  • 7/22/2019 Readstrate a Train Journey


    A train journey

    The people on the train were hot and tired. A tall young man sat next to

    three small children and their aunt. The aunt and the children talked. When

    the aunt spoke she always began with Dont . When the children spokethey always began with Why ? The young man said nothing.

    The small boy whistled loudly. Dont do that !yril said his aunt.

    !yril stood up and looked out o" the window at the countryside.

    Why is that man taking those sheep out o" that "ield? he asked.

    #erhaps hes taking them to another "ield where theres more grass

    said the aunt.

    $ut theres lots o" grass in that "ield. Why cant the sheep stay there?

    #erhaps the grass in the other "ield is better .

    Why is it better?

    The young man looked annoyed.%h dear thought the aunt he doesnt like children.

    &it down 'uietly !yril. (ow listen )m going to tell you all a story.

    The children looked bored but they listened. The story was *ery boring

    indeed. )t was about a *ery beauti"ul little girl who worked hard and beha*ed

    beauti"ully. +*erybody lo*ed her. %ne day she "ell into a lake and e*eryone in

    the *illage ran to sa*e her.

    Why did they sa*e her? asked the bigger girl.

    $ecause she was so good said the aunt.

    $ut thats stupid said the girl. When people "all into lakes it doesntmatter i" theyre good or bad you run to sa*e them.

    ,oure right said the young man speaking "or the "irst time. Thats a

    ridiculous story.

    Well perhaps you would like to tell a story said the aunt coldly.

    %- said the man. The children looked interested and he began.

    Responda as perguntas.

    . /uem s0o as pessoas no trem?1. &obre o 'u2 a !yril "a3 perguntas?

    4. #or 'ue a tia das crian5as conta a elas uma est6ria ?

    7. &obre o 'u2 8 a est6ria?

    9. As crian5as gostam desta est6ria?

    :. #or 'ue o homem come5a a "alar?

  • 7/22/2019 Readstrate a Train Journey


    The tale of horribly good Bertha

    %nce upon a time a long time ago there was a little girl called $ertha.

    &he was always well beha*ed and worked hard at school to please her parents

    and her teachers. &he was ne*er late ne*er dirty or untidy ne*er rude and shene*er told lies.

    The children on the train began to look bored. Was she pretty? asked

    the smaller girl.

    (o said the young man. &he wasnt pretty at all. &he was ;ust

    horribly good. $ertha was so good that she won three gold medals. %ne said

    (e*er late one said Always polite and the third said $est !hild in the



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