
PTA ResolutionsPTA ResolutionsMember-Driven AdvocacyMember-Driven Advocacy

Presented by National PTA Resolutions Committee Members:

Cyndi BarbianAlison TurnerMarne Usher

Workshop ScopeWorkshop Scope

Defining a Resolution National PTA’s Resolution Process:

Identify ResearchDraftSubmitReviewSupport


Defining a ResolutionDefining a Resolution

Outlines the opinion, will or intent of the association

Addresses problems, situations, or concerns

Requires action on the issue

Formal statement outlining action by a group

Original motion submitted in writing due to its importance, length or complexity

Position adopted by a vote of the membership3

Identify the IssueIdentify the Issue

Identify the issue

What is the concern?

Is this a local, state or national issue?

What action do you want taken?


Identify the IssueIdentify the Issue

Is this issue: In accordance with the PTA vision, mission, purposes and

policies? Addressed by an existing state or National PTA resolution or

position statement? Covered by existing regulation/law? Supported by factual information/research? Substantiated by other resources or organizations with

background information in community or online?5

PTA’s Vision and MissionPTA’s Vision and Mission

VisionEvery child's potential is a reality.

MissionTo make every child’s potential a reality by engaging

and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children


PTA’s PurposesPTA’s Purposes

To promote the welfare of the children and youth in home, school, community, and place of worship.

To raise the standards of home life.

To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.

To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth.

To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education.


Research the Issue Research the Issue

Check for existing resolutions, positions and laws

State PTA website

National PTA website

State, county and local government websites

Federal government websites8

Research the IssueResearch the Issue


Research the IssueResearch the Issue


Research the IssueResearch the Issue


Research the IssueResearch the Issue


Research the IssueResearch the Issue


Draft the ResolutionDraft the Resolution

Develop a concise statement of the issue

Complete initial research to build basis for support from membership

Create a committee to take the resolution to the next step – narrative summary


Draft the ResolutionDraft the Resolution

Review new e-learning course “Writing and Proposing PTA Resolutions”

Check forms and guidelines (state and National PTA)

Begin planning the two parts of a resolution– Whereas – the “Why?”; statements that describe the issue,

show the reason for the resolution, and give information

– Resolved – the call for action; the main motion


Draft the ResolutionDraft the Resolution Whereas statements

– Require background material and rationale

– Require three background primary references from three sources for each “Whereas” statement

Resolved statements– Direct the PTA to take some form of action

– State the action that PTA needs to be take to help solve the problem


Submit the ResolutionSubmit the Resolution

Check for state requirements (state and/or national)

National PTA Resolution Guidelines are at

Follow the procedure carefully


Submit the ResolutionSubmit the Resolution


Submit the ResolutionSubmit the Resolution


Submit the ResolutionSubmit the Resolution


Submit the ResolutionSubmit the Resolution


Submit the ResolutionSubmit the Resolution

Call for assistance: Resolutions Chair at any level– Ask for advice/assistance

– Work with chair or committee to finalize wording, if necessary

Submit to the state or National PTA Meet established deadlines


Review of Proposed ResolutionsReview of Proposed Resolutions

National PTA Resolutions Committee reviews proposed resolutions for scope, clarity, and completeness.National PTA staff and attorney review proposed resolutions through legal and public policy lenses.National PTA Board of Directors reviews and determines the disposition of each proposed resolution.National PTA Convention Delegates vote on each proposed resolution approved by the Board of Directors.


Support for Adopted ResolutionsSupport for Adopted Resolutions

National PTA staff identifies the goals and strategies necessary to implement the new PTA resolution.

National PTA staff works with the board and appropriate committees to implement the PTA resolution or position statement.

State and local PTAs inform their members and work with local entities, where appropriate.


Support for Adopted ResolutionsSupport for Adopted Resolutions

Review newly adopted resolutions Publicize newly adopted resolutions to your

members and partners Determine how to apply resolutions in your

community Be aware of the need for new resolutions to meet

the needs of your community


Recent ResolutionsRecent Resolutions

Distracted Driving (2012)Head Injury Reporting (2011)Improved Infrastructure Around Schools (2012)Meningococcal Disease Vaccine (2013)School Recess (2013)Sexting: Legal Consequences (2011)Social Host Accountability for Underage Drinking (2010)






Member-Driven AdvocacyMember-Driven Advocacy

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For More InformationFor More Information

Chair, National PTA Resolutions [email protected]

Kisha DeSandiesWeb Content Manager

[email protected]


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