  • II


    "It~ tl>e ........-... TM 1' ..... ""d COI>. a ....only 0"'" t""t 1 ""... ..,n .,.,.......,Iy 'lrd;tM... Ny boo Un facl ..,st CSI .. I.tnly 1otM.... "y Int.ntlon I. not to pro~ld8"" .....u.tI H't of .rs_n. only tor.,..,..ldlt fo.... SoPrlncDO.n:I. fo ..dUc.... lon.

    ...,,"""'"PilO, II tM _n:1 U t.~... to __ thotwe a'" ot • dlsodY""t.t. In tM abl.-boClI.d~ .. Id .s It 1•• t~ this Js • sl~l..t.t...nt of foet.altll Ttwo ""' or1el""t.d .t•• _ ..._I. d...... st f ...... 0 NIt 10 dIIt"not"".... 1.t1~. dls"llIIonlogu In 1M .....,.. ItsUUUU Ir>oon. 11wIt IH. _I b. e-...I-Itl..- il~. " r"e". r.. t""r 1tw1 co-GlNr.. t-Iva. Il h.a .Iso. ll~ n..... be.n htntedb~ Ih" foct th.1 II h•• D~on ." "ft.n ...odb~ P1Oopl. "I,on tooy ".r. ,oylng ....... tMlnghu ..t'ul. Th15 .PlJlI.... In fact. 10 """.tof tM "",rd. or pnr•••• In thl. Il'l.

    OISAlllCD1%: -.... of tha Union of t ... Phy5le-.11, 1_I...d "&alnst SOOe......... tlon .fT."INlt .- t.... _r.t. to.-s, one to".crl the p~ple.. l ....lIt, """ """'t rto d..crlbs ;0.........It 0' the ....t _ ...t ted In .-.i.,t7. HImt.aln "", CQ\o03 .... ..., or do!nl.l.It .Is.. c ·t be et>ort._d to 'l.!le._-till""·. T re "t ..". tn.t If ,.,., .r1>4...1,_ f...,.. the In -... ttw:n Infac:t .,.,.. ..... ~-IIIlI. to "",I~.CON: Il o I"". that ourlee, of aoilltl•• 10 It or our eon-oJ",,1In

    1MI', It thon. J h.lI""", It'It ..... nced ~werd Or nhr.u thol \I( Ir'ln~ up lind " ....hGW, .. Ilh (1'10 ..... l· .. t"I~ln,; .haul ~....._I~ concena"a] ..." UI;)I In .. llPI'Ol"'blllly It ..III neod to "e OOIOOthlnr.OCOlPlatel, fro.n. """"""'110. lOOri'>apa JCIIfl 1_ ,ou with. ph..... I""t wY.> 0Ulp of U... tonC'" on tloo I>4rt of ..'rlend of .1"" _Urday. 5ho ... Ill'_1••·1th I'OSS1bIIUI•• •• WIllI. It"". POsslbllltlesl I""'r.., C.....Gl.

    ~tM 110 Y(JJ WIHlll

  • ,,, .._nt. It hils&J'O"" "..,. .''''1:& durine: 0-.. l ... t five~. Uld it. actiYiti...... ptU",g..... and " .......... in the _Dedi•• Th ,•• centzsl Coaaltte. ofthe IIolndlcap OrDl1l1 ...UOM, "nil they..."" ItO... wenty crg:anl..t1onl .. __~ .... ~ng t~ea 1. ~ .. ,.001.,ion ofth. V1aU&lLy HlIndlc&pped. of vhoo..Ywl.h Section I'. an aolt1ve "'lIbel". a.o".11 •••dl tl"fl their \411" -.pdne. pth.....d that In DlCland the _i·upped h"". to ...17. lot on cllant,..aM tlwl hav. to P&7 tor t.I'..lI' tllCh-nloal ald. ~h••• I'. not .......tni. I. correct••Iac. I dan·t ~ alot .bou.t the .H...tion q.e .... a"t \M.ia 111 lapreasi"". In SIoedan. all ted:_"Ical ald••nt ~, but _ Me" to tl>to • doctor fi .... t. ao he 01' abe ear.j~ >erecl.t.o d n.t...te. &IV! the u- ... 'Jobafor Eval7oll&'. Of the vialallr ba,,",-I.capped. 0".. out of ten hal • Job"" _open ....rkn.


