
Recent Advances in Computational Methods for thePower Flow Equations

Dhagash Mehta1, Daniel K. Molzahn2, and Konstantin Turitsyn3

Abstract— The power flow equations are at the core ofmost of the computations for designing and operating electricpower systems. The power flow equations are a system ofmultivariate nonlinear equations which relate the power in-jections and voltages in a power system. A plethora of methodshave been devised to solve these equations, starting fromNewton-based methods to homotopy continuation and otheroptimization-based methods. While many of these methodsoften efficiently find a high-voltage, stable solution due toits large basin of attraction, most of the methods struggleto find low-voltage solutions which play significant role incertain stability-related computations. While we do not claimto have exhausted the existing literature on all related methods,this tutorial paper introduces some of the recent advancesin methods for solving power flow equations to the widerpower systems community as well as bringing attention fromthe computational mathematics and optimization communitiesto the power systems problems. After briefly reviewing someof the traditional computational methods used to solve thepower flow equations, we focus on three emerging methods: thenumerical polynomial homotopy continuation method, Grobnerbasis techniques, and moment/sum-of-squares relaxations usingsemidefinite programming. In passing, we also emphasize theimportance of an upper bound on the number of solutions of thepower flow equations and review the current status of researchin this direction.


The power flow equations model the steady-state re-lationship between the complex voltage phasors and thepower injections in an electric power system. Power systemstypically operate at a “high-voltage” solution to the powerflow equations that corresponds to a stable equilibrium ofthe differential-algebraic equations modeling power systemdynamics. Section II of this paper gives an overview of thepower flow equations.

Calculating a high-voltage power flow solution has beenthe subject of research efforts for over fifty years. Thereexist a variety of mature iterative methods, often based onNewton’s method and related variants [1], [2] or the Gauss-Seidel method [3], that are capable of globally solving manypractical large-scale power flow problems. Convergence ofthese iterative methods depends on the selection of anappropriate initialization. Reasonable initializations, such as

1University of Notre Dame, Dept. of Applied and Computational Math-ematics and Statistics; University of Adelaide, School of Physical Sci-ences, Dept. of Physics, Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter.Support from NSF-ECCS award ID 1509036 and an Australian ResearchCouncil DECRA fellowship no. DE140100867. [email protected],Preprint No: ADP-15-35/T937

2Argonne National Laboratory, Energy Systems [email protected]

3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology. [email protected]

the solution to a related problem or a “flat start” consistingof a 1∠0◦ voltage profile, often result in convergence tothe high-voltage power flow solution. However, determiningan appropriate initialization is challenging when parametersmove outside typical operating ranges as may occur withhigh penetrations of renewable generation and during contin-gencies. Illustrating this initialization challenge, [4] and [5]demonstrate that the basins of attraction for Newton-basedpower flow solution methods are fractal in nature.

This challenge has motivated a variety of approaches forimproving the robustness of Newton-based methods withrespect to the choice of initialization. For instance, [6] calcu-lates an “optimal multiplier” at each iteration of the Newtonalgorithm that prevents divergence. Other approaches con-sider alternate formulations of the power flow equations,such as [7] which applies a Newton-based iteration to aformulation that includes both voltages and currents.

There has been significant recent interest in alternativesto Newton-based methods. For instance, the HolomorphicEmbedding Load Flow method [8], which uses analyticcontinuation theory from complex analysis, is claimed to becapable of reliably finding a stable solution for any feasibleset of power flow equations. Approaches based on monotoneoperator and convex optimization theory [9], [10] identify re-gions with at most one power flow solution. After identifyingsuch a region, any solution contained within can be quicklycalculated. Convex relaxation techniques can also calculatepower flow solutions [11] and certify infeasibility [12]–[14].Additionally, progress has been made using “decoupling”approximations that facilitate separate analysis of the activeand reactive power flow equations [15], [16].

Many of these approaches focus primarily on calculationof the high-voltage power flow solution. However, otherpower flow solutions generally exist, often at lower volt-ages [17]–[21]. These solutions are important for many typesof power system stability assessments [22]–[25]. There mayalso exist multiple stable power flow solutions, particularly inthe presence of power flow reversal conditions on distributionsystems [26]. Attempts to calculate multiple power flowsolutions include the use of a Newton-based algorithm witha range of carefully chosen initializations [27], [28]. Usingsemidefinite relaxations of the power flow equations withobjectives that are functions of squared voltage magnitudes,[29] also identifies multiple power flow solutions. However,these approaches are not guaranteed to find all solutions.

A numerical continuation approach that claims to find allpower flow solutions was presented in [30]. Since it scaleswith the number of actual rather than potential power flow









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solutions, this approach is computationally tractable for real-istic power systems. However, the robustness proof indicatingthat this approach finds all solutions to all power flow prob-lems is flawed [31], and [32] presents a counterexample. Thiscounterexample also invalidates the robustness of the relatedapproach in [33] for calculating all power flow solutions thathave a certain stability property. Recent work [34] presentsa related method that improves the robustness of [30].

Although not yet scalable to large systems, there areapproaches which are guaranteed to find all power flow solu-tions. As described in Section III, the most computationallytractable of these methods are based on numerical polyno-mial homotopy continuation (NPHC). Existing techniquesare tractable for systems with up to 14 buses [35], [36](and the equivalent of 18 buses for the related Kuramotomodel [37]). The NPHC methods use continuation to traceall complex solutions from a selected “simple” polynomialsystem for which all solutions can be easily calculated to thesolutions of the specified target system. In this context, thepower flow equations are transformed by splitting real andimaginary parts of the voltage phasors to obtain polynomialsin real variables. Thus, only the real solutions to these poly-nomial equations are physically meaningful. Nevertheless,ensuring recovery of all real solutions requires a numberof continuation traces that depends on an upper bound forthe number of complex solutions. Apart from being theo-retically interesting, tighter upper bounds on the number ofpower flow solutions would thus improve the computationaltractability of NPHC methods. Existing bounds [19], [20] arebased on calculations of the number of complex solutions forcomplete (i.e., fully connected) networks. Recent work [38]uses NPHC to find all complex solutions for a variety ofsmall test cases in order to inform conjectured upper boundsthat are based on the network topology.

Other methods guaranteed to find all solutions to systemsof polynomials (which may therefore be applied to thepower flow equations) are the eigenvalue technique in [39],interval analysis [40], Grobner bases (Section IV), and the“moment/sum-of-squares” relaxations in [41] and Section V.

