Page 1: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Por José Emilio Polo Madero(Polito)

Mundo CChico 11

Page 2: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Edited and designed by:Editado y diseñado por:

José Emilio Polo Madero1475 SW 8th Street. Suite # 411. Miami,FL 33135

U.S.AMiami 12/07/2007

[email protected]. (305) 528 69 74

To buy the book go to:

Page 3: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Mundo CChico 11Little wworld 11Por (by) José Emilio Polo Madero

©1991,1992, 2007, 2008


A Dios, por ser el dueño del negocio; a mis padres Blanca Nieves y José Emilio ejemplos y ayudaen esta maravillosa aventura llamada vida. A mi hermano Henry por prestarme muchas de sustravesuras de infancia para este libro. A mis hijos: Karla, José Emilio y Jorge Emilio por serquienes son y alegrar cada día. A mis padrinos Blanca y Víctor Flores, por su generosidad y apoyoconstante. A Maritza Norton por ser el puerto seguro en cualquier tempestad y compañía serena endías de sol. A sus hijos que también son míos: Lydia, Stephany y Carlos. A las personas que heconocido y conoceré: cercanos o lejanos, ellos son la sal de la vida.A los lectores con la esperanza de que disfruten este libro tanto como yo lo disfruté creándolo.Sin ustedes este esfuerzo no seria posible.


This book is dedicated to God, for being the owner of the business. To my parents Blanca Nieves yJose Emilio for being role models in this marvelous adventure called life. To my brother Henry,thank you for lending me your childhood adventures. To my children: Karla, José Emilio and JorgeEmilio for being who they are and for bringing happiness to my life on daily basis. To mygodmother and godfather: Blanca and Víctor Flores, for their generosity and constant support. ToMaritza Norton for being a safe heaven in the middle of any storm and a great company duringshinning days, to her -mine,too_kids: Lydia, Stephany y Carlos. To all the human beings I met andI will meet they are the salt of my life.This book is also dedicated with gratitude to my readers and hoping they enjoy this book as muchas I did writing it. Without you, guys, this book would be only a dream.

José Emilio Polo MaderoMiami 12/07/2007

[email protected]

Page 4: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

The goal of this book is for the reader to have fun. Itdesigned to provide accurate information in regard tosubject matters covered, with the understanding that bothauthor and publisher are not engaged in renderingmedical or psychological service. This book is notintended to be a substitute for therapy or professionaladvice.

Mundo CChico 11

Little WWorld 11Por (by) José Emilio Polo Madero

©1991,1992, 1993,2007, 2008

I would like to express my gratitude to: Nahyr Acosta, editor who first published this comic strip in “Tú”International magazine under the name : “Karla”, also to cartoonist José Luis López Palacios and

writer Ralph Rewes(for information on his books:

Without their help I wouldn’t be able to finish this project.

Deseo expresar mi gratitud a Nahyr Acosta, editora de la revista internacional: "Tú", que primeropublicó esta tira cómica bajo el nombre de: "Karla". Al caricaturista José Luis López Palacios

y al escritor Ralph Rewes (para información sobre sus libros visite: la valiosa ayuda de ellos no hubiera podido terminar este proyecto.


Esta publicación está diseñada para proveerleentretenimiento al ávido lector. Se ofrece con elentendimiento por parte del mismo que ni el autor niel editor la dan consejo médico o psicológico deningún tipo. Este libro no pretende sustituir la terapiao consejos profesionales.

Page 5: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico
Page 6: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Now, it will appear a Rabbit

No tea today, I need something richer

That neither, I need, something to gain some weight


Henry, how is the experimentgoing with the giant Bees?

So-so; They are not reallyagresive ...

But they don let me gettheir honey

Page 7: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

What a nightmare, I was dreamingthat I was arriving to nowhere


I’m singing in the rain... You know Punki,you made a gorgeous X-ray!

Uff, this is glue! Where’s the paint?

Page 8: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I’m going to order pizzaby Internet

C’mon, faster! I don’t want pizza,I want a steak!

I hide anywhere not to hearthat flute again

Fight clean,Take away the gloves from your face


This too ?

Page 9: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I will surprise Didiwith these flowers

Come in Henry, take a look at the beautifulflowers I’m growing in my garden

Do you remember that melody?Hum, “As Time Goes by”

Don’t play it again, Sam!

How are you going to call your newinvention?

What do you think if we call it:”sandwich chair”

Page 10: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

The girls will be amazed whenthey see these pictures

Now paint one of one thousand Kilos

Howdy, Howdy; so you are the new Japanese kid in town?

I heard your name is Mitsubishi, or Toyotaor Sanyo, or Toshiba by any chance?

Stop it already, or you tell me your name or I’m goin to...

Henry this is Toshiro the new neighbor: heis black belt in Judo.

Hi, Henry...


Page 11: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Men are not affraid of ghosts. It is weird, I heard people screamingeverywhere.

Did you see my pet? Wait ‘till you see mine. What do you think?

It looks like Spot foundsomething important

I saw it in that direction,... Hewent bye like a speeding bullet.

Yeah, he followed the scent of adalmatian girl

Page 12: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Yiyi! Oh! No again.... Her dream is to become a flight attendant!

Little World

I bought the cake to celebratePunki’s birthday

It will be a niceSurprise


I bought another cakeI’ll be more careful....

Happy bithday.., andbuy the cake yourself...

