  • 8/19/2019 Readings (Viewpoints 1)




    1 Word Check The following words appear

    in the text Make sure you know what they


    f aate • b nd • sqeaky • cope


    Beore read ng a text, look at th e pct ures and

    the title Ths w l l he lp you predct the content of

    the text.

    2 Look at the title and the picture What do you

    think the text is about?

    3 Read the text and check whether your

    pediction was correct.

    4. Ae the ollowing statements true o false?

    Find evidence n the text to support your


    Te ma foll owg the wite was a stage

    2 PA was irst di ag osed i he 990s

    3. People ca ge PA fro tei paets.

    4. Soe PA suferes do ' go o mc h

    5. T e wrer peers o keep er cond on a secret

    6. Sci et iss have o d scoveed a c re fo PA.

    5 Choose the best answe according to the text.

    1 In ts text he wre wans maly to . . .a tell eades he stoy of e ieb nform reades about PAc. gve deas abo te ates reseac o PAd. el p eades diag ose whethe hey ave PA

    2 When te wite real sed se had PA, she was . . . .a ga d hat she was o aoneb pse ta thee was someh g wog

    wt erc a gy at no one a d ever od hed happy hat he r cond o was no

    ore serous

    6 Answer the questions n your own words

    How dd te wrer kn ow tat se ad PA?

    2.  Wa cles do PA sfees se o recognisepeope?

    3.  Why gt a busi ess eeg be d iclt for

    te wite?4 Wha im pessio do PA sufferers ake on


    5.  Why do PA suffeers soeti mes peed heyhaven' go teir gl asses?

    7 Fnd words or ph rases i n the text that mean:

    1 aad (paagrap 1 )

    2 i ad d it ion o (paagap 2)

    3.  deiey (paragrap 3)

    4.   make it possbe fo (paragaph 4)

    5.  types, k ds (paag aph 6)

    • Have you ever been in a situation where

    you d idn't recogn ise someone or couldn't

    remember thei r name? How did you feel?

    What did you do?

  • 8/19/2019 Readings (Viewpoints 1)


    A Face I' 11 Alwys orgt

    A few years ago a man began cal l ing m e from th e other sd e of the street I gnore d h i m,

    but he ran after me, shoting "Hey! Frightened, I shouted back, "What's the problem?

    When e replied his American accent remnded me: he was my fatmate and I had been

    living wth him fo three years

    5 Tis incd ent along with several ote s, made me real ise that I am faceb ind . I h ave a

    cond ition called posopagnosa, or PA. I ' m not real ly b l ind . When I ' m l ooking at a face, I can

    d esci be it pe fecty. ts ust tat when I lo ok away, I don 't rem em ber the detai ls .

    PA was first documented in the 1940s and was beieved to be caused by brain injury or a

    stroke. However, n the 1990s, reports were published of parents and children who were

    10 suffering from the disorde bt ad no injury. Tis clearly showed that some people are

    born with the problem and that it can be heredtary Neurologists have now proved that it

    is caused by a defect in a single geneWhen I tell my friends about my conditon, they say But you just recognised me "Yes, I

    answer, "becase you still ave long orange hair, a squeaky voce and a ring through your

    15 eyebrow. t's tese clues that allow prosopagnostics to function in society But what if

    youre at a business meeting were all the men are wearing suits and have short hair?

    In sort, lfe isn't easy for PA sufferers. We're seen as snobbish and

    strange because we don 't say he ll o to peop le we' re supp osed to

    know. Somehow, "Sorry, I didn't recognise you seems a poor

    20 excuse for ook ng straght through someone especial ly when

    that someone is your boyfriend

    So how d o we cope? Wel l, we use al l sorts of strategi es. Som e of

    us just don't social ise much Other options include smil ing at

    everyone just in case they ae an acqantance, or pretending

    25 we haven't got our glasses.

    All in al l, it's a rel ief to know that my problem has a name

    and that lots of other peop le share it - in fact, t's bel ieved

    that one person in 50 suffers from PA. t's aso easier to

    tel l people about it than to let them think I 'm crazy. And

    30 now that they've found out it's caused by a gene, who

    knows - one day there m ay eve n be a cure.

    False friends

    realise ( l ine 5 means darse cuenta no realizar

    pretending (l in e 24) ean s fingiendo not pretendiendo

    Uit 1


  • 8/19/2019 Readings (Viewpoints 1)


    �RE ING

    4 Choose the best answer according to the text.

    1 . Asab le was angy becase . a he manage had gven Max a ey to s


    1 Word Check: Th e following words appear

    in the text. Make su re you know what they


    goomy • b ned • staed • grasped


    Ma king i nferences he lps you u nderstand th ings

    that a ren't actua ly written in the text We ca n

    deduce th ings from certai n i nformation in the

    text, for example, th e way people react or th e

    th in gs they say.

    2 The following sentences appear in the text

    What can you infer from them? Choose the

    correct answer be low

    Ausable dd not look like any secret agentFowler had read about He was past midde agean d ver very fat.

