Page 1: Random Endocrine - Pharm



Treats Benign-Prostate Hyperplasia: BPH. Enlarged prostate which likely responsible for decreased prostate volume?A: Finasteride

Mifepristone: - Repro.Mifepristone….is MOA: Anti-Progestin [PGE1 analogue – Misoprostol]

[Progesterone antagonist with affinity for Progesterone – Receptor >>> Progesterone[Trap: NOT “Inhibits Progesterone synthesis]

Rebound Rhinorrhea: GP: a1 agonistOveruse of decongestant….Next step?A: Stop decongestant use

[a1-agonist = VASOCONSTRICTS nasal mucosa vessels]

Oral Contraceptives: - Repro pharmOCPills = Prevents pregnancy by Low serum Gonadotropin levels [LH, FSH] ↓Ovulation

Tamoxifen: Repro PharmTumor has estrogen-Receptor and Progesterone-receptor Positive. Started on Tamoxifen. She experiences HOT Flashes. She also likely to experience: Endometrial Hyperplasia Risk: CA

Lithium Teratogenicity: - NEURO -CVSKid, Holosystolic Mumur. Tricuspid Regurge. Drug AE used during pregnancy….mother most likely had: Bipolar Disorder[Bipolar Mom + Lithium… kid has Lithium Teratogenicity]

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