Page 13: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I’m big, I feel like a grown up. Yes, but now, how can I...? I want to go down to buy candies...

I’d told you so many times:“Don’t tailgate the school bus

Did you like the fish I gave you?Yeap! But.. I put it in my fishbowl...

...And today there was not other fishleft...

Of’s a piranha

Page 14: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Gooaaalllll!See...? no legs!

I want to see how’s themoon today It looks weird! I think It would be funny to

see the cheese from the telescope

Again the Kids playing withthe crazy glue

Page 15: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Hi, how are you doing?See ya!

A toad who speaks, It should be an enchanted prince

Yudi, Have you seen a toad with a littlespeaker on his head?

I wouldn’t beleive that you are such achicken...

Spot, How did you get into that Can? Don’t worry, the neighbortied his German Shepherd

I’m going to scare the boyswith my hallowen costume

Page 16: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Oh God! The guitar, thepiano....

What kind of arts are you studying?Martial Arts....

Croakk Is it raining a lot outside?No

Why did you lie to the little girl?

Martians will never attack this planet.How do you know?

We’ve been here for a whilealready


Page 17: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Popcorn, Henry?

Common, Hit me harder! I didn’t even feel that! Uaoh. that only tickles me

What’s up Coqui, are youtired?

I can box no longer, myhands and arms hurt.

I Love my boxing robot.

Page 18: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Enough !.... Go ahead and get thefreaking paper!

Were you fishing, Henry? Did you caught something? He caught me!

Oh, no again!!! I’ve told you a thousandtimes

Whales can’t take a bathinside the house!

Page 19: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Definitely this Dog is stupid! He takes everything formoutside, except the newspaper

I’m running away.... I Just came back... ...for my things.

Enough wars already!

Page 20: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I’m going to teach thatrabbit

Go into my hat because I said so Where is he Martial Artstraining?

I’m going to seed these beans.... Uaohhh, Magic beans!

Page 21: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

-What beautiful figurines!_I Want to see them What do you see?

Let’s go to Henry’s houseNow he is doing some paintings.

I ‘d always wanted to be anArt critic. Me too.

Let’s go into the ArtistStudio.

Henry, the colors are poor anddirty. You have to Improve... This doesn’t look like the

model.Looks like he didn’t like Critics.

We better get into another career...


Page 22: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Testing; One, two, three... Can you hear me now? Your ice cream is melting. Finish it and take themicrophone....

Genetically modified to makepopcornIt’s corn

...And this plant?I harvested it

Let me do the pitching. I don’t trust your aim.

Page 23: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Yiyi could you make me asuperburger?

Too small , I wanna asuperburguer!

I don’t love you Punki You Invited me to the movies and youdidn’t come.._ Wait a sec...

It was the robot that Henry did theone that invited you to the movies...

Help, I can’t see anything, everythingis dark!

CoquiEh, Didi? Where are you?

You can see well, but there is a solareclipse.

Page 24: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

It was out!It was safe!

It was out!It was safe!

It was out!It was safe!

It’s not easy to be anastronaut

Page 25: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

_Sharkkkkkkkkk!Oh gosh! It wants to feed

on me! Oh, shut up! Just don’t pollute the waters!

What do you think of mymusic?

Great.Marvelous .Magnificent!

Punky wake up, keep it up, can beat him...

What happened?That guy hit you with his right hand

Call me when the match is over

Page 26: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I’m the first dog whocatches a U.F.O.

Henry let me introduce you theghost of the inhabited house

Ghost don’t existHow did you do that trick?

Where are your manners, dude?Say, “Hello”

Uaooooooh! Yiyi, who dropped a piranhain the pool?

Page 27: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I’m Going to rehearse formy birthday

I need more practice!

Sorry Coqui just testing myaiming

I always trick coqui withthese little balls...

Oops! Henry I just wantedto build a snowman

Little snow balls EHHH!

Page 28: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Henry, we bought you a TV I don’t need a TV, I have one.You used to have one

A ball smashed it duringyesterday’s baseball game

Page 29: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I’m going to turn on the electriciyto feel how this sounds.

I’’d better turn the electricity off andchange my hairstyle.

Sharkkkkkkkkk! Helpppppppppppppp! Kidsssssssssss!

Sharrrrkkkkk Scared you, didn’t I?

Page 30: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

You don’t scare me! A Real Ghost!!!!!!!

Look Henry Holmes, you found thefoot prints you were looking for

Yes Coqui Watson, the only problemis.......

Dinosaur foot prints.........

Oh no, “Batman For Ever”I watched it already

Page 31: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Some people say that it isdangerous to be here. There are...

... Speed boats

We are going to give aserenade to those girls

They are going to get crazywith our music

You know guys; Hard rock,Heavy metal, Ok?

Watch it, run for your life! Hard Rock is not contest for hard shoes !

Page 32: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I’m scared of heights!

I know you want to bring thekids to school and everything...

... But what you think the trafficpolice is going to say

You can not transformyourself in a school bus

Page 33: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

A Monsterrrrr! I’m going to call the policeSpot don’t go away when I’m giving you a


You are good Henry, Thank you fortaking care of my books every day

Thank you Henry, you are agentleman

I will have to change school

Page 34: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

UFFFF! Bring the newspaper not thepaper boy

Spot, Why did you do that?come here

Now you’ll see... Please don’thit me

With a little bit of luck youcan catch something today

If you keep it cool, you’llcatch something

...And if you don’t keep it quiet hewon’t catch anything!