  • .... Il*n .1_ ... thit u.e_ ....11..'DaH, "o.pon tor u.. llind'. ,..., han.~rl"l'lt"" ... tth th..... daH, papere.reoordtne th•• on eaeeetta IODd. eendlD6Ule. ""t with tIM ordlaa:Q pope ..... ODepope .. ball bitt it lip t"r tvo~ _.IODd. hM 1>0 i"knU.... ot d.ropp1"11' H. Ithu -..;II Md.• .., t-"". tothe blil'lll! people 11>'1,,« i" that peopll .., ..t. 'But 1.,,'t 1t.~ vi~ tbe re4i,,' , .... pt .......tbere'. But 4ur1... thlt le_r eCllltJictin ~1....h.n the papere .... re faced ... lththe pouU,llH)' of not o".ina- O\,1t be_ea_ or dHn""lUn ...ith the prl"U....the...... peopa e~ to~ _ -;'dthe ait_UOll .... lrMCC.ptabltl it...""Id be • d~r to _1.t7 H ". bad1>0 pepere•• to. So the)' v,'''' "'Ot pre_P'"d U, be ..tittled Yith tIM radiol

    lie .... 1100~ to ..tal-Heb the baaoti-c.p __"t u a rtt&J. perl ot au-_iti7. aoHthll1l1' tc oount on. '!'btrei ••o....,h ror to do :r-t. \11th the....... f..,i_ " p11lf1' lOp ell 0.........._ to be .trone: Nod. ~t.4.I don't -... tr ,.".'v, baeJ'd about thec.... of the lle.-" touritt vbo .~at .. hotel i .. ere.... th..... vae• CNlIP of SV'IOdieb halI4ioaP"f'G'l ,..,ple.She toand 1t 41&taetatul to .taT atthe hotel .. U-, aDd _ ebesot h eha bl'U"Cllt the _tt.,.. tocou.rt. h_ina- he........7 bo.4t 1'ToIIthe t l acelOC7 ....,.".. ller bol14.&)'he4 t.U 'l!>e court

  • In Towor ~Ioto. 0 partlaularlyimpovort.n.d part of london. there wa •..., ..ait1n& dovwlopll'8nt at tt,.. ~nd af lastysar. A coupl0 of comnuntty toldthstr ~n.goment aomm1tto. t~t It waon'tup ta th. eomm1tt.. to deaide ""at theiro~ant.atton aould do for t,Y.D.P. but UPto paoplo wHh dinbil1t1u tt_.. lv...A. a ""suit. on. of th~ got tog.. tn.. r airouP of uO to diso".. wnat _ ...nt.a •..Hh tn. I••dershtp contng from w!thtn thsirouP. nat frono n.r.

    What has _ri.a out of thto 10 on.xtn... ly powerful group a.lIod TI1E llUT~ ABOUT RI~TS GROUP Of PEOPLE ~lTHOISASILITIES,wniah i. aampoi,ning forimprcvoa ooea•• ta oublia ~uilatnl••na....Unl. in th. borouln ""d for a "PO'chltransport .enon. that ..ill fill tho n.oasof tM.. who aen't ..0 pulll10 tren"P'Orta~ navon't RnOUln ncney for Cob",

    Tn. group hos eI .....dy aCQuirea .. t".1..dapt.a to t.k. wh••lenoiro. end ha' h..da fow bits of Publlolty tn local peporo.

    SPERKING OUTTh[~ pteae of writing g[ve~ ~e theopportun1tr to get on th& plat~onn ano,,"y ."""thlng to the peopla who thlnkthey have 0 speech problem Qr cgnnun_loation har-l\_up not to gtve up tJle fll!to be llbera !.Collective,

  • • '!'l'&de. \I'IltOll CO,,«",N llllI' CoM....t>o••to be lIeld b LoDdoll. Oil. JUI,. n.t. \till beoo,..1d.rtq Jlropo..le for. "'n«e of poao_t .. to ...t the 1M"' of peoJlle vitlldieabtltU .

    &e v.ll p.....ntattv•• froD affilia~~to.... dt.abllit,. orsanl..tio... viII bet"..ite

  • Animals

    have Rights


    Since jinin« th Lil>coruio" Network ofPecplc with nli.liti .. at till. point ."rfeel .hat "his.m... h """,,dill if ClU"Ur"r .hdr CU ....bll.idu ...c ." be raomd(1Ddced; 1I.ucular D1nropbr 1 \lsed ."thI .... this arsell). 1 _ reallse tu,.... vbah thill.(. about curu i. a Vl'.t .rllb-nrc. tll"w ailllll. tllq>'l1 __ rillll .. coor.'T" •• till. nti.ud• ....y. 'Y cc"' the ...,. ,.........." Jt _ t reslrrobl.. lfIdcll 1& tbat the w ld 1& ju.tnot bu.ilt r"r p.opl. iA ...lI«1cbo..i.ra. Ir.&lite

