






‘Traditional marketing is broken…’

- Richard Edelman

We can sort out the hardware

But what about the software?

Genesis“One upon a time…we just pushed out our sales pitch … and then we realised that wasn’t working so well anymore

A brand strategist told us it was about story telling…

So how do we get better at that?

And what happens if we are talking and no one is listening?

So we need great stories that are relevant to peoples’ lives and delivered in a way that fits with their lives.”

Sorted! Right?

Brand Story-telling

But is it authentic?...

Seven principles of good content

• C is for cause. Does your content start with cause, deepening the relationship between people and places - is it inspired by spirit of place?

• O is for our audiences. Who is the content for and is your story relevant to them?

• N is for natural. Is it personal, warm and authentic? Does it reveal the passion and knowledge of our people?

• T is for tales. Is it a clear and engaging story? Does it move, teach, inspire, inform, delight or surprise?

• E is for enthuse. Does your story have a purpose? What do you want people to think, feel, do, what is the call to action?

• N is for next. What next? Can people do something with it… is it shareable or participative?

• T is for target. Is it right for the channel and can people find it through cross-promotion, search, tagging, aggregation?

T is for Tales

E is for Enthuse

N is for Next

T is for Target


• The right content…

– A strategic marketing plan

– An in-year marcomms plan

• For the right people,

– Recognising audience need

• in the right place at the right time

– Lifestyle sensitive communications




Loads still to do

• Training

• Systems

• Processes - linking the matrix

• Evaluation – I think I know what good content looks like but how can I tell what the audience is thinking?

It’s a journey…

and we’re not there yet.


Content marketing: planning, creating and

distributing content that adds



16 April 2015



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