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r §;

7} f.

.,. t:P ~-

r ;1, , f

:!1 t r t.. 0


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KAY 4., 1941

We are meeUng here to4ay to dedioate a new ahr1ne

ot !Nedoa. By thie aotlon we aN bearing true W1 tneu to

the taith that 1e 1n ue --a eiraple ta1th ln the freedom ot

democracy ln the world.

It 1a the klnd of tal th t or which " han tougbt

before -- tor the exletenoe or whloh •• are ever ready to

tight again.

I can think ot no more t1 ttlng place in all the land

tor Allerlcane to pledge anew their talth ln the demoorat1o

nr ot lite than at the birthplace o r Woodrow WUeon. In tbie

quiet Preebrter1an unu nret •a• the light or dar one whoee

whole active lite • •• d&dl.oated t o the oause or freedom, t o

the oonquut or tear and ~ the liberation or the eternal

ep1r1 t or •an trom. •••rr thraldoa 111poeed br to roe •

Page 3: r §; f. 7} .,. t:P r , :!1 r t - FDR Presidential Library ... · u4•· L'ne.,rl n nc t ~t •,.4• • .te•porn.: 1 t ly l)ref'::l'lo1. p!U"tntb •• a. " e4 wh entb.,. er


- 2-

Woo4row llleon waa r o rtunate tn hie birthplace and

favored in hi e and enYlroruunt. Thh waa a ho118

ot plain lh'lng and high thinking and wherever the r u 117

IIOYed ln the a tgratl o na incident to the r eligloua oall1n.g

ot the rather tha7 carried •lth th-. ldaala •h1ob put t a.lth

ln aptrltual values above e very m&terlal oonalderation.

In the tragiC oonnlot •hlch the world witne .. e t .S

tod&J' and wb1oh threetena e•er,.thlng • • have aoat loved aa

a tree people , n .. a more clearly than eYer before the

unye1ld1ng atr ength or tbinga or the aplrlt. All or recorded

h1ator1 beara W1 tnau that the hwaan r a ce baa tNe

advanceaent onlr aa i t baa appreo.lated aplrltual. Yaluea.

'rhoae unhappJ peoplu who haTe placed t hei r aole reliance

on the aword have lnevl tAbly perlahed by the awor4 in the


Pb)'.tcal atrength can never pe~nenU:r aithata.nd

the i mpact ot • p1r1 tua1 to roe.

Page 4: r §; f. 7} .,. t:P r , :!1 r t - FDR Presidential Library ... · u4•· L'ne.,rl n nc t ~t •,.4• • .te•porn.: 1 t ly l)ref'::l'lo1. p!U"tntb •• a. " e4 wh entb.,. er

Woodrow Wllson' a whole oareer ••• a trlUIIIJ)h or the

aplrl tusl. over the eordld torou or brute etrongth, Under

his leaderehlp thla oount17 a&de grea t eplrltual progr.u.

Ot 1Joodrow W1laon thla oan be aald, that in a tlae

when world oounolle were dominated b7 q t erlal oon.tderatlona

or greed and ga.ln and revenge he beheld the v111on splencUd.

That aeltiah men oou\d not ah&re hi a •ilion ot a world

ell&noipated troa the llhaoklea or toroe and the arbl tr&Jtent

o t the eword in no wise detraota troa lta splendor. Rathe;o

does the lnditterenoe ot hoetlle oontuporar1ea enhanoe the

beautr or the rtllon which he aaw and enlarge the glorr of

the world he aougbt to rebUild.

He w1ll be held ln everlaatlng r emembrance a• a

etat eerMn who, when other men sought revenge and JD&terlal

galn, stro"t"e to bring nearer the da7 whloh ahould 111 the

e.a.noipatlon ot conaolenoe troa power and the aubetltutlon

ot treedoa tor toroe i n the go•emment or the world.

