Page 1: Reassessing Assessment in RE Attainment target 2

Reassessing Assessment in RE

Attainment target 2

Page 2: Reassessing Assessment in RE Attainment target 2

Mardana is afraid.

What are you most afraid of?

KS1 Learning from religion

Attainment target 2 Level 1

‘Pupils talk about their own experiences and feelings, what they find interesting or puzzling and what is of value and concern to themselves and to others.’ nsNFRE p.36

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KS2 Learning from religionyear 4

Write a poem about what you would miss if you were blind.

The Blind Man

Attainment target 2 Level 2

‘Pupils ask and respond sensitively to, questions about their own and others’ experiences and feelings.

In relation to matters of right and wrong, they recognise their own values and those of others. nsNFRE p.36

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KS3 Learning from religionyear 7 - 9

Roman Catholic Church

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What kind of worship would you prefer?

Explain the reasons for your views.

KS3 year 7 - 9

Attainment target 2 level 4

Pupils raise and suggest answers to, questions of identity, belonging, meaning, purpose, truth, values and commitments. They apply their ideas to their own and other people’s lives. The describe what inspires and influences themselves and others

nsNFRE p.36

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What kind of worship would you prefer?

Explain the reasons for your views.

KS3 year 7 - 9

Learning from religionhas to do with developing

‘pupils’ skills of application, interpretation and evaluation…’ AT2 nsNFRE p.11




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What are you most afraid of?

What would you miss if you were blind?

What kind of worship would you prefer?

Ofsted - Transforming religious education June 2010

‘There was a greater focus on providing challenge in ‘learning from’ religion

but this was too often divorced from ‘learning about’ it.’

Transforming RE p.23

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being afraid empathy

Religious education should look into questions

‘about the truth and worth of religion.’

Ninian Smart ‘Secular Education and the logic of religion’

(1968) p.105 Ninian Smart

What kind of worship you prefer

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being afraid

belonging to a family

being joyful empathy

having sight

Religious education is concerned with the production of

‘a ripe capacity to judge the truth of what is propagated.’

Ninian Smart ‘Secular Education and the logic of religion’

(1968) p.97 Ninian Smart

What kind of worship would you


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Learning from religionevaluation

personal evaluation


impersonal evaluation

religionthe child makes introspective judgements about themselves and learns from that introspection

the child makes judgements about truth claims of religion and learns from that scrutiny

‘More directly concerned with promoting self-knowledge.’Michael Grimmitt‘RE and Human Development’ p.226

Is it true?

‘Making critical evaluations of the truth claims, beliefs and practices of different religious traditions and of religion itself.’ Michael Grimmitt ‘RE and Human Development’ p.225

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Learning from religionevaluation

personal evaluation impersonal evaluation

What are you most afraid of?

Did Jesus perform miracles or are these made-up stories?

What kind of worship would you prefer?

What would you miss if you were blind?

Does worship work? Does it make a difference?

Does God guide people?Does God speak to us?

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Learning from religion

personal evaluation

What are you most afraid of?

What kind of worship would you prefer?

What would you miss if you were blind?


child is under the microscope





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impersonal evaluation

Did Jesus perform miracles or are these made-up stories?

Does worship work? Does it make a difference?

Does God guide people?Does God speak to us?

Learning from religionoutside their comfort zone

religion is under the microscope not the child



deepens faith

objective Deep roots are not reached by the frost.


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religious truth claimsimpersonal evaluationeverything is relative

claims about world we live

inPope Benedict XVI


it’s just a matter of personal opinion

all things are equally true





moral judgments


It’s what I think and I

have a right to my opinion.

A dictatorship of relativism

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religious truth claims impersonal evaluationprayer








reasons which are persuasive for oneself, should be persuasive to others


personal evaluationimpersonal evaluationobjective

public reasons


public evidence

private feelings

does not easily lend itself to assessment

lends itself more easily to assessment

private emotions


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Level descriptions AT2

talk about religion

asking questions

make links

level 2

apply ideas

level 3

level 4

level 1

level 5

personal evaluation

Pupils talk about their experiences & feelings.interestingpuzzlingvalue &concern

Pupils ask & respondto questions about their own & others’ experiences & feelings

They make links between values and commitments, and their own attitudes and behaviour

They apply their ideas to their own and other people’s lives. They describe what inspires and influences themselves and others

expressing their own views

They explain what inspires and influences them, expressing their own and others’ views on the challenges of belonging to a religion

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It made me happy because it was a bit nice. Lauren Y1

explain rather than justify

because it’s my religion.

