Page 1: Q4) how did you use media terminologies

Q4) How did you use media terminologies in the construction

and research, planning and evaluation stages?

By Fiona Grafen

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When researching different genres of music as well as different videos. I used different media technologies such as Blogger, YouTube, YouTube annotations, Slide Rocket, Prezi, Wordle, and screen grabs. Here are examples of each of them.

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These technologies in particular were really useful as they help to created as my visual and interesting to the viewer looking at them. The prezi showed structure and guidance to the analysis of the research that I have carried out in different areas of this project. I also find Slide share useful as it is a sophisticated way of presenting work. I used media technologies in construction of my research to make it visual and presentable to the viewer looking at it.

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When planning our media video and ancillary task we used blogger to present are planning for our concepts towards are final pieces.

Digi Pack:

This Digi Pack below shows our initial ideas that we first came up with when planning out what panels to fit and what would link with our genre as well as our artist’s appearance. At the time we were planning our album cover we thought about challenging the conventions of a Disco Pop genre by using extreme close up of an eye. We thought about this idea because our piece is based around emotions and as a well know fact emotion is seen most through an eyes of a person.

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When planning our piece and the album cover as well as the Digi pack we thought about combining different characters in different scenarios and having the main actor portraying freedom and how he is living the free life to not giving in. With the different characters in mind when we came to create our plan for our advert design we thought about using all the characters in our piece and using the tools Photoshop to construct it all together. However, when we came to creating the advert and studying real media ones we decided it would look professional if we based our advert on the main artist instead of everyone.

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However, When we were thinking about this as a draft plan for our first advert this is how we were going to go about constructing it: This advert will be created using Photoshop. It will consist of 8 layers. Each of the layers is as follows:Background layer ( Fence)Layer 1 ( Main actor- Scott Wells)Layer 2 ( Interrogation character)Layer 3 ( Work character)Layer 4 ( Dancer 1)Layer 5 (Dancer 2)Layer 6 ( Punch bag and fist ( Opacity to be lowered))Layer 7 (black background to the writing)Layer 8 ( Text layer " FRAMES,NOT GIVING IN SINGLE OUT JULY 2013")This advert design will show all the characters involved whilst keeping the main actor noticeable as he will be featured in colour whilst the rest will be black and white. The fence as the layer for the back ground will represent how all the characters are sitting on the fence between giving in and not giving in. However, the other idea we have is that we might just focus the advert cover on the main artist instead of using the other characters. This will draw the attention on to him and the importance that he brings into the piece.

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The other areas we looked at when planning were locations, costumes, skills when using Photoshop, Green Screen, track permission letters animatic, song detail plus lyric annotation, concept, image annotation, roles and story board. These different areas created our planning stages to starting us of on a successful route. We were aware whilst doing it that our media concept could elaborate from our original ideas.

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When constructing our music video and ancillary task together we needed to make sure we had all equipment booked out for the day we needed to film. When creating our piece we had to keep in mind that a still shot looks better than a jumpy one. To solve this problem we used a fig rig to hold the shot steady. When editing we used final cut and Imovie to import. However, when importing images we used Iphoto to install all the images onto the computer. When picking out titles and fonts for our album cover we used Da font. As well as Photoshop to construct it all together. If we wanted to use Slow shutter speed we needed a tripod to hold the camera steady whilst it captured the movement of the Pois. For anyone who does not know what Pois are they are balls which hang on the end of string and light up different colours and when moved about using slow shutter speed they create interesting patterns and colours. We got audience feed back though out as well as teacher to get an idea of what they thought of our media work so far.

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Development time line of the Digi pack from first draft through to final draft:

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Development time line of the Advert Cover from first draft through to final


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For the Evaluation the techniques I have used most to make this super visual for the viewer is screen captures and comparing real media text to our ones and how we got influenced as well as challenging them. For question two I have used Slide rocket and screen grabs to make this visual and easy for the reader to follow. However, in conclusion to question 4 I have used a range of mediums whilst doing this project and I have learned and used previous techniques that I new from basic portfolio and I have also brought other skills from other subjects such as photography to this project to make it strong.

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