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a huge crowd,

many of them

being first time

performers. The

little ones were

a little scared

when they first

got up on the

stage. But as

they danced to

the tunes of

Bum-Bum Bole

and Yeh Tara

Woh Tara, the

crowd erupted

in a loud round

of applause and

the kids were

overjoyed. Much

to their delight,

our members put

up a small skit

As in the previous

years, this year




Day with the


kids. The kids

were trained

extensively for

3 weeks in per-

forming arts

namely singing,

dancing and

dramatics. On

the 18th of Au-

gust, these

students put up

an amazing per-

formance in

the Heritage

School Audito-

rium in front of


Inside this issue:

Recent Projects 1

Ongoing Projects 4

Upcoming Projects 5

District Event 8





quite un-

shared can

scarcely be

called happi-

ness; it has no

taste.” - Charlotte


On 15th Au-

gust 2014, as

India turned

67, a bunch

of enthusias-

tic and dedi-

cated Rota-

ractors from


made a brave

attempt to

alleviate the

pain of the

children at

the Paediatric

Ward of the

Saroj Gupta


cer Centre

& Research

Institute and

give them a

few hours of


joy. Our mem-

bers put a

small skit as

well as a mu-

sical perfor-

mance for

them. The

kids were giv-

en crayons

Points of Interest!

Toys From Trash!

Liter of Light!


Rural footballers play homeless worldcup!


Recycling and Ori-gami!

for them. It was

indeed a memo-

rable day for

both the little

ones and our


Page 2: Publication2 (1)

focussed on leader-

ship skills, started

off with a brief in-

troduction of their

proceedings, as the

enthusiastic audience

joined in to elaborate

on a few essential

qualities a social

worker must have. A

very interesting per-

sonality test followed

- popularly known as

the MBTI test, which

unveils your true na-

ture through a series

of multiple choice

questions. The event

was attended by 60

odd members from RC

-HITK as well as oth-

er Rotaract Clubs.

Refreshments were

served in the end. The

seminar was a real suc-

cess since it opened up

avenues to career

choices for the new

generation students.


: In collaboration with

the NGO, Prantaka-

tha, and Pravah,

Delhi, RC-HITK or-

ganised a seminar on

“Social Entrepre-neurship” on 27th of

August, 2014 at

East India Pharma-

ceutical Hall.

“Melting Pot” is a one year training

program, under

Prantakatha, that

encourages social

entrepreneurs to

revolutionize the

cold world of busi-

ness, and work for

the underprivileged

backbone of our

country. The 2 hour

long seminar, which

and drawing sheets on

which they drew beauti-

ful pictures. Much to

their delight, toffees and

cupcakes were also dis-

tributed amongst them.

The smiles on the faces

of these little kids at the

end of the day, was in-

deed a beautiful sight.


Imagine how

liberating it

would be to live

a life free of all

the mind-numbing

social niceties, I

don't pity this kid

– I envy him.

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out. Over 130

people registered

enthusiastically to

donate their

blood to save

lives. The donors

were first made

to undergo a few

tests to check if

they are eligible

to donate blood.

After the dona-

tion they were

made to recuper-

ate for about 15-

20 minutes during

which time they

were given glu-

cose water and a

fruit. They also

received a badge

and a gift from

the Cancer hospi-

tal as a token of



The Rotaract Club of

Heritage Insti-

tute of Technolo-

gy, Kolkata, in

association with

the Thakurpukur

Cancer Hospital,

had organised a

blood donation

camp in the col-

lege premises on

20th August

2014. It started

at 11 am with a

steady stream of

donors through-

Page 3 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2

To the birth of a

million smiles

from a single

act of humanity.

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just learning it me-


interesting for them.

