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NAME: _________________________________ Year and Section: _____________ Date: ______________

A. PRE-READINGThe essay is entitled "Reach for Your Dream." What do you think is the essay about? Give three questions which you expect the essay to answer.

1. _________________________________2. _________________________________3. _________________________________

B. Reading the TextRead the essay silently.

Reach for Your Dreamby David D. Moore

1. Have you ever dreamed of sailing around the world — alone? Or, have you dreamed of running for high political office, writing a best selling novel, snow-mobiling to the North Pole, finding a cure for cancer, building your own A-frame in the woods, or even of climbing Mt. Everest, winning a Grand Prix road race, or being awarded a Nobel Prize?

2. If you have ever dreamed or aspired to accomplish any of these difficult tasks, or any of a thousand others the human mind can dream — then, you are alive. You are a feeling, thinking human being, an individual who is spiritually, emotionally and physically alive, for dreams are the deepest expression of creative potential within the human spirit.

3. What is a dream? A dream is the creation of an idea which develops within a courageous human mind; and. it is like a seed. If a seed is carefully planted at the appointed time in fertile soil,-and nurtured with proper amounts of water and sunlight, it will spring to life and flower to maturity. So it is with the dreams of men. All men who have sucked the breath of life have carried a dream in their minds and hearts, but most dreams have fallen too early or too late in the season of life or on sterile minds and cold hearts, or most often have through discouragement or fear.

4. A man with a dream is a man with promise. A man in pursuit of a dream is a roan who is alive. A man who has achieved a dream is a man who has experienced life; and, conversely, a man without a dream is a man who is dead.

5. All dreams, however, like every great and noble aspiration which has flashed in the human mind, are difficult to achieve. Pietro Metasio, an 18th century author and dreamer wrote: "Every noble acquisition is attended with its risks; he who fears to encounter the one must not expect to obtain the other." Two opposing, but mysteriously interrelated human emotions are fear and courage. How many of us have been swept under by fear only to find within ourselves a source of courage beyond our own comprehension?

6. Is it not the fear of the unknown, of our own ability and competence, which creates challenge and tests our willingness to say, I can? And, is it not that ensuing drive to meet the test which generates courage, which, in turn, is our source of strength to conquer fear and meet challenge? These two elements are always

present in any great dream or aspiration. If, however, fear suffocates our dreams we surely will fail; if courage sterilizes fear we will die; but, if a proper mixture permeates our quest we will succeed. It therefore takes courage to dream, for successful dreamers are not weak men, nor are they fools.

7. What was the stimulating dream, and what were the obstacles John Steinbeck overcame to write his epic novel, "The Grapes of Wrath?" How deep the devotion, and how splendid the dream of Martin Luther King and Dag Hammarskjold? How magnificent the dream of Thomas Jefferson as he penned the Declaration, or that of Thomas Paine as he struck "Common Sense?" And, how bold is the dream of Henry Kissinger as he roams the world in search of peace? All these dreams produced a courage in these men far surpassing their own fears, indeed, even the fear for their own lives.

8. Remarkable accomplishments? Yes, but they all began as a seed, an idea, a dream — a dream not any different than any of ours. Any of us can achieve our dreams if we only have the will. James Alien, the early twentieth century American novelist has written: "You will become as small as your controlling desire; as great as your dominant aspiration." Are we any different than those courageous voyagers who have gone before us? If one has the capacity to dream, then he has the ability to achieve that dream. Henry David Thoreau says, "if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."

9. Consider how bleak the world would be if Aristotle refused to inquire, Galileo refused to observe, Columbus refused to sail, Rembrant refused to paint, Luther refused to question, or Patrick Henry refused to speak. What if Mozart refused to compose, Lincoln refused to act. Weight refused to believe, and Von Braun feared to dream.

10. The world needs each of our dreams, and desperately. Do you have an idea to cure disease — Lister did? Do you have an idea that will feed the starving millions — Borlaug did? Do you have an idea to create happiness for millions — Disney did? Do you have an idea to fight illiteracy and ignorance — Gutenberg did? Do you have an idea about mankind — Darwin did? Do you have an idea for a more workable economy — Keynes did? Do you hi;ve an idea for humanity — Schweitzer did? Do you have an idea for a story — Tolstoy did? Do you have an idea for a great adventure — Armstrong lid? Do you have an idea for a painting — Michelangelo did? These individuals knew well the meaning of Darwin's insight: "A man who dares waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life."

11. What are your dreams? Do you have an idea for a symphony, a better way to motivate students, a cure for cancer, a powerful novel, or an answer for poverty? Hive you had an idea for a new source of power, a non-polluting engine, eliminating discrimination, or even world peace? John Kennedy, shortly before his death, said: "A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance without death."

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12. Success can only be achieved if your dream is greater than your fear and equal to your courage. Often, the dream must be your guiding light in a fog-shrouded world of apathy and discouragement, and the dream in some cases must be more important than your very life.

