


(3RD- 10TH JULY 2013)



Main organizers:

Collaboration partners:

Supported by: Endorsed by:













“The Incoming Tide of Community Medicine”

Background and Relevance

As the world ushered in its 7 billionth human inhabitant, the simple figure only wakens us to realize that our ever increasing population is putting a colossal burden on the environment and the population itself thus affecting the health of communities. Asia, being the mother of millions, has to balance economic growth, fair distribution of resources and the health of her ever-increasing population. In many Asian countries, it has become a survival of the fittest to attain basic necessities like food, water, shelter and medication, where maternal mortalities are high and sanitations are low. In others, there is increased prevalence of non-communicable diseases, mental illnesses and occupational hazards that plagues their citizens. Purpose

When the world heath care system moves be more patient-centred, we must be reminded that community medicine play a vital role in a nation’s health. It is only through proper empowerment of the individuals in the community that we can curb the rising burden of diseases and calamities. Long have medical students strive to be excel in specialized fields of medicine but neglecting the community as a whole. It goes beyond the medical traditions of individual diagnosis, treatment and care to stem the health problems of a nation. Well thought policies, campaigns and plans have to be implemented to ensure a sustainable healthcare system in a country that promotes, protects, and preserves her citizens’ health. As Sir James Bryce once said, “Medicine, the only profession that labours incessantly to destroy the reason for its own existence,” thus every doctor has a societal responsibility in the promotion of health and the prevention of disease and injury among diverse populations and the communities in which they live. Therefore, we have titled our conference “AMSC Malaysia 2013: The Incoming Tide of Community Medicine”.

Main Theme

“Community Medicine” With globalization, terrorism, epidemics, disasters, pollution and an ever-increasing global population, humans are more vulnerable to disease from any part of the world or even from their own risky behaviours. It has become apparent that the health of each nation depends on the health of all. Yet community-based healthcare has been pushed down the list of priorities among policy makers and even lower among the choices of careers among medical students. Being the most populous continent of the world, Asia will see the most of impact of this tide of global changes on community health. Even as the world sees Asia as the leader in economic growth, our health system remains in a paradoxical state, having one of the best healthcare yet having one of the unhealthiest places on earth. Medical educators have been charged recently to increase the emphasis on prevention, care of populations, public health, and community medicine. At some medical schools in the United States, there are similar attempts to bring students more closely to life conditions, especially to rural communities. [3, 4] Therefore, to meet this incoming tide, medical students in Asia need to develop the awareness, expertises and perception of community health and population-based medicine to become holistic, highly proficient doctors, with the intention to foster better social responsibility, become strong advocate of patient care and community leaders. 1- Laurie Garrett, August 15, 2001Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health 2- Community health course--student's evaluation, Acta Med Croatica, 2010 Dec; 64(5):397404. 3 - Public health and medical education: a natural alliance for a new regional medical school Am J Prev Med. 2011 Oct 4 - Carney JK, Finkelstein JA., Planning and incorporating public health preparedness into the medical curriculum, Am J Prev Med. 2011 Oct;41(4 Suppl 3):S193-9.


Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational health deals with all aspects of health and safety in the workplace and has a

strong focus on primary prevention of hazards. The health of the workers has several

determinants, including risk factors at the workplace leading to cancers, accidents,

musculoskeletal diseases, respiratory diseases, hearing loss, circulatory diseases, stress

related disorders and communicable diseases and others.

Employment and working conditions in the formal or informal economy embrace other

important determinants, including, working hours, salary, workplace policies concerning

maternity leave, health promotion and protection provisions, etc.

Environmental Health

Environmental health addresses all the physical, chemical, and biological factors external to

a person, and all the related factors impacting behaviours. It encompasses the assessment

and control of those environmental factors that can potentially affect health. It is targeted

towards preventing disease and creating health-supportive environments.

Maternal and Child Health

Maternal health refers to the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the

postpartum period. The major direct causes of maternal morbidity and mortality include

haemorrhage, infection, high blood pressure, unsafe abortion, and obstructed labour.

Children represent the future, and ensuring their healthy growth and development ought to

be a prime concern of all societies. Newborns are particularly vulnerable and children are

vulnerable to malnutrition and infectious diseases, many of which can be effectively

prevented or treated.