Members play word

games, show the tiny-

tots movies and car-

toons etc.RC-HITK

works with the belief

that in a couple of

months, these kids

will develop a liking in

English rather than


weak in English be-

cause they learn it

without proper un-

derstanding. So what

the club wants is to

teach these kids Eng-

lish using creative

methods making the

subject more inter-

esting. When it

comes to creativity,

RC-HITK gives its

best!! Members have

collected more than

40 books to make a

small library for

them. They come with

different methods

every week to make

the subject interest-


Rotaract Club of Herit-

age Institute Of

Technology (RC-

HITK) has taken up

the mammoth task of

teaching the Surya-

kiran kids English.

These kids despite of

having English as a

major subject, are

RC-HITK started a lit-

eracy project at Nari

Unnayan Kendra, a

coaching centre for

underpriviledged chil-

dren near

Chingrighata in the

month of March in

collaboration with RC

-Calcutta South Cen-

tral and RC-Behala .

For the past 6

months, members

from our club have

been going there

twice a week to help

the children build

their concepts in

English, Maths, Ben-

gali and Science. Ow-

ing to the immense

interest of the stu-

dents in art and

dance, the Rotarac-

tors also hold drawing

and dance classes for

these young children.


”books are a


portable magic.”

“Books are the qui-etest and most con-stant of friends, they are the most accessible and wis-est of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.”

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Rotaract isn’t just about touching underprivileged

helpless lives and alleviat-

ing their pain just to see

them smile . It’s also about being one with na-

ture and giving back our


So Rotaract Club will be

organising A Paper Recy-

cling programme for the

kids, where the little

hearts will be taught how

to care for their environ-

ment. The Suryakiran

kids will learn how to re-

use paper, thereby reduc-

ing wastage and harness-

ing their power of re-

sourcefulness .Furthermo

re; the recycled paper

will be used for drawing,

card making and other

creative activities by the

kids. Origami techniques

and paper bag making will

surely brighten the event

with fun and excitement.

introduce them to the

world outside their place

of inhabitancy and make

them belief that they too

have the potential to

achieve great feats!

Movies as popularly be-

lieved aren’t just a source of entertainment. Movies

can bring about a positive

change in an individual’s life. With the same be-

lief, RC-HITK is planning

to organise monthly

screening of inspirational

movies for the Suryakiran

kids, the idea being to



any normal breathing indi-

vidual. We are the ones

who can understand the

soul of nature and listen

to its need and mould our-

selves for conserving it

for the future.

All together, the event

plans on promoting a

sense of concern and

safety for the surround-

ings we live in, which re-

quire as much care,

thought and attention as

Page 5 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1

A society is

defined not only

what it creates,

but by what it

refuses to


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the litre of light move-

ment where we will be

taught how to make

these simple devices. We

plan to install these de-

vices in a village on the

outskirts of Kolkata.


typically used for car-

bonated drinks, filled

with water plus a little

bleach to inhibit algal

growth, fitted through

the roof of a house. Dur-

ing daytime the water

inside the bottle refracts

sunlight, delivering about

as much light as a 40- to

60-watt incandescent

bulb to the interior.

Working along the same

lines, RC-HITK has al-

ready contacted Litre of

India. They plan to con-

duct a 3 -day workshop

with RC-HITK in the col-

lege premises regarding


Litre of Light is a global

open source movement

with the aim to provide an

ecologically sustainable

and free-of-cost source

of interior light to rooms

in simple dwellings with a

thin roof. The device is

simple: it is a transparent

1.5-2l plastic bottle, as

There is an under 17 team

of extremely talented

footballers, taken care of

by an NGO- Durbar.

These youngsters hail

from red light areas in

the city and their daily

struggle to keep their

passion alive has inspired

us to take up an initiative

for their well be-

ing. Baruipur to Brazil is a

dream. A dream that re-

quires a little support in

order to turn to reali-

ty.Rotaract is doing it’s bit in organising a series

of fund-raiser matches

with football teams from

all over the city. Join us

for an eventful day of

excitement, high spirits

and some great sporting

action. The funds raised

would be sure to help

these aspiring footballers

in their journey from Ba-

ruipur to Brazil.