Page 35: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Why are you runningbackwards?

I’m traveling to the past inmy time machine

Your thing is the Clasicmusic

I hit the ball an ran as fastas possible

You can not Play Coqui! Yes, but you ran to 3rd baseinstead of the first

I have a woodpecker You have? The bird did a good escapejob out of the box.

Page 36: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Henry you were great at theball, great.

Those swirls and jumps....Sure...

Someone put a tack on mychair

My halloween costume willbe a sensation

I’ll get a pair of fins, feathersand with these roots

I will build a beak

I’m going to take a walk around thelake, I’m a duck: Quack, Quack

Girls are going to get crazyabout my costume!

I forgot hunting season startedWOOF, WOOF

Page 37: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Don’t get dishearten, you’llsee: In the next fight you will win

You are going to win, I’m here to teachyou how to fight

What about me teaching and youboxing?

Emy, what kind of fishing isthat...?

Flying fishes!

Look how I change the waterinto...

It looks like I got the wrongformulaBoom!

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We lost the ballbut gain some bumps!

These suspense movies hurtme a lot....

Page 39: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Go ahead and get it Henry.What happen to you today?

You don’t even hit a melon We will have to use rubberbats

Show me that ball thatnobody is able to hit.

Hey Henry I saw you in themarket today

Yes I was shopping forspinach

... And look what it did to myarms

Page 40: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

My new invent: “Atomic Shampoo” Well, at least it helps mefly.

This soup has not letters! HAVE THIS!

Always is the same I have to danceat his beat!

Here is a dictionary.Get as many letters as you want.

Page 41: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

This is ready! I’ve discoveredteleportation

Henry, we are not going tofish anything here

All the kids have fished something andyou haven’t gotten any...

I needed silence

_Look the portrait I madeof you...

_I’m a misundertoodartist.

Page 42: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Ja, ja... Out of the water you arenothing.......

Ok, you won...., let me go and tomorrowwe’ll play again...

Don’t move Yudi, now William Tellwill hit the apple with his arrows...

Someone changedthe story.....

Henry, you can’t be absentfrom school anymore...

The teacher has send threenotes to your parents...

Ok, Didi after tomorrow I won’t send my robot in my place to the school anymore...

Page 43: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

The baby is very quite today He doesn’t stand up, he doesn’t yell orcry like he does other times....

Of Course..., I gave him 50 bucks tostay quite...

Don’t give me more excuses. You’re late for our date.....

I know you’re late because was raining.... .... But you don’t have to exagerate...

Ja,ja ... I got you again....dumm Martian

Don’t tell me, You are going tothreaten me with that thing..

Help..., Get me out of here,... I promisenot to shoot you again with my water gun......

Page 44: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Let’s make a deal you don’t sing and Iwon’t throw my frisbee.....

Coqui... This is the only egg I found...,an ostrich egg.. No problem Emy... ... I‘m ready for that too.

How was the play? Did people applaud your acting? Amazing

How was the public?Great!

They pitch tomatoes like professionalpitchers

Page 45: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Pitch that ball,... Lets try againDefinitely,... Electric Baseball is not

good for my health....

You are wrong again.... You play “C” Instead of “F”

Like father like son Ufffff! ..Yet I forgot how he cursed...

Page 46: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Let me see what happen toHenry and his magic tricks

Help me....! Henry!.....How do I turn back into a boy again?......

I’m a lethal weapon with my Karate Now, you will see....Mine is a broomstick....

Oooppsss. It stopped That’s the problem

It uses ice cream for fuel....I’d invented a car that works withalternative fuel....

Page 47: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Did you see the baseball series? I was seeing it when one of you hit aball and broke my T.V.

We are in the stone age and I’m theChief of the Warriors..

At that time as in this, women werealways in charge....

Let’s see what we have for supper.... Magic beans.......

Page 48: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Looking at those flowers, Iwould liketo write a poem...

They died... My vibes are too weak today....

Blow the candles... Next year it’s downwind for me...

Look like Yiyi floats in space.... Now I will walk that way... Back to the drawing board...

Page 49: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Thank you coqui if it wasn’t for you Icouldn’t go so far....

You are a gentleman ...Did you said gentlemen or horse-man.

Page 50: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Don’t move Coqui, I’ll get you a haircut. Which one of your five hairs do youwant me to cut?

I told ya, It is imposible...It wouldn’t fit into the house

The neck is too long__it couldn’t be my pet?

Poor giraffeWe have to take it back to the Zoo

What happen to Spot today?

He is wild about his neighbor she-dog.

Page 51: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

What would a soccer icecream taste at?

Have you seen indians over here? Follow the arrow!

Yesterday little George was barking He got bad manners from the dog. You see?

Page 52: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Now you will see Yiyi levitating Wake up. something went wrong!

The invisible man delivering Pizzas,What would they think next?

Room of Mirrors No more pizzas. They make me fat.

Page 53: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Oh is late for school. However

The golden eggs hen Gosh, I forgot to ask... How much does she pay in taxes?

Page 54: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

This is my last invention Henry.What is this thing good for?

To wash your face well in the morning.

