Download - RDBMS assignment1


Assignment 1


Submitted To:-Prof. Walid Belal

Submitted By :- Karanvir Salwan

1. Show Show_Name and Show_StartDate for the Shows that starts in the month March of any year.

Sol Select Show_Name, Show_StartDate from Show where Show_StartDate like %march%;

2. Show Show_ID and Show_Name from the Show table where Show_Price is within the range 100 to 200 and Show_Category ends with either lower or uppercase y.

Sol Select Show_Name , Show_id from Show where Show_category like %Y and Show_price BETWEEN 100 AND 200;

3. Show Theatre_Name from Theatre table for the theatres that are located in (Address) 231 Allan Rd

Sol Select a.Theatre_Name from Theatre a left outer join Location b

ON (a.Loc_ID=b.Loc_ID)

where b.Address= 231 Allan Rd;

4. Show Theatre_Name and Show_Name for all the theatres that are of type Comedy

Sol Select a.Theatre_Name, b.Show_Name from Theatre a left outer join Show b ON ( a.Loc_ID=b.Loc_ID) where a.Theatre_Type=Comedy;

5. What is the name of the Show or Shows (Show_name) that have the highest price (Show_Price) and are held in an theatre of type (Theatre_type) Comedy

Sol Select a.Show_Name , MAX(a.Show_Price) from Show a left outer join Theatre b ON(a.Theatre_ID=b.Theatre_ID) Where b.Theatre_Type=comedy;

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