    Wen Fowler st saw Ausable ,e probaby el

    a . exced b dsapponted

    3. Read the short story ad compete thesentences using your own words

    1 Ausabe wen o s oom becase . .

    When tey entered e oo, Fowler andAusabe wee srpr ised by .

    3 Max becae nevos when someone . . .

    Max cl mbed tog te wndowbecase e ougt

    5 . Max sceaed because . .

    roob he manag e had no blo cked te balConyc Max waned e epod. Max was hold ng a gun

    Ausabe said ta he had cal led te pol ce .a because Max had enered s roomb because Fowler ad fol owed hi m o hi s

    omc. n ode to g ve he h e secret eportd jst n case thee was tobl e

    3 Ausabe knew ta e knoc k on he doorwas . a . te pol ceb. roo servcec. an agent de verng e repord. the hoel mana ger

    . We can ne that n te end Fowler fel

    a hat hs i s pesson ad been wrongb hat Ausab le was no very profession ac dsapponted becase te evenin g had not

    been exci in gd wo ied abot wa had appened o Max

    5 Fin d words o phrases in the text tha t mean

    the opposte of:

    1 . led (l nes 1-3)

    . pracical (nes 8-10)

    3 at ( nes 3-5)

    .happ ly ( i nes


    5 slowly ( nes 50-5)

    6 loweed ( nes 4-56)

    • Do you thi k Ausable was a good secretagent Why o why not

    Fictional spies: Sam isher,

    Jason Bourne and Austin Powers

  • 8/19/2019 Readings (Viewpoints 1)


    The Midnight s tor 

    Aue did not look ike any secret agent

    ower had read about He was past mddle ageand ver, very fat. Fowler oowed him down theoomy corridor of the od French hote where theecret agent had a smal room on the sixth oor

    You are disappointed," Ausable said over hishoulder. ou were told that was a secret agent,

    a spy You wanted to meet me because 1ou area young and romantic writer You had eXpectedysterious figures in the night, the crck o gunsand poison in the wine. But instead of havingecret messages sipped into my hand by a dar-

    yed beauty, ony got a phone call arranging aeetng in my room Youve been bored" The fatan laughed to himsel as he unlocked the dooro his room and et hs rustrated guest enter

    I I l

    It belongs to the next room, but it extends

    40 under my window," explained Ausabe angriy.The manager promised to block it off, but hehasnt." Suddenly, there was a knock at the doorAusable smied with relie That is the policeI tod them to check on me to make sure

    4 everything was al right."Max bit his lip nervously The knocking was

    repeated.What wil you do now, Max?" Ausable asked

    I I do not answer the door, they wil come in5 0  anyway. And they wi not hesitate to shoot."

    Max's face was back with anger as he backedswty toward the window and put one leg outinto the nght. Send them away," he waed wil wait on the bacony."

    Cheer up, my oung friend Soon you wl see 55a top secret report o this room, a report

    The knocking on the door became louder anda voice was raised. Mr Ausabe! Mr Ausabe!"

    hat may someday aect the course o hstoryhat is the drama, is it not?" As he was speaking,:usabe closed the door behind him. Then he�tced on the light.

    Halway across the room a man was standingand pointing an automatc pistol at them He was

    lender, not ta, with a face ike a fox. Ausabeblinked a ew times Max" he said, you startede What are you doing in my room?"

    The report," Max murmured. The secretrport that is being brought to you tonght. wanti"

    Ausable sat down heavily n an armchair I'murious with the hote manager," he said grimly.his is the second tme in a month that someonehas entered my room from that balcony"owler's eyes went to the single window o the

    roomBacony?" Max asked No, I had a key.What balcony?"

    Keeping the gun on the two men, Max graspedthe window rame and swung the other eg up andover. The doorknob tued. As Max dropped onto

    60 the bacony, he screamed once. The door openedand a waiter stood there wth a tray, a botte andtwo gasses.



    Here is the drnk you ordered, sir" He set thetray on the tabe and lef the room.

    Whte faced and shaking, Fower stammered,but . but . what about ... the polce?

    There never were any poice," Ausablesghed. Only room service whom I wasexpecting"

    But what about the man on the bacony ?"Fowler began.What bacony?" asked AusabeFowler was sti breathing hard as Ausabe

    camy poured himsel a drink

    aranging ( l n e mean p/aneando,

    programando o arreg/ando

    Uit 2

    report i e 1 8) means informe ot reportaje

  • 8/19/2019 Readings (Viewpoints 1)



    RE ING

    5 Choose the best answer accordi ng to the text

    1 Pstous and hs coach ca ed that .a Osca had overcome h ge d isadvantages


    1 Wod Check: The following wods appearin the text. Ma ke sure you know what theymean.

    able-bodied • blades • ovecomeovertu • space-age


    Readi ng the frst entence of a pa ragrap h an

    he l p ident ify the ma in dea . Ident fy ing the ma in

    idea o eah paragraph w i l l he l p you un destand

    the tt

    2 Read the fist sentence of each paagraph inthe text In which paragraph do you think youwill i nd the ollowing in ormation?