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It le good tor .Aiurlca that thl a bouu in Wlcb

Woodrow 'Ill .on waa born will ba pruerved tor ua and fer

many future generauona. In thia Valla:r of Virgi nia it

will rellllnd Alaeri ca that hie 1deala of treedo111. were wide

enougb to eupport deaocrac:r 1n all the world. He taught

that democracy could not eur•t·n 1n 1aolat1on. We applaud

hH Judgaent and b.\.a faith.


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MAY 4, 1941

I • ant a perfect l1 ttle g e11 or the •alue ot the

type or civil1utlon t hat r ecognl:r.n and hae i n ite

dail1 Ute a r ecognition or the epiritual qual1tiu ot

mankind, All or r ecorded hletor t eho•• that oTer long

periods ot teRre thia recognition advanced the race,

All ot recorded h i etory &leo eho•• t hat t hose nations ,

or combination or na tions, 11hioh abandoned spirltual

values, •hlch tried to aube ti tute t e rce, Jdttu nti ght t empora17 euoceee, but even though the e•ord

trt uaphed t or t he 110•ent, thte trluaph degraded the

ch'llha tlo n t o 'll'hlch 1t ne applied.

Something about the Tart great eplrl tual progrue

that •a• made by the people or thh country under the

leaderahlp or Wlleon, and that e•en ir 1t a eemed to

tall , atter the theof7 or the eword had been defeated,

the e trect ot that up-llrting o r •en' • eoule aade a

per:aanent contribution t o the oi •ll1utlon ot the

'1'-.entleth Centurr a nd bae laid the ground-work ot a or the ertort t o uintdn lt.

Page 7: r §; f. 7} .,. t:P r , :!1 r t - FDR Presidential Library ... · u4•· L'ne.,rl n nc t ~t •,.4• • .te•porn.: 1 t ly l)ref'::l'lo1. p!U"tntb •• a. " e4 wh entb.,. er

a-1uo ol U.. ~t •t Uiot c.lleMJ.<.- .,r Soootro.-WU..'•II.rUipLoc<I,St.-.w.,•lt-~1 a..dq, ~ 4, 1941.

J...., uw.t .rDO_.. rttt!AI sa'- .La ill U..l.-d for

,_rlUOU> to p1.401p- lht8lr r...tua 1a ~ ._.,.ue _,.or ill• u....

•tU..I>i~or~~. botli18qu1n~ .... ~­

r1nt ... U.. J.J.cbt or~- -.."'*oGle ecu .. ill• - <Wieeted

to ua•e-.r u.. cC>D~f.Mat.r r .. ...t to &be UMr•tioa

or \lie •t.em&l IIP11"1\ or .e !'r<a ....ry tbnldOol tapoMd 1>J fore•.

aocotroe •u-.., fort,.•t• 111 1111• aD4 t•-b• 1111 puen~ ..,4 ... n.--t. 1'1111 .,.. • tw.e of pl.a1n unn.. aD4

111111 l..'liakhc Uld .m. ....... r t..'>e ~ f•l.l;J' _..j. 111 tbt aicreU.,...

11141d.,.t to tbt ,..llclDU c&lll.»c or tbt t•Uwrr U..7 curle.i rll.h

QM 14Mll ~~!lid~ put t.U.\.!1. 111 IIPlri\\1111 ~ Uo.,. 111TU7 •\u-1&1


~ Liu"M~ -17\lWII•IIa .. -\looo_,j U& t'Tee ,...,a, .. -

_.. el.MrlJ UMn•...-M!'DH l.»>a71al41Dc ·~uaot ~·or

t..~~t •pUU. a ?r CT&'nrV _.neu¥'or .._""*" ll.l.•torr "-"" rit.n.o• c...t tbe - rae• bu ...s. '"- ao~..__t

<IAlJtu Hbu•pp,..d•tediiPlrit.l>\IOtl, TboM...U..pp7P10plN

Page 8: r §; f. 7} .,. t:P r , :!1 r t - FDR Presidential Library ... · u4•· L'ne.,rl n nc t ~t •,.4• • .te•porn.: 1 t ly l)ref'::l'lo1. p!U"tntb •• a. " e4 wh entb.,. er

