Page 1: REAL AUTHOR FOR BOOK REVIEW BY: MOLLY B. Hogwarts School of Witch craft Wizardry


Hogwarts School of

Witch craft Wizardry

Page 2: REAL AUTHOR FOR BOOK REVIEW BY: MOLLY B. Hogwarts School of Witch craft Wizardry


Harry, Hermione, Ron, Malfoy, Professor, McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore, You- Know- Who(Voldemort), Qurril , Dudley, Hagrid, Hedwig, Uncle Vernon, Snape, Aunt Petunia,Wood.

Page 3: REAL AUTHOR FOR BOOK REVIEW BY: MOLLY B. Hogwarts School of Witch craft Wizardry


Harry’s House, Car, Zoo, Hogwarts, Cottage, Hogwarts area, Gryffindor main house, and forbidden forest.

Page 4: REAL AUTHOR FOR BOOK REVIEW BY: MOLLY B. Hogwarts School of Witch craft Wizardry


Snape tries to steal the stoneWall Voldemort tries to partner up with Qurril

to kill harry. But lucky for harry he doesn’t get killed.

Page 5: REAL AUTHOR FOR BOOK REVIEW BY: MOLLY B. Hogwarts School of Witch craft Wizardry

Solution hint

Harry gets the Stone and Nicholas Flamel had lived till 656 years old and find’s who is messing with the Quidditch games

Page 6: REAL AUTHOR FOR BOOK REVIEW BY: MOLLY B. Hogwarts School of Witch craft Wizardry


Quidditch, and Wizard chess .

Page 7: REAL AUTHOR FOR BOOK REVIEW BY: MOLLY B. Hogwarts School of Witch craft Wizardry

Teachers and dark art teachers

Qurril, who is afraid of vampires so his room smells like olive oil. Professor McGonagall is the first years teacher . Professor Dumbledore is the defeater of Nicholas Flamel, a dark wizard/ good wizard. Snape is the potions master who hates Harry and like’s Malfoy. Filch is the scared cat of baron and is afraid if he would get spelled on

Page 8: REAL AUTHOR FOR BOOK REVIEW BY: MOLLY B. Hogwarts School of Witch craft Wizardry


Bloody Baron is the bloodiest of them all. Nearly headless nick is the Gryffindor ghost.

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