Chronic Non- communicable Diseases

Chronic Non-communicable Diseases are diseases of long duration and generally slow

progression. The four main types of non-communicable diseases are cardiovascular diseases

(like heart attacks and stroke), cancer, chronic respiratory diseases (such as chronic

obstructed pulmonary disease and asthma) and diabetes.

Non-communicable diseases, or NCDs, are by far the leading cause of death in the world,

representing 63% of all annual deaths. Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) kill more than

36 million people each year. Some 80% of all NCD deaths occur in low- and middle-income



Main Organizers:

Asian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) International

Asian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) Malaysia

National University of Malaysia/ Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM

Collaboration Partners:

International Medical University (IMU), Malaysia

Monash University Malaysia

Conference Venues:

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre, UKMMC

Technology Park Malaysia Auditorium

International Medical University

Palace of Golden Horses Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

First World Hotel, Genting Highland

Conference Date and Duration:

3rd- 10th July 2013 (8-day 7-night)

Estimated Number of Delegates:

450 medical students

Conference Schedules:

Please refer to the document of “CONFERENCE SCHEDULE”.


Keynote Lecture

Duration : 45 minutes to 1 hour

Tentative speaker: Dr Narimah Awin. Regional Adviser of WHO Western Pacific

Tentative topic : “Emerging Public Health Issues and Challenges in Asian Context”

Plenary Sessions

Session I

Duration : 45 minutes to 1 hour

Tentative speaker: Prof. Syed Aljunid, Professor of Health Economics and Senior

Research Fellow at United Nation University International

Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH).

Tentative topic : “Improving Community Health: Multisectorial Collaboration”

Session II

Duration : 45 minutes to 1 hour

Tentative speaker: Prof. Tran Tinh Hien, Deputy Director of Oxford University

Clinical Research Unit, Hospital for Tropical Diseases

Tentative topic : “Climate Change: Tackling Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases”

Symposium Sessions (choose 1 session out of the 4 availables)

Session I

Duration : 45 minute to 1 hour

Tentative speaker: Prof. Jamal Hisham Hassim, Professor of Environmental Health &

Research Fellow at United Nation University International

Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH)

Tentative topic : “Hazardous Waste and Diseases”

Session II

Duration : 45 minute to 1 hour

Tentative speaker: Prof Noor Hashim Ismail, Professor of Occupational Health,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre

Tentative topic : “Health Hazards and Prevention”

Session III

Duration : 45 minute to 1 hour

Tentative speaker: Prof. Atsunori Kashiwagi, Director of Medical Affairs,

Vice President and Hospital Director of Shiga University of

Medical Sciences

Tentative topic : “Global Burden and Holistic Approach on Chronic NCDs”

Session IV

Duration : 45 minute to 1 hour

Tentative speaker: To’ Puan Safurah binti Jaafar, Director of Family Health

Development Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia

Tentative topic : “Universal Access to Reproductive Health: Are We Reaching It?”

Practical Workshops

Workshops based on the 4 sub- themes chosen (Maternal& Child Health, Occupational Health, Environmental Health, and Chronic Non- Communicable Diseases) will be conducted prior to the departure to Field Trip for real practical experience. Examples of workshops available are stated below:

Occupational Safety and Health Workplace risk assessment Ergonomic and manual handling First-aid training/ Pre-hospital emergency management Fire prevention and emergency planning Radiation training Biosafety course Mental Health First Aid

Environmental Health Water sanitation assessment Arthropods and bites management Asthma inhalers technique Fogging and infection control

Maternal & Child Health Childhood vaccination and technique Children nutritional status assessment Pap-smear & HPV vaccination Breastfeeding

Chronic Non-communicable Diseases Health screening technique/ Clinical booth practical

Field Trip Health Explorace! Field Trip provides the best opportunity for the international delegates to experience the essence of Community Medicine. On Day 4, the delegates will be brought to the real settings in the based on the sub- themes given to them to explore. The delegates are expected to observe the situation of the setting of the field trip, practice what they have learnt in the plenary and workshop session, record down the significant findings and interact with the locals or authorities there. Examples of real settings and activities to be done during field trip are as follow:

Settings Activities Community health clinics (klinik kesihatan) - Obstetrics& Gynaecology clinics - Chronic NCDs clinics

- To observe the local primary healthcare system in Malaysia particularly in Maternal& Child Health and Chronic NCDs. - To participate in the clerking and interviewing of patients in receiving treatment from local community health clinics.