Section IV overviews the Grobner basis techniques. In ad-dition to solving the power flow equations, these techniquesare presented in the contexts of equivalencing methods,bifurcation analyses, and dynamic power system models.

Section V describes recent progress in moment/sum-of-squares relaxations of the power flow equations. While theserelaxations are applicable to many power systems computa-tions, this work is presented in the context of the optimalpower flow (OPF) problem. Specifically, the OPF problemseeks the voltages which result in power injections thatminimize operational cost while satisfying both the powerflow equations and engineering limits. The moment/sum-of-squares relaxations lower bound the optimal objective valueand, for many OPF problems, give the global solution.


Consider an n-bus electric power system where N ={1, . . . , n} is the set of buses and G is the set of generator

buses.1 The network admittance matrix, which contains theelectrical parameters of the network as well as the topologyinformation, is denoted Y = G+jB, where j =

√−1. (See,

e.g., [42] for details on the construction of the admittancematrix.)

Each bus has two associated complex values: the voltagephasors and the power injections. We will use both complexvoltage phasor representation V ∈ Cn and rectangularvoltage coordinates Vd + jVq , Vd, Vq ∈ Rn. Each bus i ∈ Nhas active and reactive power injections Pi + jQi.

In terms of complex voltages, the power flow equationsare polynomials in V and V :

Pi = Re



YikV k


Qi = Im



YikV k


where ( · ) indicates the complex conjugate and Re (·) andIm (·) return the real and imaginary parts, respectively, of acomplex argument. Squared voltage magnitudes are

|Vi|2 = ViV i. (1c)

Splitting real and imaginary parts of (1) and using rectan-gular voltage coordinates yields quadratic polynomials in realvariables Vd and Vq . The active and reactive power injectionsat bus i are

Pi =Vdi


(GikVdk −BikVqk)

+ Vqi


(BikVdk +GikVqk) + PDi, (2a)

Qi =Vdi


(−BikVdk −GikVqk)

+ Vqi


(GikVdk −BikVqk) +QDi. (2b)

Squared voltage magnitudes are

|Vi|2 = V 2di + V 2

qi. (2c)

To represent typical equipment behavior, each bus istraditionally classified as PQ, PV, or slack. PQ buses, whichtypically correspond to loads, treat Pi and Qi as specifiedquantities and enforce the active and reactive power equa-tions. PV buses, which typically correspond to generators,enforce the active power and squared voltage magnitudeequations with specified Pi and |Vi|2. The associated reactivepower Qi may be computed as an “output quantity” viathe reactive power equation.2 Finally, a single slack bus isselected with specified Vi (typically chosen such that thereference angle is 0◦; i.e., Im (Vi) = 0). The active power

1A “bus” in power system terminology represents a node in the graphcorresponding to the power system network. A “line” corresponds to anedge of this graph.

2Note that this paper does not consider reactive-power-limited generators.

Pi and reactive power Qi at the slack bus are determinedfrom the active and reactive power equations, respectively;network-wide conservation of complex power is thereby sat-isfied. Solving the power flow equations means determiningvoltage phasors such that the enforced equations are satisfiedat each bus.


The Numerical Polynomial Homotopy Continuation(NPHC) method [43]–[45] has recently gained attention asit successfully found all the solutions of the power flowequations (2) for the IEEE test systems with up to 14buses [35], [36]. The method has also been applied [37] tofind all equilibria of the Kuramoto model [46], a prototypicalmodel for the power flow equations [47], for up to an 18-bus case with different network topologies. This sectionprovides an overview of the NPHC method and discussesrecent work in determining upper bounds on the number ofisolated complex solutions for the power flow equations.

A. Overview of the NPHC Method

The basic ingredient of the NPHC method, called homo-topy continuation, has been used by mathematicians for quitesome time [48]. To solve a system of nonlinear equations,one first constructs a “simple” system for which all solutionscan be easily identified. The solutions of the simple systemare then continuously deformed to obtain solutions of theoriginal “target” system. However, in traditional continuationmethods for general nonlinear systems, the solution-pathsmay cross one another, bifurcate, or turn back towards thesimple system. In practice, one or more of these behaviorsmay be observed for general nonlinear systems. Thus, thesemethods generally do not guarantee finding all solutions.

For the specific case of systems of polynomial equations,however, the situation is different due to the maturity ofalgebraic geometry theory. For polynomial systems, onecan construct a specific type of homotopy method, NPHC,between the simple system and the target system such thatall the solution-paths are well-behaved. The NPHC methodthus guarantees finding all isolated complex solutions of thetarget system of polynomial equations.

We now describe the specific strategy for the NPHCmethod. Denote the transpose as (·)ᵀ. Let the system ofnonlinear polynomial equations f(x) = 0, where f(x) isa vector of n equations f (x) :=

[f1(x) . . . fn(x)


x is a vector of n variables x :=[x1 . . . xn

]ᵀ, be the

target system to be solved. To utilize theory from algebraicgeometry, we consider all the variables xi ∈ C. If only realsolutions are physically relevant, as is the case for the powerflow equations (2), we disregard all the non-real solutionsupon completion of the method.

The NPHC method starts by calculating an upper boundon the number of isolated complex solutions of f(x) = 0.There exist various off-the-shelf upper bounds arising fromthe computational algebraic geometry literature. The classicalBezout bound (CBB) states that the number of complex

isolated solutions for a system of polynomial equations isat most the product of degree of each of the polynomials:∏ni=1 di, where di is the degree of fi(x). A discussion

on tighter upper bounds for the power flow equations ispresented later in this section.

Using an upper bound on the number of complex solu-tions, one constructs a “simple” system in the same vari-ables, g(x) = 0, such that 1) the simple system has thesame number of isolated complex solutions as the upperbound, and 2) obtaining all the solutions of g(x) = 0 isstraightforward. Using the CBB, such a system is g(x) :=[a1x

d11 − b1 . . . anx

dnn − bn

]ᵀ, where ai, bi 6= 0 are

generic complex numbers. The system g (x) = 0 has∏ni=1 di

isolated solutions: xi = di


.The NPHC method then constructs a homotopy between

f(x) and g(x):

H(x; t) := (1− t) f(x) + η t g(x) = 0, (3)

where t ∈ [0, 1]. At t = 1, we have g(x) = 0 and knowall the solutions by construction. At t = 0, we recover theoriginal system f(x) = 0. Hence, for each of the solutionsof g(x) = 0, a path from t = 1 to t = 0 is tracked usingan efficient path-tracker [45], such as a predictor-correctormethod. Since the upper bound on the number of solutionsof f(x) = 0 may not be exact, some of the solution-pathsmay diverge to infinity along the way. It has been shownthat exactly as may paths as the number of isolated complexsolutions, counting multiplicity, of f(x) = 0 reach t = 0 solong as η in (3) is chosen generically from C [45]. In otherwords, for t ∈ (0, 1] with a generic complex η, it is proventhat no path will cross other paths, turn back, or bifurcate.(Note that more than one path may sometimes reach thesame solution at t = 0 if the system has multiple solutions.)Hence, in the end, the NPHC method is guaranteed to yieldall isolated complex solutions of a system of polynomialequations. The method is embarassingly parallelizeable sinceeach path can be tracked independently, and is thus suitablefor high-performance supercomputing clusters.