Lucy Y1

My bike is a nice bike because I got it for my birthday. Josh Y1

It was wrong because you shouldn’t do it. Simon Y1

• pupils understand what they have to do.

• pupils have a reason, usually expressed in a single clause.

Level 1 AT2

Josh Y1

Lauren Y1

SOLO taxonomy Biggs & Collis

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Level 2 AT2

Friends are special because they help you when you are sad. Claire Y1

It is good to be in a family because if you didn’t have a family you would be lonely. Louise Y2

• pupils have a reason usually in the form of a consequence to themselves.

Stealing is wrong because you might get found out. Nicola Y2

If you lie people won’t like you. Meg Y2

If you don’t believe in God he might give you a whack. Richard Y3expediency

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Level 2 AT2

Prayer is good because my Daddy told me. Ibrahim Y3

I think God likes us to do good things because it is in the Bible. Helen Y2

• pupils have a reason usually based on a simple appeal to authority.

Miracles are real, aren’t they Miss, because Jesus did miracles. Jake Y2

• pupils do not attempt to justify the basis of the authority in order to appeal to a wider audience.

Helen Y2

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circular reasoning

expediency/sight an authority

They make use of very simple often circular reasons. Level 1 AT2

They make use of simple reasons by identifying an authority or by showing some knowledge of a consequence to themselves. Level 2 AT2

Level 1 AT2Level 2 AT2

Levels 1 and 2 AT2

I think there really are angels because

they are in the Bible.

Evie Y1

Pupils are able to make very simple judgments expressing their own view about religion or belief.

Pupils are able to make simple judgments expressing their own view about religion or belief.

It’s wrong because you

shouldn’t do it.

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Level 3 AT2

I think we need school rules because everything would get out of control and people would not get enough education. Timothy Y4

• pupils begin to make use of wider social consequences

Timothy Y4

• pupils identify consequences that have an affect others

God gave Moses a set of rules. Do we need school rules?Give reasons to explain your answer.

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Level 3 AT2

Money can change people into nasty people because they may love their money more than their friends and family.

Ross Y5

• pupils begin to make use of psychological consequences

• pupils draw upon a broader experience of the world.

• pupils’ work has little structure often involving only a single reason

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Level 4 AT2

I think it is important that we help the poor because the poor might be ill.

• pupils are able to identify several reasons to support their view

• they begin to make use of principles to support their view

• there is little or no linkage joining these reasons

Another reason for helping the poor is that they might be hungry.

Another reason is that you are doing what wants God you to do. ‘Treat others as you want to be treated.’

Also there are lots of charities today. Alex Y6

• reasons are suggested which are not properly developed

Muslims are required to give Zakat to help the poor. Do you think it is important to help the poor? Give reasons for your answer. Consider a view different from your own.

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Level 4 AT2

I think Muslim women should wear a headscarf for three reasons.

A second reason is they don’t have to spend time worrying about their hair.

Another reason is, it’s their choice! Victoria Y7

My first reason is they should because it is one of God’s commandments in the Qur’an

• little or no linkage joining reasons

• some reasons suggested are not properly developed

Many Muslim women wear a headscarf. What do you think about this? Show that you have thought about a point of view different from your own.

• they do not refer to a view different from their own

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consequences that affect others

Pupils are able to make judgments expressing their own views about religion or beliefs. They are able to identify a reason to support their view. They show awareness of consequences that affect others. Level 3 AT2

Level 3 AT2

Levels 3 and 4


Pupils are beginning to make use of principles to support their view. Level 4 AT2

Level 4 AT2

several reasons Victoria Y7

Another reason is, it’s their


Pupils are able to make judgments expressing their own views about religion or beliefs.

They are able to identify several reasons to support their view.

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Level 5 AT2

I think there must be a God because something must have started it all.

• pupils often still list reasons but their reasons are consistently relevant.

Another reason is if there was no God how would we know what was right or wrong?

On the other hand some people say if there is a God why do evil things happen. Shanaz Y8

• pupils show some understanding of the complexity of the issue by referring to a different point of view but do not attempt to evaluate or counter that view

There are lots of things that show God is real like all the planets and the stars.

