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Prof. PRITHVIRAJ Y.J1 Ms.Shenaz Begum S


1Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Ballari Institute of Technology and Management, Ballari, India

2Department of computer Science & Engineering

Ballari Institute of Technology and Management, Ballari, India


In the past few years Android has become one of the most powerful operating system. Android is an operating system

for smart phones, tablets and now will be used for Personal Computers also. It includes a touch screen use r interface,

widgets, camera, network data monitoring and all the other features that enable a cell phone to be called a

Smartphone. Android provides a rich application framework that allows you to build innovative apps and games for

mobile devices in a Java language environment. Android provides an adaptive app framework that allows you to

provide unique resources for different device configurations. For example, you can create different XML layout files

for different screen sizes and the system determines which layout to apply based on the current device's screen size.

In this project we propose an automated methodology which takes attendance online through a mobile App

and notify the concerned stake holders. The proposed App keeps track of day to day attendance, concerned faculty

will take online attendance, the absentees record are redirected to Head Of the Department and also the push

notification will be sent to parents cell.The proposed App will notify regarding special events to the student, faculty

and parents.



Real Time Online Attendance Mobile Application is developed for daily student attendance

in colleges. It facilitates to access the attendance information of a particular student in a

particular class. The information is sorted by the operators, which will be provided by the

faculty for a particular class. This App will also help in evaluating attendance eligibility

criteria of a student. Real Time Online Attendance Mobile Application is the easiest way to

assist the faculty and the lecturer for this time-consuming process. Successful colleges begin

by making sure that students come to college regularly. The consequences of low attendance

are serious and not just affect the students who miss college but also affect the community.

The attendance rate tells us the average percent-age of students attending college in each day

in the given year. Going to college regularly is important to the student future. For example,

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students who miss college frequently can fall behind with their work and do less well in


For manual attendance system, the most common problem is the faculty need to take

student daily attendance and manually filled the record in attendance book for every month.

If the attendance book is missing or misplace, it could lead to big problem because the faculty

need the attendance record to make analysis and generate an attendance report. Another

problem is the faculty will need more time to analyze and generate the attendance report

because the faculty needs to search and refer the old attendance record first. Besides that, an

error could happen when the faculty makes the calculations to generate the attendance report

by themselves.

The purpose of developing Real Time Online Attendance Mobile Applicat ion is to computerized the

tradition way of taking attendance. Another purpose for developing this App is to generate the report

automatically at the end of the session or in the between of the session.

Proper programming background it is difficult to collect user requirements and develop software as they are

not skilled in programming.


The paper [1] discusses about introduction to multipurpose chat applications for the intranet

users. The authors introduces a methodology to provide instant Messaging Service over the

intranet which is addressed to android based smart phone and tablet use rs connected over

intranet via Wi-Fi. The proposed method is based on sending/receiving messages in intranet

through intranet server via Wi-Fi connection without the need of taking any service from

mobile service provider and without the use of internet connection.

The paper [2] discusses about Cloud based instant messaging system for android

smart phone with help of internet is specially design for the people to communicate with their

families , friends, colleagues in any organization employees can send and receive messages

virtually without face to face contacting mean while the employees can share data and

information through instant messaging application.

The main objective of this paper is to design instant messaging system based on SOAP and

cloud computing technology for android Smartphone. SOAP interface is an application

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programming interface of TCP/IP network. Cloud platform is a platform where Cloud

Application runs; it is an online application, which works over internet. Cloud Platform has

been constructed of three layers: “SaaS”, “PaaS”, and “Iaas”. In this research work, cloud

platform is used for deploying database of instant messaging application.

The paper [3], the authors introduced and developed a system which brings user's

across various corner's together, and let’s them connect, share media, documents, and chat.

The system is entirely based on Android O.S; Instant messaging service will be available for

users through which a user can send and receive messages from one device to another. It

track’s the location of a user using GPS service and allows the user to share files of any

format. The idea behind developing a social network application is to provide an easy

accessibility and communication for users in a secure network. Thereby the authors try to

provide a room through which they can easily be in touch with their friends. This paper gives

some basic concepts about Instant Messaging System and tracking location of a user using

GPS service. It describes how the documents can be shared between two android devices.

The proposed system is divided into three main phases i.e. Instant Messaging,

Document Sharing and tracking of location which is a client server architecture using Json,

Rest and Soap Technologies. The document/ media/ files sharing work as the user sends a

document to their friends and the files get uploaded to the server and the other end user get a

link automatically generated by the server and the user will be able to view the document

through downloading it. This application uses Google Map API and get’s the user tagged

along the map through his footprints and lets the user’s friend view the real time updated foot

prints of the user’s friend.

The paper [4] intended to explore customer’s intention to use Mobile Messaging Applications

(MMA) in India. The authors have done survey on MMA and found that perceived

expressiveness, perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment and assortment of services to have

significant relationship with intention to use MMA. This indicates that Indian students use

mobile messaging to express themselves, to pass the time and assortment of the services in

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MMA. Perceived usefulness also plays a significant role in student’s intention to use

MMA.The research was done to test the theoretical framework based on the previous study.

