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The idea

The idea is born from the immense passion of Massimiliano, throughout those galloping and breathless runs that have been part of his daily lifestyle since the age of 6. A passion which has brought him 125 victories in his running career and proudly representing his country wearing the Azzura “blue” National colours in the 100 kms.The idea is to create a short film where the main subject is running. Massimiliano, a true sportsman, feels the necessity to describe through written and creative poetry that will distinguish his true nature, trying to portray mainly to the younger generation of runners, a path to follow where dreams are not contaminated with that cold “stuff” that enters the veins! An act of revolt to say NO to doping, the real one, the one that we do not read in the newspapers but is injected in veins, in the blood that becomes darker red, more dense and polluted.

The story

Max is a runner, every day, he fills his days with hours of running. His objective is to win the Rome Marathon. Like him, also Chelimo, a Kenyan postman that dreams of becoming an athlete. The two young men have a common destiny, their manager will make them meet and will push them to their physical limits: A true checkpoint between one that has always been part of their life and one that they wish to be part of.Who will win the white or black?


Work Planning


- 20th March: commence filming in conjunction with the Rome Marathon.

- In the month of May: conclude filming in Rome.

- From the 5th to the 15th July: transfer to Kenya and commence filming.

- From August to September: editing and sound montage

- End of October: wrap up and conclude the work


- Da From the beginning of the year: Participate at the most important short film festivals on a national and international level.

- February: Publish the DVD

- March: Rome auditorium, 1st film viewing and presentation of the XVIII Rome Marathon.

- Distribution in schools, assemblies and sports meetings.


The working group

L’equipe tecnica ed il cast sono formati completamente da professionisti del settore.

CastMax: Gianluca Scuotto

Chelimo: Festus Langat

Dr. Ranieri: Giuseppe Cruciani

Paolo: Sabastiano Colla Hamster: Bikila With the special participation of Roberto Pedicini

CrewProducer: Massimiliano Monteforte

Director and editor: Virginio Favale

Assistant Director: Massimiliano Monteforte

Director of photography: Pierre André Transunto

Soundtrack: Mannapò

Screenplay: M. Monteforte e V. Favale

Script: Federica Sconocchia

Floor sound engineer: Roberto Rondoni

Responsible for production: Toshiko Tozawa

Editing supervisor: Edoardo Vittoria

Stage and scene assistant: Raffaele Monteforte

Back-stage scenes: Luca D’Annibale

Makeup: Le Scimmie Capelli

Visual and promotion: Katia Vinciguerra

International relations: Nico Pannevis

Web and communication: Pietro Zarlenga

Animation: Antonello Dalena e David Ponzo

Graphics: Xstudios


Product placement

Products and services, similar to the following list can benefit from direct marketing visibility:

- Pharmaceutical companies (sensitive and supporting the fight against doping)

- Shoes and sports wear

- Beverages and high energy drinks

- Sport shops

- Spectacles: General sports, technical, vision and sun glasses

- Agencies, organizations and institutions

- Sport centres and gyms

- Producers for animal foods

- Sport magazines

- Large distribution companies

- Cars

- Vitamin supplements

- Computers

- Phones companies and corporations

- Banks

- Milk and dairy products

- Pasta producers

- Water producers


Marketing visibility

- 15’’ publicity spot pre and post screening

- Projection of a banner during the screening events

- Personalised digital banner on facebook

- Logo placed on the official film brochure

- Logo on all promotional and marketing material

- Logo placed on the DVD booklet

- Presence at the end of the film on the credit list


Confirmed Sponsors

Maratona di




TeF Channel

Demadonna Athletincs

Sant’Antonio Country


Si ringrazia Canon Professional Service Canon Italia - per il supporto tecnico.



Massimiliano Monteforte

Mobile phone 3384865620

V.le B. Bardanzellu 61 - Roma

[email protected]

Purosangue TheMovie

Photo by Virginio Favale


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