We live in a world in which there are many beautiful things. Does this show that there is a God? What do you think? Consider views different from your own.

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I think paying Zakat is a good idea. Many people can be greedy at times, always wishing for more.

People who get Zakat need it much more to pay for bare essentials like clothes and food.

They need it more than people who spend it on holidays or on a luxury new kitchen. Some people say charity begins at home but I think it is wrong to turn your back on people who need help. Katie Y9

• pupils refer to at least one point of view different from their own and attempt to evaluate or counter that view

Level 6 AT2

• pupils link ideas to form an argument through series of statements

Muslims are required to give Zakat to help the poor. Do you think it is important to help the poor? Give reasons for your answer. Consider a view different from your own.

• they make use of relevant examples or evidence

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different views

They refer to a view different from their own. Level 5 AT2

They refer to a view different from their own and attempt to evaluate or counter that view. Level 6 AT2

Level 5 AT2

Level 6 AT2

Levels 5 and 6 AT2

link ideas to form an argument

Pupils are able to make judgments expressing their own views about increasingly complicated issues to do with religion or beliefs.

They are able to identify several relevant reasons to support their views.

Pupils are able to make judgments expressing their own views about increasingly complicated issues to do with religion or beliefs.

They are able to link ideas to form an argument through a series of statements. They make use of examples or evidence to support their view.

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Level 7 AT2

I do not think that beautiful things in the world necessarily means that there is a God.

I feel like this because not everything is perfectly designed. For example, a deformed baby may give rise to hurt, upset and a difficult life for the child and those who know it. This hardly seems to be the creation of a loving designer God.

• Pupils sustain a clear and structured line of argument through a series of well linked statements

• they make use of well judged examples or evidence to support their view

We live in a world in which there are many beautiful things. Does this show that there is a God? What do you think? Consider views different from your own.

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Level 7 AT2

Some people feel that there is a God that designed the world.They may believe that there is no other explanation for things such as rainbows, snowflakes and the human eye.

I don’t agree with this because the creation of most things can be scientifically explained, such as the rainbow is made by water droplets and sunlight.

People with these views may also think of God as a designer because they don’t like to think that some things may be unexplained. They feel more secure if they know how things were created. Jane Y10

• pupils evaluate points of view different from their own and provide defensible reasons why they don’t agree

• they use a balanced and moderate tone

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Level 8 AT2

‘Some say that the foetus is also innocent and why should it be deprived of life? This is true but we have no right to tell a woman that she must live a life of misery in order that a child she did not want may enjoy its life. A woman has a moral right to decide what to do with her own body. She should be regarded as a free woman and not as a container for a foetus whose rights are greater than hers.’

Angela Y11

• pupils show an awareness of the complex nature of the issues

• they show understanding when evaluating the views of others

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Level 7 AT2

Levels 7 and 8 AT2

Pupils are able produce a structured argument using a series of linked statements. They make use of well chosen examples or evidence to support their view. Pupils evaluate points of view different from their own and can provide defensible reasons why they don’t agree.

They disagree with respect using a balanced and moderate tone. Level 7 AT2

structured argumentJane Y10

I do not think that beautiful things in the

world necessarily means that there is a God.This because not

everything is perfectly designed.

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Level 7 AT2

Level 8 AT2

Levels 7 and 8 AT2

structured reasoned argument

Pupils are able to produce a cogent, structured and sustained reasoned argument using linked statements. Pupils are able to make use of principles, analogies and well informed evidence to support their view. Pupils are able to evaluate points of view different from their own and can provide a reasoned argument defending their point of view.

They disagree with respect using a balanced and moderate tone. Level 8 AT2

structured, sustained reasoned argument Angela Y10

I do not believe that abortion is always against the will of God, certainly not

against the will of a loving God.

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talk aboutreligion

asking questions

make links

level 2

apply ideas

level 3

level 4

level 1

expressing their own ideaslevel 5

circular reasoning



personal evaluation

impersonal evaluationlevel 1

level 2

level 3‘It wrong because you shouldn’t do it.’

‘There are angels because it says so in the Bible.’

‘I think we need rules because everything would get out of control.’

reasonslevel 4reasons – refer to another point of view

level 5

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