    1 istorus' eary l ie

    . he easo o the AA's deciso Y

    3.  istoius reactio to the AAF's deciso S

    4 An introduction to Osca istorus 1

    5 . The inal vedict b

    3. Read the text and check your a nswers to

    Exercise 2

    4. Answer the que stions

    1 What is uusual about Osca isto s?

    2 Why did Pi stoiu s bel ieve he should be a lowed

    to compete n the Olympics?

    3. What dd the IAAF decide?

    4 Why dd they mae ths decsio ?

    5 Accodig to istous ad his coach, what

    maes him successfu?

    6 Why s the wod ironically used i l i e 33?

    b the Cheetahs wee bette tha egsc. it would be too diicult fo hi m to compete

    at Beij i ngd. hi s case would set a pecedet

    2. Pistoi us did ot compete at Bej g becausea the AA woud not al low tb. he was dsabledc he dd not u fast eou ghd the CAS woud not a l ow it

    3 Accodi g to the text P storius' case has madep eopl e . . . .


    1 .





    a. wat Cheetahs stead o ea legsb woder how much techo logy should be

    used i spotc ask whethe disabed ad abe-bodied

    athletes should compete togethed. change their minds about dsabed athetes

    Find words in the text that mean

    achievement (paragaph 1)

    best, oremost (paag aph 3) -

    opoessiona (paagraph 3)

    geate tha orma paagaph 5)l

    impove (paagaph 6)

    • In you opinion, should Oscar Pistorius bea owed to compete at the next Olym pics?Why or why not?

    F ind out about som stange spo rs at :WEB EXTRA •u •'JOfS I

  • 8/19/2019 Readings (Viewpoints 1)


  • 8/19/2019 Readings (Viewpoints 1)


      RE ING

    1 . Word Chec The following words appear

    in he ex. Mae su re you know wha

    hey mean.

    mave • reguay-saped • stateof-teat



    Scann ing means look ing through the text qu ick lyto fi nd specfic n forma tion . Pay attention to thetye of i nformat ion you are l k ing for (names places, dates, prices) Looking for numberssymbo ls and cap ta l letters w he l p you

    2 Scan he ex quic y o look for he follownginformaion

    1 he smme tempeatue i bai4 < b(

    the ame o Dbai s dewate hoel

    3 the mbe o s la ds i The Wold

    4. he name o the sl ad tat Bad Pt has boght

    5 he sze o the uba Ma l

    3 . Read he ex and answer h e foowng

    quesons.1 . How wi the new poects hel p ba 's


    Wha cold othe a chiects do i tey kewte hei gt o Bu j D bai?

    3 . Wha s unus al abot the rooms at Hydopo is?

    4. How do yo now Te Word wil be anexcusive aea?

    5. Wha s nnovative abo e panned68-soey owe?

    The World

    4 Are he foowing saemens rue or false?

    Find evidence i n he ex o suppor your


    1 Most peope don't ea se tat bai is ngot o oi l F

    2. B i d i gs are be ig b i t vey q ick ly i ba-3 . Sayig at ydropo is w i be iexpesive t

    4 No one wi ive o Pal m Islads. f5 uba ad wi be e same se as Dsey TWord

    5 Choose he bes answer according o he ex.

    1 e art i ic ia l is and gops ae . . .a . a shaped l ie pam reesb addt os o nata l sl ad sc eac made p o 300 slads@ ade o aa materia ls

    2. Whic o he o owig ecords s Dbai NObea ing?a. te ta es bu d i gQ

    the deepest bi ld ngc the argest a fc ia l is andsd. the argest shoppng cee

    6 n d words or phrases i n he ex

    ha ean:r

    1 moey eared o receved AM�(paagrap 1 )

    an as at l ve n he sea �)(paragraph 3

    3 exta (paragrap 44. otae (pa rag aph 5)t� �

    5 abt ious, impessive (paagaph 5)j



    • Which sies in your area werespecificall y bu il o arac ouriss?

    Are hey popular?

  • 8/19/2019 Readings (Viewpoints 1)


    One usually thinks of Dubai, one of the seven Arab Emirates, as being rich in oil. Itsrulers, however, know better. heir oil is running out fas, and to creae an alternaivesorce of income, they wan Dubai o become the business and touris capital of theMiddle Eas t O n the bare, dry desert sand of Duba i Ciy, where temperatures are oftenover 45°C in the summer, spectacular architecural projects are breaking every recordin the book. And it's happening a a speed and scale never known before.

    First and foremost, the breahtaking Burj Dubai skyscraper will tower over this cit -and every other city. It's going to be the world's talles building, though no oneknows exactly how tall. Its planners are keeping is final heigh a secre because ofcompetition from other buildings under consruction They wan o be sure that byhe time it's finished, no other building will have surpassed i

    While this building reaches for the sky, another projec is reaching deep underhe ocean Hydropolis, the world's first luxury underwater hoel, is a surrealisticfantasyland 20 metres below the surface of the Persian Gulf Shaped like a gian

    .s jellyfish, its 220 opulent suites will have plexiglass walls so that guests will be ableto marvel at the colourful marine life all around them.

