
RayFire ToolThis Script can quickly and easily create shooting effect. Demo movies

RayFire Tool support: 1. Reactor Hit Creates realistic physical interaction of impact objects with bullets using Reactor. 2. Displace Automatically subdivides impact faces and creates detailed animated dents using displace space warps. 3. Holes Allows you to create holes and destruct impact objects peace by peace totally in real time using Pro Boolean. 4. Various effects, such as flash, debris, smoke, sparks, blood, decals, bullets and any custom objects which you can define by yourself. 5. Three Interactive modes which allow you to interactively change properties in the already created effects. 6. Multiple animated guns. You can shoot from as many guns as you want. All of them will shoot at the same time. Also you can use each of them as shotgun using several shots per frame. 7. Multiple animated impact objects. Also you can use skinned, pointcached or deformed in any other ways objects. 8. Ricochet. Using this feature you can significantly increase destructive power of RayFire Tool. 9. Presets. Allows you to save and load settings for effects. 10. Instant Action feature. Allows you to create all effects without gun manually defining all impact spots on impact object.


Simulation Objects Rollout

In this rollout you can define Gun and Impact objects, set shoot properties for gun, execute shooting and delete created objects. 1.1 Gun Options Group

Start First shooting frame. It cannot be less than frame 2. End Last shooting frame. Every time when you launch RayFire these two spinners will set the start and the end of your active time segment. Rate Shooting rate. Spread Random angle for each shot. Count How many shots will create RayFire at each shot frame. Increase this spinner to get shotgun shooting, but do not forget increase Spread spinner too or all shots will appear at the same position. Create Gun Creates plane and dummy with assigned Look at constraint. Add Adds selected objects as gun. Gun shoots inZ axis direction. You can use multiple guns at the same time. Clear Clears Gun objects list.


Impact Objects and Execution Groups

Add Selected - Adds selected objects as Impact objects. Objects which you want to shoot. Clear List - Clears Impact objects list. Create Executes simulation Instant Action Using this feature you can create all effects and impact deformations

without gun. Just choose some effects, add one impact objects in impact list. Push this button, then pick impact object if impact list is clear and then start picking spots on impact object. All chosen effects will be automatically created at these spots. Delete Deletes all effects and impact object copies from last simulation and unhides original impact objects. Hold Hold scene before shoot simulation started. Just in case.


Simulation Options Rollout

In this rollout you can define how Impact objects will be deformed. Pay attention that RayFire makes all impact deformations on copies of added impact objects. After simulation RayFire automatically adds these objects in Impact objects list. Original impact objects are hidden and you can manually unhide them at any time. 2.1 Impact Deformation Group

Reactor Hit Using this feature you can create realistic physical interaction Impact objects with bullets. Every shot will hit impact object and create animation for it using Reactor. Animated Objects checkbox -If you want to shoot already animated objects you must check on Animated Objects checkbox. Displace - Using this feature you can shot low poly objects and automatically subdivide impact faces to get detailed dent. After that RayFire will create Displace space warp and bind it to the impact object. Bake Transform checkbox By default RayFire uses standard Select and Link function to link Displace space warp with impact object. But in case impact objects are skinned or pointcached or deformed in any other way you must bake displace space warp position and rotation at each frame. Holes (Max9) Realtime Using this feature you can create holes in impact objects. Holes will appear in the real time and impact objects will get additional geometry on fly. No Anim Just create holes without animation. Holes (Max9) Predefined - Using this feature you can create holes in impact objects.

Holes will be already predefined. Objects which fill these holes will scale down at each impact frame. No Anim Do not scale down objects which fill holes. Later you can use them with Particle Flow for example. None Do not create any impact deformations. Use this mode if you just want to create effects like smoke, debris etc.


Effects Link\Constraint Style Group

Attachment Constraint Every time when RayFire creates some effects it must link somehow these effects to the impact objects. Use attachment constraint if you want to create effects on skinned or pointcached objects. In this case RayFire will apply attachment constraint on each created effect and link it to the impact objects impact face.