'-trow li~'l 'llboU CAI' .. r .. a \rl\UIPII ~t l.hoo lpiritu&l

o••rU...ord.ldfor.:uo!bnlt.r.•\rq\h, ti!Wwllhl-... lb1p t ll1•'"l'irt t>oalprol!'r ... 'Ill& -clllb~M.I.ot

hll~l>uprt" t.oboo&'l'i<:t.o..,. U..U,bto!iworl4••

•y'rt- <iw'iltc put t...l.y- ,

o-.:U• .... -s-\ed liT -t.e:ow _.l.oientt.c... or crNd ..s &&1JI

Md .......,.~aoo w..l.4 ~nat-~. '!'bat ..UUb._-.t<S_t

~b.11¥UJ.oao!a.,..ld -ipo.W tn. the o! r • ...,..,.,

'->41 .ndu-t or u.. --.:1 U -~ .. IM\Noc"- ti'OII Ita,,_..,.. ,

lto."-'ler -· U.. l.Jwlltto~• or lloiW. -"-porvlH o.lluco u..

~\y of tl>oo Ybl oa .nich !lot .... - ... u..-,. U.. &lOfT of \M -J.d

-~\ t.ol'ttodld.

a. rill boo Mld 1.1:> nvU..t1.111 ,_-.....nco u • ot.r.w-

.._.,.,. U.. ~ •hi~ ohould- \M -lpatloa ot -•d.•ce trc.

power.....S U. ••Utll\1.,.. ot~tor toro:e I.. U..a;~tor

~~- of U..t oialt to MYII -'*" M. lli -r.t"''-' "'~·"· ··~i" ''"'"' ~]: ... ~·"' .. ..,. w r_· wt.t 1a ...roreuc. ....... .. ,....,....,. ,.._ ....,r .... otiiNt.f '""'-CU..

'""'"1-" .,_. __ , tMlt,r Ulo U..U ol • laicb looob'oor 11Uc oQIIIIPll!W

\lr iiOrd t.hutboo ... atU.. plcootlo.Ulll~t ADelia

......, oo w •u-•o oob" ,_ '!"'' -Mb oo


Page 9: r §; f. 7} .,. t:P r , :!1 r t - FDR Presidential Library ... · u4•· L'ne.,rl n nc t ~t •,.4• • .te•porn.: 1 t ly l)ref'::l'lo1. p!U"tntb •• a. " e4 wh entb.,. er
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or"" IIJRft!:PUCB Of' f'OD!JI PR!SU.IDT 1f001Jt0111' WJLS()I




•• an ...; hen to4e.)' to dedleete ~ (a) 11..,

ehrln•, ~of t reedoa. e, thh •ctl011 we ue beulrlfi,

true Witneu to the talth that 1e in Ul •• • eimpl• tdth 111 the

lt 11 the ld~;~d or tlltll tor whlch .,. h•n tou~ht before

- tor the eUet•no• of which we ar• '"'r r eady to tlptt ~.£till.

1 oM tMillr: ot ~ -are tlttlq place 111 all the le.~~d tcw

~rloMe to phdr;e 1.11n their ln the d•-aoratto •)' ot lit•

thl.ll •t th• blrthple.c• ot WoodTow 'lllle011. (•ppllu") In thh

quiet Prubyter1M M.Il" t1r.t an the Htbt or de)' one who" whole

•ctl•• lite waa d•dJoated to the oauu ot trMdoa, to th• oonqu .. t

ot t•u a.o.d to tb• l1beratl011 ot the eternal apl.rlt ot • 1.11 rr­

ner)' thralto. t.po"d. by~ (toro• ) •

'lloodrow ll'lleon ""' tortunet• ln hh blrthplao• (and) •

.!!!..!!.! ruored 1n h.ll par•11.tac• ed ~ en'l'lron£eat. I lilr:• U\1

Page 11: r §; f. 7} .,. t:P r , :!1 r t - FDR Presidential Library ... · u4•· L'ne.,rl n nc t ~t •,.4• • .te•porn.: 1 t ly l)ref'::l'lo1. p!U"tntb •• a. " e4 wh entb.,. er

1ranklh1 'D. llo<Mie•el\ Ltt.rarJ

Tbt• t• • tren-ertpt .ee bJ th• flit\• Koue• •tei'IOJ:r~rb r fr~ ha et nd Mtte tUen at th• \~-• th •: u4•· L'ne.,rl n nc t ~t •,. ?4• • .te•porn.: 1 t ly l)ref'::l'lo1. p!U"tntb •• a. " e4 whentb.,. er. " th•y o.pp r n tn• 1-' 1Yiow '~ p red H114•nl copy tl!U.

