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Issue 14 December 2013

Probiotics 4

Merganser 7

Invisibility cloak 11

Million Dollar Problems 29

I want to be a writer 20

Sachinism and me 26

Inspirational Stories 32

Whistle Blower 13

Global Competitions 23

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Hello Readers, the year of 2013 is about to end and you might be calculating days even to celebrate the new year and organizing party on that day. December is month of celebrations in winter and month of night out with camp fire and friends. If you haven’t yet gone to any place then its still not too late to go for camp fire.

The retirement of Sachin Tendulkar was like 3 day festival in India and every-body watched his farewell. People gave him tribute as per their own methods and so does we by our own way of paying tribute. The month is just started and the social media is flooding with death news of Paul Walker and Nelson Mandela. People celebrate everything for few days and then forget about it.

The elections have already been started and battle for PMship is started already. The leaders of both bigger parties, Rahul gandhi and Narendra Modi, started their speech in different states and started their hard work to get votes and win this battle. After cricket and few other sports, Elections are popular thing people wish to know about. Public always like Masala in news and they can have whole bunch of it from the political parties. Mr. Modi claims something about Rahula and Congress and the in return they claim something about Mr. Modi and public get their part of entertainment from it.

The end of December will bring the Christmas and people will be busy in its celebrations. So merry Christmas to the readers of the magazine well in advance. We are continuously monitoring our aspects of magazine and always ready to improve them in the next issue of the magazine and thus you’ll find few changes in this one also.

If you are planning to go for a camp fir with your friends then you can do few things to make the experience memorable and life long impressionable. You can go to river side and can cook the food on the camp fire itself and then have HOT coffee or Chocolate with talk more sweeter then the coffee will be the experience you will never forget in life time. The hot soup can be the best thing to start the Camp fire party with your friends with slow music in this silent winter night. These things can be perfect setting for the weekend evening or free days. A romantic movie may be preferred by some while some might only like little chat with dear ones and sitting nearby each other feeling cold breeze of wind on the body and watching the beauty of nature.

The silence in winter night is deadly silence and a perfect environment for couples to hang out and feel more close to each other. December can be the

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month perfect for the Love stories. The love birds can sit on the riverside and watch the reflection of moon in water and chatting slowly in cold night sitting very tight to each other. The coming month is of January which will bring new year for a new start and thus you can do all kind of sins in the month of December as you can start from zero in new year and can make promises to yourself. The January this time will be more colder then previous ones which will add up the new year celebrations fun. We are wishing you Happy new year too in advance as we publish issue on every 5th of the month. We will be having a new year gift probably this time for the current loyal readers and future readers which we are going to make. So brace yourself to know about the surprise this new year and the year 2014 will be fun filled for you and we will be doing our best to keep you updated with science knowledge and entertained the same way we are doing always. We are requiring guest writers so if you want to publish your article in our magazine you can mail it us at [email protected] along with your name, city and email id. The article must be related to any one of the category of the magazine for the acceptance.

Editor Kuldeep K Sarvaiya

Protyle magazine [email protected]

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There were days when parents urged their children to drink milk for stronger bones and eat carrot for better eye sight. But the days have changed now, you can choose from a dazzling array of vitamin-fortified and nutritionally enhanced foods with multiple health benefits. Among this one of the grooming market is of probiotics or ―bacteria that favor life‖. The common belief in old time about bacteria was that they are bad characters and cause disease and many ―health cautious‖ people wash their hands to keep themselves away from bacteria, but reality which most of people now know is there are good bacteria and bad bacteria. Bacteria not only surround us, flourishing in environments as diverse as the ocean floor and the Arctic, but also live within us in our large intestine. The human large intestine contains an estimated trillion bacteria per gram of content. Laboratory animals raised in the absence of bacteria ("germ-free" animals) are more susceptible to infection and have poorly primed immune systems, demonstrating the importance of the bacteria in our systems.

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Delivery system

Health conscious people who are taking probiotic might be knowing that probiotic is mainly delivered via food system and not the pills. There is a reason for that too. The benefit of delivering something like a probiotic through a food system, such as yogurt, is that it buffers the stomach a bit. When people eat, it raises the stomach's pH. Yogurt's composition of protein and other components, plus a semisolid consistency, give the probiotic bacteria a better chance to make it into the intestine alive. However some scientist provide different reason for this. "Historically there has been a close connection between cultured dairy products and probiotic functionality," said Dr. Klaenhammer. "Work funded by DMI under the umbrella of the dairy foods research program is attempting to generate scientific proof to show that first of all, probiotics elicit health benefits. Secondly, we're trying to scientifically prove that close connection between dairy foods and probiotics to show that dairy foods aid in probiotic survival and enhance their activity." "Right now," he said, "most scientists believe that probiotic bacteria have a positive impact on the normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. With the clinical and molecular tools that have recently become available, I expect that the many benefits of probiotic cultures will soon be proven clinically."