Select and Link Created effects will use standard Select and Link function to link effects to the impact objects. Use it with non deformed impact objects.


Effects Group

Light Create Flash effect using Omni Light Debris Create particles for Debris effect using PArray and emitter plane. Smoke - Create particles for Smoke effect using PArray and emitter plane. Decals Create animated plane for Decals effect. Sparks - Create particles for Sparks effect using PArray and emitter plane. Blood - Create particles for Blood effect using PArray and emitter plane. Bullets Create animated box or predefined objects for Bullet effect. Custom Use this feature If you want to create your own particle system, lights or any other objects at impact points.


Effects Options Rollout

In this rollout you can define properties for effects, such as debris, lights, sparks, blood, smoke, bullets, decals before creating them and interactively change their properties if they are already created (Except Holes size and Subdivide level). Define properties for displace and holes impact deformations. Also in this rollout you can select, hide, unhide, freeze and unfreeze all effects created with RayFire. Each group has three buttons: S, H, F. Using these buttons you can quickly Select, Hide\Unhide or Freeze\Unfreeze different effects. Depends on which Interactive Mode is on you can Select, Hide\Unhide or Freeze\Unfreeze All effects or only effects from Last simulation. 3.1 Displace GroupIf you select Displace Impact Deformation in Impact Deformations groups, RayFire will subdivide each impact face, create at this face Displace space warp object with procedural map for strength and animate strength property. After that RayFire will bind this displace to Impact object. Pay attention that original impact objects will be hidden and all subdivide operations will be produced on their copies. In this group you can define subdivide level, size and strength for displace space warp.

Subdivide Level Number of times impact face will be subdivided.

Size Length and width for displace space warp. Str - Strength for displace space warp. Second spinners will add variation

Tip: If you want to apply your own map for strength, just select one of the displacespace warp, then drag and drop Gradient map as instance from image group to the material editor. After that you can modify this gradient map or change it on your own map. This will affect all RF displace space warp objects.


Lights Group

If you select Lights in Effects group, RayFire will create Omni Light at each impact spot and animate multiplier property to simulate impact flash. In this group you can define color, multiplier, far attenuation and distance from impact object.

Color Omni light color. Also this color will define wire color for omni light.

Mult Omni light multiplier. Second spinner will add variation Atten Omni light far attenuation. First spinner defines start, second defines end. Distance Distance from impact object. Note: Distance property will not work if you choose Attachment Constraint in Effects Link\Constraint Style group.


Holes Group

If you select Holes (Max9) Realtime Impact Deformation in Impact Deformation gropu, RayFire will copy all impact objects, hide originals and convert these copies in ProBoolean objects. Then at each impact spot RayFire will create default low poly sphere with animated scale and then add this sphere as operand to ProBoolean impact object. Instead the default sphere you can use your own objects with applied material. All holes will appear on fly. This means that at frame 0 impact object will be solid and then over the time holes will appear and object will get additional geometry. Realtime Holes useful when you want to use Mental Ray Ambient Occlusion maps or Vray Dirt on impact objects. Or if you want to use the same impact objects as deflector for debris. Also this method gives you ability later change holes position, rotation and scale. Just go to ProBoolean parameters rollout, pick operand which position you want to change and move it. But pay attention, this method is very slow and can seriously slow down your workflow. If you select Holes (Max9) Predefine Impact Deformation in Impact Deformation group, RayFire will create one solid Editable Poly impact object with holes and objects with animated scale which fill this holes. This method is very fast, but all holes will be predefined, they will just scale down at each impact frame. In this group you can define size for default sphere or pick your hole reference and add some variation to them.

Size Define size for default sphere, second spinner add some variation. Pick Hole Push this button and pick object which will represent hole reference. Do not forget to apply proper material to this object. Also you can use animated noise modifier on this object to get different holes.

Pick Hole Spinner Add some scale variation to picked hole reference object.


Bullets Group

If You select Bullets in Effects group, RayFire will create box and animate its position from gun pivot point to impact spot and then scale it down. Also you can use any other objects instead default box.