Page 12: r §; f. 7} .,. t:P r , :!1 r t - FDR Presidential Library ... · u4•· L'ne.,rl n nc t ~t •,.4• • .te•porn.: 1 t ly l)ref'::l'lo1. p!U"tntb •• a. " e4 wh entb.,. er

old phuu that thh -• • h- or pltJ:o lh'ins .nd h1&h th1nk1q

.nd Wht>rner the ao·nd irl the alr;ratione incident to the

rel1&1ou• odlll'll; or the t&ther, they oarr1ed with th•• ldede

(which),~ put fatUI in eptrttual •alu .. , put the• in

•pirttual • alaN a'bcrt'• o•.rr -terhl oouid•ratlon.

In th• tr"'!c oonntot which the qrld wt.tne••u to4~ an4

which th1'eaten. ueryth111& ~ •• ha,.. moet lond u a rr ..

people, .,. ••• -ore olearly than ••er before the unyleldi~ etrencth

ot thin&• or the •ptrtt. All or r•oorded hhtory b•ar• wttuu U!at

.!!• phydeal •tr•nr;th oaz~ aenr poruntntl)' 'lrithlctand the

iapaet or lplrttull foro•. (applau .. )

~Woodrow WU eon•t whole ear•tr - • • trl~ of the

ep1r1 tual o••r the eordid toreee ot brut. •tr•r:cth• Onder hit

haderehtp thh country ~e 11 we lr:now • erz r;reat eptrtt;,aal pr-

or WoodrO'II' WUeoa thh can be .. u , that 111 a tt .. whtn

world oounolle wer e d.oa:iuted by •ttrial oont1dtrat1o,ae ot ueed

az~d !! &ain .nd !! ""''~ he bM.eld the rldon ephlldtd. !hat

•elthh •n oould 110t ehare h11 •teton ot a world. -oi~ttd rr-

the theoltlu ot tOf'oe and the arbttr-t of the aword Ul no 'lri"

detraeta tr- t tl lplendor, Rathtr dOtl the lnditter tnot ot hoi•

tile oontn~por&rlee enhance the beauty of tho rt• lon whloh h•

Page 13: r §; f. 7} .,. t:P r , :!1 r t - FDR Presidential Library ... · u4•· L'ne.,rl n nc t ~t •,.4• • .te•porn.: 1 t ly l)ref'::l'lo1. p!U"tntb •• a. " e4 wh entb.,. er

He will be held in enrluti n& re....,llil>r!IZiee, e•er betilllj

remeUr&lllle by tho" Go a .. Ma and tho" who e ... atter hl•, •e

a etat.•- llbo, .,..en other Mft tw&ht reYen&e Uld .. t-1"1&1 &&1-n,

or e011eeh-nee troa power and the eubetltu.tion or treedoa tor toroe

in the ,o,.erMt-nt ot the 110rlct.

lt h cood for ._.r iot that thil hoo.>ee 1-n • Moh Woodrow

Wileen wae bor-n will be pr e .. r"fed t or lll ~net tor -.ny future &ea~

e rationt . ln thh Valley ot Virllfti& lt will r ..Snd "'-rlu tht t

hie 1cl.eth ot rreedoa were wide e~~oou5h to eupport cl.-raey 1ft all

t he worlt.. (apphu,. ) He te.u&}lt--anct Itt• a ll....,tr tor &et lt·-~

tau#lt tM.t cl.e110ortoy could not 1Ur"f1"' l n holat1on. WI applt ucl.

hh judpoent (e.ncl.) we •prlaud hh hlth. (•pplau"}

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~~ 10 ~~r t NK PRUIDIUII



U.t 4, 19tl.

the t aitb \ha\ ls ln. u.e- a •Upl• faith h UM tNedoe of

4.-ooraOJ 1n VIe world.