13. Dream and feel the thrust of life! "Let Us Choose Life," says the famous Barbara Ward. What is life if we fear to dream, or create, or hope, or love? Without these antidotes to the poison of apathy we are spiritually and emotionally dead. Life, then, becomes empty, unbearable, senseless, and sterile. Ambassador George Keenan has said, "It is not important that life be long, only that it has purpose and meaning."

14. Those who choose to dream of a better world — those who question and search and care and love will need his special kind of courage, for as Hemingway has clearly perceived, "If people bring so much courage to this world, the world has to kill them to break them. The world breaks every one and afterwards many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break, it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially."

15. The world may kill the dreamers, but never the dream. Inquire into the life of those who have sought to share a new dream with the world. Did they not crucify Jesus, stone Copernicus, poison Socrates, persecute Galileo, degrade Darwin, and kill Lincoln? Did they not imprison Thoreau, ridicule Goddard, excommunicate Luther, humiliate Voltaire, and discredit Lawrence? For those who find the courage to think new thoughts, depart from the norm, or attempt to design a better world, the price will be great, as will be the rewards.

16.Only those able to overcome fear and difficulties will

experience the full and splendid delight of human existence. Reach for your dream, if you dare, and you will grasp the most profound insight of all — the power and unlimited potential of the human spirit.

Comprehending the TextFill the blanks with the word or phrase that best complete the sentence. Encircle the letter that corresponds to your choice.

1. The essay is mainly about _______.a. the meaning of a dreamb. reaching for a dreamc. the fear of a dreamd. the uselessness of dreams

2. According to the author, the only persons who do not dream are

a. dead c. fearfulb. alive d. directionless

3. The qualities associated most likely with dreams area. love and desireb. ambition and drivec. peace and enjoymentd. fear and courage

4. The essay states that a dream starts with ______a. a plan c. an ideab. a seed d. a challenge

5. To make his definition concrete, the author likens a dream to a

a. seed c. heartb. Dower d. challenge

6. The writer asserts that all great achievements began as _____.

a. challenges c. acts of courageb. objects of fear d. dreams

7. The essay emphasizes the point that to have a meaningful and full existence, we have to_______.

a. be contented with our dreamsb. courageously pursue our dreamsc. keep on dreaming and waitd. meet challenges

8. By enumerating famous names, the writer drives home the point that the civilization we have and the life we now enjoy we owe to________________

a. scientists c. philosophersb. artists d. dreamers

9. The primary purpose of the writer is to ______.a. explain dreamsb. name famous personsc. give the importance of dreams d. inspire readers to .follow their dreams to reality

10. To support his statements or arguments, the writer gives many

a. definitions c. examplesb. comparisons d. quotations

Discuss the following questions:1. What is the essay about?2. Why does the writer compare a dream to a seed? Do you agree?3. What do fear and courage contribute to the fulfillment of a dream?4. Name one person mentioned in the essay. Tell about his/her dream and achievement.5. What is the most important thing you must have to achieve your dream?

Extracting and Organizing Information1. Read the part that tells about the importance of

dreams.2. Read the paragraph that shows that one can kill a

dreamer, but not a dream.3. Read the paragraph that challenges us to reach fro

our dream.

GRAMMAR: Sentence vs. Fragments

A. Write S on the blank if the word-group is a complete sentence. Write F if it is a fragment or not a complete sentence.

_____ 1. The people were dreaming of freedom-_____ 2. The people dreaming of freedom_____ 3. When they dreamed of freedom_____ 4. The people won their freedom after years of struggle.

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_____ 5. Without good leadership, their dream will not come true._____ 6. Freedom is worth fighting for_____ 7. Without the people's help and guidance_____ 8. The old woman walking slowly into the dimly-lighted room._____ 9. No person in this world can buy happiness._____10. The princess wore a gown of black velvet.

B. Indicate whether the fragment is a phrase (P) or a clause (C). Write P or C on the blank_____ I. by writers imbued with the spirit of romanticism_____ 2. one t f the most controversial times in literature and art_____ 3. among the foremost writers of the new romantic school_____ 4. whose poetic drama remains one of the great plays of the Western world._____ 5. with its sense of mystery and the preternatural_____ 6. that the romantic writers could seem self-centered_____ 7. the democratic spirit prevailing in the social and political worlds_____ 8. where realism, naturalism, and symbolism became predominant

.____ 9. where poetry abounds in the rich, sensuous images of color and sound._____10. remembering their specific calling as persons apart

C. Put the words and phrases in their proper order so that you produce grammatical sentences

1. messages from gods dreamsto be were supposed

Your sentence: ______________________________

2. this part the subconsciousof our mind we call

Your sentence: ______________________________

3. is active during sleepthe mind unconscious

Your sentence: ______________________________

4. of the mind Sigmund Freudin the working was interested

Your sentence: ______________________________

5. dreams and other disturbancesguard us from noises

Your sentence: ______________________________

6. from person to personvary dreams

Your sentence: ______________________________

7. We into deeper sleepafter a dream sink

Your sentence: ______________________________

8. cannot remember very oftenwe our dreams

Your sentence: ______________________________

9. the average person dreamstwo hours a night

Your sentence: ______________________________

10. one nightmare most peoplehave had at least

Your sentence: ______________________________

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