Primary and secondary schools -To observe and participate in program of free HPV vaccination for female students aged 13 and above in all secondary schools in Malaysia - To participate in assessing childhood nutritional status among school children

UKM medical faculty residential colleges - To observe and participate in fogging activity against dengue fever under the instruction of District Health Office of Kuala Lumpur.

Factories and restaurants - To observe and participate in workplace hazard assessment - To observe and participate in food sanitation assessment

Water treatment plant and sewage system

- To observe and participate in the process of managing sewage and treatment of water - To observe and participate in water sanitation assessment

Group Discussion and Presentation Group discussion session allow delegates to discuss their feelings and experience among group members after the field trip. Delegates are expected to point out issues regarding the healthcare system in Malaysia in relation to the field trip. Besides that, delegates are given the opportunity to compare and contrast their experience with their own countries in terms of prevalence and severity of the problem identified, specific cases pertaining to their countries and way of addressing the problem. Delegates are also encouraged to discuss on the possible solutions to the issues that they identified in the field trip. Besides that, each group have to prepare a 10- min performance (sketch, advertisement etc) to bring out the experience or message that they gained during the field trip.

Community Service

Community service will be held at public areas including shopping complexes or community halls. It will include a Health Campaign as well as Clinical Booth. This community service will be organized and set up by the organizing committees while delegates will be involved as runners. Health Campaign will be promoting Health Lifestyle Prevents Chronic Non- Communicable Diseases. Posters and videos will be played at the community hall to educate the public. At the same time, an aerobic exercise will be taught to the locals that present on that day. Delegates and Group Moderators will help out in assisting the local communities during the exercise. On the other hand, clinical booth will be set up to provide free health screening to the locals. Delegates will participate as the runners to carry out the screening while group modulator will be guiding them. Screening available include: Blood pressure measurement Blood glucose level Blood cholesterol level Blood group typing BMI level Waist circumference Urine dipstick test Vision test Free consultation

International Medical Brain Teaser The international medical brain teaser will incorporate the 4 sub-themes in community

medicine in respective of epidermiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, treatment,

and prevention of disease and health promotion to disclose the Malaysian community

health to the delegates.

There are a total of 3 rounds and a grand finale in the quiz. Elimination is in round 1 and

3, where only the highest score can proceed to the next round. Difficulty of questions will

increase in each round. Information below will describe each round in detail:

Round 1

The time estimated for round 1 is approximately 60 minutes. All delegates are expected

to take part in round 1. They will be answering 40 one-best-answer (OBA) questions on

General Medical Knowledge ranging from anatomy, physiology, pathology,

pharmacology and etc. Only the top 30 scorers will proceed to Round 2. If there is a tie in

score, student will be selected through 10 distinction questions.

Round 2

The 30 participants who have made it through the first round will be randomly divided

into 5 groups. There will be 20 questions, which are going to be narrated by the host and

projected on the screen at the same time. Each group will have a buzzer, and the

question will go to the group that sounds the buzzer first. 20 points will be awarded if it

is answered correctly on first attempt, however, 10 points will be deducted otherwise

and it will be opened up to the rest of the groups, 10 points will be awarded if it is

answered correctly. Estimated duration for this round is 30 minutes. No one will be

eliminated in this round, but the marks will be carried forward to round 3.

Round 3

The grouping will be the same as round 2. In this round, each group will have to answer

5 questions which will be directed to them one at a time. 20 points will be awarded if it

is answered correctly, otherwise, it will be opened up to the rest of the groups and 10

points will be awarded if it is answered correctly. Estimated duration for this round is 30

minutes. 2 groups with highest combined points from round 2 and 3 will proceed to

Grand Final Round.