    A larger project is he artificial island groups off Dubais shores. Built from sandand stone dug up from the bottom of the sea, theyll be the largest manmadeislands ever constructed. Palm Isl ands, three island groups shaped like gian palm

    � trees, will contain heme parks, hotels and luxury housing for over a millionpeople he other group of islands represents a map of the world. Each of he

    World's 300 islands is s haped like an individual counry, and is for sale sta rting at$1 5 million So if youve got some spare cash, you can join the list of celebritieswhich includes Pamela Anders on, who'll be living on "Greece'; and Brad Pitt and

    Angelina Jolie, who have bought "Ethiopi a':

    One of the most architecturally innovative future projects is a 68storey towerin which each irregularlyshaped storey will turn separately round a centralaxis, completing 360 every 90 minutes his means the entire building willalways be changing shape. Anoher recordbreaker is the grandiose, 1,200shop,

    3 12millionsquarefoot Dubai Mall, the biggest shopping centre on the planetOne of the grandest projects of all is Dubailand, a huge leisure and entertainmentcomplex twice the size of todays biggest, Disney World Its highlights will inclu de

    a multitude of theme parks, stateoftheart sports stadiums, resorts and malls.his i s just a small part o f whats happening in Du bai's building boom Clearly,

    Js this city will soon be packed with sensational major attractions, making it oneof the world's architectural wonderland s.

    False friends

    luxury ( l ine 13) means lujo lujuria

    larger ( ine 17) means mayor, m6s grande m6s largo

    resorts ( ine 33) means complejos turfsticos no resortes

    major ( l ne 35) means de gran relevancia not mayor

    Uit 4

  • 8/19/2019 Readings (Viewpoints 1)




    1 . Word Check: The following words appear

    in he ex. Make sure you know wha hey


    ena age ncy • og-erm • cuddes • ury • ad



    Whe n you do n't know the mea n ng of a word try

    to guess. First, try to identfy the part of speech

    from ts p ace i n the sentence an d ts endin g.

    Then , l ook for c lues to i ts mean i ng by read ng the

    othe r words in th e sentence.

    2. Read he ex Look a he words in co lou r

    Wha par of speech is each word? ry and

    guess he mea ning o f each word

    3. Choose he bes answer according o he ex.

    Jusify your choice wih a senence from

    he ex.

    1 . Te pupose o Flexpetz s to . . .a . eac people to take resposbilty for dogsb. ecoura ge peope to ow dogsc. al ow peope o have a dog eporaryd dssade people from owing dogs

    2 F expetz cusomes a . s en the sae dog eac t eb. feel ha e sevice is too expesivec. are mosy peopl e wo have go oeyd. pay each te ey ae a dog

    3 Mar ena ervantes . . . a feels i is wog o ret dogsb. says se resces soe dogs o deac s an a al r ghs acvsd. ps dogs i a a l seltes bewee reas

    4. F lexpe .

    a. operaes o y i te Uned Staesb is a er aoa l bsi nessc is app oved o by an im a expesd as sevea owners

    4 Complee he senences according o he

    informaion in he ex

    1 Sa m W l l as compares re g a dog o . . . .

    5. Choose he bes mean ing for each word

    or ph rase according o he ex

    1 leave ( l ine 1 )a go oub abandonc. ogetd. ic de

    2 p ic p ( ne 5)

    a l ftb byc aed ren

    3 ae sho o (l i e 8)a. ave oo mc hb. don't ave eoughc have a lted don't ave ay

    4 cla is ( l ne 9a. deadsb eqies

    c. requestsd decares

    5. long o (l i e 1 4)a watb watc take a lot of tied. in abou

    • Some saes in he SA have recenly passed

    laws ha ban he rening of animal s. Do you

    hink i should be il legal o ren animals ?

    Why or why no?

    2 e Co is w ites that passng a dog aound wi l . . . .

    3 eit hn ks ha nsead of reng dogs, peope

    4. Tacy o son as aways waned . . .

    5 Ke and L wa to give 6 Jackpo is a abado a . . .

  • 8/19/2019 Readings (Viewpoints 1)




    th' ima l Watc


      r Ren l

    Do you love dogs? Are you a person whose busy lifestyle doesn't leave room for a pet? There's asolution for you: Flexpetz, the dog rental agency. Now you can enjoy having a dog wthout the long

    term day-today responsib iltes that come with it

    How does it work? Customers who pay a monthly fee choose a dog on the I nternet Then they

    pck it up from the Flexpetz oce for a day or a weekend and take t home for long romps by the

    seaside and cosy evening cuddles on the sofa The next week they pick u p the same dog o r choose

    another one lts not cheap by any means but this s a servce wh 1ch is meant for hardworking

    urban professionals who are shot of t1me not money

    Vets and animal experts object to the 1dea of do nt Is bu owner Marlena Cevantes cla ms that

    10 many of the dogs come from overcrowded ani a. shelters here Uwanted amals are eventually

    killed She says that they are well cared for be als and that customers sometmes even

    adopt them

    Flexpetz has offices n Los Ange les New York Cty a L and Cevantes plans to open more

    offices around the world lt seems that no matter how hectic r lves may be we still long for the

    uncondtional afecton of a fury friend


    We lve in crazy tmes. We can

    rent anyhing from a car to a

    desgner handbag for a fewhours. But a dog s not a fad

    20 or a fashion accessory.