Henry have you caught something? Yes,... a lot ... Of junk.

gninrom doog iuqoc**Good Morning Coqui

I’m Talking backwards and everyonethink that I’m multilingual

gninrom doog iknup**Good Morning Punki

Page 55: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Lemme go back to my dolls

Today we are not taking theschool bus...

I have a better idea... ... The school Skateboard

Boring rain! I won’t be able to go out, I’m going tocall Henry up to talk.

Now she calls me to tell me nice thingsover the phone.

Page 56: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

_ We shouldn’t go anymore to thatforsaken place

_Never, ever. _Too much pollution

Yiyi,.. Would you like to go with mearound the world

That’s amazing coqui C’mon use your imagination

Look Coqui Cotton It is not sugar cotton, it’s just cotton.

Page 57: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

_Don’t go out Yiyi, It says here the temperatures are dropping.

Freezing all over... True..., a lot of ice... this is my friendJohnny the eskimo

_ Look Yiyi, a can of magic beans

Haven’t you finished yet? At what time are we going to eat thosefast pastries?....

There they go....

Page 58: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I’m crazy in love with youYiyi, stay here and hold these flowers

Sorry Yiyi I thought you were on fire...There is heat in my heart and this loveburns....

I’m learning to talk with animals I was talking to my neighbor’s dog It seems I offended him in someway....

Page 59: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Shaaarkkkkk! It is going to eat me ...But first I need a dentist.

I programmed it to make fastIcecream

Oooopppssss!Henry, What is the new programyou installed in the machine?

Who invented the Banana’s PeelLook at my last invention...Hey guys!

Page 60: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I put shrimp and they don’t bite Don’t try anything else and bring apizza

I better try with worms

When I say: ”You’re going to take abath” I mean it

_What kind of Shampoo do you prefer?

Hummm! Are you following the murderer, HenryHolmes

No Coqui Watson I’m after a halfdollar

Page 61: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Pizza! ...Only the paper, idiot, not the pizza.

...Maybe he’ll follow the leader.Ok,.. I’ll have to teach you a lesson.C’mon Spot...

Page 62: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

We have been walking and walking andwe haven’t seen the exotic animal It is not true... It does not exist Henry is always making things up

Are going to play baseball or what?

No coqui,.. we can’t do it like that... I know you want to keep an eye in thefield all the time...

Not that “home” , the home plate

Page 63: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

It is a hard Job It is awfull I Hope somebody else will bath thewhale tomorrow


Heavy metal!Ah, Mozart! Ah, Bethoven!

Page 64: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

What happen Aren’t you Happy?We picked these flowers for you,...Happy bithday!

Are you still filming those fleas inlove?

Yeah, but I think I’ll never finish thatmovie...

The female has been putting make upin her face for almost 5 hours already

How am I gonna be happy if you took allthe flowers of my garden

I said: “Spot get it” not “ eat it”

Page 65: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Last time we danced you stomped onme like ten times

Wait a second CoquiMusic is playing... Do you want todance?

Why the little Lion did’nt take care ofthe bird?....

Why the mom of the little lion left? Why don’t you eat this candy and letme see the movie?

Yiyi Always the same It always happen to you when you readlove poems

Page 66: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

_ Let me try first and remember I’m aLady...

_ Thank you Punki,... You are agentleman

I’ going to go out. The football feverstarted again...

Maybe is not a genius, but he have sucha temper

Paint me, paint me, paint me....Paint me, paint me...

Page 67: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Oh, No again!!!! Punki, have you seen the omelette I wascooking?.....


Hurry up, I need those eggs to make acake for Henry’s Birthday ....

Great! Here you have them,... special for thebithday’s cake

Well, it is the coffee I give to mydolls and they don’t complaint

Page 68: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

How can you keep your balance? I don’t know how to take away thecrazy glue off my head

I love to put my finger into your cake... Well I love to pitch the cake.Yeah?

Make your stomach into a Bag... Now , lets go over there Hi!

Page 69: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Spot doesn’t respect me anymore Have you tried to teach him with anewspaper?

Yeah, but he takes it away and startsreading it.

Mom! Mom! I taught you how to talk, not how tomake fun of me.

This is my new bomber hen I don’t see the bomber part... No? Look how it throws the eggs

Page 70: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

See you tomorrow Emy, Sweetdreams...

Look at this object I’m going tohipnotize you...

Feel as if you were sleep,.. Aummm!

Don’t keep going... Ok

I’m going to read you the latest newsabout the U.F.O,s and Martians...

You were great today in your concert,everybody was applauding...

Everyone was yelling and applaudingwithout stopping.

They were not applauding me, but a dancing dog thatsomeone brought.

Page 71: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

_This is great... _This is music... _Not what you play with your littleflute...

But what my grandmother is going tosay when she sees you here?

I know you don’t want to go back to thezoo and you feel great here...

We thought about it and we don’t have another choice

The good invention was for me tobecome invisible

That’s such an invention, I want to seewhere it goes..

A bycicle that rides by itself

Page 72: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Ha,Ha Hello Henry!

Throw the ball so you will see who am IYou have nothing in your arm

Henry, What’s going on? You are stiff,and cold. Are you sick?

Help! call a doctor please! What do you think of the waxsculptures I’m making?

Page 73: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I won’t take you to school with me anymore

You made my first day and myrelations with the teacher miserable

You went into her purse to scare her...

There is a Martian in this planet and Ilearned it by a comic strip

I know you are very unconfortable inyour hamper...