U h V!.e k.lnd of tal t;b tor 'lblob " ban to..P.'

1 O&J'I \ hlnk o f M .are ntUns plaoa la all the lUll

for ... artoan1 \o ple4«e anew thdr tai'b in Uta 4.-oor.Ua e~

•1 ot llte Ulan a\ U.. blrthplaoe of .-oo4row WU .on./\ In thh

wbola a oU•n Ute ... ct.UM'e4 to Uta ..... of treMo•, to

~~ conquaat of .... and ~ the lUMraUon of tba ahi'Ml

Page 15: r §; f. 7} .,. t:P r , :!1 r t - FDR Presidential Library ... · u4•· L'ne.,rl n nc t ~t •,.4• • .te•porn.: 1 t ly l)ref'::l'lo1. p!U"tntb •• a. " e4 wh entb.,. er

-·-'loollf'o• '11l.on wae tortun.W 1n bie bll"'bpla .. aitl

,. 0:? ~ <- '-<- Jy. f f'aYo N4 l n hie pann~• and1 ~•n•11'0••••.1\ 'rbll •• a ~

ot plaln a.n4 blstt thlnkinc and. wtt.n•n t tt. tun,

a tree people, .. ••• MH olearl7 than e't'ar btltoN '\be

---:') PbJaloal atft ... 0a11 aa"r pe.,..a•UJ •Uhet.u&

UJe l~ot or -stll"ltul re .... L ~

Page 16: r §; f. 7} .,. t:P r , :!1 r t - FDR Presidential Library ... · u4•· L'ne.,rl n nc t ~t •,.4• • .te•porn.: 1 t ly l)ref'::l'lo1. p!U"tntb •• a. " e4 wh entb.,. er


~11"Ua&l •••r \De 110J"'U6 teroea or '"" ' ' •t~ ..,..,.. 9 ;rt./ ,

Ill• l .... nhtp lkle ~w.t.rr Md•~t -sJ~ lPltllal '"~"••·

or ~~Dod ... • fUo::m thl• ..__"' -., .. , •• \!Yt tn a u ..

ot ' " " aiWIApta and~~,...,...• M 'Mhelt tiM 'f\ ... on • phn414.

r fba \ ••lMU ••n ......., M t ...... lila -.h.lo• of a •~rt4

J •• ..S.ll h be14 l a • ._Jilutl ,. ..... _..,..\ _....

.f.Y-(/1.;_,_ . ~-> i- "' · ' •taw .... Qo• .n.n g,U\e1" .. ,. ·~'• aftd •tM'bl

of ~..-. tor t ore• ln O• ••••,_"' of •• .w1•.

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.ttl r..tDd Aael"ioa at&\ hla 14Nla ot f"''toe&. "" W1.4a

vy enough! a~port 4.-oONOJ' 1n all \ha wor1.4. lla \aQibt =:?'

~ ~· . '\

~ \bat 4.-oorae,. ooul4 not .u.!"Yl~a lll l.olaUoa. • • ~pla'llil

~ ./ ·'~ :$

hh Juclpen\ A*"" hh raUb. -·

Page 18: r §; f. 7} .,. t:P r , :!1 r t - FDR Presidential Library ... · u4•· L'ne.,rl n nc t ~t •,.4• • .te•porn.: 1 t ly l)ref'::l'lo1. p!U"tntb •• a. " e4 wh entb.,. er

Pr 0 L D P 0 R

C OII!ID't•!' I 'I. L ll !'l'lL IIIL&ei&J)

MAJ' t TII. ftl l lliL&UI API'LII, fO 'fliB ft• DIO Ali IIIELJ. AS f"'


S'h:PJID 1'. &lJU.J', IICltftAilY 1'0 t'HI PUUJ:Gt.

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