    Sam Williams,

    San Francso

    Dogs are dependent

    on meanngfu , felong

    reationships wth their human

    owners A dog wi become

    5 confused and unhappy if t

    is passed from one home to

    another. I suggest that thesedog-lovers try volunteerng atthe local animal shelter where

    there are penty of dogs that

    need walks and attenton

    Keith Collins

    Animal behavouist London

    For me Fexpetz is a dream

    come true. I miss havng a dogbut it would be irresponsible for

    35 me to keep one because I worklong hours and travel a lot I'm

    mad about Olvia the poode

    that I rent evey weekend

    Woud she be better of in an

    4o anima shelter? I dont thnk so!

    Tacy Johnson,

    Los Angeles

    We want our chidren to have

    the experence of a dog but

    were too busy to cope wth

    ownng one. The kids can't45 wat for the weekends when

    we rent Jackpot a beautiful

    back Labrador expetz is a

    great dea

    Ken and iz Matthews,

    New Yok City

    False frieds

    claims ( e 9) me afrma not c/ama

    eventually ( l ne 10) me na!mene oeventualmente


  • 8/19/2019 Readings (Viewpoints 1)





    1 . Word Check The followng words appearn the text Make sure you know what they


    twise • pla ins • rain-soaked • ha lsonesunel-shaped


    Connectors can he p you u nderstand th e

    connecto n between idea s n a text They often

    show contrast addt on , cause and esu lt .

    2 F nd the fol lowng connectors n t he textook at the informaton they connect Decdewhether they show contrast, add ton, cause

    or result

    1 .   due to ( l ne 9 3 .   despe ( n e 1 2

    2 moeove ( n e 1 2 4 so ( ne 25)

    3 Read the text. Ae the followng statements

    true or fa se? nd evdence n the text to

    suppot you answes

    1 Women aely become orado chases

    2. Wl le beg and Metz have scie i c knowledgeabou toadoes

    3 Tornado chasers ty to ge sd e tornadoes

    4 W ll ebeg and Metz ae eve rghtene d

    5 Tornadoes ae amo g the songes typesof soms

    6 it 's o ecessay to evacuae people d ui ga tonado

    C DRY AR

    4 Choose the best answer accordng to the text.

    1 . Toado chas ig is oten usta ng because a i is hard to ge the pope equ ip meb chasers do't kow he ime and locaon o

    the ornadoesc i dn g a orado i voves a lo o tavel l i ngd i is da nge rous o ge vey clos e o a oa do

    2 Toradoes a can destroy ent e ciesb ae easie o pedi ct han hu r icaesc have wds almos as fas as hu icaesd oten come unexpecedly

    3 Amaeus who wat o chase oradoes a can do t al one i they ae careub ae usu ay fom Eu opec should do i wih a ou companyd can be very sue o seeing a toad o

    5 Fnd words or p hrases n the text that mean:

    1 . a set o goup of two (paagaph 1 2 nstead o (paragraph 2

    3.  h (paragaph 3

    4 mos mode (paagaph 3

    5 .   srage, myseous (paragaph 5

    6 see (paagaph 6)

    • Do you th nk tonado chas ng s woth the

    rsk? Why or why not?

    Tornado Alley is

    the area in theUnited States

    where tornadoes

    a re mo st frequ en t.



  • 8/19/2019 Readings (Viewpoints 1)


    �t he Twiste S istes Meteooogists Peggy Weneg and eanie Metz ae:ong the most skilled tonado chases in the United States. They'e not eay sistes,

    �- th y'r the closest of fiends, and they enoy chasing tonadoes as a pai

    ado chases ae people who do the opposite of what most people do athe than

    nning away fom these deady, destuctive stoms, they actuay seek them out, taveling

    •usands of kiometes to get as cose as they can. To do this they dive back and foth

    o s Tonado Aley," the huge pains of the centa United States Amost al tonado

    _ - es ae men, which makes Wienbeg and etz vey unusua

    ado chasing can e extemely dangeous. Due to thei ackgound in meteoology, Wilenbeg_d etz ae ae to avoid getting caught inside a tonado but they ae constanty at isk At any

    m they might e stuck y ightning slip on ainsoaked highways o get hit by giant haistones

    !eove, it can e fustating Like ohe chases he pai use the latest equipment, but despite this

    ae often unae to pedict exactly whee o when they ll find a wiste. They have often divenoss entie states, only to ealise that they should hae chosen he opposite diection.