I know is hot outside But the refrigerator is a “no-no”

Page 74: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

It comes with the hen who contributedwith her eggs...

Your birthday cake comes withsomething special...

Hey Martian! What gives? A Venusian girl is winking at me...

Then newspapers start publishing stupidthings about ovnis and martians...

It is the third night that you go outand start flying around the city....

Today you are not going out of thehouse!

Page 75: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

NopeEmy come down I need to talk to you I wanted to advise you that someonewas eating bananas around.

It goes with the territory.

We are not going to be on timeDon’t experiment anymore and lets goin the School bus

The tacher is going to time us out

Page 76: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

_ Oh no ! Batman again!

I Invented the supersonic tire?

_ I always have to help you come downwhen you get stranded_ Always the same, I know

Yesterday I unified my computer withthe guitar....

There is small problem... The computer doesn’t want to give methe guitar back

Page 77: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Yesterday the Cowboy won, today theIndian won

It has apples and everything Of course, is the smallest bonsai inthe world

What are you looking at? I don’t seeanything

The movie is over.... Go home, Take that costume off andtomorrow we’ll see another mistery movie

_Thank you Henry, see you tomorrow...

Page 78: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

A good tree to climb If Tarzan did it, I will do it to Help ! I have vertigo

Look how it flies. The control tower is now closed.

Now I understand what is a mirage inthe middle of the dessert (Sand)

Page 79: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Henry hasn’t looked at me today,I going to make him notice me...

... in some way Next time I better call him using thephone

The TV is not working! No again! Now I have to pose all day long as a TV

What happen with the giant pizza thatI ordered one hour ago.

It just arrived.

Page 80: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

_The treasure of the pirates should bearound here.....


Silly girl, crying because her doll gotbusted.

I”m the best, I can fight against anyweapon

I have to improve my system againstthe baseball.

Page 81: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

The martian gave it to me, It is a pistol that works as a lie detector

I’m going to say that I’m a good boyand I behave...

Did you see? It works....

I can throw stars...EEEEEH?

Aughhhhhhh!I’m going to help you see the stars

misterious warrior.

throw smoke bombs... I can attack with my sword....I’m not Emy, I’m a misterious Ninja

Warrior. I can....

Page 82: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I can’t hit that l’il thing.

I give up, tell me how you do it? Do you really want to know it? Put some crazy glue in your shoes andgo up!

Yiyi, this cake is missing something Frosting

Page 83: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

What an invention I can fly anywhere Iwant to

_EhOooh Ohhhh!

You copy my inventNope! I did it first!

Henry your dad bougth you a new Watermatress

Where are you going Henry?Your bedroom is in that direction

Now I’m ready to test it

Page 84: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Look like I turn the guns around likethe legendary cowboys Nurse my finger is stuck in th gun!

Thank you!

Punky, did you see how good remote control glove fights?

Page 85: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

The best image in TV, look I’m going toturn it up

I told you it was the best image on TV

I’m going to give you a small lesson... ...I Don’t like to be abusive... ...With girls....

If you want use the elevator, I’m affraid ofelevators...

And you are going to use the stairs?... No I’m going to jump for a window usingmy parachute

Page 86: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

What are you doing Henry?Trying to domesticate a wild horse

It is really tough... I think it is going to be impossible

Get this.... Oh God What have I done?Poor Henry!

You hit very hard..., you broke again myrobot

With this invention I’m get to schoolfaster...

My calculations seem to be out ofwhack.

Page 87: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

_Go ahead Spot get the frisbie Bite it You bite it, I rather bat

Stop it Henry ! Peace!Everytime he has to go to the dentist

he does the same

Great,... even better than Da Vinci... It’s a color masterpiece So everybody is a critic?!..

Page 88: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I hate planes... ... And this plane hates my hairstyle...

You are sick Spot you have not eaten today.... I’m going to take you to the Vet...I don’t want to go to the Vet,... I just

wanted to go to a restaurant.


Page 89: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

This is too much.... _I Know it is cold..... ..But everyone has to get out of mybed...

I got it,... Now the shark is mine.... Well if you can’t beat them...join them.

I’m going to make a Hard Rock Cafe Hard Rock Coffe with cream

Page 90: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Too much glue

Come here little ant we are going totake care of you

EH? Have you seen that before?It should be the mom

Don’t go out Yiyi itis very cold outside... _Temperatures will drop to... ...To how many degrees?

Page 91: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

The Baby doesn’t pee in the bed or onthe floor

Our inteligent Spot taught him.... To do it in the same way he does

Did you see how we took away theblanket and there was not any ghost

_There’s a ghost in the buff roaming around.

I tried all the spot removers and nothing, I’man original Dalmatian

Page 92: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

You called Punky by phone and offendedhim on my behalf...

You told him that he was a coward anddidn’t know how to fight

He though it was me.

Here is the BeehiveWe are going to start our Experiment


It looks like the bees made theexperiment with us

_Check how cold is the water

Page 93: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Do you want a ride in a carriage

Why don’t you dance? Because I like Rock and Roll

Shark, Run I mean Swim Help! I don’t know what’s all the noiseabout,...... I’m Vegetarian

Page 94: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

What would the martial arts manual say about this?

You got it, I love “salsa” too

You are going to be the main attraction

That’s great You dance like.... He is not dancing, He is high oncaffeine.