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positively impact the normal micro flora and its balance within the colon assist with prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea act as anti-cancer agents (as shown in animal models) stimulate the immune system of normal and potential immune-

compromised humans provide nutritional benefits aid in the production of vitamin B and folate assist with the digestion of lactose improve vaginal and urinary tract health help reduce hypertension Preventing pouchitis, an inflammation of the intestines that can follow

intestinal surgery Treating necrotizing enterocolitis, a type of infection and inflammation of

the intestines mostly seen in infants

Probiotic bacteria and food sources having them

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As such probiotic is highly safe and do not produce any side effect on the body. People in cultures around the world have been eating yogurt, cheeses, and other foods containing live cultures for centuries. Still, probiotics may be dangerous for people with weakened immune systems or serious illnesses. One study found that patients with severe pancreatitis who were given probiotics had a higher risk of death.

Future aspect

The exciting thing about it is studies proposing the possibility of using probiotics to improve the immune system to heighten a person's resistance to disease and infection-preventive medicine instead of antibiotic therapy. With more strains of bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics and increasing opportunities for enteric disease (e.g. aging populations, immune-compromised), probiotics could prove very useful in maintaining a person's general health and well being.


Which to choose?

The FDA does not regulate probiotics as it does prescription drugs because probiotics are in the same category as food and supplements. For now, the best advice is to choose products from well-known companies, especially those that have been tested in research studies. Reliable products should say the name of the precise probiotics they contain, as well as how many organisms a single dose provides. Many products also provide information on the scientific studies they use for their recommendations.

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Brazilian Merganser

The Brazilian merganser is one of the ten most threatened waterfowl in the world, with possibly fewer than 250 birds thought to remain. This species's population is suspected to have de-clined rapidly over the last ten years, in line with habitat loss and degradation within its range, owing to the expansion of hydroelectric power schemes, soy bean cultivation and mining operations. It appears to have been extirpated from Paraguay.

Status :Critically Endangered Population : Around 200-250 Individuals Scientific Name : Mergus octosetaceus Weight : 2—5 kg

It inhabits shallow, fast-flowing rivers, requiring rapids and clear waters. It occurs especially in the upper tributaries of watersheds but ranges into small rivers with patches of gallery forest surrounded by "cerrado" (tropical savanna) or within Atlantic Forest. It is non-migratory and does not abandon the stretch of river where it establishes its territory. Pairs have used 8-14 km stretches of river, nesting in tree-cavities and rock-crevices.



This dark, slender duck has a shiny dark-green hood with a long crest, which is usually shorter and worn-looking in females. Upper parts are dark grey while the breast is light grey, getting paler towards the whitish belly, and a white wing patch is particularly noticeable in flight. The bill is long and dark, shorter in the female, and the legs are pink to orange-red. Breeding activity has been recorded between June and August, but timing may vary geographically. Incubation may last 33 days. Young birds have been observed between August and November. The diet comprises fish, small eels, insect larvae, dobson flies (Corydalis spp.) and snails. In Serra da Canastra it eats mainly lambari Astyanax fasciatus. Territory size is believed to be related to the number of rapids, edge waters, water speed, fish abundance and conservation of riparian vegetation.

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The Brazilian merganser exists in extremely low numbers at a few, highly disjunctive localities in south-central Brazil. In 2002, the species was also found on the Arroyo Uruzú in Misiones, Argentina, the first record in the country for 10 years, despite extensive surveys. The bird was last recorded in Paraguay in 1984, where very little habitat remains, although local reports indicate that a few individuals may still survive there.


Perturbation and pollution of rivers results largely from deforestation, agricultural expansion and, in the Serra da Canastra area, diamond-mining . Previously, the species was thought to rely on gallery forest which, although protected by law in Brazil, has been cleared illegally throughout much of the species' range. However, evidence suggests it will occur on un-forested, undisturbed stretches of river through cerrado. Mining has ceased in the immediate area of its known range but there is no additional habitat for dispersing birds, and it is thought that diamond mining will resume at Serra da

Canastra in the near future. Expanding agriculture and the construction of hydroelectric dams are considered the principal threats to the species. Dam-building has already caused severe declines across much of its range, and is increasing in scale. Tourist activities result in river perturbation and have been recorded within known territories and inside national parks.

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The species is legally protected in all three range states. It occurs in three Brazilian national parks, two state parks and one private protected area, although there are no recent published records from Emas National Park. A species action plan has been published which outlines in detail its current status, ecology, threats and proposed conservation actions. In Argentina, sections of the Arroyo Uruzú are protected within the Uruguaí Provincial Park. Regular monitoring of the population in Serra da Canastra National Park is conducted and in 2008 a team from the WWT and Terra Brasilis color-ringed 14 individuals and fitted five of them with radio transmitters in order to increase knowledge of the species' movements and ecology. Since then, 36 individuals have been banded, and the work has provided data on the species' sexual maturation and dispersal ability. During one phase of a long-term study in Serra da Canastra National Park four pairs fledged 70 young in five years, representing a considerable contribution to the species' long-term survival and highlighting the importance of the park. Nest boxes have recently been installed within the protected area. Genetic studies are underway in the population, which will help to inform conservation decisions. The WWT continues to raise funds for this species, and over the next 12 months hopes to continue monitoring and ecological research and develop education work to address the threats faced by the species. A captive breeding program was initiated in 2011 at the Poços de Caldas Breeding Center in Minas Gerais. Two young have been successfully reared so far.

