  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    AUG 21

    To elude Spanish

    sentries, around

    500 Katipuneros

    massed at barrioKangkong, in

    Kaingin Road,

    seeking refuge in

    the house of

    Apolonio Samson

    AUG 23

    Cry of Pugad Lawin, took

    place at the yard of Juan

    Ramos, in barangay Toro, as

    rebels agreed to the plan to

    revolt against Spanish

    authorities. They shouted,

    Long live the Philippines!

    Long live the Katipunan!

    AUG 24

    The Katipuneros warded

    off the attack of civil

    guards and infantrymen;

    the first skirmish hadbeen fought and the

    struggle for liberation

    commenced at Pasong

    Tamo Road; the rebels

    then inched their way to


  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years



    Conscripted into the revolution at 84, she fed the

    revolutionaries and nursed the wounded who

    had taken refuge in her yard.

    She was arrested, interrogated, exiled, but

    remained loyal to the fight for freedom.

    Tandang Sora


    at Banlat Road, Bgy

    Tandang Sora, QC

  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    GEN. LICERIO GERONIMO, a leader of the Katipunan, was well known for his

    damaging guerrilla tactics that allowed his men to overcome Spanish, and later on

    the American forces, with a minimum of arms.

    During historic Battle of San Mateo, his troops known as Tiradores de la Muerte,

    killed Commanding General Henry W. Lawton. The Battle of San Mateo took place

    at what is now barangay Bagong Silangan, QC.

    Marker at Gen

    Geronimo Park,

    Bagong Silangan,QC

  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years




    The First Quarter

    Storm was a series

    of demonstrations,rallies and other

    mass actions against

    the corruption and

    decline in the

    economy during the


    This was particularly

    intense during the

    first quarter of

    1970, and were ledmostly by students

    from the University

    of the Philippines in


    The suppression and

    handling of the protests

    by the Marcos


    galvanized the student

    movement into a force

    committed to resist the

    Marcos dictatorship.


    known as the EDSA Revolution) was a

    series of popular demonstrations in the

    Philippines that began in 1983 andculminated in 1986. It was a sustained

    campaign of civil resistance, participated

    in by millions of Filipinos, against a

    regime of violence and corruption. This

    nonviolent revolution led to the

    departure ofPresident Marcos

    and the restoration

    of the country's

    democracy, from a



  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    nspired by a dream

    M ade urgent

    by the exigencies

    Quezon Citya glimpse of how the city came to

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  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    that, politically shall be the seat of the national

    government; aesthetically the showplace of the nation

    a place that thousands of people will come and visit as the

    epitome of culture and spirit of the country; socially, a

    dignified concentration of human life, aspirations and

    endeavors and achievements; and economically, as a

    productive, self-contained community.


    Manuel L. Quezon,

    in his address

    before the

    members of the

    National Assembly

    September 18,


    dream of a capital city

  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    Quezon's dream was

    not only to provide

    the working man a

    home, but also tocreate a new capital

    for the country which

    would house offices

    of the three

    branches of


    executive, legislative

    and judicial.

    Pursuing a social agenda

  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    Early one day in July, 1939, Quezon

    strolled along the Diliman area with his

    friends, including Eulogio Rodriguez, Sr.,

    then secretary of Agriculture andcommerce, Alejandro Roces, Jose Paez,

    and Antonio G. Sison, who was then the

    dean of the College of Medicine of the

    University of the Philippines.

    Standing on a grassy promontory,

    Quezon surveyed the northeastern

    sweep of Kamuning, and he was so

    awed and inspired by the incredibly

    breathtaking view that he exclaimed:

    This is where I would liketo build a real Filipino


  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    Manila was getting crowded

    and his military advisors

    (reportedly) told Quezon that

    Manila, being by the bay, was

    an easy target for

    bombardment by naval guns in

    case of attack.

    This made Quezon push

    forward the idea of a totallynew city at least 15 kilometers

    away from Manila Bay (beyond

    the reach of naval guns).

    He contacted William E.Parsons, American architect

    and planner, who had been the

    consulting architect for the

    islands early in the American

    colonial period.