I didn’t know martians liked to dance...This afternoon you are going with me to

the club

Page 95: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Trying to get the Whale to the Veterinarian

Coqui: Can’t you play another Instrument but thetrombon?

Hurry up Let go to the motorcycles competition

Competition haven’t started yet....

...And we have two broken down motorcycles

Page 96: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I’m a ghost not a regular sheet

I”m sir Emy the most valiant knight ofthe kingdom

There is not anyone able to fight me inthis town,... Cowards.......

I’m the owner of this electric magnet so I’m notaffraid of any medieval knight

Page 97: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Look Didi I planted magic beans! Wait I’m Going to look for something.... I bought some magic species for yourbeans

...For that you need a lot of practice andconcentration.

Untie me please.

Look! Ehhh?

I’m practicing Kung-Fu with thesechains.

Look Didi... For this I need a lot of practiceand concentration.

Page 98: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Yiyi look at this....Someone has changed my food again,

besides...I’m not interested in changing my pizza for your


There’s not enough space for everyone We all had the same idea!We have to stop the party

Guys lets have a costumes party in myhouse

I have a good idea._I’m going to get mineMy dad has one... I know what I’m going to use

Here I have mine... Mine is a secretLets get dressed soon, the party is going to start

Page 99: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Go Punky run... I Have to make a confession,... I don’tlove you anymore Sorry my gas tank is empty

Look Yiyi, who does it look like? He should be TarzanI don’t know if Tarzan or King kong

Gosh so much work and they confusethe character

It is funny how bats hang down in thetrees

I will try to do the same I will be like batman

Page 100: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I sent spots to buy Pizza like two hoursago

I’m worried about him,.. I dont know ifsomething happened to him

Don’t worry about him,... worry aboutwhat happened to the pizzas

If you really want to go back to yourplanet...

I will send you in my special catapultHR-300, is my last invent...

If it doesn’t fail in half an hour you will be in CapeCanaveral, then you will get a space ship and then....

Four,Three, Two, One, Zero... You didn’t get to Cape Canaveralbut you almost hit the center of earth

Page 101: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

_I think it is a bad idea to teach thewhalle how to bring the newspaper

We are going to eat the cake that Yiyimade

How good is that cake, because lasttime.... ... It was awful

Do you remember? The frosting wassour...

I couldn’t eat it...What do you say about the flavor,was it horrible...?

This time it is not so bad...The frosting is delicious

Page 102: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Wait a Sec...That zoom reminds me.... Beeesssssss! Ha, ha, my new ecological weapon.

Keep shooting........ Lets attack my brave men. Come and fight, Henry_What happen coward, Give up...

Eh girl, you are not strong enough tokick the ball

... Somebody get me a dentist

Page 103: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Want to see my last invention? A new electronuclear skateboard, Itcan break any speed...

You won’t believe the distance it goesjust by hitting this buttom.

Ohhhh! Dad is going to spank me...

I’m going to make popcorn Wait Start

Page 104: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

What are you inventing Henry? I’m creating a new formula to grow up,I want to be big...

Bah!, what a foolishness, boys alwayswant to grow up...

I’m going to play with my doll... What was that noise? I Failed: no muscles, no moustache.

Leave my moms’ wigs in peace, you are adalmatian not a poodle

Page 105: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Tell me Henry What are you inventing?A machine to work quiet and without


Can I test it? I don’t know if it isgoing to work

Did you see how good it is now I can work in peace...Do you really want to tryit?Sure...

I’m ready to see that action Movie

Page 106: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Um! strawberry..., Let me try it Yiyi... You tell me that and alwayseat all theice cream

Please, just one lick...

Ok, just a bit.... I didn’t know you liked rubber balls that much.

I’m going to catch a fish bigger thanEmy’s

Don’t say! There goes a brave fisherman

Page 107: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Ladies and Gentlemen look how thepigeon comes out of the hat..

It doesn’t come out, I don’t know whyif it was ready ...

It shouldn’t be, It has to go out...

I told you a thousand times. If you want to act in this number you have to loose weight....

Don’t bother me Tonight I going to the concert

Page 108: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I have an idea It is readyMy last invention

The automatic bycicle-grass cutter.The carpet...

Page 109: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

If they don’t fit you itis going to be impossible... You are not going to skate. There are no sizes for dinosaurs

This size doesn’t work In the store they didn’t have it bigger This was the biggest they coud make...

Danger in the goalposts I knew it, I’m not good at goalkeeper

Page 110: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I”m the best hitter, Emy I hit the ball like nobody else Look at the ball how far it goes, I’mthe best homerun hitter

The best hit in this park history I imagine your dad is the best at paying broken glasses bills in the park area

My best invent, I only press a button.... I discovered the teleportation

Page 111: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Come in Didi, Look what I invented!... This little machine can make tenmeters of spaguetti per second

Look it up, I’m going to patent it to sellit in stores

Uf! It produces a lot... Henry is taking a long time and thismachine doesn’t stop

You just arrived in time, I had to eat a lot so the housewouldn’t be filled of spaguetti...

The rabit that has to come out of the hat.Do you want it boilled or in sauce?

Page 112: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Today is Spots birthday... We are going to have a party... Lets set the table and invite the kids

Everything is ready Oh no, look at this Spot invited all the dogs in the city...

That’s it! Today indians are improving theiraiming

Page 113: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Ehh! Guys! Take it away Coqui and run...