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Issue 14 December 2013 11

Invisibility cloak

You might have read in newspaper with catchy highlight that group of scientists

demonstrated invisibility cloak similar to that of the Harry potter movie. All the

fans get hyper and started fantasizing that it will be reality soon. So to make the

progress clear here I bring the science behind the cloak and the real progress in

this field. This active invisibility cloak (AIC) uses electronics and antennas to

generate cloaking field to hide an object. A research paper from Andrea Alu's

group at the University of Texas demonstrated that any passive invisibility cloak

(e.g., one just depending on the properties of meta materials) would not only

fail to achieve invisibility under broadband illumination (for example, white

light), but would actually cause the cloaked object to stand out more strongly

than when it is uncloaked. Now you may think that are there any other

possibility to make this happen, then answer will be Yes, but in future.

The science behind it

An active cloak uses sensors, electronics, and antennas to actively generate an

electric field near the surface of the cloak that interferes destructively with the

radiation scattered from the cloak and contents. This electric field will be called

a cloaking field. In the past few days, Professor George Eleftheriades' EE

research group at the University of Toronto has revealed a working model of an

active cloak, while Prof. Alu's group

has worked out a new approach for

making active cloaks.

In essence, if the cloak transmits

the exact opposite of the light being

scattered from the cloak, it will

appear as if there is no object

there. Even the shadow behind

the cloak, which results from the

illumination that is scattered from

the front of the cloak, is removed.

Such a cloak is as broadband as

the sensors, electronics, and

antennas can handle.

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When the radar (also including light) avoids sending out any pattern or similarity which can be predicted by the cloak's electronics. As the cloaking field cannot be generated until the pulse is sufficiently understood to erase its scattering from the cloak, any foreknowledge of the radar pulses makes the job of generating a cloaking field easier. Assume that the radar illumination takes the form of pulses having constant interval, frequency, strength, and shape. In that case, the cloak's electronics could learn that each pulse is the same, so it only needs to pump out a predetermined cloaking field at the fixed pulse interval to cloak the target. This does assume that the target doesn't change shape or position – unlike the passive meta-material cloaks, the external fields do penetrate into the region containing the target. Accordingly, we want to avoid giving the cloak such cues. Arguably the worst case is if the illumination appears at random intervals, the short pulses have randomly varied frequency, width, and shape, and the wavelength is short compared to the volume that is being cloaked. These characteristics accomplish the befuddlement of an active cloak in separate ways. Clearly, by avoiding random intervals the cloak cannot initiate a cloaking field in advance of the arrival of an illumination pulse – even it knows the shape of the pulse in advance, it doesn't know when the pulse will arrive, causing an unavoidable and perhaps lengthy response delay. Similarly, if the pulses have different nominal frequencies, the cloak will take some time to detect what the frequency is, and figure out an appropriate cloaking field. If the pulses have different widths, they will include different bandwidths of frequencies around the nominal frequency. This is very confusing, as you may have to monitor the entire pulse to see if there are hidden signals within it. This brings us to the effect of pulses of variable shape. If the pulse has a constant intensity save for a narrow region at the middle of the pulse, there will appear a short burst within the pulse where the frequency spread of the pulse suddenly increases. This cannot be prepared for, so an active cloak cannot effectively hide a target from such a doctored pulse – some of the scattered signal (or an improperly matched cloaking field) will leak out of the cloak, making it visible. So the moral of the story is do not get mislead by the false news you see in the media claiming ―an invisibility cloak that actually works‖, as above reason states something else for present scenario. May this be available in future, but till date its just a fiction trying to get its shape in reality.

The Problem

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Whistle Blowers

It was the Gandhi ji who took the path of Truth and give India freedom, but he was not the last person to live with honesty and truth in their life having power in their hands. There are lot more people around here in India for whom the honesty is best policy and never turned away from their path negotiating the future consequences which may happen to them due to corrupt people. They had the power and they’ve used it for people and showed to the corrupt people that still there is hope for humanity. Here I would like to list few of those whistle blowers who have done amazing use of their power in right direction.

Ashok Khemka (Haryana)

He is an IAS officer who was transferred in October last year for cancelling an alleged irregular land deal between Robert Vadra, Son in law of Sonia Gandhi , and DLF, was again shifted amid a controversy over irregularities in the Haryana Seeds Development Corporation that he unearthed during his short tenure of five months as its head.

Poonam Malakondaiah (Andhra Pradesh)

Low profile 1988 batch IAS officer Poonam proved to be hard nut to crack for politicians, businessmen and lobbyists. As the Agriculture Commissioner, she dragged multinational seed company Monsanto to the Monopoles and Restrictive Trade Practice Commission, following which the company had to reduce the price of BT cotton seeds.

Mugdha Sinha (Rajasthan)

Mugdha Sinha, the first woman collector of Jhunjhunu, was transferred for taking on the local mafia. Organizations of farmers, traders and students came out in support of Sinha, who was posted in the district in September 2010.

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Anand Swaroop (Uttar Pradesh)

He is known for his unorthodox style of policing and ―daredevilry‖ in taking on UP’s political brass, Anand, a 1994-batch IPS officer, has been transferred 38 times in last 18 years. The standing joke is that by the time he unpacks his stuff, his bosses hand him his transfer order.

Vikas Kumar (Rajasthan)

This IPS officer was transferred out of Bharatpur district after he cracked down on illegal mining mafia in early 2012. A software engineer from IIT—Kanpur, Vikas was transferred at a time when police investigation was close to identifying the powerful kingpins behind illegal mining.