Grand Finals

In the final round, a map of Malaysia will be projected with selected famous cities in

Malaysia will be marked and the two teams will start from two starting points

respectively. The delegates in the group will have to answer the question correctly in

order to move to the next city, if they answer incorrectly, they will have to remain in the

same city till the next run. The questions will be progressively harder as they move

down to the final destination. The first group to reach the final destination will be the


A judge who supervises the medical brain teaser starting from the design of the

questions to the style of competitions will be there to verify all the questions and

answers in round 2 to grand finale. All questions will be provided with explanation and

cited references.

Academic Competitions

Scientific papers

Scientific posters

Public posters


Please refer to the “Academic Guidelines” for more details on Academic Competitions.


Deadline of Academic Competitions Submissions




Scientific Public


Abstract/ Video


1st April 2013

(via e-mail)

1st April 2013

(via e-mail)

1st May 2013

(via e-mail)

1st May 2013

(via e-mail)

Release of



1st May 2013

(via e-mail)

1st May 2013

(via e-mail)

- -

Completed paper 1st June 2013

(via e-mail)

- - -

Power Point


Poster/ Video

3rd July 2013

(at registration


3rd July 2013

(at registration


3rd July 2013

(at registration


3rd July 2013

(at registration


* E-mail: [email protected]

* Queries and other concerns regarding the competition may be sent to organizing

committee via e-mail

Scientific Paper Guidelines Objective: To increase awareness of the diseases pertaining to community health in your country,

which are included in the following subthemes

o occupational health

o environmental health

o non-communicable diseases

o maternal and child health

To recognize the role of the government, healthcare system, community and individuals in

the detection, prevention and management of diseases in your country

To allow dialog and exchange of knowledge among countries regarding disease that

affecting the community and stimulate discussion and generation of new ideas to tackle the


Guidelines: Provide a brief introduction on the disease(s) identified that is related to the following


o occupational health

o environmental health

o non-communicable diseases

o maternal and child health

With relevant statistics on prevalence of the disease and literature on the pathological basis

of the disease

Select a community and identify the impact of the disease(s) on the community

Explain the objectives of the study and what the study adds to the known evidence.

Choose to either use clinical-based research(i.e. randomized controlled trials, systemic

reviews, cohort studies etc.) and/or scientific models of inquiry, to give a detail overview

that includes but are not limited to ANY of the following

o Prevalence of the disease in country or region

o Pathological basis of the disease

o Management of the disease

o Screening and detection of the disease

Identify the preventive measures or policies implemented by the government or relevant

health organization against the disease (s) and the effectiveness, advantages and

disadvantages of such measures

Suggest alternative measures that control the incidence of the disease(s) and outline the

role of medical students.

The study should be

o Original

o Adapted from international studies

o Adapted from previous small scale pilot studies

Criteria for selection: Only one (1) entry is allowed per country.

The top ten (10) entries based on content will be given the chance to present during the

conference. (The abstract will be judged by 3 judges. The judging criteria for abstract is

stated below)

Guidelines for abstract submission: 1. File Format –Word (MS word 2003-2007)

2. Language – UK English (If local words are used, English translations must be provided)

3. Word Limit – 300 words (excluding title, authors and affiliations)

4. File Name – “Country – Scientific Paper Abstract” (e.g. Malaysia – Scientific Paper Abstract)

5. Font – Arial (11)

6. Line Spacing – Single

7. Sections:

a) Title page:




b) Abstract


Material and Methods



8. Keywords: At least 3.

9. Please include mailing address of presenting author with telephone number, fax number

and e-mail.

Instruction for full paper submission 1. File Format – PDF

2. Language – UK English (If local words are used, English translations must be provided)

3. Word Limit– 4,000 words (excluding abstract and references)

4. File Name – “Country – Paper” (e.g. Malaysia – Paper)

5. Font – Arial (11)

6. Line spacing – 1.5

7. Sections

Title Page (Title, authors, affiliation & mailing address)


Materials & Methods



References (APA Style)

e.g.: Journal- Coltheart, M., & Prior, M. (2006). Learning to read in

Australia. Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, 11(4), 157-164.

Book- Kumar P, Clark M, eds. Clinical Medicine. 5th ed. Edinburgh,

London, New York, Oxford, Philadelphia, St Louis, Sydney, Toronto: WB

Saunders; 2002

Internet- Romesh Khardori. Type II Diabetes Mellitus.