    Co."d". ho,..eloo!d clu.".rl. 'oil.trie, andHnI,n products arc ill t .. ted "" an1&ols.Nut sub...."".. ar" dripped Into rabbits'

  • -

    'I·~f;·;~fI!' 1 llii<Ii. r .. 3

    tgu:r-i :o §.:l:ilq t ...r'·H~.'! ~lIn" =~:'1",/'..... 0: .... _ ,.' . '! ,,/!~i:lq"1' ... i-... .. ."._. ,Go ... .., .... fi

    • I [ ••., : .. ;;:: .....~ .. ,=i1o;-·ell.<~i i r't

    i'f'''[l" !e

    ~Pi"~;:".. ", ... 2.,...... .. ~.-, -'.- -r'.. -" .... " .... ~." .. n ...c" .... '• < •'fFi:s..... ~.. ..

    '" .. g " ..'f' ..... ::fl...... ..:::"'i' ,.I .. -.g.!S::[ ...f~rh!:--',,'"'i"l~ i, ... --'.

    U·I::·!:lU·.", n. _. ".; .. !Ii· ,n,Go..... Ii .... !._.... ". .. ..,'" .1 ..... "",.,, ,'0". .. I '• ., S:;;8 lti

  • -,,... lIu.awr'. OffiDa,'"'* S-tU_nt,C_,led.,.,.

    1 A,r! 1 l!i'81

    ...hod...... P• .....-lS...l ..r starr ........... 0111:

    l)oOar (011 ,

    1 .. _... 1.ho.JI .. 11tt1. ....lieu..... tob.... ~t • na. or the e1 ..ld, ... MMpd ttl pt_ .:n:alle"t pIIotopoaJlb-.

    QD.1te ho U'. the tbov.e:bt of kaTtn«the 011 the &a.,,'U... h red1)'tol,,« too tar. 'l'tle ...UOll h

  • '!'o _k to .'boll .... _II (0.- of HcreptlOfl particulerl)' inftl>e&ti""""l ..ttl,. U>OI .... idMltlal 1...111I1U.......

    '!'o •••k .111•• ~.t obl••bodlod ~pl. (i ••• ,.opl. ~ viii~.Ip ... to fili>I for o"hoh.. - not on our "!>AIr).

    To .~k eooplote •• lr-d.t.~lnatlon end cOntrol o.e.. ollr••n_toUon In the _011. (T.V. book_, nl.... aduru nc.) end t. h.uoo.. lr"Ol o.e .. lnf...-t1on put Cllt about ....

    '!'o w di ..bilitl... to t"il!ht for" 0_" polle)' of Iito."U..,. ('!tit.eon nol detracUng or_l..ti_ r.- \lMi .. ortsl...1 .ta.o ••1._ieel _rch, if u...e d_ .... COIIpl.-nt&Q to u.. __ot).

    "'" rk out .. juat __Ie ,.,lIe, UU"ll' into ...,.......1 that with'l'I,h,teUleU_ ".....,Irl•• h. particular•• oIi_billt,. "Ul ..qui ..nino ,,,,,_ to _\1"" u... ~ ....... to ....." tIw _ et&n4a:rd of hylncu .ble_bo,H.,j 1II'0pl•• ,mU.! _t the _ UM the a_taUy.~of unllr>ll: ..lno,. cen .""1..... _pie wl\ll .. cortaln"«we ofdiMMitt)' fr". _kin/\' en equ&l conirlbllUan to vork.

    Tg Infa~ •• aanl poapl. ~It~ dIMhllltl.... po••lbl. ot th-lrr1r.t>h. In partl"ul.r th_ Inc Iud" 111 tl>a Unlt.d IlaU.....1'e"'.....t1on ot H..... fll",t. tor Ol_bled , ...........

    '!"o """OIl "",I. vtth '1••hIHtlu \.0 orl:lUlt.. \h_1'o.. In\.O... Un pe >1111..." ~ill '\..,.... 0-... lo...Ike.U ot\ff Wirr'~t••t In~rnatlonal. ftatlonel. ~ local 1 1•• &cd ..111 ...kto "t.e,..,.., or I ..n......,.. ,,_IU......round U- e.e"ordlftlrll.

    To ...... 111.. ot. end be .111.. to "II ot/'wr opp"'&MId .......,...

    • I ..l~ to .....,rlbe to .J.. ,...,. -no. Col'" tor 1 7""t () 1_.) &JlIII.""1.... (\.2'0.1 .,.., to be

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