B. Upper Bounds on the Number of Power Flow Solutions

The efficiency of the NPHC strategy strongly depends onthe quality of the upper bounds on the isolated complexsolutions of the power flow equations, as this is the numberof solution-paths one has to track. Another determinant of theefficiency of the method is the computational effort requiredto compute the upper bound and solve the correspondingstart system g(x) = 0. The CBB is trivial to compute forany given system, and solving the corresponding start systemis also straightforward. However, in practice, the number ofcomplex solutions is usually much lower than the CBB dueto the sparsity of the system. Hence, computational effort iswasted in tracking paths that eventually diverge.

To apply NPHC to large systems of power flow equations,we must determine an upper bound on the number ofcomplex solutions that is as tight as possible. One approachfor computing high-quality upper bounds is by exploiting

the sparsity structure inherent to the power flow equations,which is encoded inside the network topology of the powersystem.

After fixing the slack bus voltage, there are 2n− 1 powerflow equations for an n-bus system, each of which is aquadratic polynomial. Thus, the CBB is 22(n−1). A tighterupper bound,


), on the number of complex solutions

was first proposed in [19] for systems without PQ busesand extended to general power systems in [20]. In [35],it was pointed out that a generic upper bound, called theBKK bound (named after its inventors Bernstein-Khovanskii-Kushnirenko [49]–[51]), was significantly smaller than theCBB for the IEEE test case with up to 14 buses. However,no theoretical justification for this observation is yet known.

These bounds do not consider the sparsity structure ofthe power flow polynomials. There is only limited work onbounds that are functions of the network topology. The boundin [52] applies to power systems whose network graphs arecomposed of subgraphs having exactly one shared bus. Thenumber of isolated complex solutions for such systems isequal to the product of number of solutions for the individualsubgraphs. Using numerical experiments conducted with theNPHC method, recent results in [38] conjecture an upperbound for systems whose network graphs are composed ofmaximal cliques (i.e., maximally sized, completely connectedsubgraphs) which share exactly two buses along with someother technical conditions. Upper bounds for many othertypes of network topologies are yet to be discovered.


As discussed in the previous sections, many importantpower systems problems are naturally formulated in terms ofsystems of polynomial equations. The classical and perhapsmost important is the system of power flow equations. Otherexamples include but are not limited to loadability limits,small-signal stability and others. These systems of equationsdefine an algebraic set characterizing the relation betweensystem variables and parameters. Although these relationsare usually defined in high-dimensional spaces, the importantengineering questions usually involve only a few variablesand parameters. For example, classical loadability and pathrating analysis addresses the questions of system response tovariation of specific load consumption levels.

Grobner basis techniques provide a formal way to con-struct all the solutions of polynomial systems equations.Apart from offering an alternative to other techniques de-scribed in this tutorial, they also allow elimination of vari-ables from these systems at the expense of raising the totaldegree of equations. In the following we provide an informalintroduction to the algebraic geometry concepts necessary tounderstand the ideas of Grobner bases. The reader is referredto [53] for an accessible but formal and thorough introductionto the subject.

From algebraic perspective, any polynomial equations inx1, . . . , xn variables with real coefficients is an element ofthe so-called polynomial ring R[x1, . . . , xn] or R[x] – theset of polynomials in x1, . . . , xn with real coefficients with

the naturally defined addition and multiplication operations.Like elements of other rings, for example integer numbers,the polynomials can be sometimes factorized into productsof lower order polynomials, for example x21 − x22 = (x1 −x2)(x1 + x2), which allows the definition of a long divisionoperation on the polynomial ring. Whenever the degree ofpolynomial Q ∈ R[x] is less than the degree of polynomialP ∈ R[x], one can always represent P = UQ + R,where U is the quotient and R the remainder polynomials,each with lower order in comparison to Q. As there is nonatural ordering on multivariable polynomials, typically alexicographic ordering is used, where the monomials areordered lexicographically, so 1 ≺ x1 ≺ x21 ≺ · · · ≺x2 ≺ x2x1 ≺ x2x

21 ≺ · · · ≺ x22 etc, and polynomials are

ordered with respect to the highest monomial order, so, forexample x21 + x22 � 2x1x2 because x22 � 2x1x2. Given apolynomial ordering, the long division is uniquely defined.For example, dividing P = x21 + x22 by Q = x1 + x2 onegets x21 + x22 = (x2 − x1)(x1 + x2) + 2x21.

An ideal 〈P1, . . . , Pm〉 generated by polynomialsP1(x), . . . , Pm(x) ∈ R[x] is a set of polynomials that canbe represented as linear combination of P1 . . . , Pm, i.e.f = g1P1+· · ·+gmPm, where every coefficient gk ∈ R[x] isitself a polynomial in the same variable set. Any point y thatsolves the system of equations P1(y) = 0, . . . , Pm(y) = 0 isalso a root of every polynomial P in the ideal 〈P1, . . . , Pm〉.An ideal defines a set of equations that can be constructedfrom the original equations Pk(x) = 0 via algebraic additionand multiplication operations. Any ideal can be generatedby various different base polynomials. For a trivial example,consider replacing the first equation P1(x) = 0 withP1(x) + P2(x) = 0. Obviously the new set of polynomialswill define exactly the same ideal and characterize exactlythe same algebraic set of solutions.

The Grobner basis is a special representation of an idealthat possesses a number of properties making it partic-ularly suitable for solving elimination problems and alsofor constructing complete sets of solutions. For the lexico-graphic ordering of monomials defined above, the Grobnerbasis provides a “triangular” representation of the ideal〈Q1, . . . , Qm〉 with the following properties: Q1 = Q1(xn),Q2 = Q2(xn−1, xn), and so on with Qn = Qn(x1 . . . , xn)where we assumed for simplicity that m = n. Such arepresentation of the original system of equations providesa straightforward way of finding all the solutions. First,the univariate equation Q1(xn) = 0 can be solved tofind all the values of xn. This can be accomplished, forexample, by constructing the companion matrix and findingits eigenvalues, or using the Newton method followed byfactorization of the obtained solutions.