Default Size Size for default box. Pick Bullet - Push this button and pick object which will represent bullet reference. Tip: For now (RayFire v.1.23) you can define bullet speed using Shift spinner in Ricochet rollout. Shift spinner defines how many frames bullet will move from gun to impact object.


Sparks Group

If You select Sparks in Effects group, RayFire will create PArray with bright self illuminated material and emitter plane at each impact spot and animate PArray`s rate property to simulate sparks.

In this group you can define impact rate, life, divergence and speed for particles.

Num Total number of particles for each PArray. Life Particles life. Div Particles divergence angle. Speed - Particles speed. Second spinners will add variation.


Smoke Group

If You select Smoke in Effects group, RayFire will create PArray and emitter plane at each impact spot and animate PArray`s rate property to simulate smoke. Later you can use these particles with AfterBurn plugin. Also RayFire creates wind and drag forces and binds these forces to PArray. Wind force will be called RF_Wind_Smoke and drag force will be called RF_Drag_Smoke. Later you can change their properties to get different dynamics for particles. Also RayFire will not create these forces again at next simulation if they already existed in scene. It will bind the already existed forces to new PArray`s. In this group you can define impact rate, life, divergence and speed for particles.

Num Total number of particles for each PArray. Life Particles Life. Div Particles Divergence Angle. Speed - Particles speed. Second spinners will add variation.


Blood Group

If You select Blood in Effects group, RayFire will create PArray with red bloody material and emitter plane at each impact spot and animate PArray`s rate property to simulate blood. For now it uses MetaParticles. Also RayFire creates Gravity force and binds this force to PArray. Gravity force will be called RF_Gravity_Blood. Later you can change its properties to get different dynamics for particles. Also RayFire will not create this force again at the next simulation if they already existed in scene. It will bind the already existed force to new PArray`s. In this group you can define impact rate, life, divergence, speed for particles and blood size.

Num Total number of particles for each PArray. Div Particles divergence angle. Size Metaparticle size. Speed - Particles speed. Life Particles life. Second spinners will add variation. Deflector Push this button and pick deflector which will collide with blood.


Debris Group

If You select Debris in Effects group, RayFire will create PArray and emitter plane at each impact spot and animate PArray`s rate property to debris. Also RayFire will create Gravity force and bind this force to PArray. Gravity force will be called RF_Gravity_Debris. Later you can change its properties to get different dynamics for particles. Also RayFire will not create this force again at the next simulation if they already existed in scene. It will bind the already existed force to new PArray`s. In this group you can define debris amount, divergence, size, speed and life.

Num Total number of particles for each PArray. Div Particles divergence angle. Size Debris size. Speed - Particles speed. Life Particles life.

Second spinners will add variation. Reference By default debris will appear as sphere with impact object`s material, but You can define Your own object. Push this button and pick object to use it as debris reference. Deflector Push this button and pick deflector which will collide with debris.


Decals Group

If you select Decals in Effects group, RayFire will create plane with animated height and width and apply to it procedural decal texture. Later you can pick this material from Decal plane and modify it or apply your own. In this group you can define plane size.

Size Plane size. Second spinner will add variation.


Interactive Mode

In this group you can work with created effects, select, hide\unhide or freeze\unfreeze them. There are three modes: Last, All and Selection. Depends on which is active you can work with effects from last simulation, with all created effects or only with selected effects. Using these modes you can change properties in the already created effects. For example: You want to create a lot of debris, but if you create them at the beginning through simulation they will slow down your workflow. Instead of this it is better to create debris with low amount of particles and before final rendering check on All interactive mode, then change Debris Num: property IN RayFire Tool. Total amount of debris particles will interactively increase in all debris PArrays. Or if later you decide to change created Lights color to another just turn on All Interactive mode and change this color in RayFire Light group. For example: You create debris in one simulation with proper properties. After that you create another simulation with debris. If you will check on All interactive mode, all changes will affect in All debris PArrays. Check On Last Interactive mode if you want to change properties only in debris from last simulation. And as you expect you can interactively change properties in selected Debris PArrays if you check On Selected Interactive mode. Using this technique you can change any properties in created effects through RayFire Tool, no matter when you create them. Last checkbutton - Last interactive mode. It gives you ability to interactively change properties in effects from last simulation. All checkbutton - All interactive mode. It gives you ability to interactively change properties in All created effects.