That’s not a football, it is my worldGlobe

That’s why we are having a worldchampionship of football

_I’m not going to dance today I feel tired I need to take a vacation

Page 114: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

In a little bit we are going to start theCostume contest

Yiyi told me she was getting the mostoriginal

The contest is going to start and Yiyidoes not appear

Let’s go to her house. We’ve beenwaiting for more than one hour

Yiyi,... Why are you taking so long.What is your costume of...?

I’m going as a Coca-Cola bottle

I’m going to surprise Emy,Today is his birthday

He doesn’t know that I made this cake Happy Birthd.....Welcome, come in

Page 115: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Aughhh! Don’t insist Henry You are not going towin George...

He is specialist in hitting under thebelt

UFF! You’ll see little guy Uff!It couldn’t be, I”m going to knock you down

I’m sending Pizzas usin my remote control

Page 116: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Now he will come up, he is going to hugme and ask for a kiss

I’m going up Yiyi Yiyi could you please give me a little bit of thestrawberry ice cream your gradma made yesterday

Blue moon.... larararara Oh Punky is really romantic, bringing mea serenade....

His love should be really strong is 2.00A.M. in the morning

Even if you don’t want to. You have togo to the veterinarian It doesn’t hurt much Always the same when you have to get

your shots

Page 117: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Come over here kidsSit for a minute and wait...

_When I’ll say: “one, two three, come to eat One, Two, Three... Lets eat

He lied to us. I can not stand up. He putted glue in the seatGuys, come over here the cake is delicious

Higher Henry, HigherLike this?

Page 118: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Yes, but they left all the dirt you placed under the carpetDid they take the carpet, Yiyi?

They are coming to pick up the carpetin my room

They are leaving

I haven’t caught nothingall day long.

In two hours I haven’t seen a fish.

I`wonder why?

Page 119: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

George is going to stay with the nanny robot, she willtake good care of him. _Ok, let’s go

_Eat the food baby....

Couple of hours laterLets go home, it is late.

I wonder how is the baby doing?

Oh noo! Poor nanny!

Eat the food baby, eat the food....

Today we are going to take a walk inthe park

I’m going to do a bonfireas the indians use to

I’m comming in peace on behalf of thefirefighters indians

Page 120: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

_Right now I’m going to return all the Batman movies

Yiyi, this letter soup has only numbers Why? Your teacher wants youto improve your math.

Page 121: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

It is hot Yiyi, I need something very cold Wait for me I need to do something

Henry Here, have something cold...

Elsewhere they charm snakes, here they planton them.

I’m going to plant this tree It’s a real beauty

Page 122: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

My first car My first ride for the park... It is amazing.....

It will be my first great race

Karla, today you mesmerizedeverybody...

Everyone wanted to dance with you.How did you do it?


I told them that I would treat everyonewho danced with me to an icecream.

My first major accident

Page 123: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

You can not eat one apple for everyshot I miss....

Little world I missed again, wait I’m going to tryagain...

Now, with a different angle

Go, go! Horsie! From tomorrow on:They have to pay meif they want me to babysit!

This is too much, Stop George

Page 124: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

With my magic I will move the waterfrom one glass to the other. Ey! the rain was in the second act.

Page 125: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Be careful It is coming again Ufff!

Stop Henry you have tried a lot andlook what have you done

Definitely,... You are not good as Helicopter pilot

Let me see that Japanese inmovilizationTechnic that you learned...

Everything was a lie, don’t run awaycome and fight... Humm,... I can not move....

Page 126: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

This is great, way to run... Look like it arises Come Punki,.. Give it a try

Come in Henry... I had it! The last time I become a skateboard!

Oh baby you haven’t touched your cereal.Aren’t you hungry?

If you don’t talk to me I can not help you. I saw you feeding the same junk to theparrot

Page 127: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Henry, there is a mouse in my closet Lets find some help in Coqui’s house Do you have something to trap amouse?_I’m going to get my mouse trap

_Very good _Now we put the cheeseand the trap is ready

_We only have to wait for the mouse to fall inthe trap._ He is going to eat the cheese, Jaja

_That sound means it felt._May I know who put this stupid trap in my way?

_Look a comet_Where it will go....?

_At least we know the destination ofthis football

Page 128: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Look for it over there... I can’t find it here either Coqui have you seen the baby?_He got lost?

We have to call the police He was crying because he wanted jelly_Jelly?_Jelly!

I found him

”Gone with the Wind” another big dramaI should go to Hollywood to make a

good martian comedy

Page 129: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

We the valiant fishermen havedecided...

...To go fishing tonight in the river Humm the sunrise is close and theyhaven’t come back

Here they come but without fishesLet me light on a fire

Nice cold the one you caught.Come with me my brave fishermen

Gosh,... this machine is broken, it islaughting and laughting like crazy....

Hahahahahaha ! Those cables tickle me a lot....

Page 130: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Who’s knocking at the door?This is the fifth time I open and...

There is nobody!

Oh no again I need a head shrink

I was out of key a bit but their aiming was not!

Page 131: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Pitch, that I’m the best at batting.... Well I need to work a little bitmore....

Page 132: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Let me try

Are you tired strong men? You wouldn’t be able to raise them. Ijust glued them

Pizzas Yiyi, Air delivered Pizza is not a goodidea.

