaVibrioCampylobacterHelicobacter

  • Flow chart for processing CSFCSFCentrifuge if > 1ml / vortex if
  • Processing specimens from CSFPoints to consider for bacterial/fungal/TBPriority of selection - based on clinical presentationCrystal-clear fluid, no cellular/chemical abnormalities do not consider fungal/TB cultureNo features suggestive of past or current TB do not do TB culture

  • Processing of specimenDescribe appearanceClearBloodyTurbidClots

  • Bloodytraumatic LP - less blood in subsequent tubesHaemorrhage in central nervous system equally blood stained tubes

    Yellow-red CSF subarachnoid haemorrhage, jaundice

  • ClotsDue to increase in fibrinogenSpinal constriction, pyogenic meningitisTuberculous meningitis spider web clot on surface of fluid

  • Centrifuge if >1 ml; 1,500-3,000g for 20 min. Do not brake.Vortex if < 1 ml Aspirate supernatant with sterile pipette, leave 0.5 to 1.0 mlReserve supernatant (additional studies)

  • Vortex sediment 30s to resuspendDont use pipette to mix sediment; bacteria may adhere to sides of tubes

  • Microscopic examinationTake from separate tubeSpread evenly on slideAllow to air-dry, fix with methanolGram-stainCan detect organisms if 104/ml

  • Gram-stain smearLook for pus cells, bacteria under 40x and 100x objectivesGram negative intracellular diplococci N. meningitidis

  • Gram positive diplococci or short streptococci S. pneumoniaeGram negative rods - filamentous or other polymorphic forms H. influenzaeGram negative rods E. coli, Chryseobacterium meningosepticum; esp. from newbornGram positive cocci in groups & singly S. aureus

  • Gram positive streptococci S. agalactiae (Group B streptococci)Gram positive rods L. monocytogenes esp. newborn infantGram positive yeast cells Cryptococcus neoformans. Capsules surrounding cell are unstained, best seen in Indian ink preparation

  • Ziehl-Neelsen smearIf suspect tuberculous meningitisTransfer several drops of CSF sediment on slideAllow one drop to dry before adding anotherAcid fast bacilli difficult to detect in CSF-need to centrifuge 20 30 minutes

  • Air dry slide, fix with methanol, then stain by Ziehl-Neelsen method.Examine smear first with 40x objective to determine distributionThen with 100x objective to detect red bacilliProlonged search may be required

  • Fluorochrome smearAuramine stained smear to detect M. tuberculosis, more sensitiveAuramine a fluorochrome dye which fluoresce when illuminated by UV lightUse fluorescent microscope fluorescing rods detected using 40x objective

  • India ink preparationIf cryptococcal meningitis is suspectedA small drop of CSF sediment to a slide & add a small drop of India ink (Pelikan brand)Mix, cover with cover-slipDo not make too thick preparation will not see capsules/cells.Can use nigrosin dye

  • Oval or rounded stained cells surrounded by unstained capsule

  • Culture of specimenCulture as soon as possibleNever refrigerate except for viral studiesKeep CSF at 35-37C.Inoculate 1 or 2 drops of vortexed sediment onto media plate

  • Culture MediaRoutineBlood agarIncubate 35-37C up to 48 hrsChocolate agarIncubate 35-37C up to 48 hrs in CO2Check growth after overnight incubation

  • AdditionalNewborn infantMacConkey agarIncubate plate 35-37C overnight

  • If suspect tuberculous meningitisLowenstein Jensen mediumInoculate slope at 35-37C, at 45 angle to ensure specimen is in contact with full length of slope.After 1 week, place media upright.Incubate cultures for further 5 to 6 weeks.Examine twice a week for growth.

  • Cryptococcal meningitisCapsulated yeast cells seen in microscopic examinationInoculate Sabouraud agarIncubate 35-37C up to 72 hrsCheck growth after overnight incubation

  • Bacteriological Examinationof Faecal SpecimensEnteric Pathogenic Bacteria :SalmonellaShigellaVibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticusCampylobacterYersinia enterocoliticaEscherichia coli

  • Isolation MediaSelective-Differentiating Plating MediaMacConkey agar (MAC)Xylose Lysine Desoxycholate agar (XLD)Desoxycholate citrate agar (DCA)Bismuth sulfite agar (BSA)Salmonella Shigella agar (SSA)Brilliant green agar (BGA)Hektoen enteric agar (HEA)Thiosulfate citrate bile salts sucrose agar (TCBS)Taurocholate tellurite gelatin agar (TTGA)Meat extract agar (MEA)

  • Preparation and Inoculationsuspend faecal swab, rectal swab; fresh or in Cary-Blair in 1 ml of sterile saline (0.85% NaCl)wash swab, swirl against the side of the tube

    only for formed stoolliquid: direct inoculationinoculum size depends on media, high or low selectivity and total plating media usedMacConkey: low selectivity

  • Salmonella, Shigella, E coli, Yersinia enterocoliticaVibrioCampylobacterMACXLDBSASel FXLDBSATCBSAPWTCBSSelective agar for CampylobacterInoculation Schema

  • Identification of IsolateScreening and differential testsurease and TSI/KIA

    Lysine Indole Motility (LIM)Motility Indole UreaSulphide Indole Motility

    Serological testsBiochemical tests

  • MAC, DCA, XLD, SSpick 2 4 NLF coloniesTSI, ureaseTSI reactionsK/A/g/H2SK/A/gUrease negativeK/A/H2SK/ALF coloniesA/A or A/A/gIdentification

  • Serological and Biochemical TestsSalmonella: PSO, PSH, O9, Vi, dHShigella : Dysenteriae, Boydii, Flexneri, SonneiVibrio cholerae: Polyvalent O, Ogawa, Inaba; (O139)E. coli: P2, P3, P4 and O128c

    Biochemical confirmatory tests

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