    ·OY do they do it? Both women have een fascinated y toms since chidhood They

    _ uld have become odinay weathe foecastes but he combination of a desie fo thils

    :d scientific cuiosity makes them unale to esist chasing stoms. Toadoes ae powefu) ond ou conto Thee is an eement of fea but also of excitement and eauty,

    y etz

    ge tonadoes ae, indeed, one of the most poweful natual phenomena on theanet. Thei naow paths eave an eeie sot of devastation, such as ipping apat one

    id of a steet while the othe emains intact Nealy 60 people a yea ae kiled in

    · se funneshaped stoms, which have winds twice the speed of the stongest

    uricane Wost of all, unlike huicanes, they ae nealy impossile to pedict:

    ecastes ae able to wan people ony minutes efoe a tonado stikes, so

    e idents have itte time to evacuate. The data gatheed by stom chases

    uld hep sove this puzze

    1any amateu thillseekes ae joining the stomchasing game, even

    ming fom Euope to see tonadoes up cose. Those who want to chase

    tos shoud not undeestimate the danges of tying it alone The ony

    afe way is to oin a tonado chasing tou un y a company such as the

    wiste Sistes Stom Tous. They take touists fo a week of chasing,

    nd the ucky ones wil witness natue at its most spectacua - a

    onado foming ight in font of thei eyes

    actualy( l in e 5) meas realmente de hecho no actualmente

    ordnary ( i e 1 6) means normal, corriente ot ordnar vulgar

    4 U i 6


  • 8/19/2019 Readings (Viewpoints 1)



    RE ING


    4 Answer the questions

    1 .   In what ways is an Antarcc cise d ferentfrom a uxu ry cru se

    1 . Word Check The foowng words appear

    n the text Make s ure you know what they


    ozen • on board • seals • caims • pei s

    A prono un o r possessive determi ne r refers to

    a th i ng person or idea that has a l ready een

    ment ioned often in the f irst part of the sentence

    or in the prev ious sentence

    2 Read the text and decide who or what thefoowing words reer to:

    1 s ( l in e 3)

    2 th is ( l ine 8)

    3 they ( l e 1 7 )

    the m ( l ne 23)

    5 . the r ( ine 24)

    6 t ( l ie 26)

    3 . Choose the best answer accordn g to the text

    1 The wr ter fee s i is spr s ig that .

    a . so ma ny peo ple wa n o go to Atarcticab. it s so expens ve to go to Atarctcac t s possibe to go to Aa rcicad t s im possb e o go o Antarctica

    2 he crse ship sak n 200 d u e to . a . a stom a seab. an accdenc the nexperence of te capai nd a lea ig tank

    2 Wh at ae hree ways i wh ch Anactca isun qe/

    3. What egatve effec could toursm have Atarctica?

    Why do soe peope wa to l m i the n umberof touriss in Antarct ca?

    5 What post ve effect cou ld tou sm have oAactica?

    5. Complete the sentences usi ng your ownwords

    1 ens of thosads of people . .

    2 Before 1820 , n o one . . . . .3 Accoding o the 1 959 teaty, n o ation w ever

    c l a m that

    4 .   ou rsts to Antarctca ma y be r sing the l vesbecase of . . .

    5 .   n he 2007 nc dent , no tour sts . .

    6 . A di saster was avoded because te tank • .

    6.  Fnd adjectves in the text that mean theopposite of

    1 nearby (paragraph )

    2 sma l (paragraph 2 )

    3 forbdden (paragrap� 4) calmest (paagaph 5)

    5. hot (paragraph 5)

    • Do you thnk that it's a good idea to promote

    tourism to Antarctca? Why or why not?

    There are 1 6 research stations inAntarctica.

    Penguins an swm a speeds inexcess of 2 0 k/h

    M/5 Explorer sinks in ntarctca,23rd November 2007

  • 8/19/2019 Readings (Viewpoints 1)







    Th e F i n a l F r o nt e

    Aaria froze remoe ad m poib e o e o Or ? U be ievabe a eem youve oa adveu ou pr i ad eou h moey you a aua y v oe a he boom of heword. I a i popu ay a a ou deao owi wh he umb er of yeary viorow i he e of ou ad

    A you ave o do i up o oe o e Aaria u e a d pay ayh i fom abou$8,000

    oe day o $35000 or a mo Bu do expe a uxu ry rip wh d o a d ai o The purpoe o e a a you a abou hi amai p ae o a oo a you e o board, you ui de w be o eah you abou Aaria' eooy ad w i d fe Thi w prepae you or e uforeabe h you' be eei peaua r adape, a ieber, ea ad peu i

    Ie-oveed Aaria he ode pae o Eah, pu e aue. ha o pemae ede, adee are o op oe b boad or a ee are a o o aive peop e, o he me h um abei eve a d eye o he u i hab ed oe wa whe wa dovered i 820 doebeo o ay ouy bu beo o a of u. 959, a eaoa areeme wa ed,ay o oury woud make ay eoia am here ad dedia he ee oie opeaeu ieii eeah

    Evomea are oered abou e efe of oum o he aea, e ay um a avy

    aue a e i he eooia ba a e They ay ha he damae ou d be mi mied hee wererue o i mi he u mbe of our a owed o vii ea yea However ome oum may aua ypomoe oervaio I peope wie Aaria breahak beauy, perap ey beomeawa re of he i mpoa e o poe

    Howeve, he eviome o e o y oer ee are pe for hum a a we . The eaaoud e oie a e he ouh e o Earh ad ake a eaoed p' apai o e houhem wh e eoa i he reaherou e I November 2007 5 u uky ou a ver orou ieboa o he iy wae wah a he r ue hp a k ae ra o a eberFouaey or hem h e weaher wa am o he re were o deah or i jure before hey werea y reued Ju a uk y hee wa o o ea k rom he hi p a k he ak had eaked woud ave aued a ev romea diae