Page 133: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Look Yiyi the Mayor Bear Write it down; I’m going to tell youwhat I’m seeing I see the moon and a comet

No, I saw a fly ball that is comingdirectly to hit your telescope

What happened? Didi you see an Ovni?Ohhh Nooo!

Out of the area Didi we men arefighting! Come with me my little doll,... Men are

always thinking of wars

Page 134: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

It was a good idea to celebrate the endof school with a costume dance

What noise is that in the backyard?I’m going to see what happens

Who left Spot untied in the backyard? It was me, why? Because Punky got a cat costume

Get those Dogs, We need to follow someprints...

What happen with those dogs? I was heating them !

Page 135: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I invite you to compete...Tomorrow we will meet here to see who has

the best idea on how to flight like a bird Go to work, we have little time left

I’m going to try my invention beforeEmy arrives


My invent failed but you didn’t invent anythingDo you believe so? I did something better I bought a plane ticket

A dog in the house?A snake in the house?

Page 136: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Now you will see the new surf championin the beach

Yiyi, let me get the new champion of surf out of the sand

Storks don’t bring anyone from Paris. When have you seen aStork working as Gynecologyst in a hospital?

Page 137: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Así eran en los años 1991,1992,1993 They were like these in the years 1991,1992,1993

Life is different in my planet People don’t hate each other, there arenot wars

Is life so boring in your planet?

_Do you know how the kids are made?_Yes, I know

_The father puts a seed in the stomach ofthe mom and after nine month a child is born

I think you confused the Botanicclass with Anatomy class

So... are you really from anotherplanet?

Yep!... And I can transform myself intoanything..... A dog....

...or an Elephant... ...And We say that life in our planet is complicated...

Page 138: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I don’t know if this is the right path, but I guess this the right speed to travel to the future

What do you do when you are sad? I Get happy..., and that’s all! To simple problems,... simple solutions

Very romantic

Page 139: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

When you travel through space,... yousee the earth and it looks great... This world is fabulous From far away it looks like a big cheese

This planet is millions of years old andhas been always round and blue...

Who knows why in all this time this palnet haven’t donediet and exercise to loose some weight?

Today I love everybody...

...Can you put love in a bank? No,... I don’t beleive so.... Don’t worry, Love is one of the few things youdon’t need to put in a bank to multiply.

Page 140: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Some people fall in love in this season...

Winter is as beautiful as Spring because in this season of the year christmas is coming..... Hummm!

... but not everybody.

Do you imagine If in colombus time they would haveplanes maybe they’d dicovered America before

Maybe, maybe not... ...Was he affraid of the heights?

If I kiss You, You will become a charming prince I’m sorry!Croakk!

Page 141: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I invented a car that works with theenergy of the lightning

Well it should work with the energy ofthe lightning

With that hair cut I would love to useyou as broom to clean the floor

Amazing the way some people think... Earth is round and nobody thinks ofusing it as a football...

... In life it doesn’t matter if the path is easy.... ...Or difficult The important thing is to reach the goal

Some people saythat monkey is man’sbest friend

Well they say that of the dog, but... Anyone can have the friend that hewants to...

Page 142: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Do you like flowers? To be honest I will eat anything.

Are you always thinking of food? No, sometimes... ...I think how to eat it.

I would like to live in a different world Your world can be different in the future

The things I like the most of this world isthe colors Do you imagine a world without colors? Yes!

Page 143: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

What are you doing? I’m thinking of a different world

Why are you jogging? To loose some weight Then why do you eat so much?_To gain the weight I have to loose

Did you know that in the old ages men asked girls to becometheir girlfriends hitting then with stick in the head?

I don’t know why they didn’t used electricguitars to make them to fall in love

_Ilove music... _But I don’t have a good ear...-or rithm, and I don’t know how to dance

It is like wanting to go to the moonwithout a spaceship

Page 144: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I would like to be as good as IsadoraDuncan

You like Isadora Duncan,...Hahaha And who is Isadora Duncan?

The cartoonist put you upside down?No, I don’t think so

...and what are you doing ?I’m trying to change the world

Do you think we can do it?

Men can not be more perfect than sunand sun has spots Sun burns with the same light he heats

Grateful people talk about sun’s light,ungrateful peopletalk about spots. José Martí

What is the meaning of that painting? I don’t knowI guess that’s why they call it

abstract art

Page 145: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

I don’t know why you say girls aredominant I see

I know to fly is not normal.. ...In human beingsBut is good to fire the dreams on from

time to time

When man smiles he becomes a better human being

Then... Dinosaurs never smiled?

If man would smile often , human race would never be extinguished

Page 146: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

All men are the same.... Always playing with their toys

Do you imagine Colombus discoveringAmerica in a plane? I do, but....

Some doctors implanted a liver of amonkey in a human being

I guess they only will know is theprocedure was successful if...

The man doesn’t starts to jump fromtree to tree...

Who could give him the fuel toreturn in 1492

Eat your food boy doll ...Well then don’t eat it If I would eaten my food now you wouldbe going to a psychiatrist

Page 147: Quino,Mordillo,Fontanarrosa Presentan Little World Mundo Chico

Edited and designed by:Escrito y diseñado por:

José Emilio Polo Madero1475 SW 8th Street Suite 411.Miami,FL 33135

U.S.AMiami 12/07/2007

[email protected]. (305) 528 69 74

To buy copies of this book: [email protected]

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