On the second step, the solutions of the first equationcan be substituted into the equation Q2(xn−1, xn) = 0 tofind all the values of xn−1. The obvious advantage of thisapproach is the transformation of the original multivariateproblem to a sequence of univariate polynomial problemsfor which generally more straightforward methods exist bothfor identification of the solutions and for providing guar-

antees that no solution exist in specific regions. Certainly,the degree of the univariate polynomials can become verylarge for Grobner bases constructed from large systems ofequations. For systems of quadratic equations common topower systems, the degrees of the polynomials are boundedby 22

n+1 where n is the total number of variables.In many practical problems the goal is to characterize the

dependence of one or many variables on external parameters.Algebraically, both the unknown variables x1, . . . , xm andexternal parameters p1, . . . , pk can be combined in a singlevariable set x1, . . . , xn with n = m+ k and xm+i = pi fori = 1, . . . , k. In this case the Grobner basis takes the formQ1 = Q1(xm, xm+1, . . . , xn), Q2 = Q2(xm−1, . . . , xn),and, finally Qm = Qm(x1, . . . , xn). The first equationsrepresents the implicit dependence of the unknown vari-able xm on external parameters p1, . . . , pk represented byxm+1, . . . , xn.

The Grobner basis can be constructed using the classicalBuchberger’s algorithm which generalizes the classical Eu-clidean algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor oftwo integers to polynomial rings. In essence, the Buchbergeralgorithm implements the nonlinear version of the Gaussianelimination procedure and establishes the analogue of LUdecomposition for nonlinear systems of equations. This al-gorithm is implemented in most of general purpose computeralgebra systems like Maple, Mathematica, Sagemath as wellas specialized algebraic geometry systems like MAGMA andSingular. The algebraic nature of the algorithm requires exactarithmetic and definition of the problem on the polynomialring Q[x] over field of rational rather than real numbers.This constraint reduces the computational efficiency of thealgorithm and limits its applicability to large systems, al-though at the same time it eliminates the numerical error thatcan be accumulated in floating point manipulations. Existingimplementations of Grobner basis construction algorithmsdo not exploit any structural properties of the underlyingnetwork graphs. However, recent generalization of the clas-sical algorithm suggest that the complexity of the algorithmand degree of the resulting polynomials may be substantiallylower than classical upper bounds for graphs with low tree-width typical for power systems [54]. So applications ofGrobner basis approach to large-scale power systems are notout of question and may become realistic in the future withthe maturation of algorithms exploiting the low treewidth ofthe underlying system graphs.

Below we discuss several potential applications of Grobnerbasis techniques to power system analysis problems, illustrat-ing the application of Grobner basis techniques on the simpleexample of a two-bus power system.

The first application we discuss is equivalencing andmodel reduction. A power grid network has a hierarchicalstructure with high-voltage power line layers feeding thepower to lower-voltage layers. Typically, the low-voltagedistribution grid models representing the power consumersare aggregated into simple equivalents typically representedeither with constant power PQ-buses or slightly more so-phisticated ZIP models. The equivalencing of distribution

grids happens in an ad-hoc non-systematic manner. Grobnerbases provide a tool for constructing the equivalent models ina systematic way. For a trivial example, consider a classicaltwo-bus system where a bus 1 with voltage V is connected toa PQ load bus via a line of impedance r+ jx. The effectiveload model as seen by the transmission grid represented bybus 1 is different from the constant specified PQ load dueto losses in the line. The implicit model can be recovered byconstructing the Grobner basis for the following system ofpower flow equations:

P = V id (4)Q = −V iq (5)Vx = V − rid + xiq (6)Vy = −riq − xid (7)PL = Vdid − Vqiq (8)QL = −Vdiq − Vqid. (9)

In this system Vx + jVy represents voltage phasor at bus 2and ix + jiy represents the current phasor. The power levelsP,Q represent the overall power consumption at bus 1, whilePL, QL correspond to consumption at load bus 2. The levelsof r, x are set to r = x = 1/4 per unit (p.u.) for the sake ofsimplicity in this illustration, whereas the values of V , PL,and QL are assumed to be independent parameters. Usingthe lexicographic ordering id ≺ iq ≺ Vd ≺ Vq ≺ Q ≺P ≺ V ≺ PL ≺ QL, one can construct the Grobner basisfor this system and obtain the following first two generatingequations:

2P 2 − 2AP +B = 0 (10)P − PL −Q+QL = 0, (11)

where A = PL − QL + 2V 2 and B = P 2L − 2PLQL +

Q2L + 4PLV

2. These relations define an implicit model ofthe aggregate load, representing the dependence of the powerconsumption levels P and Q on terminal voltage V . Notethat typically the value of V is affected by the flows inthe transmission grid, while external parameters PL and QLdepend on the load consumption levels. This model caneither be used directly or approximated by more commonpolynomial models of the loads. The resulting dependenceis illustrated in Fig. 1. Note that the solution does not existfor low-voltage levels, which corresponds to phenomenareferred to as voltage collapse in power system literature.Also, there are two possible values of power consumptionfor given voltage levels, corresponding to two branches ofpower flow equation solutions. In this representation only thelower branch is stable.

The method can be obviously generalized to more com-plicated situations with less trivial grid topologies and moresophisticated individual load models. As discussed before,the traditional Grobner basis construction algorithms mayresult in high-order implicit equations describing the models,so either numerical approximation of intermediate results orutilization of more advanced sparsity-exploiting eliminationschemes is necessary to scale the approach to large systems.

Fig. 1. Dependence of the total power consumption P on voltage at bus 1for PL = 0.25 p.u.,QL = 0.25 p.u. (blue), PL = 0.25 p.u.,QL =0.0 p.u. (orange), PL = 0.25 p.u.,QL = −0.25 p.u. (green).

Another important application of the Grobner basis ap-proach is the analysis of bifurcations in power systemmodels. Overloading the power system beyond acceptablelimits typically leads to disappearance of equilibrium or lossof stability. Understanding the loadability limits is criticalfor secure operation of power systems. Mathematically, dis-appearance of power flow solutions happens through thesaddle-node bifurcation which occurs when the power flowequations’ Jacobian matrix becomes singular. As the powerflow equations have a polynomial form, the Jacobian canbe also represented as matrix polynomial J(x, p) dependingboth on the variables and external parameters. Given thisrepresentation, one can introduce the singularity conditionthrough two additional equations Jz = 0 and zᵀz = 1 wherez is the zero eigenvector of the Jacobian. The combinationof power flow equations and these two singularity conditionsdescribes the algebraic saddle-node bifurcation manifold.

