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Generational Diversity: Bridging A Critical

Employee Engagement “Crosswind”

Leigh Branham, SPHR

Mark Hirschfeld

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Engaged Employees……

� Give more discretionary effort

� Receive better customer service ratings

� Speak well of the organization

Are more likely to stay� Are more likely to stay

� Voice more ideas

� Adapt to and facilitate change

� Engage other employees

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� Yearly competitions 44 U.S. Cities

� 10,000 employers of all sizes have applied since 2004

� 2.1 million employees surveyed

Data from 37-question engagement survey and 200,000+ � Data from 37-question engagement survey and 200,000+

comments analyzed

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� For the first time we have four unique generations in the

workplace, with a fifth on the way

� In the current economy older and younger employees are

competing for jobscompeting for jobs

� For the first time a majority of older employees now have

younger bosses

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� Traditionalists

1925-1945 (62 million)

� Baby Boomers

1946-1964 (77 million)1946-1964 (77 million)

� Gen-X’ers

1965-1980 (45 million)

� Millennials (aka Gen-Y)

1981- 1995 (80 million)

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“Growing up in different eras“Growing up in different erascauses people

to see things differently.”

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Generational Labor Force Composition (Between Ages of 16-64)

Generation ZGeneration Z






1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030

Generation Z


Generation X

Baby Boomers


Foreign Born

Generation Z

Millennials Y

Generation X



Foreign Born

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� 26-45 year-olds don’t feel as close to other

associates in their work groups.

� 26-45 year-olds are the least likely to say that

company benefits meet their(or their family) company benefits meet their(or their family)


� 26-55 year-olds don’t believe that company

benefits offered are not typically available in

the market.

* Tenure is controlled for in these results.

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The results of our analysis—after controlling

for other company characteristics such as

age, position type, company size, and age, position type, company size, and

tenure—showed us that greater variation in

age within a company actually has a

negative impact on engagement.

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More likely to have higher

employee engagement.

Company A : less age diversity

For two companies that have roughly the same employee

count but different age diversity:

employee engagement.

Less likely to have higher

employee engagement.

Company B: more age diversity

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“As part of the executive level management I am inspired by the new generation of leadership at the company. The second generation has


“I believe the executive levels should gain a better understanding of the generational diversity within the workforce and the

leadership at the company. The second generation has taken over the management of the company and has maintained and enhanced the strong culture of the company, a culture with a focus on mutual respect and offering leadership opportunities to younger professionals.”

generational diversity within the workforce and the motivators for each group. The company has a lot of 'unspoken rules' that are old fashioned and based off of old ideas of what the ideal business person should work and look like.”

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� Evident in all highly

engaged “Best Places to


� Top quartile employers

have half the “generation have half the “generation

gap” than bottom quartile


� We offer over 100 tips and

best practices related to

managing generational


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� Recruit a diverse workforce

� Provide training and opportunities for open dialogueabout generational differencesabout generational differences

� Create continuous opportunities for different generations to:• work together on projects

• share work spaces

• mentor each other

• socialize together

• seek to meet one another halfway with regard to differing expectations

� Identify and develop diverse mix of emerging leaders

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� Understand and treat each employee as an individual, not

based on generational stereotypes

� Become a student of generational and individual differences

� Put yourself “in their shoes”� Put yourself “in their shoes”

� Let go of “Us vs. Them” thinking

� Ask about their goals, needs and preferences

� Rethink your assumptions /management style

� Meet those in other generations halfway

� Challenge them to meet you halfway

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� Staff teams with members of different generations

� Orchestrate inter-generational understanding through

assigned activities/interactions

� Arrange office space and workstations to facilitate � Arrange office space and workstations to facilitate

teamwork and relationship building

� Provide training in generational differences and

teambuilding, then build diversity into project teams

� Promote balance of face-to-face and e-communication

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Traditionalists:� Tap their experience

� Place them in mentoring roles

� Allow flex-time/part-time options

� Challenge to learn new technologiesChallenge to learn new technologies

Boomers: � Reduce stress /workload, allow flex-scheduling and phased retirement

� Encourage them to delegate and empower younger generations, keep

involved with younger workers on project teams and task forces

� Challenge them with tasks and projects where they can have an

impact and keep learning

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Gen Xers: � Keep them challenged and constantly learning (using a variety of

media and learning methods) in lieu of limited advancement opportunities

� Allow time off for personal /family life� Don’t micromanage them� Don’t micromanage them� Bend the rules and go to bat for them when you can

Millennials:� Provide lots of feedback and coaching, learning opportunities and

teamwork� Challenge them to communicate face-to-face, take the initiative and

make decisions independently/on the fly� Pair them with mentors, take a personal interest in their career goals

and help them develop needed competencies

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� Acknowledge their loyalty, hard work and sacrifice

� Praise them for adapting to hard realities and change

� Appreciate them for mentoring younger workers

� Thank them face-to-face and with handwritten notes� Thank them face-to-face and with handwritten notes


� Recognize them for making a difference and going the extra mile

� Appreciate them for being good team players

� Challenge them to give more recognition and feedback

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Gen Xers:

▪ Autonomy to do the job their own way — when/where

▪ Time off

▪ The latest technology

▪ Healthcare coverage and convenience benefits▪ Healthcare coverage and convenience benefits


▪ Meaningful/challenging work

▪ Opportunity to develop social relationships

▪ Time off and appreciation for sacrificing time off

▪ Opportunities to be mentored and learn new things

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Traditionalists and Boomers:

� Bolster pre-retirement benefits

� Allow phased retirement, part-time work, flex-time and consulting


� Focus them on preventative health and wellness practices, such as

better diet and more exercise

� Consider providing new benefits, such as grandchild care

� Don’t make assumptions, such as “They won’t care about tuition


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Gen Xers: � Provide benefits for those building new families — home loan

assistance, childcare subsidies, vacation and time off

� Offer tuition reimbursement to promote continuous learning

� Allow flexible schedules and a telecommuting option when possibleAllow flexible schedules and a telecommuting option when possible

� Provide elder and childcare

� Allow opportunities for fun at work

Millennials:� Same as above, plus:

� Create opportunities for internal social activities and social networking

� Encourage community involvement and volunteer activities

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Next Webinar:Wednesday, April 14th

Employee Engagement in Difficult Times

Join us in San Diego at SHRM for “Navigating the Crosswinds of Employee

Engagement” in June!

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