Sanjiv Chaturvedi (Haryana)

A 2002 batch Haryana cadre Indian forest Service officer, Sanjiv Chaturvedi had five criminal cases slapped on him for taking on the authorities. He petitioned the Supreme Court in 2012 requesting a CBI inquiry into numerous scams detected by him during his seven year service in Haryana.

Rahul Sharma (Gujarat)

A 1992 batch IPS officer, Rahul Sharma ruffled the feathers of the political Dispension during the Gujarat riots. As the SP of Bhavnagar in 2002, Sharma opened fire at a Hindu mob. Two months later, he was shunted out to a low profile post in Ahmedabad police control room.

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Samit Sharma (Rajasthan)

Chittorgarh collector Samit Sharma was shunted out in 2010 because he refused to sack a clerk for failing to stand up when a local Congress MLA entered his office. Over 12000 government employees went on mass leave to protest against the transfer, but it had no effect on local government. This case shows the shamelessness of the government .

Damayanti Sen (West Bengal)

Kolkata Police crime wing’s first women chief Dama-yanti Sen, the IPS officer who cracked the Park street gang rape case in February 2012, was trans-ferred to a relatively low profile posting two months later for providing CM Mamata Banerjee wrong. She was transferred again within a year to Darjeeling as the new Deputy Inspector General in February this year.

Uma Shankar (Tamilnadu)

Senior Dalit bureaucrat Uma Shankar, a 1990 batch IAS officer, was shunted to an insignificant post for unearthing cremation shed scam as additional collector of Madurai, which eventually led to J. Jayalalthaa’s poll defeat. He faced suspension for daring to take on the Marans as joint vigilance commissioner.

These whistle blowers are listed here just to list out some of the people with power using it the way it should. The case of Durga Shakti Nagpal who battled with the Sand mafia which irritated local government and they suspended her showing poorest reason they can show. A lot is been published about her in newspaper and our news media is there to show it on time to you. It is her braveness which enabled her to lock her horns with the UP government and local Sand mafia. The issue spreaded like wild fire via Internet and other medium.

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Issue 14 16 December 2013

Its not so that people with brave heart are not there in our society, they are there but after taking example from these some will decide not to blow the whistle and some will blow it at all risk. It is current need of the society and more and more whistle blowers are required to change the corrupt system. The Durga Shakti gets the name on internet and protest started for them but there are many which are unknown to public and they are still in Dark. If people will support these kind of whistle blowers then only new faces will come with lots of dirty secrets of current loopholes. Its always the policy of government that no matter what happen, if someone point a finger at you, simply just cut off the full hand of that person. This is because there is no unity nor supporters for these whistle blowers. Many have lost their livelihood to walk on the right path and locked their horn with government. Also it is not so that particular city or state of India is facing this problem, it is the whole India which is facing problem. People discuss a lot about corruption and some geniuses discuss so much that sometime you wonder whether they’ve done Phd on corruption or something. But in reality if you’ll follow them you’ll find him corrupting India by giving money as bribe to get his work done fast. People discuss protest and shout for some days or months but then a breaking news came in market and you gave up on the old one. The stack pile of older problems occur but none is solved. Everybody discuss that we want corruption free India, and say No to bribe etc. But when it comes to real life experience nobody wants to start it. There is one saying in Gujarati which is appropriate on this situation:

―myi< vgr Av<g mi> ni jviy.‖

It means that if you want to go to heaven you have to die first. Everybody like to

go to heaven but nobody like to die. In the similar fashion everybody like to live

in corruption free India but nobody want to start the movement. So it’s a

humble request to youth that Country, movement or protest is not a mobile app

that you enjoyed it till you get refreshed and then leave it like you haven’t seen

one. Whatever you do, do it till the final result.

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Issue 14 17 December 2013


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I want to be a Writer

I was born in late 90’s and this was initiation phase of these digital things and

declining of the books. So during childhood the books were the only way of time

pass (its pass time if you are too choosy about language and use of grammar).

So its obvious that after reading all those fancy books which give us reason to

think, laugh and showed different world in imagination I decided to be the writer

as my Career option. I always wanted to write like those famous writers and

want my name on cover page of book. Many of 90’s kids will have this dream.

The children born these days have dreams like being Engineer, doctor or some

high profile jobs. I must say kids now a days are more intelligent then older

generation as they dream high at age of 3. When I was at that age I can’t think

anything except the ways to taste mud without getting noticed by my mother.

So after I decided to be writer I immediately tested my writing skills. I was

about 7 or 8 years old and decided to write an article. I borrowed pen and page

from my father and started writing on it. The only thing I mentioned after 2

hour was putting title as ARTICLE and writing my name below it. The only

reason behind that was that I was not able to decide the topic on which I have to

write. So after too much thinking efforts I decided to write something I have

knowledge of. I decided to write something on cow and here is part of it which I

still remember. It was originally in Gujarati but I have translated it here.

―There is one cow. Cow is good animal. It gives milk, buttermilk, cheese, Ghee

and cow dung cake. The cow dung cake and cow urine is considered sacred and

it is used in many purposes.

The milk is white in color and milk doesn’t taste good while drinking it. The cow

dung produced by cow is round in shape and available in different smells. The

buttermilk produced by milk is the only thing I like about cow. Cow is our

mother and we should not beat it. Cow is also available in different colors like

white, red and sometimes with mud.