Examination of the rotated factor loadings, the screen plot and eigen values indicated the

optimal number of factors for the variable set was four. The four factors were as: 1)

Perceived Enjoyment 2) Perceived Expressiveness 3) Perceived Usefulness 4) Assortment of

Services. Students are educated and aware with Mobile Messaging Applications and had

adopted it in their daily routine. The most popular MMA was “WhatsApp” and least popular

was “hike”. Most of the respondents were having 24*7 internet connectivity to their mobile

phones so that they could use the MMAs anytime. All possible variables were analyzed in the

most appropriate ways in achieving success. In a nutshell, the Mobile Messaging

Applications provider should have a thorough understanding of the factors influencing

consumers’ perception towards the Mobile Messaging Applications.

The paper [5] presents RTDroid, a variant of Android that provides predictability to

Android applications which goes beyond existing work and examines the internals of

Android. The author discusses the implications and challenges of adapting Android

constructs and core system services for real-time and present a solution for each. It redesigns

Android’s internal components, replaces Android’s Java VM (Dalvik) with a real-time VM,

and leverages off-the-shelf real-time OS. It demonstrate the feasibility and predictability of

our solution by evaluating it on three different platforms—an x86 PC, a LEON3 embedded

board, and a Nexus S smart phone. The evaluation results show that this design cans

successfully provide predictability to Android applications, even under heavy load.

The paper [6] describes a new model for local messaging based on the network

proximity. The authors presented a novelty mobile mash up which combines Wi-Fi proximity

measurements with Cloud Messaging. This mobile mash up combines passive monitoring for

smart phones and cloud based messaging for mobile operational systems. Passive monitoring

can determine the location of mobile subscribers (mobile phones, actually) without the active

participation of mobile users. This paper describes how to combine the passive monitoring

and notifications. This approach does not require special mobile applications for mobile users.

This application does not publish location info in the social network. Practical use cases for

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this application are proximity marketing and Smart City projects. The proposed approach

automatically guaranties that custom messages will target online subscribers in the nearby

area only.

The paper [7] presents -‘C2DMpush’:- It implements the idea of Android Cloud to

Device Messaging (C2DM). Android Cloud to Device Messaging (C2DM) is a service that

helps developers sends data from servers to their applications on Android devices. The

service provides a simple, lightweight mechanism that servers can use to tell mobile

applications to contact the server directly, to fetch updated application or user data. The

C2DM service handles all aspects of queuing of messages and delivery to the target

application running on the target device. In this paper the authors used Eclipse Indigo for

designing our Android application, used PHP to design the third party applica tion server, and

MySQL as a Database Management System for the manipulation of database of user details

at the application server side.The C2DM service handles all aspects of queuing of messages

and delivery to the target application running on the target device. C2DM also provides better

user experience for end-user without any additional cost as this service is free while other

alternates like SMS or polling mechanism can cost more for user in terms of network usage

and battery consumption. This application C2DMpush on an Android device doesn‟t needs to

be running to receive messages. The system will wake up the application via Intent broadcast

when the message arrives, as long as the application is set up with the proper broadcast

receiver and permissions. It works on devices running Android 2.2 or higher that also have

the Market application installed. There is a 1024 byte limit on the messages that can be

pushed to devices, which is slightly smaller than the size of a text message.

The paper [8] explores, E-mail, SMS (Short Message Service) and traditional mobile

information push methods cannot meet the need of mobile digital campus systems due to no

prompt, inefficiency, expensive and low acceptance rate. To solve these problems, novel

system architecture is proposed by combining the Pub Sub protocol (PubSubHubbub), instant

messaging protocol (XMPP, Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) and streaming

media protocol (RTMP, Real-Time Messaging Protocol). Also a new mobile campus

information push system based on hybrid system architecture is designed and implemented.

Experimental results have shown that our push system can provide reliable streaming media

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service with high efficiency and instantaneity. This system intends to enable publishers to

publish intramural information like notices and video courseware to subscribers effectively,

and enable subscribers to accept notices and watch videos including live videos both on

android mobile terminals and on website. The experimental results of this system indicate

that the combination proposed is an effective way to establish a real-time, content-rich,

stable, reliable and cost-effective mobile campus information push system.

The paper [9] the author discusses about Bluetooth technology which, provides the

communication on low-cost, low-power basis. Wireless communication can also be done

with the help of Bluetooth technology in a mobile communication. Short-range establishment

of two-way communication has occurred without any support of the network. Bluetooth is

integrated into Android which is a mainstream Smartphone platform as a mean of mobile

communication. Nowadays Android becomes the latest technology in the Smartphone’s

which provides the open sourcing and powerful application API. Thus the authors designed a

chatting application based on android Bluetooth which establishes a connection between

smart phones using Bluetooth and then messages are exchanged between them.

Bluetooth chatting is an innovative approach to the mobile world. This applicatio n

shows use of Bluetooth in terms of chatting. Means persons can chat via Bluetooth.