  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    The Board of Directors of the

    Philippine Homesite

    Corporation, on October 10,

    1938, approved a resolution to

    purchase a tract of land

    consisting of 15,723,191

    square meters or 1,572

    hectares from the DilimanEstate of the Tuason Family.

    The price was five centavos

    per square meter.

    The Tuason family donated an

    additional 493 hectares to

    serve as the site of the

    University of the Philippines.


    proceeded to

    transform hisdream into a


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  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    Vicente Fragante, Vice Mayor

    A. D. Williams, City Secretary

    Dr. Eusebio Aguilar, City

    Councilor and City Health Officer

    Jose Paez, City Councilor

    Alejandro Roces Sr., City


    Pio Pedrosa, city treasurer

    Emilio Abello, city attorney Jacob Rosenthal, assessor

    Manuel Diaz, city engineer

    Amado Amador, Judge of the

    Court of First Instance

    Perfecto Palacio, municipal judge Emilio Abello, Chief of Police

    First Quezon City


    As published in November 11, 1939 issue

    of the Official Gazette, volume 37, No.135,

  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    After assuming the

    functions of mayor for 10

    days, Pres. Quezon

    appointed Tomas Morato as

    Mayor of Quezon City.

    effective October 23, 1939

    Morato was a long time friend of Quezon,

    who was then mayor of Calauag, Tayabas

    (now Quezon). He was first appointed Chief

    of Police by Quezon (who previously offered

    the post to then Lt. Col. Dwight Eisenhower).

  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    President Manuel L. Quezon led the laying of

    the cornerstone of the Quezon City capitol onNovember 15, 1940, on the fifth anniversary of

    the establishment of the Commonwealth of the


  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    At the formal inauguration of Dr. Bienvenido

    Gonzalez as the sixth and youngest president of U. P.

    on October 19, 1939, Manuel Quezon officially

    announced that large portions of UP were to be

    transferred to Diliman.

    The first unit was to house the main offices of the

    College of Liberal Arts, the second the College of

    Law and Business Administration and the third, the

    College of Pharmacy and School of Dentistry.

  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    In 1941, a few days before the Japanese entered

    Manila, President Quezon declared Quezon City a part

    of Greater Manila. Quezon City remained as part of theGreater Manila until January 2, 1947, when its separate

    political existence was restored by Republic Act No. 45.

    The City of Greater Manilawas created by PresidentQuezon on January 1, 1942as an emergency measure.Photo shows PresidentQuezon holding anemergency meeting with(from left) Executive

    Secretary Jose B. Vargas,General Valdez, Justice JoseLaurel and Chief Justice AbadSantos. Secretary Vargaswould be appointed as Mayorof all the cities.

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    Quezon contacted William E. Parsons, American architect and planner, who

    helped select the Diliman (Tuason) estate as the site for the new city. When he

    passed away later that year, his partner Harry Frost collaborated with JuanArellano, engineer AD Williams and landscape architect/planner Louis Croft to

    craft a grand master plan for the new capital, Quezon City.

    The Grand Masterplan

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    The core of the new city was to be a 400 ha

    central green, about the size of New York's

    Central Park, and defined by North, South

    (Timog), East and West Avenues. On one

    corner of the proposed Diliman Quadrangle

    was delineated a 25-hectare elliptical site.

    This was to contain a large capitol building to

    house the Philippine Legislature and ancillary

    structures for the offices of representatives.

    On either side of the giant ellipse were

    supposed to have been built the new

    Malacaan Palace, on the North Avenue

    (present day Veterans Memorial Hospital),

    and the Supreme Court Complex, on the EastAvenue (present day East Avenue Medical

    Center). The three branches of government

    would finally and efficiently be located close

    to one another.

  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    Part of the original masterplan for Quezon City

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    On July 25, 1946, President Roxas appointed a

    committee that would select the site for thecapital city of the Philippines. The committee,

    headed by Senator Melecio Arranz, chose Quezon


    QC becomes the nations capital


    proximity to Manila within the 30-kilometer limit from the Rizal monument of Manila

    accessibility from all important areas in the Philippines either by land, air

    or sea

    already available conveniences

    geologic qualities, which provide a satisfactory foundation for buildingsand other structures

    large areas of government-owned land right in its central zone to support

    substantial public improvements

    historical background; consideration of public expenditures already made;

    administrative commitments and evident public support.