There is bigger sister of cow known as buffalo and is black in color. Sometime

they both fight using their pony tails and hit each other. So I say Namaste to

cow and request not to produce tasteless milk anymore. Please add some flavor

to it for better drinking experience.‖ and many more things which are even

weird the this.

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So finally after about 3 hours of brain storming I was able to write full page

article on that. I was filled with happiness and showed my first article to my

father. He read the whole article and smiled back at me and asked me, ― what is

this? Why you write an article?‖ I replied with full confidence in my voice that I

want to be writer and with an awkward face he smiled again. He kept my article

with him and he told me not to write anymore in very polite manner. So I gave

up finally on my dream and stopped writing article. After too many years when I

entered in college I started writing again in free time. Sent my articles to man

newspaper editors and magazines, but some even don’t cared to reply me back

and some replied me in the harsh words they can use about my articles.

I am adding one reply of editor of one magazine about my article.

―Dear Kuldeep,

Thank you for showing your interest to write articles in our magazine but I must

say you are terrible writer. You don’t have any sense regarding writing articles

or the pattern of writing them. You start with writing on one topic but You

mention everything else except the topic of article. I might even get laugh on

centuries old jokes but your humor article I read with the face I have in my

home when I am with my wife. I know about dark humor, Childish humor, and

all kind of humor but the type of your humor in your article is out of my reach. I

would like to name it blank humor. I can tell with full confidence that if

government need to torture prisoners above 3rd degree punishment they surely

will need your articles for them. But in our magazine we entertain people and

don’t torture them so we are requesting you not to send your articles on our

email id and waste yours and ours precious time.

Thank you, for providing me with the content which is horrible then my wife.


Editor. ―

After reading this reply in my email box the only button I managed to press was

delete button. But loosing hope is not my character and I decided to try with

other articles. I learned from the mail that I can’t write humor articles so I tried

with writing thriller suspense stories. But the editor of another magazine

replied me that even his 4 year old boy solved the problem before the main

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Issue 14 22 December 2013

Character of my Story and not to send them articles any more. Many of those blocked my email Id from their list and some changed their email ids. But loosing hope is not my type and then I decided to reconsider on my problem. I observed one thing that my articles are not published by them because they have power to select or reject my articles, what if I start my own magazine. So I put my dream plan in to action plan and decided to launch the first issue of the magazine. I went to my father again and told him that I wanted to be writer and want to start a magazine. He stood up from the place and went in to the room, opened the cup board and came up with one old page in his hand. I was too excited that my father was willing to submit his article for my magazine but surprisingly it was my first article on COW. He told me to read it out loud in front of him and then decide. I read the full article and then asked for 2 days time for thinking. After 2 days I told him that no matter what happen I want to be writer so he gave me few words of wisdom for my magazine. 1) Don’t keep you magazine paid one else no one will spend money for

reading that crap. 2) Do not write full magazine by yourself, give chance to others too so that

people can read at least something in that magazine. 3) Never publish it on paper and waste my hard earned money and waste

paper. Save tress, save planet and people by not starting the magazine. I only followed first and third point and tried to follow the second one for some period of time. No matter what field you are in, there are two type of people: Star people and average people like me. Star people have earned every respect they should and money they want and struggling people like me struggle for publishing single article of themselves in magazine or newspaper. While starting the magazine I thought that dad is right about keeping magazine free of cost because many are available as paid one and to be in competition I need to go for the free magazine. But surprisingly after big hit of first issue people get idea about my writing skill and the amount of readers decreases like field of grain cleared off by grasshopper. Still I haven’t lost my faith on my dream and still I want to be a writer.

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ICERD Internship

Prize: Job offer for top Intern

Region: India Eligibility: Undergraduate level, Graduate level Deadline: 15-12-2013 Description: Founded in 2012, we act as a link between the opportunities and the budding engineers. Engineer-ing has turned down as a course of low standard. This is because marks has become the ruler and knowledge as the slave. Students pursuing engineering in any stream are not subjected to practical knowledge, application and advancements. Further on researching, the Concept of Internship is developed by ICERD. Internship at ICERD is an online process and of 6 months duration. During six months, on the sunday of every week a topic is alloted to every intern and they are suppose to submit it by the saturday. They have to submit one article per week that is 24 articles on the whole during their internship period. Every month all the interns will have 'hangout' at google chat where they can ask queries, suggest new ideas and more. For More Details Visit ―‖

Global Competitions

Alltech Young Scientist Award

Prize: $15 000 worth of scholarships to be won! Region: Global Eligibility: Undergraduate level Deadline: 31-12-2013 Description: The Alltech Young Scientist Award brings together the world’s brightest scientific thinkers from colleges and uni-versities across the globe. To compete for the top prizes, undergraduate and graduate students are asked to submit a scientific paper on an agriculture. For More Details Visit ―‖