    To be o he afe ide, i you dede o ave o Aara hooe a ompay ha a o oexperiee Ejoy you adveue ad keep i mid you ae auay v oe o Earh' fafroer

    U it 7

  • 8/19/2019 Readings (Viewpoints 1)


      E ING

    1 Word Check: The foll owing words appeain the text. M ake sure you know what theymean.

    watcfl • evolved • speed cameras


    An a utho r writes for different reas ons, forexamp le : to inform (ne ws art icl es reports) toenterta n (narratves) t persuade (opin ion essaysan d ed itoria l s ) and to descr ibe (descr ipt ions ofevents p l aces or people) .

    2 Read the text. What i s the author's pu rpose?

    a. to persuade people to behave more ho esty

    b. to te an amu si g story abot an experet

    < to give iforatio about an experimet ad itsimpl icat ios

    d. to describe te deta s of te way a exper metwas doe

    3 . Complete the sentences

    . I order to p v fo their d r s, peope . n  the off ice r ·I 

    -F fhQ 

    � (  � 

    2. Peope pa id for the i dr i ks ess ofte we .

    3 . Accod g to Messa Bateson, peope wi l hepus if

    4. he wter fees that peope wi  l be\�- .

    more honest . . .WiAd .  p:'.

    The average person in

    London is potographed

    approximately 300

    times a day on CCV

    4 Choose the best answer accordin g tothe text

    1 Accordi g to Me issa Bateso, people reacted tote poster of eyes because a it was vey rea sti c� they were afra d of beig caugtc they wated to be see as good peoped they rea ised tat it's wrog to be dishonest

    2 he exper iet was impotat because . . . .®

    it showed how people 's behavo ur ca beinflueced

    b. the office now had eogh moey for d nsc t sowed how peope behaved i te tim e

    of the caveed it got attetion i n the word's eda

    3 Te Newcaste po i ce posters r have had a effect o crime fi gres

    war dves there ae speed camerasc. have bee used i othe areas as weld were put u p as a resut of th e u iversity's


    5 Fnd words or ph rases in the textthat mean:

    1 tg (paragrap 2) �A2 alost (paragraph 3) " �

    3 . gua ratee (paragraph 4) r"4. react (paragrap 5 t,.e5 . occu (paragraph 7)

    • Do you think that th e police in your areashould try usng posters like the Newcastlepolice? Why or why not?

    Find oum re ab ut

    hon box :ww.burli1gtoooks e/'•ponsI

  • 8/19/2019 Readings (Viewpoints 1)


    s the best policy but as we all

    know we are sometmes no t as honest as we

    should be According to the resuts of a recent

    study at Newcastle University, England even a5 picture of someone watching us s enough to

    make us change our ways.

    The experment was conducted at an offce

    where staff paid for ther own tea and coffee

    by puttng money nto a tin Anyone n ths

    · stuaton, of course would be tempted to take

    a free drnk because no one woud know who

    had paid and who hadn't The researchers

    placed a poster above the mugs, showng the

    price of each item Over a tenweek perod

    5 they alternated the posters weekly, switchng

    between an mage of flowers and various

    m ages of watchfu eyes

    The resuts were astoundng. Workers

    had paid neary three tmes more for ther

    2 drnks durng the weeks when the posters

    had photographs of eyes The conclusion?

    Peope behave better when they think theyrebeing watched. And according to Meissa

    Bateson the behavoura biologst who ran the

    experment its not just because were afraid

    of getting caught

    This reacton dates back to the days of the

    cavemen when peope began to rease that

    co-operatng n groups was a better way to

    3 ensure survval than vng aone. Ths meant

    that peopl e seen as co-operatve types enoyed

    good reputatons and were kely to be treated

    wel. The same s true today According to

    Bateson, when we thnk were being watched

    3 we behave better so people see us as co

    operatve and behave the same way towards

    us when we need hep

    But why do we have ths eacton when we

    know the eyes arent rea? Bateson says

    40 "yes and faces send a strong bo log cal sig nal

    that we have evolved to respond to n other

    words ou r brans are programmed to respond

    to eyes and faces even n a pcture.

    The experment got worldwide media

    5 attenton . People were excted by the possb l ty

    that the same principe coud be applied to

    other situations as well on the roads for

    nstance Today road signs warnng drvers

    of speed cameras often show a picture of a

    50 camera. But now we know that were much

    more li key to react f we see a p cture of eyes

    or a face

    Ths idea has actualy been appled by

    the Newcaste polce in a new technque to

    55 combat crime In rough areas where crimes

    tend to take place, they have put up posters

    of watchfu eyes wth the slogan Weve got

    our eyes on crminals. heyl l be checking

    crme fig ures to see whether the posters have6 an effect

    ts a pty that peope aren't honest al the

    tme, whether or not someones watchng. But

    f all t takes s a poster to get th�m to make the

    rght choce, then tsdefintey a good dea!