[Online]; c1994-2012 Website:

Last accessed on 21.5.2012

8. Tables and figures

Illustrations should be saved in JPEG or TIFF files

Tables should be presented in rows and columns format.

Photographs should send in gray scale format. The resolution should be 300 dpi.

Compression must be set to maximum quality to prevent pixelated


Platform Presentation File Format – Microsoft Power point Presentation 1997-2003 in .ppt or .pptx format

Language – UK English only

Duration of presentation:

- Ten (10) minutes will be allotted for the presentation

o There will be a warning bell at the end of 8 minutes and 10 minutes.

o Exceeding time limit would amount to negative marking.

Maximum number of 4 questions would be allowed from the judges and audients after each

presentation in 2 minutes time.

Each group may have maximum of THREE (3) presenters.

Judging criteria for abstract Criteria Percentage (%)

1. Theme and background

2. Scientific quality

3. Research

4. Clinical implications





Judging criteria for full paper Criteria Percentage (%)

1. Title and Abstract

2. Scientific Content and presentation

3. Research

4. Conclusion and implication





Submission procedure The structured abstract must be submitted latest by 1st April 2013. (to be sent through

email only) ([email protected])

The top ten (10) teams shortlisted for platform presentation will be announced on 1st May

2013.(dates are subject to changes)

The completed paper must be submitted latest by 1st June 2013. (to be sent through email

only) ([email protected])

The power point presentation of the top ten (10) teams must be submitted by 3rd July 2013.

An acknowledgement would be sent through e-mail upon receipt of every submission.

Duplicate or multiple submissions of the same abstract are not allowed.

Queries and other concerns regarding the research paper competition may be sent to

organizing committee via email. ([email protected])

Poster Guidelines

Criteria for selection: A maximum of one (1) entry is allowed per country.

The top fifteen (15) entries based on content (for scientific poster) will be given the chance

to present during the conference.

All (25) entries (for public poster) will be given the chances to present during the


Scientific Poster


To increase awareness of the diseases pertaining to community health in your country,

which are included in the following subthemes

o occupational health

o environmental health

o non-communicable diseases

o maternal and child health

To recognize the role of the government, healthcare system, community and individuals in

the detection, prevention and management of diseases in your country

To allow dialog and exchange of knowledge among countries regarding disease that

affecting the community and stimulate discussion and generation of new ideas to tackle the



Provide a brief introduction on the disease(s) identified that is related to the following


o occupational health

o environmental health

o non-communicable diseases

o maternal and child health

With relevant statistics on prevalence of the disease and literature on the pathological basis

of the disease

Select a community and identify the impact of the disease(s) on the community

Explain the objectives of the study and what the study adds to the known evidence.

Choose to either use clinical-based research(i.e. randomized controlled trials, systemic

reviews, cohort studies etc.) and/or scientific models of inquiry, to give a detail overview

that includes but are not limited to ANY of the following

o Prevalence of the disease in country or region

o Pathological basis of the disease

o Management of the disease

o Screening and detection of the disease

Identify the preventive measures or policies implemented by the government or relevant

health organization against the disease (s) and the effectiveness, advantages and

disadvantages of such measures

Suggest alternative measures that control the incidence of the disease(s) and outline the

role of medical students.

The study should be

o Original

o Adapted from international studies

o Adapted from previous small scale pilot studies

Guidelines for abstract submission: 1. File Format –Word (MS word 2003-2007)

2. Language – UK English (If local words are used, English translations must be provided)

3. Word Limit – 300 words (excluding title, authors and affiliations)

4. File Name – “Country – Scientific Poster Abstract” (e.g. Malaysia – Scientific Poster Abstract)

5. Font – Arial (11)

6. Line Spacing – Single

7. Sections

Title and Authors

Background of the Study

Material & Methods



Format of scientific poster 1. Language – UK English only (If local words are used, English translations must be provided)

2. Size – 3 x 5 ft.

3. Orientation – Portrait

4. The posters should be self-explanatory.

Poster Presentation 1. Language – English only

2. Each participant will be allowed to present for maximum of 8 minutes. Judges are supposed

to ask questions for a maximum of 4 minutes

3. Maximum 2 presenters per group who can take turn to present.

Judging Criteria

Submission Procedures The structured abstract must be submitted by 1st April 2013 via email.