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Prize: Different prizes for different Competitions Region: Global Eligibility: Undergraduate Deadline: 28-12-2013 Description: Techkriti is the annual inter-collegiate Technical and Entrepreneur-ship festival organised by the students of IIT Kanpur. Techkriti was launched in 1995 with the aim of developing interest and encouraging innovation in technol-ogy among students. In 2009, Megabucks (the Business and Entrepreneurship festival of IIT Kanpur) was merged with Techkriti, recognizing the increasing in-terdependence of business and technology. In seventeen years of its existence, Techkriti has evolved and grown, fulfilling its purpose and becoming one of the most eagerly-awaited college technical festivals in Asia. Techkriti culminates into a grand four-day festival, attracting footfall of over 20,000 from all over India and even abroad. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) is among the premier engineering schools of India and is well known for its outstanding research. Techkriti and IIT Kanpur have been striving relentlessly towards excellence and perfection. The launch of Jugnu (nano-satellite built at IIT Kanpur) and Satellite Imaging Railway Navigation (SIMRAN) system to check rail accidents are the recent hallmarks of our technological prowess. This time around, with Techkriti'14, we aim to go one step further and solve is-sues that plague our society through our theme 'VIRTUALLY PROGRESSIVE WORLD'. We realize that merely expressing concerns does not serve much pur-pose, unless those concerns are addressed by concrete and timely actions. In this regard, we have planned that Techkriti'14 will be a Carbon Positive festival apart from various other initiatives (ranging from water conservation to wom-en's safety). Browse through our website to see how you can contribute in fixing our planet! For Details Visit ―‖

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For more such Global events and Award News Visit

Cleantech Challenge

Prize: Cash prizes worth £10,000 to be won!

Region: Global Eligibility: Undergraduate level, Graduate level, Postgraduate level, MBA students Deadline: 1-1-2014 Description: The CleanTech Challenge, organized by London Business School and University College London, is a global business plan competition for innova-tive clean technology business ideas. It brings together business and engineer-ing students to create viable start-ups. Teams compete over three rounds for the £10,000 prize, awarded at the two-day Bootcamp finals in London. Partici-pants are mentored by industry experts from the cleantech, entrepreneurial and related sectors. Students enter the CleanTech Challenge from across the world – last year saw 200 entries from 26 countries spanning every continent. Additionally there are four national competitions in Belgium, France, Italy and the Netherlands for lo-cal student teams. Each of these send their winner to compete in the interna-tional London finals. If you're passionate about entrepreneurship, clean technologies and an building an eco-sustainable future then sign up for our newsletter here: For More Details Visit ―‖

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A gentleman with dedication for his work, shyness in his nature, smile on his face, sportsmen spirit in his play and politeness in his language are few of the word which represent Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar. You can write a full length assay on the positive points of him as a person and public figure. The place he achieved in millions of heart is something one wishes to achieve in his/her life-time. Being successful doesn’t mean you can achieve places in millions of heart but Sachin has both things and the best part is he never changed his nature in that top position which makes people show great respect for him.

Sachinism and Me

About him

A lot has been written on him and more will follow in future too. There is nothing probably which I can write about his personal life and achievements which his fans won’t be knowing. Still I would like to add up few of my points on him and his crazy fans. In a 24-year-long sporting career, Tendulkar has played with almost no blemish against his name. He has always been a servant and a student of the game. He hasn't been fined for either dissent or abuse even once in his immensely long playing career. His longevity and contributions to the game are unparalleled. His career has been about integrity, pride and absolute fidelity to the fundamental tenets of the game. On his 200th test match he gave retirement speech and he inspired, touched and provoked many that saw or heard what was arguably the most beautiful retirement speech. Across India and in many other countries, grown men and

women wept as we heard Tendulkar speak from his heart, of the many people and organizations he owed a depth of gratitude to. Many more wept as we watched him walk up to the pitch, bend down, touch it and then touch his heart. He had paid his last respects to the arena that he gave so much to, gained so much from. We cried as he shed a tear. On social media, many adults wrote to say that with his retirement, their childhood had ended, for much of this childhood was seen

through Tendulkar's exploits on the cricket field.

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His achievement are legendary but there always is some kind of science behind every great player. He achieved everything due to his dedication for his game and lots of practice. His timing is powerful because he can judge the ball better then normal individual like us. It’s the practice which made his brain working so fast that he can decide the shot in the very narrow short range of time available with him. He was shorter in height but his bones are stronger and that make him go his shot touching the boundary line. Its not so that nobody can achieve the skills like him but you won’t find people dedicated to their job like he is. His fans know this and thus you might have seen a photograph on internet saying ―Anjali bhabhi, our Sachin will now be full time yours.‖

Sachin has inspired all age group of people. He is favorite of child, adult and even old age people. His crazy fans call him ―god of cricket‖. I would not comment on that as fans can say anything to their role models but yeah as a sports man he really did a great job and no other man can be called his replace-ment. People literally cried on his farewell speech and watched it again and again twice and thrice. For about week people showed their tribute and its still going on. The social media will groom with posts on him for say month or two but his die hard fans will continue doing that. He is the right person which can be made role model for one’s life.