For the two-bus example described above, the systemof equations (4)–(9) is complemented with the followingrepresentation of the matrix singularity conditions:

z1 = 0, (12)z2 = 0, (13)z3 − z5id + z6iq = 0, (14)z4 − z6id − z5iq = 0, (15)z34

+z44− z5Vd − z6Vq − V z1 = 0, (16)

z44− z3

4+ z6Vd − z5Vq + V z2 = 0, (17)

z21 + z22 + z23 + z24 + z25 + z26 = 1. (18)

Fig. 2. Lodability limit boundaries defined by equation (19) with V =0.9 p.u. (blue), V = 1.0 p.u. (orange), V = 1.1 p.u. (green).

The first equation of Grobner basis with the ordering id ≺iq ≺ Vd ≺ Vq ≺ Q ≺ P ≺ z1 ≺ · · · ≺ z6 ≺ V ≺ PL ≺ QLtakes the form

P 2L − 2PLQL +Q2

L + 4V 2PL + 4V 2QL − 4V 4 = 0, (19)

that describes the ellipsoidal curve corresponding to load-ability limits in terms of PL, QL, and terminal voltage V .The resulting boundaries are presented in Fig. 2

Similar techniques can be extended to more complicatedproblems. For instance, inequality constraints responsible forfeasibility can be introduced in the same framework via slackvariable approaches. For example, the voltage constraintV 2d + V 2

q >(V min

)2can be rewritten in equality form

with additional slack variable s introduced as V 2d + V 2

q =(V min

)2+ s2. This equation has a solution only when

the voltage level satisfies the original inequality constraint.Therefore, the bifurcations of this extended system willdefine the boundary of the feasibility region where thesolution exists and also satisfies the physical limits.

Grobner basis approaches can be also applied to dynamicmodels of power systems. For small-signal stability analysis,the linearized equations of motion x = A(p)x depend onthe operating conditions described by the parameter set p.The small-signal stability condition can be expressed asA(p)(u + jv) = (µ + jν)(u + jv) with extra constraintsuᵀu + vᵀv = 1 and µ 6 0. Here, the vector (u + jv) isthe eigenvector of the linearized system matrix, and µ, ν arethe real and imaginary parts of the corresponding eigenvalue.The condition ν 6 0, which can be also expressed as ν+s2 =0 after the slack variable introduction trick, expresses thesmall-signal stability criterion. The resulting system definesan algebraic manifold corresponding to stable operating

conditions. Elimination of the u,v and µ, ν variables definesthe manifold in parameter p space where the system possessa stable equilibrium.

Recently, Grobner basis techniques have been applied topower system models in the context of the power flow rever-sal problem [26], [55]. Introduction of renewable generationon a distribution grid may result in reversal of power flowand export of power to the transmission systems. Thesenew regimes, which are not common to traditional powersystems, are characterized by multiple branches of solutions.Although usually not suitable for normal operations, thesenew equilibrium points may compromise the normal post-fault restoration of the system and result in the system beingtrapped in an undesirable stable equilibrium. The structure ofthe new solutions, precise conditions of their appearance, andtheir impact on power system stability and security is stillpoorly understood and requires more intensive investigation.


Advances in computational methods related to the powerflow equations have the potential to improve solution tech-niques for many different problems. Motivated by the exten-sive optimization needs envisioned for future power systems,a variety of convex relaxations and approximations of thepower flow equations have recently been developed. Theserelaxations and approximations can facilitate the optimiza-tion of broader classes of systems and operating conditionsthan traditional methods. Further, emerging computationaltools have capabilities that surpass those in traditional so-lution techniques, such as providing a measure of solutionquality, certifying problem infeasibility, and, in many cases,provably obtaining the global optimum. This section reviewsrecent work in developing a hierarchy of moment/sum-of-squares (MSOS) relaxations of the power flow equations.

Most of the work on convex relaxations of the power flowequations has focused on the optimal power flow (OPF)problem (e.g., [56]–[64]). The OPF problem determines aminimum cost operating point for an electric power systemsubject to both network constraints (i.e., the power flowequations) and engineering limits (e.g., bounds on voltagemagnitudes, active and reactive power injections, and lineflows). This section presents the MSOS relaxations in termsof the OPF problem; however, note that the MSOS for-mulations could be applied to a variety of other powersystem optimization problems (e.g., transmission expansionplanning [65], [66], voltage regulation [67], state estima-tion [68], and calculating voltage stability margins [12]–[14]). Further, when applied to an optimization problem witha feasible space defined by polynomial equality constraintsand a constant objective function, MSOS relaxations withsufficiently high relaxation order can find all solutions to thepolynomials [41]. This approach could be applied to find allpower flow solutions for small systems.

Formulating the power flow equations as a system ofpolynomials enables the application of the Lasserre hierarchyfor polynomial optimization problems [41]. The first-order

MSOS relaxation in the Lasserre hierarchy is equivalentto the semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation in [56];higher-order MSOS relaxations in the Lasserre hierarchy takethe form of SDPs that generalize the relaxation in [56].

Directly applying the Lasserre hierarchy to the OPF prob-lem has been explored in [69]–[71]. Related work includesexploiting sparsity and selectively applying the higher-orderconstraints to solve large-scale problems [72], [73]. Otherrelated work develops hierarchies that leverage the complexstructure of the power flow equations [74] and employ amix of semidefinite and second-order cone programming(SOCP) to enforce the higher-order constraints in the MSOSrelaxations [75]. This section will review the development ofthe MSOS relaxations from the Lasserre hierarchy in [69]–[71] and summarize the related work on computationalimprovements in [72]–[75].

A. Overview of the Optimal Power Flow Problem

We first present the non-convex optimal power flow prob-lem, starting with the introduction of notation in additionto that used for the power flow problem in Section II.Superscripts “max” and “min” denote specified upper andlower limits and buses without generators have maximumand minimum generation set to zero.