([email protected])

An acknowledgement would be sent through e-mail upon receipt of every submission.

Duplicate or multiple submissions of the same abstract are not allowed.

The top fifteen (15) teams shortlisted for platform presentation will be announced on 1st

May 2013.(dates are subject to changes)

The top fifteen posters (15) must be submitted by 3rd July 2013.

Queries and other concerns regarding the poster competition may be sent to organizing

committee via email. ([email protected])

Criteria Percentage (%)

1. Scientific content

2. Clarity and quality of poster

3. Presentation and Q&A




Public Poster


To promote awareness of the diseases pertaining to community health in your country,

which are included in the following subthemes

o occupational health

o environmental health

o non-communicable diseases

o maternal and child health

To recognize the role of individuals in the detection, prevention and management of

diseases in your country

To allow dialog and exchange of knowledge among countries regarding disease that

affecting the community and stimulate discussion and generation of new ideas to tackle the



Provide a brief introduction on the disease(s) identified that is related to the following


o occupational health

o environmental health

o non-communicable diseases

o maternal and child health

Introduce the background of the targeted community

Illustrate any of the following but not limited to

The prevalence of the problem in your country

The measures to be taken by the individual or the community

The potential impacts of the problem to the community

Guidelines for abstract submission: 1. File Format –Word (MS word 2003-2007)

2. Language – UK English (If local words are used, English translations must be provided)

3. Word Limit – 100 words (excluding title, authors and affiliations)

4. File Name – “Country – Public Poster Abstract” (e.g. Malaysia – Public Poster Abstract)

5. Font – Arial (11)

6. Line Spacing – Single


1. Language – UK English (If local words are used, English translations must be provided)

2. Size – 3 x 5 ft.

3. Orientation – Portrait

Poster Presentation 1. Language – English only

2. Length

Five (5) minutes will be allotted for the presentation.

Two (2) minutes will be allotted for the question and answer portion

3. Maximum 2 presenters per group who can take turn to present.

Judging Criteria

Submission Procedure The structured abstract must be submitted by 1st May 2013 via email.

([email protected])

All the posters (25) must be submitted by 3rd July 2013.

Queries and other concerns regarding the poster competition may be sent to organizing

committee via email. ([email protected])

*Accessory materials for putting up of posters would be supplied at the venue.

*Posters have to be removed by 24 hours.

Criteria Percentage (%)

1. Content

2. Clarity and quality of poster

3. Presentation and Q&A




Video competition guidelines Objectives:

To increase awareness regarding public health and the important role

played by public health in our day to day life.


Provide a brief introduction on the disease(s) identified that is related to the following


o occupational health

o environmental health

o non-communicable diseases

o maternal and child health

Introduce the background of the targeted community

Illustrate any of the following but not limited to

o The prevalence of the problem in your country

o The measures to be taken by the individual or the community

o The potential impacts of the problem to the community

Criteria for selection: A maximum of ONE (1) entry is allowed per country.

All (25) entries will be allowed to be exhibited in between the scientific paper competition

during the conference.

Video specifications: Resolution- HD(high definition)

o 480p, 720p or 1080p

Video duration

o Minimum : 90 seconds

o Maximum: 270 seconds

File format – general and widely used video codec and audio codec

o Avi (mpeg4, DivX, XviD)

o Mkv(H.264)

o Mp4(mpeg4)


o English

o If other languages are accepted, however it must be accompanied by subtitles in UK


Submission rules Send your video information as specified below via e-mail to [email protected]

latest by 1st May 2013

1. A brief description of the video (maximum 100 words, in Microsoft Word 1997-2003


2. The name and contact details (address, phone number, email) of the video makers.

3. A statement declaring that one holds the copyright or has the right to use the video,

and agree to the video being used as described in the guidelines for this completion.

File name: “ Country (Video)-Title of the video” (e.g. Malaysia (video)-Public Health


Send your video on 3rd July 2013 at the registration counter.

Queries and other concerns regarding the video competition may be addressed to

organizing committee via email.