Science behind him

His fans

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Current controversy

Sachin and controversy usually lives far away from each other but that doesn’t mean they never met. Sachin’s image is always of good and nice cricketer and the same applies to him as a person too. Recently central government decided to give the highest civilian award of India ―Bharat Ratna‖ to him. Now the controversy created over here is that few people claims that government made change in the rule to give this award to the Sachin Tendulkar. Before 16 Decem-ber 2012, the award was for ―exceptional service towards advancement of Art, Literature and Science, and in recognition of public service of the highest order‖. On that day, it was changed so that it could be awarded ―in recognition of exceptional service/performance of the highest order in any field of human endeavor‖. A day after announcement some people started: 'Kapil Dev deserved it more', 'Dhyan Chand should have received it too'; 'Vishwanathan Anand should have got it too', 'Why give it to a professional sportsman, especially one that has earned so much money from the game', 'Public servants like E. Sreedharan deserve it more'. 'M. S. Swaminathan should have got it first', they said.

Few people thought the award announcement is just a publicity stunt by current government of India in order to have support from the Sachin crazy crowd and his fans. This may be or may not be the truth but for the time being the announcement is made and sachin is going to receive Bharat Ratna. Few people claim that sachin is given this award d u e t o o u t s t a n d i n g

performance in his field and so does is doing Salman Khan in his field, so should Bharat Ratna be given to him too? I would like to argue back here is that Sachin just haven’t provided life values to many but also taught dedication for work and how to excel in that without showing attitude of your position. No matter what will be the final result of this conversation his smiling face is more than award for his fans. I have great respect for Sachin Tendulkar as a sports man and person and would like to follow his lessons in my field.

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Million Dollar Problems

The title sounds attractive isn’t it. Its like solve one problem and do nothing for rest of your life. When I will tell you that these are maths problem then half of population will give up on solving the Idea and will say ―Bye bye‖ to the prize. However there will be few brave minds who are good with maths and would like to solve them. But let me make this clear that if the prize is big the problem is going to be toughest one. These million dollar problems are seven problems of Mathematics stated by Clay mathematics institute in 2000. As of July 2013, six of the problems remain unsolved. A correct solution to any of the problems results in a US$1,000,000 prize being awarded by the institute. The Poincaré conjecture, the only Millennium Prize Problem to be solved so far, was solved by Grigori Perelman, but he declined the award in 2010.

P versus NP

The question is whether, for all problems for which an algorithm can verify a given solution quickly (that is, in polynomial time), an algorithm can also find that solution quickly. The former describes the class of problems termed NP, whilst the latter describes P. The question is whether or not all problems in NP are also in P. This is generally considered one of the most important open questions in mathematics and theoretical computer science as it has far-reaching consequences to other problems in mathematics, and to biology, philosophy and cryptography. — Scott Aaronson, MIT Most mathematicians and computer scientists expect that P≠NP.

"If P = NP, then the world would be a profoundly different place than we usually assume it to be. There would be no special value in 'creative leaps,' no fundamental gap between solving a problem and recognizing the solution once it’s found. Everyone who could appreciate a symphony would be Mozart; everyone who could follow a step-by-step argument would be Gauss..."

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The Hodge conjecture is that for projective algebraic varieties, Hodge cycles are rational linear combinations of algebraic cycles.

The Hodge Conjucture

In topology, a sphere with a two-dimensional surface is characterized by the fact that it is compact and simply connected. The Poincaré conjecture is that this is also true in one higher dimension. The question had been solved for all other dimensions. The conjecture is central to the problem of classifying 3-manifolds. A proof of this conjecture was given by Grigori Perelman in 2003; its review was completed in August 2006, and Perelman was selected to receive the Fields Medal for his solution but he declined that award.[2] Perelman was officially awarded the Millennium Prize on March 18, 2010,[3] but he also declined the award and the associated prize money from the Clay Mathematics.

The Poincaré conjecture

The Riemann hypothesis is that all nontrivial zeros of the analytical continuation of the Riemann zeta function have a real part of 1/2. A proof or disproof of this would have far-reaching implications in number theory, especially for the distribution of prime numbers. This was Hilbert's eighth problem, and is still considered an important open problem a century later.

The Riemann hypothesis

In physics, classical Yang–Mills theory is a generalization of the Maxwell theory of electromagnetism where the chromo-electromagnetic field itself carries charges. As a classical field theory it has solutions which travel at the speed of light so that its quantum version should describe massless particles (gluons). However, the postulated phenomenon of color confinement permits only bound states of gluons, forming massive particles. This is the mass gap. Another aspect of confinement is asymptotic freedom which makes it conceivable that quantum Yang-Mills theory exists without restriction to low energy scales. The problem is to establish rigorously the existence of the quantum Yang-Mills theory and a mass gap.

The Riemann hypothesis

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Out of all these seven problems six are yet to be solved and you can be the next person to claim this million dollar prize. All you need to have with you is through knowledge of maths and a brain crazy about solving these problem. Select any one from the list and provide food to your brain and see the miracle happen. The clay mathematics institute kept the million dollar prize to involve more people to find the solution of these problems and solve these unsolved mysteries sooner. You can get name and fame if you can solve these and the biggest achievement will be that you’ve solved the biggest problem of maths in the world. For more details about these problems you can visit the site of Clay mathematics Institute.

Best of luck if you are planning to solve one of it.

The Navier–Stokes equations describe the motion of fluids. Although they were found in the 19th century, they still are not well understood. The problem is to make progress toward a mathematical theory that will give insight into these equations.

Navier—Stoke’s Existence and Smothness

The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture deals with a certain type of equation, those defining elliptic curves over the rational numbers. The conjecture is that there is a simple way to tell whether such equations have a finite or infinite number of rational solutions. Hilbert's tenth problem dealt with a more general type of equation, and in that case it was proven that there is no way to decide whether a given equation even has any solutions.