In terms of complex voltages, the active and reactive powerinjections fPi (V ) and fQi (V ), respectively, are polynomialsin V and V :

fPi (V ) := PDi +Re



YikV k


fQi (V ) := QDi + Im



YikV k


where PDi + jQDi are specified load demands. Squaredvoltage magnitudes are

fV i (V ) := ViV i. (21)

The OPF problem in terms of complex voltages V is



ci fPi (V ) subject to (22a)

PminGi 6 fPi (V ) 6 Pmax

Gi ∀i ∈ N (22b)

QminGi 6 fQi (V ) 6 Qmax

Gi ∀i ∈ N (22c)

(V mini )2 6 fV i (V ) 6 (V max

i )2 ∀i ∈ N (22d)

where c ∈ Rn is a linear cost of active power generation.3

Splitting real and imaginary parts of (20)–(21) and usingrectangular voltage coordinates yields quadratic polynomials

3The MSOS relaxations are applicable to more general OPF formulationsthat include, e.g., line-flow limits, quadratic and piecewise-linear generatorcosts, and multiple generators per bus [59], [62], [72]

in real variables Vd and Vq:

gPi (Vd, Vq) := Vdi


(GikVdk −BikVqk)

+ Vqi


(BikVdk +GikVqk) + PDi, (23a)

gQi (Vd, Vq) := Vdi


(−BikVdk −GikVqk)

+ Vqi


(GikVdk −BikVqk) +QDi. (23b)

Squared voltage magnitudes are given by

gV i (Vd, Vq) := V 2di + V 2

qi. (24)

The OPF problem in terms of real voltage components Vdand Vq is



ci gPi (Vd, Vq) subject to (25a)

PminGi 6 gPi (Vd, Vq) 6 Pmax

Gi ∀i ∈ N (25b)

QminGi 6 gQi (Vd, Vq) 6 Qmax

Gi ∀i ∈ N (25c)

(V mini )2 6 gV i (Vd, Vq) 6 (V max

i )2 ∀i ∈ N (25d)

Since the power flow equations are functions of angledifferences, both formulations of the OPF problem (22)and (25) have a degeneracy in the voltage angle. Similar tothe slack bus in the power flow equations, this degeneracyis accounted for by arbitrarily fixing the angle reference at aspecified bus. This can either be accomplished by rotating thevoltage vectors from the solutions to the MSOS relaxationssuch that the angle reference is satisfied (as is done here)or by enforcing the additional constraints V1−V 1

2j = 0 andVq1 = 0 in (22) and (25), respectively, where it is assumedthat bus 1 has a fixed angle reference of 0◦.

B. Applying the Lasserre Hierarchy to the OPF Problem

Lasserre developed a hierarchy of increasingly tighterMSOS relaxations of polynomial optimization problems inreal variables [41].4 MSOS relaxations from the Lasserrehierarchy, which take the form of semidefinite programs,converge to the global optimum of a polynomial optimiza-tion problem with increasing relaxation order. We denotethe order-γ relaxation applied to the OPF problem in realvariables Vd and Vq as MSOSγ-R. This section reviews [69]–[71], which develop MSOS relaxations for the OPF prob-lem (25) in real variables.

Development of the relaxations require several definitions.Group the decision variables Vd and Vq into a vector x:

x :=[Vd1 . . . Vdn Vq1 . . . Vqn

]ᵀ. (26)

4The primal form of these relaxations, which is presented here, is derivedusing truncated moment sequences. The dual form is interpreted as a sum-of-squares program. Hence, the terminology MSOS relaxations. There is zeroduality gap between the primal and dual forms of the MSOS relaxations forOPF problems [76].

Define a vector xγ consisting of all monomials of the voltagecomponents Vd and Vq up to the relaxation order γ:

xγ :=[1 Vd1 . . . Vqn V 2

d1 Vd1Vd2 . . .

. . . V 2qn V 3

d1 V 2d1Vd2 . . . V γqn

]ᵀ. (27)

A monomial is defined using a vector α ∈ N2n of expo-nents: xα := V α1

d1 Vα2

d2 · · ·V α2nqn . A polynomial is h (x) :=∑

α∈N2n hαxα, where hα is the real scalar coefficient corre-

sponding to the monomial xα.Define a linear functional Ly {h} which replaces the

monomials xα in a polynomial h (x) with real scalar vari-ables y:

Ly {h} :=∑α∈N2n

gαyα. (28)

For a matrix h (x), Ly {h} is applied componentwise to eachelement of h (x).

Consider, e.g., the vector x =[Vd1 Vd2 Vq1 Vq2

]ᵀcorresponding to the voltage components of a two-bus sys-tem. Consider also the polynomial (V max

2 )2 − gV 2 (x) =

(V max2 )

2−V 2d2−V 2

q2. (The constraint (V max2 )

2−gV 2 (x) > 0forces the voltage magnitude at bus 2 to be less than or equalto V max

2 .) Then Ly

{(V max

2 )2 − gV 2

}= (V max

2 )2y0000 −

y0200−y0002. Thus, Ly {g} converts a polynomial (V max2 )

2−gV 2 (x) to a linear function of y.

The MSOS relaxations add additional variables and con-straints that are redundant in the original problem but serveto strengthen the relaxation. To simplify the notation, wegroup all the constraints in (25) into a vector g (x) ∈ R6n:

g (x) :=

PmaxG1 − gP1

...PmaxGn − gPngP1 − Pmin


gPn − PminGn

QmaxG1 − gQ1

...QmaxGn − gQn

gQ1 −QminG1

...gQn −Qmin


(V max1 )

2 − gV 1

...(V maxn )

2 − gV ngV 1 −

(V min1


gV n −(V minn


. (29)

The order-γ relaxation MSOSγ-R can be derived from a

rank-constrained optimization problem related to (25):



ck gPk (x) subject to (30a)

gi (x)xγ−1xᵀγ−1 < 0 i = 1, . . . , 6n (30b)

xγxᵀγ < 0 (30c)

where < indicates positive semidefiniteness of the corre-sponding matrix and γ > 1 is a specified integer whichwill denote the relaxation order. The rank-one matricesxγ−1x

ᵀγ−1 and xγx

ᵀγ are positive semidefinite by con-

struction. Thus, the constraints gi (x)xγ−1xᵀγ−1 < 0 and

gi (x) > 0 are redundant and (30c) is unnecessary. Thematrices gi (x)xγ−1x

ᵀγ−1 < 0 and xγx

ᵀγ < 0 are composed

of polynomials and monomials, respectively, which havedegree at most 2γ.

The relaxation MSOSγ-R is formed by applying the linearfunctional Ly {·} to the constraints and objective functionin (30) in order to obtain a SDP in terms of the liftedvariables y:



ck Ly {gPk (x)} subject to (31a)

Ly{gi (x)xγ−1x

ᵀγ−1}< 0 i = 1, . . . , 6n (31b)



}< 0 (31c)

y0...0 = 1. (31d)

In Lasserre’s terminology [41], (31b) constrains localiz-ing matrices and (31c) constrains the moment matrix forMSOSγ-R. See [69] for the localizing and moment matricesfor small example OPF problems. Note that (31d) resultsfrom the fact that x0 = 1.