    Newcastle Pice pser

    False fr iends

    policy i e ) means poltc ot polcaconducted ( i e 7) meas realzado o conducdocrime ( l n e 55) meas delncuencia o crimen

    figure ( ine 59) meas dat, cifra o figura

    U it 8

  • 8/19/2019 Readings (Viewpoints 1)


    � REAING

    1 . Word Check The following words appearin the text. Make sure you know what they


    spacecraft • cocpit • hoax


    2 Look at the title and the pictures. What do

    you thi nk the text is about?

    3. Read the first sentence of each paragraph

    In which paragraph do you think youl l find

    the following ?

    1 a desciptio of a sal British T show2 . a desciptio of the falists "space wal3 . the reactio of the contestats to the hoax

    4 Scan the text and fin d the followinginformation

    1 the year Big Brther bega2. what ta Cty is ad whee ts ocated3 the amount of pr e oey gve to the fa ists

    5 Read the text Look at the words in colour

    and try to guess the meaning of each one

    6 Are the fol lowing statemen ts true or false?

    ind evidence i n the text to support your


    The part icipats the f ist Big Bothe weenaware of the impotance of ther pograme.

    2 Tweve cotestats wee ch ose to f yto oter space

    3. The cotestants were take to a trai gbase Russ a

    4 . he spacecraft dd not eave the go d .

    5 Cadidates thoght they were seeng paetEarth th roug h the spacecaft's wdows

    6 Produ ces had expected the hoax towo pefecty.

    Some participants on

    7 Answer th e questions.

    1 . I what way has teevs io chaged s ice 1 999?

    2. How did the podces ake the base seem ke

    Star Cty?

    3 ow dd the cotestants fd o t about the


    4.Why were the psychoog cal tests i portant fothe pograme?

    5 ow d d th e cotestants feel after they weregve th e pize?

    8 Choose the best answer according to the text.

    The witer fee ls that . a the hoax shod ot have been show

    because it was cel

    the pize s given to the cotestats were toogenerous

    c. the contestants shod not compa in about

    the hoaxd Kei a ssett was ot a good cad date fo the


    9 Fi nd words or phrases in t he text that mean:

    1 . cocated socialsed (paagraph 1

    2 age, time peiod (paragraph 1

    3 . o longe i use (paragaph 3)

    4 n stead of (paagraph 4)

    . deceved fooled (parag raph

    • Do you th ink it's acceptable for TV producersto trick people as they did i n Space Cadets?

    Why or why not?

    real TV shows have becoe

    in terna tional celebrities.

  • 8/19/2019 Readings (Viewpoints 1)


    In 1 999 nine Dutch volunteers took part n the T reaity pogamme Bg Boe Moving o ahouse whee they wee cut of fom the wold they interacted unde he gaze of live televsion

    cameas 24 hous a day Litte did they know that the expeimental pogramme they wee in

    woud become an instan hi and begin a new era in elevision. Back then, sitcoms and soap

    5 operas used o be the man form of T eneainment , bu oday viewes ae used to he facthat reayT takes up mos boadcastng ime

    O all the ealty shows one of the most remakable was Biain's Space Cadets The twelvecandidates selected fo ths progamme were tod tha hey wee going to Sta Cy he

    Russian ta ining facil iy fo cosmonauts nea Moscow Fou among them would have he

    10 opponiy of a lifetme: o fly o oute space

    Rather than Russia, howeve, the contestants wee taken to a disused militay base n the

    south-east of England In ode to make the sho fligh seem long poduces told the pilot to

    fly n circes over he Noh Sea o fou hous befoe landing The base anne by actos had

    been elaboately dsguised as a Russian facility, down to details such as Russian light bulbs

    15 wal sockes and cigaettes

    Ae two weeks of taini ng all but fou conestants had been kicked o the pogamme

    and it was time fo the space flght The excied winnes boaded a spacecraft taken fom

    a Holywood film set Fake noises and vibations accompanied the "take-o In place of

    wndows the cockpt had digital sceens which pojected images of oute space complete

    20 wth beauifu views of panet Eath t was the mos elaboate hoax in television hisoy

    The high point of the fve days in space was to be a spacewalk The participants left the cat

    one by one to step out into space; instead they sepped into a studio set where they weegeeted by fiends and amily who told hem that they had never really left England.

    Even the poduces wee supised at how well the hoax had woked

    25One eason ay have been the psychoogical ests in theselection process. These wee designed especialy to

    pinpoint candidates who wee vey g i ble and theefore

    likely to believe whateve they wee told.

    To sofen he blow the inalists wee gven pizes

    3o o £25,000 each and a trp o the eal Sa City

    in Russia Despite this it was had fo them

    to get used to the idea that they had been

    tcked When pesentes asked twentyfive

    yea-old Ke Hassett if she was upset she

    35 admitted that she was heaboken She

    expla ined that space travel had always beenhe childhood deam Was the hoax cruel?

    Pehaps But anyone volunteeing fo a

    eality show knows that they may be in fo

    40 some supises ts all pat of the game

    False friends

    nstant ( l i e ) mea inmediato ot instante

    facil ( l i e 9) mea instalaci6n ot facilidad

    Ut 9

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