Navier—Stoke’s Existence and Smothness

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Seven years before the Right to Education Bill was introduced in the Parliament, Uttam Teron, a young man from Pamohi, 20 km from Guwahati, dreamt of 100 per cent literacy for the children of his village. Education was the lowest priority in this Karbi-dominated hamlet and most children, especially girls, helped their parents in the fields. This changed when Teron began the Parijat Academy in a cowshed in 2003 with just four students. Today, the school, with a small hostel, provides free education to 502 students of which 256 are girls. Uttam has shown great courage , determination and dedication to uplift these children from their helpless state and give them hope and happiness through education and a better way of life. For most of us engrossed in the daily routine of balancing work and life, there is barely any time left to look around and feel the pain and suffering of the not so privileged, the marginalized and the forgotten lot. Uttam Teron , Pradip Sarma , Father Lukose , Kaushik Das and Lanu Aimol are a few amongst us who have been able to make a difference in the lives of others and touch their lives in more ways than one. Mahatma Gandhi had said, ―You must be the change you want to see in the world.‖ There are very few people who, rather than crib about the way things are, dare to be the change they want to see in the world. It’s because of them that the world is a better and more meaningful place for all of us; especially for those whose lives have been touched and changed. Source:

Inspirational Stories

Uttam Teron, Founder, Parijat Academy

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Siddappa, an illiterate farmer from Somapur village in Gadag district of Karnataka, has designed a water mill to generate electricity. Right from conceptualizing to materialisation, the farmer has done everything on his own. He operates the water mill in the canal near his house. Using timbers, Siddappa prepared a giant wheel that joined at a central hub. There are eight arms, five feet each, extending from the central hub. A plastic bucket is dangled at the tip of each arm. When the water from two pipes gushes into one of the buckets, it generates the pressure that turns the 10-feet wheel in an anti-clockwise motion. The bucket could also be spun in the horizontal plane using a central steering wheel, similar to a teacup ride. As one after another bucket is driven by the flowing water, the first arm declines back to the ground while the other rises in the air. This process spins the black wheel attached to this giant wheel. The spinning black wheel rotates another wheel connected to a dynamo. A converter converts the Direct Current from the dynamo into Alternating Current. Siddappa claims to have spent a mere Rs 5000 on building the entire apparatus. This is his second attempt to show the villagers that anybody can produce electricity for self-consumption using the resources at hand. ―Many people who have canals flowing near their villages don’t know how to use that natural gift. I want to show them all practically that electricity problems can be solved by being creative. There is no need to beg to the government for every-thing,‖ he says. He gets 150 watts of power from this water mill when water flows in the canal. Siddappa claims he can create electricity for the entire village through his machine. But the problem is that the canal in his village flows only for three months a year! Source:

Siddappa, an illiterate Farmer designs a Water Mill

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A 56-year-old postman in Kerala is delivering an inspirational message by setting up a charitable society for cancer patients. Ordinary people can do extraordinary things - the 56-year-old, Babu is the true recipient of this adage. A postman by profession, Babu also saves the lives of many cancer patients. He, along with some of his well-wishers started the Santhvanam Charitable society in 2007. The society arranges meals for poor cancer patients and organizes free cancer diagnosis camps. Babu came up with the idea after he lost his sister Florence to cancer seven years ago. ―It is shocking to see how poverty forces many patients to skip meals during cancer treatment. Though the government offers a 20 per cent discount in treatment expenses to BPL citizens at the Regional Cancer Centre, many can’t afford the treatment or eat food during treatment. It is heartbreaking,‖ said Babu. Initially, each member contributed towards the society. Then, money poured in from various other sources as more and more people became aware of the good work done by this organisation. Now, whenever the society manages to collect large sums of money, they organize functions to donate it. In June 2011, a hundred BPL cancer patients received Rs 3,000 each. The society also donates Rs 25,000 every quarter to the Regional Cancer Centre. People from different classes of the society, from IAS officers to laborers, joined hands and formed the Santhvanam charitable trust. The person who joined the dots for the noble cause is postman Babu. He now wants to reach out to families who have lost their only earning member to cancer. Video OF THIS GUY IS HERE ::

Note: All the facts and pictures used in this article are sourced from In-ternet, their authenticity is debatable. I personally may not be able to vouch for their accuracy and magazine do not held any responsibility for any claim. Its just an informative article, we do not want to hurt sentiments of any personnel or community.

Charitable society for cancer patients by postman

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Facts and Figures

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Moths are unable to fly during an earthquake. Contrary to popular belief, the white is not the healthiest part of an egg. It’s actually the shell. Nearly three percent of the ice in Antarctic glaciers is penguin urine. The tongue is the only muscle that is attached from one end only. Pumice is the only rock that floats in water. Your foot is the same length as your forearm, and your thumb is the same length as your nose. Also, the length of your lips is the same as the index finger. Men’s shirts have the buttons on the right while women’s shirts have the buttons on the left. The Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt holds a constant temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit. The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for blood plasma. Human saliva has a boiling point three times that of regular water. It is physically impossible to urinate and give blood at the same time. Watermelons, which are 92% water, originated from the Kalahari

Desert in Africa.

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