Since x0 is the scalar 1, the localizing constraints (31b)for MSOSγ-R are in fact non-negativity constraintsLy {gi (x)} > 0. Thus, MSOS1-R is equivalent to the SDPrelaxation in [56], and MSOSγ-R generalizes the relaxationof [56] for γ > 1.

As a relaxation, the optimal objective value for MSOSγ-Rlower bounds the globally optimal objective value for theOPF problem. A solution to MSOSγ-R which satisfies

rank (Ly {xxᵀ}) = 1 (32)

indicates that the relaxation is exact. The globally optimalvoltage phasor solution V ∗ to the OPF problem can beextracted using a spectral decomposition. Let λ and η denotethe non-zero eigenvalue and corresponding unit-length eigen-vector, respectively, of the matrix Ly {xxᵀ}. Then V ∗ =√λ (η1:n + jηn+1:2n), rotated such that Im (V ∗1 ) = 0, where

subscripts indicate vector entries in MATLAB notation. Ifthe rank condition (32) is not satisfied, increasing the re-laxation order to γ + 1 will tighten the relaxation and mayyield the globally optimal solution. The results in [69]–[71]demonstrate that MSOS2-R is capable of globally solvingmany small problems for which MSOS1-R (or, equivalently,the SDP relaxation in [56]) fails to be exact.

C. Computational Improvements

Application to large OPF problems requires addressingthe computational scaling challenges inherent to the MSOSrelaxations. For an n-bus system, the size of the momentmatrix (31c) for MSOSγ-R is (2n+ γ)!/ ((2n)!γ!). Forexample, n = 10 and γ = 3 correspond to a moment matrixof size 1,771× 1,771. This limits application of the “dense”formulation described in Section V-B to systems with atmost approximately ten buses. We next summarize threeapproaches for improving the computational tractability ofthe MSOS relaxations: 1) exploiting sparsity and selectivelyapplying the higher-order relaxation constraints to specific“problematic” buses, 2) using a hierarchy that exploits thecomplex structure of the OPF problem, and 3) enforcing thefirst-order constraints with the SDP formulation while usinga SOCP relaxation of the higher-order constraints.

1) Exploiting Sparsity and Selectively Applying theHigher-Order Constraints: As is common in power systemoptimization, exploiting sparsity has the potential to improvethe computational tractability of the MSOS relaxations. Amethod for exploiting sparsity in relaxations of general poly-nomial optimization problems [77] can be directly appliedto the MSOS relaxations of the OPF problem. This ap-proach uses a matrix completion theorem [78] to decomposethe single large positive semidefinite constraints in (31b)and (31c) into constraints on many smaller matrices in amanner that depends on the so-called chordal sparsity ofthe power system network. Related approaches applied tothe SDP relaxation of [56] (and therefore also MSOS1-R)enable solution of problems with thousands of buses [58],[59].

Naıvely applying the chordal-sparsity approach to thehigher-order relaxations is less successful; only systemswith at most approximately 40 buses are computationallytractable for MSOS2-R. The key insight needed to scalethe higher-order MSOS relaxations to larger problem is thatthe computationally intensive higher-order constraints areonly needed for certain buses. By selectively applying thehigher-order constraints at “problematic” buses, [72] and [73]are able to globally solve OPF problems with thousandsof buses.5 Reference [72] describes a iterative method foridentifying the problematic buses using a “power injectionmismatch” heuristic. See [79] for a computational analysis ofthe key parameter in this sparsity-exploiting approach (i.e.,the number of additional buses with higher-order constraintsapplied at each iteration).

2) Complex Hierarchy: The approach in Section V-Bconverts the OPF problem from a formulation with complexvariables (22) to a formulation with real variables (25) andthen applies the Lasserre hierarchy. An alternative approachrecognizes that, in general, the operations of converting tothe real representation and applying the Lasserre hierarchyare not commutative. For the OPF problem, it is often

5More so than computational speed, numerical convergence limits the per-formance of the higher-order relaxations. Reference [73] presents a methodfor preprocessing the OPF problem data to eliminate “low-impedance” linesin order to improve convergence characteristics of the SDP solver.

computationally advantageous to directly build a complexmoment/sum-of-squares hierarchy, where we denote theorder-γ relaxation as MSOSγ-C, and then convert to realvariables before passing the formulation to the SDP solver.This section briefly describes the complex moment/sum-of-squares hierarchy which was first proposed in [74].

This section adopts notation and follows the developmentof the real moment/sum-of-squares hierarchy in Section V-B.A complex monomial is defined using two vectors of expo-nents α, β ∈ Nn: V αV

β:= V α1

1 · · ·V αnn V1

β1 · · ·Vnβn . A

polynomial h (V ) :=∑α,β∈Nn hα,βV


, where hα,β isthe complex scalar coefficient corresponding to the monomialV αV

β. Since h (V ) is a real quantity, hα,β = hβ,α.

Define a linear functional Ly {h} which replaces themonomials in a polynomial h (V ) with complex scalarvariables y:

Ly {h} :=∑


hα,β yα,β . (33)

For a matrix h (V ), Ly {h} is applied componentwise.Consider, e.g., the vector V =

[V1 V2

]ᵀof complex

voltages for a two-bus system and the polynomial (V max2 )

2−fV 2 (V ) = (V max

2 )2 − V2V2. (The constraint (V max

2 )2 −

fV 2 (V ) > 0 forces the voltage magnitude at bus 2 to be lessthan or equal to V max

2 .) Then Ly{(V max

2 )2 − fV 2 (V )


(V max2 )

2y00,00− y01,01. Thus, Ly {h} converts a polynomial

h (V ) to a linear function of y.For the order-γ relaxation, define a vector zγ consisting of

all monomials of the voltages up to order γ without complexconjugate terms (i.e., β = 00 · · · 0):

zγ :=[1 V1 . . . Vn V 2

1 V1V2 . . .

. . . V 2n V 3

1 V 21 V2 . . . V γn

]ᵀ. (34)

We again simplify the notation by grouping all the con-straints in (22) into a vector f (V ) ∈ R6n in the same manneras in (29).

