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These were used to show subject’s name and relation to the topic.Always used inprofessionaldocumentaries like „In The Teeth of Jaws”

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Documentary have titles made in a conventional way and related to their topic. We used our creativity and produced out title in stop motion using coffee beans. For example, documentary about „Jaws” has big red letters connoted with dangerand blood related to the film.

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Interviewees are situated on theside and have their ‘space to talk’. They should not lookdirectly into the camera but to an interviewer who asks themquestions. We used this convention in ourdocumentary. It is also presentedin „Freak Like Me”.These sort of shots are describedas ‘talking head shots’

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InterviewsInterviews are a vital

part of everydocumentary. We

have used thisconvention in our

documentary as wellwith relevant mise

en scene (apart fromthe interview withthe coffee worker).

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Authority Figures

For example in „Meth Epidemic” an expert is being interviewedabout drugs and environment looks scientific just like in ourdocumentary.

Authority figures are used indocumentaries to make themmore conviencing and factual. We used this convention by interviewing an NHS nurse inher office so it looksprofessional.

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Voiceover and Narrative Voiceover in most documentaries should be authorical.

In our documentary the voiceover is both authorical and enthusiastic about the topic so the audience gets excited.

We also used the same voiceover in our radio trailer so the whole product has its continuity.

The narrative structure of our documentary is linearbecause it starts at one point and reaches conclusioninstead of going back to the beginning like in „DevilMade Me Do It”.

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We have used voxpops in our documentary to give it moreconviencing style as opinion of general public matters to our

audience. They will be more likely to believe in facts presented in theproduction and also identify with strangers in documentary (by identifyingwith their views). Voxpops were also shownin „Freak Like Me” to show audiencethat people with weird habits and obsessions are perfectly normal.

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In one moment we adjusted speedduration of a number of voxpops so it looks like we actually askedmany people about coffee. Thismakes the content moreconviencing to our viewers.

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CutawaysVarious cutaways have been used in ourdocumentary to avoid jump cuts and addvisual stimuli for the audience. This is alwaysused in professional documentaries.In our documentary we used relevantcutaways when needed to show the connectionjust like in „Freak Like Me”

In „Freak Like Me” when a woman talks about squeezingspots the audience is presented a cutaway of spots and later – hersqueezing out herown spots. Thiscreates a connection betweenwhat she says and what is beingpresented by the director.

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For example, whenthe nurse was talking aboutteenagers and coffee we presenteda teenage girl waking up and someone handing inher a cup of coffee.

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„In The Teeth of Jaws” thedirector is presented with a relevant mise en scene withJaws poster on the wall. Thisreminds people what thedocumentary is about.

We have used this convention in ourdocumentary by putting some coffeerelated objects behind our interviewee –the coffee worker who is in her uniform with the Cafe Nero sign. We also filmedthe whole interview in the coffee shop which is visible in the sequence. We alsofilmed our voxpops in front of the Cafe Nero coffee shop.

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Montage Sequence

Usually montage sequences in documentaries show briefly in an energetic way what thedocumentary is going to be about. We did this in our sequence however in a minimalistic way as opposed to the montage sequence in „Freak Like Me”. We showedthe process of making coffee whereas in „Freak Like Me” Russell Kane presents habits ina rather symbolic way, e.g. tidied up socks present an obsession with tidiness.

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