Selection checkbutton - Selected interactive mode. It gives you ability to interactively change properties in selected created effects. Depends on which Interactive mode is on it gives you ability to: Select - All\Last created effects. Hide\Unhide - All\Last created effects. Freeze\Unfreeze - All\Last created effects.


Reactor Hit Options Rollout

In this rollout you can define physical properties for Reactor Hit feature.

Unyielding Objects group: Add Selected - Add selected objects in Unyielding Objects List. Add in this list objects such as ground and walls. Reactor will not create animation for them. Clear List Clear Unyielding Objects List. Friction - Unyielding Objects friction. Elasticity - Unyielding Objects elasticity. Simulation Geometry dropdown box -Unyielding objects simulation geometry. Hit Object group: Mass Mass for object which will hit Impact objects. Increase it to make interaction stronger. Impact Objects group: Mass Impact Objects mass. Friction Impact Objects friction. Elasticity Impact Objects elasticity. Simulation Geometry dropdown box -Impact objects simulation geometry.


Custom Options Rollout

In this rollout you can define custom objects and creation options for them. This feature gives you ability to create any object at impact spot.

For example: for now RayFire has not simple smoke or blood based on particle systems using only plane with textures. Using this feature you can create your own particle system, adjust properties, assign material. Then animate any properties at 0 frame. In this case Rate properties. Push Auto Key button, go to 0 frame and set Rate: 0 then go to frame 3 and set Rate: 50, then go to frame 5 and set Rate: 0 again. Next add this particle system to Custom object list, check on Sync checkbox, and create simulation. RayFire will create the same particle system at every Impact spot and shift Rate animation at Impact frame for each particle system. Using this technique you can create any animated objects (Geometry, Lights, Cameras, Particle Systems etc) and RayFire will create them and shift their animation. Also you can animate position, rotation and scale.

Add Selected - Add selected objects in Custom objects List. Clear List Clear Custom objects List Rand. Seed In case you use some particle systems as Custom objectsand You want to get different seed in each particles systems which RayFire will create, check this checkbox on. Follow Every next created custom object will look at previous one.

Sync Synchronize animation in created Custom objects with Impact frame. ZRotation Add variation in Z axis rotation


Ricochet Options Rollout

In this rollout you can define options for Ricochet. You can create up to 99 ricochets from one single shot.

Use Ricochet Turn On to activate Ricochet . Create Shape RayFire will create shape which will help you to see all ricochets. Count Maximum amount of ricochets.

Spread Add variation in outbound angle. But pay attention that in this case each time ricochets will be different . Angle Maximum inbound angle. Ricochet will occur only if bullet inbound angle is within range from 0 degree to Angle value. If you set Angle value to 90 degrees, ricochet will occur in any case. If you setAngle value to 30 degrees, ricochet will occur only if inbound angle less then 30 degrees. Shift Define how many frames will take bullet to get another Impact Spot after ricochet. It affects on animation for all effects.


Presets Rollout

In this rollout You can save and load all spinner`s value from Simulation objects, effects options, reactor hit options and ricochet options rollouts. There are two default presets: default and close\open. Default preset is settings predefined by me , close\open preset is settings which RayFire saves every time when you close it and loads every time when You open it. If you

open RayFire, change some properties, but later decide to revert to initial settings you can simply load close\open preset.

Save Push Save button to save your settings. Give proper name for it, than push Ok. After that you can load them at any time.

Load Select preset from Preset List dropdown box and push Load button. Delete - Select preset from Preset List dropdown box and push Delete button if you do not need in it anymore.


Information Rollout

In this rollout you can see what actually does each button or spinner. Keep it opened if you novice in RayFire Tool.

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