The order-γ relaxation in the complex hierarchy,MSOSγ-C, can be derived from a rank-constrained optimiza-tion problem related to (22):



ck fPk (V ) subject to (35a)

fi (V ) zγ−1zHγ−1 < 0 i = 1, . . . , 3n (35b)

zγzHγ < 0 (35c)

where (·)H denotes the complex conjugate transpose. Therank-one Hermitian matrices zγ−1z

Hγ−1 and zγz

Hγ are pos-

itive semidefinite by construction. Thus, the constraintsfi (V ) zγ−1z

Hγ−1 < 0 and fi (V ) > 0 are redundant

and (35c) is unnecessary. The matrices fi (V ) zγ−1zHγ−1 < 0

and xγxHγ < 0 are composed of complex polynomials and

monomials, respectively, which have degree at most 2γ (i.e.,all monomials V αV

βsatisfy |α| + |β| 6 2γ, where | · |

indicates the one-norm).The relaxation MSOSγ-C is formed by applying the linear

functional Ly {·} to the constraints and objective function

in (35) in order to obtain a SDP in terms of the lifted complexvariables y:



ck Ly {fPk (V )} subject to (36a)

Ly{fi (V ) zγ−1z

Hγ−1}< 0 i = 1, . . . , 3n+ 2 (36b)


}< 0 (36c)

y0...0,0...0 = 1. (36d)

Mirroring Lasserre’s terminology [41], (31b) constrains com-plex localizing matrices and (31c) constrains the complexmoment matrix for MSOSγ-C. See [79] for the complexlocalizing and moment matrices for small example problems.

Similar to MSOSγ-R, a solution to MSOSγ-R that satisfiesthe rank condition

rank(Ly{V V H

})= 1 (37)

indicates that the relaxation is exact and the globally op-timal voltage phasor solution V ∗ to the OPF problem canbe extracted using a spectral decomposition. Let λ andη denote the non-zero eigenvalue and corresponding unit-length eigenvector, respectively, of the matrix Ly

{V V H


Then V ∗ =√λη, rotated so that Im (V ∗1 ) = 0. If the

rank condition (37) is not satisfied, increasing the relaxationorder to γ + 1 will tighten the relaxation and may yieldthe globally optimal solution. The second-order complexhierarchy globally solves many problems for which the first-order relaxation is not exact.

Since z0 is the scalar 1, the localizing constraints (31b)for MSOSγ-C are in fact non-negativity constraintsLy {fi (V )} > 0. It is proven in [74] that MSOS1-C andMSOS1-R (and therefore also the SDP relaxation of [56])have the same optimal objective values. However, MSOS1-Ctypically has computational advantages over MSOS1-R [74].

Another characteristic of the complex hierarchy, as provenin [74], is a sum-of-squares interpretation of the dual prob-lem, with zero duality gap between the primal and dualrelaxations for the OPF problem.

As proven in [74], the optimal objective value from the realhierarchy is at least as tight as that from the complex hierar-chy, and there exist general complex polynomial optimizationproblems for which the real hierarchy is tighter. However,[74] conjectures that the real and complex hierarchies areequally tight for a class of problems modeling oscillatoryphenomena (which includes the OPF problem) augmentedwith a redundant “sphere constraint”.

The computational advantage of the complex hierarchyis most evident when comparing the moment matrix sizesbetween MSOSγ-R and MSOSγ-C. For an n-bus system, thesize of the moment matrix (36c) for MSOSγ-C (convertedto real representation for input to the solver [80, Ex. 4.42])is 2 ((n+ γ)!) / (n!γ!), which is significantly smaller than(2n+ γ)!/ ((2n)!γ!) for MSOSγ-R. For example, n = 10and γ = 3 correspond to matrices of size 1,771 × 1,771and 572 × 572 for the real and complex hierarchies, re-spectively. Note that the sparsity-exploiting approach applied

to MSOSγ-R [72] can be adopted to MSOSγ-C [74]. Theresults in [74] demonstrate that computational speed im-provements for the complex hierarchy vs. the real hierarchycan exceed an order of magnitude for some large test cases.

3) Mixed SDP/SOCP Hierarchy: First proposed in [75],a relaxation of the Lasserre hierarchy that mixes SDP andSOCP constraints facilities the development of a relatedhierarchy with tightness and computational burden betweenMSOS1-R and MSOS2-R.6 This enables exploitation of theintuition that the second-order relaxation is often more thannecessary for global solution of many OPF problems.

A necessary (but not sufficient) condition for a matrix to bepositive semidefinite takes the form of a SOCP constraint.Specifically, a symmetric, positive semidefinite matrix Wsatisfies

WiiWkk > |Wik|2 ∀ {(i, k) | k > i} (38)

In [60], the SOCP constraint (38) is applied to the first-order relaxation MSOS1-C. While this significantly reducesthe computational burden compared to using SDP con-straints, the SOCP relaxation in [60] typically only yieldsthe global solution to a limited set of OPF problems.7

Conversely, the mixed SDP/SOCP relaxation proposedin [75] formulates the first-order relaxation MSOS1-R withSDP constraints. This alone is sufficient to globally solvemany OPF problems [56], [59]. When the solution toMSOS1-R does not satisfy the rank condition (32), the mixedSDP/SOCP relaxation applies the SOCP formulation (38)to the entries of the localizing and moment matrices whichcorrespond to the higher-order constraints rather than use thecomputationally intensive SDP formulation. Thus, the pro-posed mixed SDP/SOCP relaxation forms a “middle ground”between the first- and higher-order moment relaxations.

The mixed SDP/SOCP relaxations are generally not astight as those which use only SDP constraints; there existOPF problems for which MSOS2-R is exact, but low-ordermixed SDP/SOCP relaxations only provide a strict lowerbound on the optimal objective value [81]. However, resultsfor a variety of systems with up to several hundred busesdemonstrate a significant computational speed improvementfor some problems (up to a factor of 18.7 for one test case).


After briefly reviewing both canonical and emerging com-putational methods to solve power flow equations, this tuto-rial paper has presented overviews of three methods basedon algebraic geometry: Numerical Polynomial HomotopyContinuation, Grobner Basis, and Moment/Sum-of-Squaresrelaxations. We anticipate that this tutorial paper will mo-tivate both power systems researchers and computationalmathematicians to further explore the capabilities of thesemethods with respect to power systems problems as well asto enhance the computational capabilities of these methods.

6Future work includes extending the mixed SDP/SOCP hierarchy reportedin this section to the complex hierarchy MSOSγ -C.

7The SOCP relaxation in [60] is guaranteed to globally solve OPFproblems with radial networks that satisfy certain non-trivial technicalconditions, but generally fails for mesh network topologies.


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