Terms and condition The entrant retains copyright over their work, but by uploading a video, the entrant grants

permission to AMSC Malaysia 2013 to reproduce the video on any AMSC Malaysia 2013

websites and its events.


o Your video must be your own original creation - no copyrighted music, video, sounds

or images may be used without prior, full permission from the author(s) of said

copyrighted music, video, sounds or images that you wish to include.

o Your video must not infringe upon any third party rights.

The video must not be produced for any previous AMSC or EAMSC video competition.

Judging criteria

Criteria Percentage (%)

1. Clarity

2. Relevance

3. Creativity

4. Filming and production quality






Welcoming Dinner


1) To welcome all international delegates to the host country, Malaysia

2) To provide an opportunity for ice- breaking and rapport building among group

members and group moderators.

Tentative Venue:

Garden of Palace of Golden Horses



Tentative Menu:

Buffet- styled local Malaysian food and barbeque food

Tentative Program:

Tribal dance performance, face painting, group photo taking and many mores.

Sight- seeing Program


1) To introduce the popular tourism destinations in Malaysia to the international


Tentative Destinations:

1) Kuala Lumpur city

(Petronas Twin Tower, KL Tower, Dataran Merdeka, Art Market, KL Golden Triangle)

2) Putrajaya + River cruise

Malaysian Street Food Fiesta!


1) To provide an opportunity for the international delegates to experience

the famous “pasar malam” culture in Malaysia.

Tentative Program:

1) Local Hawker Food Fiesta:

List of Hawker Food:

Nasi Lemak

Nasi Kerabu

Fried Kuey Tiao

Roti Canai & Chapati

Lemang & Rendang



Local kuih- muih


Local fruits


2) Fun- fair game stalls

3) Street performances

Cultural Workshop


1) To provide hands- on cultural experience to the international delegates.

Tentative Venue:

UKM Medical Center

Tentative Workshops:

Batik making, Chinese calligraphy, Henna art, Traditional dances, Costume trying, Silat, etc

Cultural Night


1) To provide a platform for international delegates from different chapters to

showcase their cultural performances.

Tentative Venue:

Ballroom of Palace of Golden Horses

Tentative Menu:

Buffet Dinner

Tentative Program:

Cultural performances by all attending delegates from different chapters and

souvenirs exchange

Farewell Program & Party


1) To allow the delegates to have a fun and relaxing day to interact with their group

mates and group moderators before returning to home country.

Tentative Venue:

Genting Highland

Tentative Program:

Theme park visit, Farwell Party with performances by organizing committees and

group moderators s as well as conference video presentation.


Palace of Golden Horses , Kuala Lumpur (5-star)

An enchanting palatial hotel which is tagged as Asia’s Most Extraordinary Hotel,

is a world-class award winning luxury hotel located within the iconic MINES

Wellness City and just 20 minutes away from the heart of Kuala Lumpur, where

the Palace of the Golden Horses is located and a 35-minute drive from Kuala

Lumpur International Airport (KLIA).

Main conference accommodation. Rooms for delegates: Twin-sharing Deluxe

Room (same gender)

Room amenities

Air conditioning & controls in

all rooms


Coffee and/or tea maker

Refrigerator & Mini bar

Plates and glassware in the


Bathroom with bathtub

Separate shower



Iron and ironing board

Trouser press

Sofa-bed in room

Color TV & Cable/satellite TV

TV carries an all news cable


In-room movies & In room

video player

VCR/VCP & Stereo available

AM/FM radio

High speed internet


Work desk with lamp

Direct Dial Phone

Two Line Phone


In room safe

First World Hotel, Genting Highland (4-star)

The world's largest hotel First World Hotel is adjoined to the First World Plaza,

which boasts 500,000 sq feet of indoor theme park, shopping centre and food


Accommodation on day-7. Room for delegates: Twin-sharing Deluxe Room.

Room amenities:

14" Colour TV

In-house Video (Vision 4)


Mini Fridge and Tea & Coffee Making Facilities

Safe-deposit box

Standing Shower

Hair Dryer


Registration for the 34th AMSC 2013 Malaysia will be opened in January 2013.