Bringing light to the poor, one liter at a time.

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Waste generation in to-

day’s world is a major is-sue because we generate

huge amount of waste

everyday and the meth-

ods of waste disposal

that we currently have in

place aren’t adequate enough. To tackle this

problem at a very small

scale, RC-HITK has come

up with a very noble initi-

ative. The waste that is

produced in college can-

teen is mostly biode-

gradable. We plan to con-

vert this biodegradable

waste into a compost us-

ing the method of ver-

micomposting and use it

as a fertiliser in the col-

lege garden. The method

of vermicomposting is an

extremely cost-effective

one as it requires only the

biodegradable waste and

a handful of worms as

inputs. It might be a tiny

step towards solving the

problem of waste disposal

but nevertheless it is a

positive step.

these toys in an out-of –station project where we

are intending to conduct a

science workshop. A simi-

lar project was carried

out last year during the

month of December in

Ghatsila, Jharkhand

where a reading workshop

was conducted for school


Influenced by Arvind

Gupta, the popular Indian

toy inventor we have

planned to start our own

line of science based

toys. We plan to start

making toys from the

everyday wastes, the idea

being to make simple edu-

cational toys which will

help students to grip con-

cepts better in basic sci-

ence. We plan to launch



ing competition for the

kids of Suryakiran and

adjoining villages in the

upcoming months . The

art of kite –flying is fast

loosing its appeal due to

sever lack of open high

roof tops . To enliven the

dying sport back to its

former glory, the club will

hold the competition ,

promoting healthy cama-

raderie in the process to.


Energetic young hearts

will be set free and al-

lowed to soar high up in

the sky , assuming the

garbs of colourful kites

as Rotaract brings “ wings of soul” – a kite fly-

Page 7 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1

If you want

grown ups to

recycle, just

tell their kids

the importance

of recycling and

they’ll be all

over it,

Page 8: Publication2 (1)

have little angels from

diverse backgrounds

enthralling us with their

performances while the

second phase will be

guest performance by

Dance Schools. There

will also be special per-

formances by children

with physical or mental

disabilities, whose rare

talent will give Rainbow a

brighter hue. The New

Generations Month also

encourages us to felici-

tate talented youth of

Kolkata for their


Through Rainbow, the

Rotaract Movement will

not only look to find the

most talented youth, but

also give an essential

platform to the under-

privileged and the physi-

cally challenged to ex-

The Rotaract Movement

in the Rotary Interna-

tional District 3291 in its

bid to encourage the

youth of Kolkata and its

suburbs, is organizing a

Youth Talent program

“Rainbow- Celebrating a

Spectrum of Talent” on 14th September 2014 at

Gyan Manch.

Rainbow is a two phase

activity. In the first

phase of this cultural

extravaganza, we shall

hibit their genius. This is

our effort to support

talent and strengthen

the belief that there is a

winner in every one of us

- it’s only an opportunity that is delaying its dis-


RC-HITK has been an

enthusiastic participant

in the district program,

the IPP, Devarchan

Banerjee being the Chair

of the event. The Club is

working with four

schools- Dikshan, School

of West Bengal Autistic

Society, Calcutta Blind

School, Tapuriaghata

Naari Unyayan Kendra

and Calcutta Rescue,

training the kids into the

minstrels of the day.


It has been just a month into the new rota year and it gives me immense pleasure

to say that RC-HITK has already undertaken some amazing projects. And the best

part is the overwhelming response our projects have received. RC-HITK has so

much more to offer. With the help of our enthusiastic and wonderful members, I

am sure that we can indeed be the key to change!

Phone: 9874870038, 9831272205, 8420290040 E-mail: [email protected]



Location: Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India

Web Link:

Editorial Team:

1. Annesha Mazumdar

2. Ruanna Rodriguez

3. Purojit Mitra

4. Anindita Paul

5. Dwaipayan Sarkar

6. Raina Sengupta

Designed by:

Anwesha Lahiri

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