The proposed Project is an automated online attendance mobile App is to computerized the

tradition way of taking attendance. Recording large amount of data consumes more time and

resource utilization is more. The recorded data on paper should be recorded again on excel

sheet to send the push notification, which consumes more time. The proposed Project

methodologies use an app which sends direct push notification to parent’s cells.

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Figure.1:- Architecture of Proposed System

The figure 1 illustrates the block diagram of online attendance mobile application. The input

to this model is student attendance and output is push notification to parents which has 3

modules.The user will login into the application with the given user ID and password. If the

user ID and password is correct, user will be redirected to next option else error message will

be displayed.In student attendance module, Thisfeature is used by the faculty to manage

student attendance. The faculty can add, edit student attendance and also view student

attendance report.

In report module this feature is used to generate the absentees record .These records are

stored in the database and this data will be available in the head of the department as well as

with concerned faculty. This will help to send the push notification immediately.

In notification module, A SMS will be sent to the parent mobile phone to notify about

student. Parents can also view their child attendance report using the mobile application.

Records can be found for selected month and year for specified student.

Our main objective is to provide a user with an app which can be used to take attendance

instantly. The system is divided into various sub system. The various sub systems involved in

this project are login module, add student module, student attendance module, report and

notification modules. The login process takes user Id and password as input verifies the user,

if it finds valid user it proceeds future else we need to login again. Add student process

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involves adding the student data of particular class which is stored in internal database.

Faculty takes attendance through student attendance module. We get absentees list, this will

be given as input to the report module. Finally the students who remained absent for

particular class the notification is sent to parents cell on real time basis.


ALGORITHM: Algorithm for Real Time online Attendance Mobile Application

INPUT: Student list

OUTPUT: Push notification to Parents

1. Start

2. Read Username and Password

3. If user exist then goto step4 else goto step5

4. attendance = call Student_Attendance(Student_list)

r1=call report(attendance)

N=call Notification(r1)

5. Print “invalid user try again”

6. Stop

Procedure Student_Attendance(Student_list)

INPUT: Student list

OUTPUT: Attendance Details

#Here faculty manages student and takes attendance

For all statements in file



[Add Students information to database]

[Mark Attendance]

If student is present then

[don’t check to mark present]

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[check the particular student to mark absent]

[Store data into the Database]

[Pass the attendance details to report file]


end for

Procedure Report(Attendance)

INPUT: Attendance Details

OUTPUT: Absentees list

#Here files takes attendance details

Open the file

Read the file

For each line in a file



[Retrieve the attendance list from the database]

[Retrieve the total count of absentees for particular class]

[Display the absentees list and Present list of particular subject]


end for

Procedure Notification(r1)

INPUT: Attendance Details

OUTPUT: Absentees list

#Here files takes attendance details

Open the file

Read the file

For each line in a file



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[Read absentees list]

[Retrieve Parents contact details from database]

[Send push Notification to the Parent’s]


end for


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In this paper we have proposed a Real Time Online Attendance Mobile Application using

android technology has to be developed which helps management of an academic institution

to manage the student attendance. We have seen the methodologies and importance of this

project. This App is helpful for all the entities such as parents, student and faculty.

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[1] Priya Mehrotra, Tanshi Pradhan and Payal Jain,“Instant Messaging Service on Android

Smartphones and Personal Computers”, International Journal of Information and

Computation Technology. ISSN 0974-2239 Volume 4, Number 3 (2014), pp. 265-272.

[2]Shubham Pandey, K. Navin and G. Vadivu,” Design of Cloud based Instant Messaging

System on Android Smartphone using Internet”, International Journal of Computer

Applications, March 2014.

[3] Anil Kumar, Prem Mithilesh.M, Chandra Kiran.Y, Vinay Gautam , S Jaya Kumar,”Social

networking in smartphone through a prototype implementation using android”, Journal

of Global Research in Computer Science, March 2014.

[4] Jashandeep Singh,” Mobile messaging through android phones”, International Journal

of Multidisciplinary and Current Research, april 2014.

[5] Yin Yan, Shaun Cosgrove, Varun Anand, Amit Kulkarni, Sree Harsha Konduri, Steven Y.

Ko, Lukasz Ziarek,” Real-Time Android with RTDroid”, The State University of New


[6] Dmitry Namiot, Manfred Sneps-Sneppe,” Local Messages for Smartphones”,2013

[7]Ashim Saha, Vimal Vijayakumar, Nirmalya Kar, Dwijen Rudrapal, Nikhil

Debbarma,”C2DMpush – An implementation of Android Cloud to Device Messaging

Technology”, International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science,aug


NCICT-2016 Special Issue 2 Page 123

[8] Huabing Zhang, Guibo Luo, and Yuesheng Zhu,” A Novel System Architecture for

Mobile Campus Information Push Systems”, Information Theory Vol. 1, No. 1, March


[9] Nikita Mahajan, Garima Verma, Gayatri Erale, Sneha Bonde, Divya Arya,” Design of

Chatting Application Based on Android Bluetooth”, IJCSMC, Vol. 3, Issue. 3, March



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