  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    On July 17, 1948, President

    Elpidio Quirino signed

    Republic Act 333, known as

    the Charter of Quezon City,declaring the site of

    Novaliches-Quezon City

    area as the new site of the

    capital city of the Republic

    of the Philippines.

    Finally, on October 22,

    1949, Quezon City was

    inaugurated as the new

    National Capital of the


    The law specified the city's area to be 156.60 sq.

    km. Portions of what were then parts of

    Caloocan (8,100 hectares) were ceded to

    Quezon City: Baesa, Talipapa, San Bartolome,Pasong Tamo, Novaliches Poblacion, Banlat,

    Kabuyao, Pugad Lawin, Bagbag, and Pasong

    Putik which formerly belonged to Novaliches.

  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    Quezon City was the capital of

    the Philippines from 1949 to 1976

    Then in 1976: PD 940

    declared Metro Manila

    as the seat of the

    national government,

    and Manila as thecapital.

    On November 7,

    1975, President

    Ferdinand Marcos

    promulgated PD 824,

    establishing Metro



    Development of Metro Manila showing the

    years that each area became a city.

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    On June 16, 1956, more

    revisions to the city's land

    area were made by

    Republic Act No. 1575,

    which defined its area as

    151.06 sq. km

    REPUBLIC ACT No. 1575





  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    Most Competitive City in Metro Manila

    and 2ndMost Competitive City in the

    Philippines (Asian Institute of

    Management 2007 Cities

    Competitiveness Ranking Project)

    Top Philippine Asian City of the Future:

    No. 7 among 200 Asian Cities, 20072009 (London Financial Times Survey

    thru Singapores Asiabiz Strategy)

    One of the Top 10 performing Highly

    Urbanized Cities ranked nationwide onLocal Governance Performance

    Management System (LGPMS) and

    awarded the Seal of Disaster

    Preparedness, 2012

    A city on the go

    75 ye rs hence

  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    Quezon City is the largest city of the

    Philippine metropolis, with an area of

    161.12 sq. km., and is the mostpopulous urban center with a

    population of 3,179,536. Thus, the

    city has the biggest consumer

    population and the largest manpower

    resource pool in the country.

    A city of the young, 40% are less than

    20 years old. It therefore has the

    largest number of school children in

    the country, about 500,000 of whom

    are enrolled in public schools in the

    city. Of its employable population of

    1.80 million, 1.16 million are younger

    than 40 years.

  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    81 tertiary-level colleges9 universities

    About 20,000 tertiary-level graduates a year

    Site of the nations best high school for science,

    Philippine Science High School, and the UP-Ayala

    Land Technohub, countrys first full-scale,campus-based science and technology park

    Technology-based incubators in UP

    Diliman campus and business

    incubation services at the Ateneo de

    Manila University34 Philippine Export Zone Authority-

    registered Information and

    Communications Technology Parks

    and buildings

    Home of about 40,000 ICTprofessionals

  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    231 community parks

    32 neighborhood parks

    8 major special parks

    6 historical parks16-hectare UP Arboretum

    25-hectare Quezon Memorial Circle

    33-hectare La Mesa Eco Park

    39-hectare Ninoy Aquino Parks andWildlife

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    City with the highest concentrationof hospitals with the biggest bed


    18 government hospitals

    42 private hospitals

    8,303 total bed capacity

    154 dental clinics

    211 optical clinics

    271 general medical clinics

    141 x-ray and diagnostic clinics

    96 dermatologic clinics

    36 therapeutic clinics

    33 veterinary clinics2 LGU-managed hospitals

    56 health centers

    7 superhealth centers

  • 8/12/2019 Quezon City 75 Years


    27,454 wholesale and retailestablishments

    A shopping complex in every dense

    community cluser

    Site of the 3rdbiggest

    shopping mall in the


    3,942 restaurants and

    other eating


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