Early Registration 7th January- 8th April 2013

Late Registration 9th April- 14th May 2013

1) AMSA International Member Chapters:

(Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan,

Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Palestin, Philippines,

Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom and Ukraine)

Students studying in medical universities in any of the AMSA International member

chapters stated above are COMPULSORY to register with your respective Regional

Chairperson (RC). Conference fee and registration dateline will be released via

respective RC. Please note that the Organizing Committee of AMSC 2013 will not

entertain any individual/ group registration without acknowledgement from RC of the

respective chapters.

You may contact your chapter's RC via the contact details listed below:

1) Aniruddha Sheth (Australia)

[email protected]

2) Rajesh Das (Bangladesh)

[email protected]

3) Sovannarith Oum (Cambodia)

[email protected]

4) Wan Rou (China)

[email protected]

5) Mohamed Abdel Ghafar (Egypt)

[email protected]

6) Katherine Liu (Hong Kong)

[email protected]

7) Nikhil Agrawal (India)

[email protected]

8) Nathania Sutisna (Indonesia)

[email protected]

9) Hami Ashraf (Iran)

[email protected]

10) Shoko Sakai (Japan)

[email protected]

11) Jennifer Kim (Korea)

[email protected]

12) Cecil Lee (Malaysia)

[email protected]

13) Serikbolat Gorikii (Mongolia)

[email protected]

14) Kyaungtha Kyaungtha (Myammar)

[email protected]

15) Pradeep Raj Regmi (Nepal)

[email protected]

16) Carissa Herbert (New Zealand)

[email protected]

17) Marriam Noor Malik (Pakistan)

[email protected]

18) Nasser Dawoud (Palestine)

[email protected]

19) Karina Terese Santos (Philippines)

[email protected]

20) An Shing Ang (Singapore)

[email protected]

21) Stephen Tsai (Taiwan)

[email protected]

22) Nicholas Chongsathidkiet (Thailand)

[email protected]

23) Tony Tien (United Kingdom)

[email protected]

24) Eng Lu Sun (Ukraine)

[email protected]

2) Non- AMSA International Member Chapters:

Students studying in medical universities in countries who are NOT a member of AMSA

International are welcomed to join AMSC 2013 as well. Individual or group registrations

are accepted. Students from non- AMSA International Member Chapters are compulsory

to send an official email to the Organizing Chairperson, Ms Justina Teh

([email protected]) to request for delegate seat. However, please note that due to

high demand from member chapters, seats allocated for non- AMSA International

member chapters are limited.


Country Quota

Tier 1 Number of Seats Malaysia 21 Australia 30

Hong Kong 30 New Zealand 5

Japan 30 Taiwan 30 Turkey 5

Singapore 30 South Korea 30

United Kingdom 15 Kazakhstan* 3

229 Tier 2 China 15 Egypt 5 India 30

Indonesia 30 Iran 5

Mongolia 15 Philippines 30

Thailand 30 Ukraine 5 Jordan* 3

168 Tier 3

Bangladesh 5 Cambodia 5 Myanmar 5

Nepal 5 Pakistan 5 Palestine 5 Nigeria* 3

33 ECs of AMSA International

Australia 5 India 1

Indonesia 1 South Korea 2

Malaysia 1 Mongolia 1 Pakistan 2

Philippines 4 Singapore 2

UK 1 20


Conference Fee according to Country Tier

Tier Early Registration

(7th January- 8th April 2013)

Late Registration

(9th April- 14th May 2013)

1 USD $ 520 USD $ 540

2 USD $ 480 USD $ 500

3 USD $ 320 USD $ 340


For any enquiries or latest updates regarding the 34th Asian Medical Students’

Conference (AMSC) 2013 Malaysia, please kindly can reach us via:

Official Email Address:

[email protected]

Official Facebook page:

Official Blogspot:

OR, you can contact our Organizing Chairperson/ Vice Organizing Chairpersons at:

Justina Teh Soh Wen (Organizing Chairperson)

Contact Number: +6012-219 4885

E-mail address: [email protected]

For enquiries/ submission of scientific competitions entry, kindly contact our Academic

officers at:

Isaac Tan Yieng Ler (Head of Academic Department)/ Elaine Ang Yi Ling (Head

of Scientific Competitions)

Department Email Address: [email protected]

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